Chapter 29⚡⭐

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'I can't believe you're mine,' Off thought as he pulled back from the sweet kiss he'd just shared with Gun. He doesn't think he's ever kissed anyone that passionately before and he desperately wanted to do it again.

He was certain the embarrassment from acting like that in public was going to kick in any second now, fuck he couldn't believe he'd said such a fucking cringe line like that but that wasn't his problem though, that was future him's problem.

Cause right now he was too preoccupied staring down at a dazed Gun who was blinking up at him. He wanted to smirk a little for being the one to have stunned Gun like that. He slowly brought up his hands which had been gribbing Gun's shoulders during the kiss to slowly run his fingers up Gun's neck.

"Papi.." Gun started softly looking up at Off as he continued to stand with his arms limply by his sides.

"Mmm?" Off asked back softly as he continued stroking his fingers along his blushing adorable lovely little Gun's n-


"Awwwuu," Off groaned as he doubled over clenching his stomach as he was abruptly brought out of the fantasy dream state he had been in when he had been sharing a moment with Gun after the kiss. All the noise from the restaurant which had sounded muffled a couple of seconds ago suddenly became clear and he could hear all the screaming and squealing from the people in the restaurant.

Wait, what the fuck had just happened??!?!

"Gun.... did you just punch me?" Off asked incredulously shock taking presidency over his face.

"Yes I did you- you ASSHOLE!" A red faced Gun screamed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! In PUBLIC!?! Is this what they thought you at home you pervert??? We are not overseas this is Thailand Papi you can't just go sticking your tongue down someone's throat like that! God if I knew you're going to react like this I never would have gotten Mike to help me make you jealous geez. Do you have no respect for Elders you-"

" Wait wait wait what did you just say?" Off suddenly asked cutting through a huffing Gun's rant as what Gun said finally registered in his head.

"....I said you should have more respect for your elders you big ass-"

"I'm warning you right now Gun don't play stupid with me," Off said icly and quietly so that only Gun could hear him finally feeling conscious of the people staring but also wanting to show Gun that he was being deadly serious and wasn't fucking around, his anger slowly boiling up to the surface.

"Errr I think we should get out of here before this turns even more into a scene out of a soap drama series," Alice said slowly standing up from the booth seeming surprisingly unbothered for someone who had just witnessed her ex boyfriend kiss the guy she had accused said ex of cheating on her with while they were together .

Fuck Off had gotten in a such a panic when he thought Gun was about to slip through his fingers that he hadn't thought of how much his little spontaneous act was going to hurt the people sitting at the table who both had had feelings for either him or Gun at one point in the past.

Though speaking of the people at the table.... Off turned to glare at Mike who quickly put his hands up in a defensive stance and smiled innocently at Off "Haha funny story Errr it was all Gun's idea please don't kill me," Mike said in a rush saying the last part in a soft squeak.

When he looked down at Gun he just guiltily looked up at Off though he could tell Gun was trying to hide it so he could act like the victim here the little shit.

" Alice is right, let's go speak somewhere more private," Off said as he let go of Guns shoulders and picked up Guns bag and the stupid fucking flowers that Mike had supposedly gotten Gun in one hand and wrapped his hand around Gun's forearm in his other hand before making his way out of the restaurant unconcerned about whether the other two would follow since he had everything he wanted at hand right now not caring about all the pointing and squealing from the patrons in the restaurant.

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