Chapter 20⚡⭐

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Off found himself spread out on a bed staring up at the roof for the second time in a short amount of time except this time he was vacantly staring at his own roof and spread out on his own bed having given up on trying to sleep after laying in bed awake for the last five hours.

He just couldn't seem to switch off his brain, his thoughts extremely loud and abnoxious all featuring one specific shorty in common.

'The same shorty  you almost confessed your love to,' a thought popped up in his head.

"Oiiiii!" Off cried out loudly in frustration at how his brain just wouldn't shut up!

He wasn't in love with Gun. There was no way! He couldn't be in love with another guy! He felt sick just imagining having to tell other people  that he had fallen in love with another dude!

Off obviously had no choice but to end their little arrangement. This thing was doing more harm than good for both of them.

It was filling Gun's head with useless hope and obviously causing Off to lose his mind.

This shit they had was toxic, they just weren't meant for each other and nothing was going to change that, there was no point in letting Gun carry this on until they finished shooting, they had to end it now.

If Off had to be the bad guy then so be it. Either way he was done and after what he did to him, he was sure Gun was done with him too.

He felt really bad about ditching Gun without a word after taking his virginity and hearing him confess his love to him but Off just couldn't handle hurting Gun with false hope anymore.

If that meant ripping Gun's heart out of his chest for his own good well then so be it. Everyone always said he was a heartless asshole anyway.

Yeah, Off thought somberly, he was  definitely going to hell.


Off woke up with a start noting that he had somehow managed to go to sleep and that the sun was finally up.

He heard his phone ring on his bedside table, the sound being what woke him up, and reached his hand out with a groan. He really hoped it wasn't P'Boy or else he was going to reject the call.

Sunday was the only day that they didn't shoot and Off wanted to enjoy his free day in peace.

"What?" Off answered his phone too sleepy to check his phone to see who was calling him.

"Is it true? Are you really leaving Gmm?" A frantic Tay spoke into the phone. This woke Off immediately and he quickly sat up.

"What? How do you know about that?" Off frowned asking his best friend.

"So it's true then, damn Off how could you do this to Gun," Tay asked betrayed into the phone.

"Oiii this isn't about Gun! This is about me! Why does everyone keep mentioning Gun whenever I try do anything with my life!" Off cried out feeling frustrated.

"Because you're who made it that way! You're the one that's m always mentioning Gun and  talking about Gun wherever you go, you're the one whose always talking about if Gun was here he'd be irritating you by now, or how Gun would look amazing in those jeans, or wondering what shenanigans he was up to. You're the one who let Gun into your life, made huge space for him leaving room for little else and made him the most important thing in your life. Babii's didn't force you to do that, no one at Gmm forced you to do that and certainly not Gun, you did that all on your own," Tay said softly into the phone sounding like he was trying to soothe a wild animal.

ThunderClapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora