Chapter 13⚡⭐

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"Papi wait for me~" Off heard someone scream behind him and knew immediately it was Gun. He tried to quicken his pace but Gun just shouted even louder "Oiii Papi!" He screamed sounding extremely fucking pissed which made Off stop immediately in his tracks terrified of Gun when he gets like that.

Off turned around and saw Gun standing by the edge of the university parking lot his tote bag by his side and glaring at Off. Fuckkkkk Off was going to get an earful from the shorty.

Gun stomped his way to Off all while glaring at him as if he was he was personally responsible for killing all the puppies in the world.

"Gun I-" Off had opened his mouth to explain to Gun or rather lie to him about why he was just about to leave Gun stranded at the set even though he was the one who brought Gun here in the morning but he couldn't finish what he wanted to say because Gun started attacking him with his tote bag the minute he got close to Off.

"Ouch Gun what the hell!" Off cried out as Gun continued to attack him. The fucking shorty has really gone crazy it seems! It wasn't even all that painful but Off could see Gun was trying to put all his strength into the swings and Off didn't feel like angering Gun any more than he already had.

It was actually a little funny the way Gun had just walked up to him and started attacking no words necessarily. Off had nearly forgotten what a full time job handling Gun was.

"Okay okay Gun wait, wait a second!" Off cried out wrapping his arms around Gun to trap his arms at his sides and prevent him from attacking Off.

"Papi let go of me this second," Gun said calmly as if he hadn't been worked up a second ago beating up Off. The manner in which he spoke so calm and soft made him sound icy cold which freaked Off enough to let him go.

"Okay sorry, but I had to stop you before you attracted attention to us," Off explained hands in the air a little frightened of Gun if he was honest with himself.

"Well then why did you try leave me!" Gun cried out stomping his foot on the ground. Off could see Gun was really mad and hurt but Off was just simply trying his best not to laugh at the childish way Gun had stomped his foot.

"Well I thought your precious Mike would take you," Off mumbled too preoccupied with efforts to stop himself from laughing at Guns cute antics to notice or even register what had come out of his mouth.

Gun seemed to be ready to say something else but looked taken aback about what Off had just said,    "... what?" Gun asked after a moments hesitation looking cautiously at Off.

Only then did what he said register in his head and Off quickly rectified himself "You and Mike have been hanging out the whole day so I figured you'd want to go home with him," Off lied.

The truth was Off didn't think he could look Gun in the eye after his impromptu decision with P'Boy earlier on that day. The fact that for some weird reason seeing Gun and Mike together seemed to irritate Off had nothing to do with it. He was still a little ashamed of himself of just how worked up White teasing him about Gun and Mike had gotten him.

Gun frowned at Off for a couple of seconds all while Off tried to control his expression least Gun find out he was lying. "You're so dumb," Gun finally said throwing his tote bag into Offs arms and walking towards Offs car.

Off stared after Gun shell-shocked at how weirdly daring Gun was being without even breaking a sweat. Off then realized that Gun  being daring wasn't weird at all, this was how Gun acted normally!

Off had witnessed Gun get so shy and quiet around him so many times these past few days that he had forgotten all about how hot-headed Gun could be, the very reason Off usually let Gun do whatever he want out of fear of having to deal with a sulking Gun.

He had gotten too enraptured with how cute and shy Gun had been acting he forgot all about making sure he never upset Gun. Now he had to deal with a sulking Gun who even worse was technically still his boyfriend.

"Papi! I'm getting cold! Fix it!!"

God help him.

"Shooting went well today, "


Off tried again "P'X is so cool to work with I really hope he stays like this the whole time,"

Again Offs attempt to make conversation was met with silence as Gun just carried on eating the som tom they had gotten on the way home.

Off had gotten some food from some food stalls that were still open while Gun waited for him in the car to try get Gun to stop sulking. When they arrived at Gun's complex building he had realized he had brought  too much food and had to help Gun carry all the food to his apartment.

When he finished delivering the food he realized Gun hadn't spoken to him since they left the university and if Off just left without getting Gun to stop sulking at him Gun was going to ignore him for weeks and Off really didn't feel like going through that headache.

Hence here he was sitting on Gun's couch eating dinner trying to make conversation after having invited himself over for dinner much to Gun's annoyance.

Off sighed. He put his Khao Pad on the table and turned in the couch to face Gun. He had to try another tactic, this wasn't working.

"Gun, you can't just carry on keeping quiet like this, this isn't how people who are in relationships do it, we're supposed to talk about what's bothering us and not just keep quiet and sulk like before, things are different now you're my boyfriend, unless you've already forgotten about it",  Off said trying to guilt trip Gun into talking to him and not even above calling Gun his boyfriend no matter how much he didn't want to remind himself of the fact.

It seemed to  work because Gun's eyes suddenly opened widely and he stared up at Off totally caught off guide. Off could see the tip of Guns ears  going red which Off really thought was adorable. He couldn't help himself and reached out his hand and lightly touched Guns ear which was hot to the the touch.

"..... I didn't forget," Gun said after a while during which Off just kept tracing the shell of Gun's ears, he found it kinda fascinating just how red they could get.

Offs sudden fixation on his ear made Gun's whole face go red. Even his neck was a little red and Off wondered just how far down did he get red when he was blushing. "I'm sorry I almost left you Gun," Off once again apologized while staring at Gun's collar bones peaking through his t-shirt.

He had apologized so many times that  at that point he wasn't sure if he has apologizing to Gun about almost having left him at the university or about leaving him behind at the company which he might inevitably do in the future.

"It's fine, just don't do it again," Gun croaked his  throat sounding dry. Off looked up from Gun's collar bones which had stolen his attention up to Gun's face and saw Gun guiltily quickly bring his eyes up from Offs lips to his eyes.

.... Huh.

The air seemed to be supercharged as they stared at each other, Gun's eyes still comically open wide probably feeling guilty about being caught staring at Offs lips though Off wasn't innocent either as he had been getting his own eyeful of Guns collarbones.

The moment stretched on with them seemingly stuck looking at each other both unable to look away from the others eyes.

Off was about to lean towards Gun to do lord knows what when Gun suddenly spoke breaking the moment "Err I need to go wash my hands!" He practically shouted before he dumped his food on the table and ran towards the bathroom and shutting the door behind him leaving a shell-shocked Off on the couch.

Off stared after Guns trail and couldn't help but laugh incredulously, Gun shocking him again for the second time today.

Offs hands itched to have Gun in their grasp this being the second time in one day that Off had almost kissed Gun. His blood had already been boiling after being caught in a little trance with Gun and the little shorty had ran away from him like scared little prey just exciting Off even further.

Off was a normal young hot blooded male okay, there was only so much teasing he could take.

Off sprung off  the couch and walked towards the bathroom after Gun.

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