Chapter 3⚡⭐

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"Ooiii what the fuck do you want ?!!" Off practically screamed into his cellphone as he rolled over after reaching for his ringing phone on his bedside table. Someone had woken him up from his beauty sleep and he definitely wasn't fucking happy.

"Awu! Is that anyway to speak to your elders you brat!" Off heard P'Boy respond back over the phone. Off would roll his eyes right now if they were open but opening them required way more energy then he had at the moment.

"Oiii What the fuck do you want, Mr Boy khrap? How about that? Is that better?" Off sleepily responded. It was way too early for any normal human being to be up right now and he was honestly contemplating getting a new manager or possibly murdering the current one.

P'Boy sighed into his phone causing a still shut eyed Off to laugh." Why did I even waste my time, " P'Boy wondered out loud which is the same thing Off wanted to know. Why the fuck was P'Boy wasting his time so early in the morning on one of his extremely rare day off!?

Off figured saying that out loud would get P'Boy fired up even more and he really really didn't feel like prolonging this any more then necessarily. Off kept quiet and waited for P'Boy to get to his point.

"Have you talked to Gun since yesterday?" P'Boy suddenly asked him.

"Why the fuck would I talk to him?"

"Because he's upset you insensitive Bastard!" P'Boy shouted into the phone causing Off to draw his phone away from his ears. Off frowned. How did P'Boy know Gun was upset? Before Off could ask however P'Boy spoke up.

"Nong'Kwang called me this morning and told me that Gun was sulking. He is so upset that he even refused to go out drinking with her tonight" P'Boy explained. Offs eyebrows shot up. Gun refusing to go out drinking! That sounds really bad.

"Why don't you call Arm or one of his close girlfriends then. They'd probably be better at cheering him up then me"

"Off come on don't be stupid. Gun started sulking after the meeting yesterday. Obviously he is upset about what X said. This is obviously about work. What better person to check on him and help him then his work husband. You've worked together on so many projects together. You're obviously the best person to talk to him right now ", P'Boy practically sculded Off.

Off sat up in his bed and sighed. P'Boy was right. Off had been meaning to talk to Gun after the meeting yesterday anyway but had gotten side tracked when Earth had started chatting to him after the meeting ended. By the time he finished chatting with Earth Gun was gone. Which honestly should have been the first sign that something was wrong with Gun, that boy was always loitering around the Gmmtv building, for him to immediately leave after a meeting was unusual.

"Alright I'll go talk to him," Off agreed.

"By today and don't forget to-"

"Bye P'Boy" Off interrupted him and dropped the phone. What? P'Boy could talk on the phone for hours if you let him and Off definitely wasn't in the mood.

Besides he had to save all his energy to deal with that sulking shorty. God help him.


"Papi?" A confused Gun asked as he opened his door.  It was 2pm and Gun  was dressed in his pjyamas, a big baggy white t-shirt and shorts. It's already noon and Gun is still in pj's! Yeah something was definitely wrong.

"Oi why did you take so long to open the door," Off asked as he pushed past Gun and entered into his apartment. Gun frowned but closed the door after him.

"I was listening to earphones I didn't hear you.... Papi what are you doing here?" Gun asked  still frowning at Off like he couldn't believe that Off was in his apartment.

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