Chapter 1 ⚡⭐

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"Papi does my hair look okay?" Off heard Gun whisper softly next to him trying his best not to speak into the microphone.

Off reached out and quickly brushed his fingers through Gun's hair untangling some threads of hair in the process. "Looks great," Off whispered afterwards smiling encouragingly at Gun. Gun thanked him and looked up at the audience smiling so that his dimple was showing.

Off also looked back up at the audience and smiled at the screaming fans. Although he already  had more than a hundred fans staring intensely at him he still was able to feel it the moment when someone on stage also joined in on the staring. He glanced to the side to see who was burning a hole through the side of his skull and saw Tay Tawan smirking at him  raising his eyebrows up and down looking like he knew something about Off that no one else did.

That little shit.

Off was barely able to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Off didn't even have to  ask, he knew exactly why Tay was smiling at him like that. Off may have accidentally spilled his guts out to Tay three weeks ago in his drunken state about the reason his girlfriend of three years broke up with him. Instead of consoling his best friend like any other normal human being would Tay instead decided to make fun of his miserable depressed yet still ravishly handsome friend in need. The fans may think of Tay as a sweet innocent angel but behind that boyish smile of his was a little devil.... which is probably the reason why they got along so well.

Off decided to ignore Tay and looked back at the crowd. He had a job to do and Off always made sure to put his all into his work. It was the Oishi fan meeting where all the my skyy couples were joined together to promote the series. Off knew he and Gun were already pretty popular among the fans but he couldn't help but feel a little competitive and want to stand out from the other couples.

Off made finger hearts and brought his face closer to Gun. Gun played along and closed his eyes, raised his face towards the lights and smiled softly. The fans went wild while the ends of Offs mouth twitched as he tried to suppress his laughter. Even after such a long time working together Off was still amazed by how Gun could change from a clingy  annoying little brat to a sweet angel in front of his fans. Gun was like a fiery ticking time bomb that Off had to carefully navigate or else working together would be a lot more harder.
That is why Off was so tolerant with Gun and let him do whatever he wanted to do to.

Everyone else couldn't seem to get that though! They didn't know how bitchy Gun would get if he gets angry with you. Ever since he accidentally hit Gun with his elbow during that marathon run they had to do with some other Gmmtv actors, Off made a promise to himself to never ever make Gun angry again. A normal Gun was already bitchy enough but a Gun who is angry at you? He wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy.

His fans however and basically everyone in his life somehow mistook this for Off having developed feelings for Gun.

What fucking bullshit.

Off liked girls with big boobs and long slender legs. All things Gun definitely didn't have! Even his girlfriend Alice had accused Off of treating Gun better than her which was the reason why she broke up with him.
Alice had come crying to him the day the video of Gun straddling Off and forcing Off to kiss his cheek had gone viral. She had cried and complained about how when she tried to force Off to kiss her cheek before Off had to go on a trip a while back Off had gotten pissed at her for initiating PDA which he hated but when Gun did it he did nothing.

Off had been in awe of the ridiculousness of her claim that he couldn't say anything. Alice had mistaken this as an confirmation of her doubts and had broken up with Off that day. After Off  recovered from the shock of hearing Alice say that and was finally capable of rational thought again he tried to call Alice so he could explain to her how wrong she was. He even went to her house a couple of times but Alice was really done with him.

When he told his best friend this he had just laughed and laughed at Off. Tay claimed he just found it ironic that Off the same guy who used to  absolutely hate all things BL and hated to be shipped with Gun was now being dumped by his girlfriend because of a guy. Tay claimed his life was starting to sound a lot like a BL plot.

Off wishes he could be mad at Tay for saying that but he can't even be mad because Tay was absolutely right! He honestly never thought he would ever be carrying around three different lipsticks for his MALE colleague but here he was standing next to Gun with a full pocket doing exactly that.

Off internally sighed. Off didn't want this to be his life anymore. He was tired of people always asking him where Gun was wherever he went like that little shorty was his wife or something! He won't lie Gun was a great colleague and is a great nong but damn Off was tired of having to always tip toe around him. He needed an out,desperately.

He was abruptly brought out of his day dream when he heard his name being called.

"And finally we're excited to announce that Off and Gun will start shooting their new series Theory of love next week" Off heard the MC announce and the fans immediately started going wild. He smiled and looked down at Gun and saw him laughing. Off couldn't help but join in.

If there was one thing he and Gun agreed on was how cute and amazing their fans were. Off would definitely miss all of this but he really was done. He just had to get through a couple of months of shooting the series which Off decided was going to be his last BL. He was going to put his all into this series so that his BL  fans would have something to remember him by.

Just a couple more months of this and then Off would officially quit the BL world. He already went through close to 3 years of doing this what's a couple more months? Off will just carry on doing the same thing his always been doing, shoot the series with Gun and then quit this BL stuff. Easy. Same thing he's been doing for the past year anyway. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

A/N: Guees whose back! 🤗 Sorry for the long hiatus but man Life just got busy for a while. Now finally I'm on holiday! And of course that means another book. This time I'm going to try an Off pov. I'm more comfortable with a Gun pov honestly but thought I should challenge myself with this one. Let me know what you guys think😊

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