Chapter 2⚡⭐

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"Mike what the fuck are you talking about!?" Off all but whisper yelled after he finally processed the bullshit that just came out of Mike's mouth. Mike better start making some sense soon or else Off was going to get really annoyed.

"P I promise I would never do anything to get in between you and Gun" Mike said without a single care about who might hear the nonsense coming out of his mouth. Off was starting to get really fucking angry. HIM AND GUN?! What about him and Gun?!?

Mike had suddenly pulled Off aside during their first script reading for theory of life. He then proceeded to apologize to Off about having had feelings for Gun. That he had gotten over Gun and hoped that he hadn't caused any awkwardness in their relationship. All while he desperately pleaded for Offs forgiveness in that nice guy voice of his.

Off really wanted to punch him. Was this asshole insinuating that he and Gun were in a relationship?! Him?! In a relationship WITH A GUY!

Off took a deep breath and started inwardly counting back from 10 in a bid to calm down. Mike unfortunately took this as an invitation to carry on talking.

"P'Off I'm sorry for bombarding you all of sudden but since we are going to be working together I thought it's best I clear the air. I want to start and say I've always respected your relationship with Gun. I hope one day I can-"

Off couldn't take anymore of this. " Mike stop stop stop stop before I really punch you. Gun and I are not dating okay" Off saw Mike's eyes widen but Off couldn't really tell if it was from shock or in happy surprise and honestly Off didn't care so he carried on talking.

"What happens between you and Gun stays between you and Gun. It doesn't concern me. Gun is just my colleague just like you are my colleague. He is also a dear friend of mine like you will be one day if you stop saying all that bullshit though." Off said to his nong half jokingly and half deadly serious. Mike seemed to look relieved and smiled back at Off.

" I'm sorry if I offended you P'Off I just didn't want any awkwardness between us, " Mike apologized.

Off sighed for the second time that day. Off couldn't even find the energy to be mad at him, this wasn't the first time this had happened to Off. Every time some poor sap got infatuated with Gun they always came to Off first even though Off has made it clear a million times that he wasn't in a relationship with Gun!

"It's fine, there's no awkwardness, just maybe stop going to the gym so much you're losing a couple of brain cells along the way," Off joked trying to get rid of the awkwardness because yes there was definitely some awkwardness. Luckily Mike laughed at his poor attempt at a joke.

" Come on let's go before I change my mind about punching you, " Off said as he walked out of the empty boardroom that Mike had pulled him into. He heard Mike laugh behind him and Off internally scuffed at just how serious he actually was.

Off and Mike walked into the large boardroom opposite the empty one they had just vacated. The whole board, including the directors, producers, managers and actors including Gun all collectively turned to face the door as Off and Mike entered.

Ahh fuck they probably heard the whole conversation.


The whole room kept quiet as Mike and Off made their way to their chairs. Off went to sit in the empty chair next to Gun and Mike sat roughly opposite them.

"What? Have you guys never seen a celebrity before," Off said as he handed Gun the bottled water he had jokingly asked Off to get for him on his way back from the toilet. Off had told him to fuck off but decided to get it for his nong anyway. The vending machine was there on his way back so he thought he might as well.

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