Chapter 22⚡⭐

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Tay took a sip of his drink. He quickly followed it with another sip  all while keeping his eyes firmly on Off, squinting at him like he was trying to figure something out.

It had been five minutes since Off had stopped talking and finished unpacking everything that happened with him and Gun, not skipping a single detail.

After Off had stopped talking however Tay hadn't said anything, just sat there drinking his beer and looking at Off.

All of a sudden Tay reached forward and punched Off hard on his arm before sitting back down. "Ouch man! What the fuck?"

"God Off you're such a bastard," Tay said shocking Off to his core who hadn't heard his friend swear outside of film for a couple of months now.

"You are both so stupid I don't even know where to begin," Tay said frustrated sighing deeply while pulling at his hair. "Gun is probably going to kill me for this but you know what screw it, this has to be said or else you're both going to keep running around each other in circles."

Tay ran his fingers through his hair before sitting on the edge of the couch his hands on his knees looking like he had something important to discus with Off. Off also sat up curious about Tay's opinion.

"Off, I'm about to say something that might shock you right now so I need you to prepare yourself," Tay started slowly worrying Off and making him incredibly curious about what it is Tay had to share with him. "Are ready for me to tell you this?"

"Oi just tell me why are you dragging it out so long!" Off snapped at Tay getting impatient with him and unable to keep his curiosity at bay. What could Tay possibly have to tell him that had to do with what he had just talked about.

Tay laughed "Okay, okay," He said shaking his head laughing at how impatient Off was being before he turned serious again.

"Gun is not a virgin,"

"Oi Is that it?! Yeah I know, I just told you I took his virginity last night," Off rolled his eyes irritated that Tay had had him worked up over nothing.

"No I mean, even before last night, which TMI man, he hadn't been a virgin. That boy hasn't been a virgin in a long time, I think he told me he lost it some time back in 11 grade I think," Tay said squinting his eyes trying to remember the exact grade Gun had told him but quickly giving up.

Off frowned.


That made absolutely NO fucking sense,Off thought hysterically. He just sat there blinking at Tay trying to make sense of what he just said.

"The only reason he goes around claiming he's never been in a relationship before is because he's gay. Back when he first entered the industry he was scared about how him being Gay would affect his career so he lied about it and told everyone he's never dated anyone to avoid any awkward questions,"

Off felt his mouth go slack-jawed as Tay continued talking, his frown deepening.


Off tried to think back to the way Gun had acted during the time they were in the fake relationship,  he just couldn't recall anything that would back up what Tay was saying right now.

"That's not possible, Gun was always acting all shy and nervous and cute and shit everytime I even looked in his direction, let alone touched him!" Off said shaking his head unable to grasp this.

"Oi but that's how Gun always acts when someone teases him, he gets shy easily you know this. Wouldn't you get extremely shy if the guy you'd been in love with for so long was suddenly paying attention to you and initiating contact with you all by himself," Tay explained making some  things come into perspective.

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