She's Fabulous, Unlike You (H...

By Riley_TheWriteyDude

30.4K 1.1K 459

She gained an Oscar trophy for her movie; Frozen. She's talented, beautiful, and so on. But, she never wanted... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Actress
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: The cold DOES bother her
Chapter 4: A Terrible Mistake
Chapter 5: Scared + Review about The Big Hero 6
Chapter 6: Her Childhood
Chapter 7: Helping
Chapter 9: Payback
Chapter 10: First Day at School
Chapter 11: The Crew
Chapter 12: Frost and Winter
Chapter 13: Jelsa
Chapter 14: Jealous + Author's birthday
Author's Note
Chapter 15: Party
Chapter 16: Saving Her
Chapter 17: New Girl
Not an update...
Chapter 18: The Date
Chapter 19: Romantic time
Reader's nickname!
Chapter 20: Loyalty
Chapter 21: Wounds
Another author's note
Chapter 22: Starting Over
Chapter 23: He's in... what?
Author's note
Chapter 24: Comforting
Chapter 25: Just You and Me
Chapter 26: The Trip
Chapter 27: The Shooting
Chapter 28: Sudden Call
Chapter 29: Destroyed Into Pieces
Final Chapter: The Funeral

Chapter 8: Do I?

1K 36 16
By Riley_TheWriteyDude

Heyo guys.

So, it turns out, that there’s a WiFi connection here!! J

So, like I previously said, I’m gonna be updating normally.

 So, here’s a new chapter.


.... I just noticed that I’ve said “So” 3 times.


Elsa P.O.V

 Hiccup Haddock. He was now officially the kindest person I’ve ever met. He let me to stay overnight in his house without being hesitant whatsoever. Yet, I still couldn’t believe that my parents would be that mean to me, I mean, they just outcasted me from the house. My cheek was burning after being slapped hardly by my own father. Luckily, Hiccup’s mother put on a lotion which cooled down my bruise. Wow, I wish I have a family like this. How jealous I was.

 The night had already covered the sky with stars and a bright full moon. It was a perfect night. Anna, my sister was chatting around with Hiccup’s mother. Weirdly, Hiccup’s mother talked perfectly like a teenager in this time, it’s like she adapted with the person she’s talking. So, Anna really enjoyed her.

I saw Hiccup sitting down on a bench in his backyard. His backyard was filled with grass and medium pine trees on the surrounding the backyard. Toothless, his dog was sitting near him.

I decided to come over him, expressing how grateful I was to him. I opened the slide door and Toothless immediately noticed me, but didn’t bark at me. Hiccup turned around and waved his hand at me.

“Hey” He greeted.

“Hey..” I replied.

“Need something?”

“Nope, what are you doing here anyway?” I asked.

“You know, enjoying down the night sky.” He simply answered, pointing at the sky.

“Can I join?”

“The sky is big, of course you can join.” He replied.

I sat down beside of him, sighing down a bit.

“What’s wrong?” Hiccup asked.

“You know, what happened previously..”

“Oh. We’ll solve it together.” He said, proudly.

“... Hiccup, thanks again, by the way.” I said.

“You’re welcome.”

“I can’t believe this. I just moved here three days ago and this thing came and ruined everything. And it involves you! If only I didn’t invite—“ I was about to continue, but Hiccup cut me off.

“Hey, things do happen in an unexpected moment. And I am fine for getting involved in this. And if I didn’t come to your house, you would’ve never told the truth to them.” Hiccup explained.

“Maybe it’s better to not tell the truth—“

“Better? How come you’d say that a problem would be solved, without revealing the truth?” Hiccup said, that’s it. I suck at arguments. But to think about it, he’s right.

“Yeah... I guess so.” I said in defeat.

“Solving a problem without meeting another problem is rare, based on my experience.” Hiccup added.

“But are you sure that you’re okay with this?” I asked to make sure.

“As long it’s to help my friend, no problem.” He smiled at me.

 “Thanks again...”

“You’re welcome.”

 We just went into a silence. Hiccup turned his attention to the night sky. Even from looking from beside of him, I could see his green eyes... Sort of glowing? Maybe they’re just really green, it’s like a green forest. I’ve heard that there are only 5% population of human that have green eyes on the internet. Hiccup must be a really lucky person to have those beautiful eyes.

I stared at those eyes, until they rolled onto mine. I quickly turned my vision to the grass in front of me. Hiccup turned his attention back again to the sky above him, and I stared at him again. His hair was brown and messy, but fitted him perfectly.

He’s handsome.

And I wanted to talk to him again, but i had no clue on what to talk about.

 “So, how is it like being an actress?” He broke the silence.

“Oh! Umm, well... Kinda fun I guess.” I said.

“Explain it?”

“Well, of course you have these fans shouting at your name... Cheering you, and more.”

“You feel that you’re really fabulous, eh?” Hiccup giggled a bit.

“I’m not trying to be a big-mouthed person, but yeah. I guess my talent is at acting. So, Disney somehow noticed me, and put me as one of them!” I simply explained.

“Your beauty is also one of your talent.” He complimented, I immediately blushed.

“Thank you...” I tried to hide my blush by rubbing me cheek all in sudden.

Hiccup P.O.V

 Man, she’s really beautiful. With or without any make up, she’s just so beautiful. Her big blue eyes behind that glasses, her pale skin, her blond hair which looked almost white, she’s just perfect. Was this love? I never experienced any of these on school, probably because I was focusing too much on grades, not friends. I never intended to make any friends, but people made friends over me. So, my school life was well balanced. But love... I had never experienced it before.

But, she’s an actress, she deserved someone handsome and fabulous, someone on her league. I was clearly out from her league, there’s no way she’d like me back. Well, maybe as a friends. But no more, I guess.

I heard the slide door opened behind me, it was Anna.

 “Hey!... What are you guys doin’ here?” She asked, as Elsa turned around to her.

“Talking, enjoying the night sky.” I simply said. Hearing this, made Anna kinda gave a weird smile to us.

“Okay... You guys probably want to come in. You must be hungry.” Anna told.

“Yeah, I’m coming.” I said, standing up and walked inside, followed by Elsa.

I sled down the slide door, and the foods were ready on the dining table. Elsa came in with a surprised face, Anna seemed to be very hungry, she already sat on her seat, just staring to the foods in front of her. I giggled a bit, as my mom and dad came over.

 “Have a seat, Elsa.” My mom said.

“... But Mrs. Haddock, we could have helped--"

“Shh! No buts, eat and swallow!” My mom smiled playfully.

Elsa was speechless, and she was hungry, I bet.

She sighed down in defeat, and sat down on the chair next to her sister. I sat next to her, followed by my dad and my mother.

 “First of all” Elsa exclaimed, all in sudden.

“I’d like—no, me and my sister would like to thank you all for the biggest simpathy we’ve ever got in our life.” She continued.

“Oh Elsa, this is nothing. My wife cooks alot, especially for my belly here.” My dad cut her off, shaking his belly in a funny way.

“Ahaha! I’m also a big eater Mr. Haddock, just to let you know.” Anna added.

“Ahaha...But Mr. Haddock, it’s not just about the foods, you allow us to stay overnight in here until me and my sister solve our problem out—“

“You can stay longer than a night in here, Elsa. I’d love to have someone as famous as you in our house!” My mom said.

“Mom... We’re keeping this as a secret, I don’t want this thing family matter spread across world.” I cut her off.

“I know, i know..” My mom said.

We all started to eat. Bacon was pretty much the main menu on tonight’s menu, other than the salad, which Elsa seemed to love, so did Anna. She complimented how delicious the foods were to my mother. Well, who would actually say, ‘screw you bacon, I hate you’ to a beautiful, saliva dropping bacon? No one, as far as I knew. I looked down at Elsa, she was enjoying her food. But something caught her attention off, which made her expression changed. She probably remembered about her parents again. Anna was focused on the foods, she couldn’t resist to have more bacon on her plate.

I decided to cheer “Queen Eliz” first.

 “Want some more bacon, Elsa?” I offered, as she rolled her eyes onto mine.

“Nah, but thanks.” She said.

“If you’re thinking about what had happened, don’t. Besides, we’re involved in it now. We’re solving this together.” My mom said.

Elsa gave me that ‘You can read my mind?’ look, as she said “Wait, what? How are you gonna help me out?”

Mom, and dad, including me, went silent for a while. We actually had talked about how we’re gonna help Elsa’s and Anna’s problem. But we didn’t know whether they would accept it or not.

“Before we tell you two how we’re gonna help you two out, could you answer me these questions? You only need to say yes or no.” My father asked.

“Sure.” Anna answered before Elsa did.

“Your parents. They left you two for work for five years, and still lasting until now. Am I correct?”

“What?—how did you know?”

“I’ll answer later.” Elsa just sighed down in defeat. “ Secondly, your parents used your money to have some vacation around the world, without you two. Am I correct?”

“Yes. They did.” Elsa pressed every word, her expression told that she got her temper up a bit.

“And your father... he slapped you.” My father said the last part in a low tone.

“... Yes, he did.” Anna placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder to comfort her.

“My son here already told me everything. And of course, we'd love to help you two. And you might want to know this, Hiccup had recorded your conversation with your parents, including the final part. This video will be a strong proof that your parents have abused their daughters.” He told to Elsa.

She looked at me, “Hiccup, why? Are you going to post this on the internet?” hearing this, I concluded that Elsa didn’t get the point.

“Of course not. We’re going to report this to the authorities.” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“Authorities? You mean like, court?” I nodded in answer.

“I think it’s the best Elsa... To be honest.” Anna suddenly added.

“Anna? But isn’t that... Too m-much?” Elsa said.

“Elsa, you know that what they’ve done to us, is way bigger and more worst than what we’re about to do.” Anna said.

We all let Elsa think for a moment. She seemed to be stressed a bit, I decided to ask her a question that might help her.



“Do you still love them?”

I was about to continue even more further, but I decided to call it an end.

So, yeah. There’s a proper WiFi connection here, not too slow, not too fast as well. It’s certainly better than nothing, right?

This chapter might be filled with lots of chats, but that was what I planned for this chapter, talking.


I realized as well that some of you guys have works that have like 2k up to 8k views. Allow me to ask this thing, how? xD

An answer would be very appreciated.


Thanks for reading, Jenson out.

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