Chapter 23 ⚡⭐

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Off was in a little bit of a dilemma.

Without he even noticing it, the time for them to shoot their first kiss scene had finally arrived and Off was possibly freaking out.

The staff had somehow managed to squeeze themselves into the toilet at the club where Off was supposed to 'drunkenly' kiss Gun.

Off had Gun pressed against the wall already waiting for P'Xs cue. He really wished P'X would stop fucking taking his sweet time getting the lighting correct... but to be fair P'X had no idea what state Off was in.

Off was very much not okay right now.

His heart was beating so fast he was scared it was going to jump right out of his chest. His stomach wouldn't stop fluttering, his hands felt clammy and every time Gun so much as moved an inch it felt like the hair on his skin stood up the way he was so overly conscious of him.

Gun however was just standing there back pressed against the wall with his head turned to the staff and seeming to not have the care in the world. Seeing as it was only yesterday that Gun was in his apartment begging Off to stay with him, Off was a little... well surprised that Gun seemed not to be affected by the fact that his face was literally 2 inches away from Offs chest right now.

Guns face was so close to his chest Off was scared Gun was going to hear how fast his heart was beating. It was the position P'X had physically put them in before he went to go fiddle with the lighting. And P'X was so particular with even the littlest detail Off knew they were going to be in that position for a while.

"Hey Gun," Off started softly looking down at Gun trying to break the awkwardness.

"Yes P'Off?" Gun whispered back looking up at Off with a small smile that Off could clearly see was fake.

Off frowned down at the shorty. The shit was still doing this? Gun had called him P'Off when he first arrived on set that evening and before Off had a chance to ask him what it was all about the rest of the staff jumped him out of nowhere crying and asking him whether the rumors they heard were true and whether he was really leaving Gmm .

"Awu Whose that?"Off asked a bit surprised at himself for hating the fact that Gun was using his real name so much.

Gun looked up at him with eyes squinted though Off couldn't read the emotion on Gun's face. Since Gun had arrived that evening Off hadn't been able to get a read on how Gun was feeling. It seemed like Gun was putting up a wall between them and it frustrated Off to no end though he didn't really know why that was the case.

"Awu it's your name isn't it!" Gun whispered in annoyance with a little eye roll.

"Other people call me that, you're not allowed to use that name," Off whispered back looking down at Gun annoyed. Even though they were speaking too soft to be heard by the staff surrounding them Off did briefly wonder if anyone could see from Offs body language that they were arguing though they probably couldn't see Gun since Offs build hid his small stature from view completely.

"Why the hell can't I use that name?" Gun finally asked after he had been looking at Off flabbergasted for a couple of seconds.

"Cause you're my Gun and I'm your Papi, it's just the way things are  and it's the way things are going to stay, sorry " Off said  with a little shrug matter-of-factly. He said it nonchalantly but he hoped Gun knew what he was trying to convey by saying that.

Off had been thinking about Gun the whole night yesterday and today especially after his talk with Tay. He finally admitted to himself that Gun was more than just a friend to him. I mean Off literally wanted to puke at the thought of kissing Tay or Arm or  Gunsmile or fuck anyone of his friends really. But just standing 2 inches from Gun for a couple of seconds and Off wanted to push him against the wall and make him scream out his name.... yeah you are definitely not supposed to think of your friends like that.

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