Sorry! I'm In Another World R...

By NovaKirby2830

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Kirby and Meta Knight were doing training when it showed up. A beast, with claws like swords, three tails and... More

Chapter One: The Beginning of an Ultra Adventure
Chapter Two: A Whole New World
Chapter Three: The Pokemon School
Chapter Four: Ultra Guardians Assemble!
Chapter Five: Go Away, Team Skull!
Chapter Six: First Night
Chapter Seven: Ambush At The Beach
Chapter Eight: Showdown at The Mansion!
Chapter Nine: Reunion?
Chapter Ten: First Battle Against Tsurara
Chapter Eleven: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twelve: The Darkest of All Dark Matter
Chapter Thirteen: Mistakes
Chapter Fifteen: The Night of Wholesomeness
Chapter Sixteen: Final Battle Part 1
Chapter Seventeen: Final Battle Part 2
Chapter Eighteen: The Aftermath And The Opinions
The Epilogue/Final Night
An Insight Into the Next Book
Just some notes about the story

Chapter Fourteen: Third Night (The Beginning)

303 8 17
By NovaKirby2830

School let out early that day so that Kirby and Kukui could rest up, and for Kukui to get patched up by a hospital. Lucario did heal them, but mentally didn't completely heal them.

The teacher went to spend some time with his wife and her co-workers (Lusamine, Wicke, etc) after getting some stitches and a bandage, while the schoolkids decided to keep on training on the beach with Galacta and Meta.

"Well, we need to get stronger to fight the Dark Matter and Tsurara at the same time." Kiawe explained to the baffled scientists in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Perhaps Galacta Knight and Meta Knight would be able to explain Dark Matter to you guys." Burnet suggested, hand in hand with Kukui, who had just came out of the room, and was still confused. "Well... Stay safe, you guys. I don't want anything else to happen..."

"Right!" Everyone replied, in a determined way and made you think that they were going to be fine.

"So, what should we do?" Lillie asked as they left the hospital. They were completely calmed down, now. Their teacher was all okay after the frightening scene with him drenched in blood... But he was okay, and that was all that mattered at the moment.

"Running, maybe?" Lana suggested. "Like what we did yesterday?"

"A battle?" Mallow proposed.

"Perhaps an agility test?" Kiawe added. "Work on our dodging, that sort of stuff."

"I vote for Mallow!" Ash cried, punching the air. "A battle sounds like a fun way to improve our skills!"

"What about Kirby and the other puffballs?" Sophocles asked, watching Kirby and the Pokemon play. Kirby was healed by Lucario so he woke up even after being possessed by Dark Matter.

"Galacta Knight and I will work with Kirby's skills." Meta Knight stepped forwards, wrapping himself in his cape. Kirby and Galacta Knight nodded in unison.

"If the Professor almost died when Lucario stabbed him, I must have injured James. I should have known not to wound him, but it had to be done..." Meta Knight added quietly. "You humans have an immune system that cannot fight the Dark Matter. It is much easier, and much more like torture."

"What happens where you get possessed by Dark Matter?" Kiawe asked. "Like, what exactly happens to you?"

"Well, the more negative memories you have which brings either sadness of pain whenever you think of them, that's what it thrives on. The more bad memories you have, the more you... Suffer, I guess. Kirby and Pikachu didn't suffer as much as... That purple haired guy, so the Dark Matter wasn't as strong. It seemed that - James, was it?- was affected quite badly. So was Kukui. If it were to affect me or Meta... That would be bad." Galacta Knight explained very quickly. "We've lost many people in our lives, lived past two wars and only reunited just before we ended up here. The Dark Matter would suck the negative energy from the memories and use it to get stronger. "

"So if something really bad happened in your life, and you still remember it, the Dark Matter would grow strong?" Mallow asked. Galacta and Meta Knight nodded, the latter's eyes turning grey in sadness.

"Poyo! Meda Kni teaches me how to use a sword." Kirby jumped up. "My copy abilities will help in the fight!"

"Alright. Let's hop to it!" Galacta Knight clapped, summoning her lance and shield and her wings flapping, feathers going everywhere.

"Meda Kni's way of teaching is kinda ha'sh, but he understands. He was taught ha'shly, but he turned out a gweat fighter!" The small puffball smiled.

"What of you mean harsh?" Lillie asked while everyone paired up. Lana and Mallow, Lillie and Ash, Kiawe and Sophocles. They spread out along the beach.

"He used to dool me evewyday, and sometimes hu't me and he make some twain hard." Kirby explained as Meta Knight stuck a sword into the sandy ground.

"He does it during wain, Snow, and sandstowmy aweas and stuff." Kirby added as he inhaled the sword.

"And recently, you've knocked off my mask more times than I've won. Either I'm getting weak, or you're getting stronger." Meta Knight said gruffly, and Kirby grinned.

Instead of the children battling each other, like they said they would, they ended up watching Sword Kirby and Meta Knight's battle.

"Come at me with all you've got, Kirby." Meta Knight grunted, drawing his sword. Galaxia gleamed in the midday sun. Kirby had to look away for a second because the light reflected into his eyes.

"Yuu a'ways say dat, Meda."

Kirby jumped forward to Meta, thrusting the sword gracefully. Meta Knight dodged swiftly and countered the attack. Kirby knocked the counterattack sideways.

"Go Kirby!" Everyone cheered, though Galacta Knight cheered for Meta Knight as well. They kept a suitable distance away and watched in awe as the old veteran and the young student attacked each other.

After a few minutes Meta nicked the side of Kirby's face, causing him to flinch. Meta jumped back and teleported behind Kirby. He only just parried.

"Hey, it's no fair for you to teweport!" Kirby whined.

"You think the demon beast will play fairly with you? Think of me as being possessed by Dark Matter. Attack – gah!" Meta Knight's arm was gashed by Kirby's blade, a thin trickle of blood running down his arm and onto his glove. "Sneaky. Not very honourable, of course, but I was asking for it, I guess."

"Poyo. The dem'un beast won't wet yuu ta'k eifer." Kirby pointed out cheekily and the immediately went back to the flashing of swords. Sparks flew as the metal scraped against each other. Meta Knight suddenly started spinning around in a Mach Tornado. Kirby dived to evade the mini tornado kicking up lots of sand, like a sand cyclone.

"What was that?" Mallow asked. Galacta Knight fluttered above her.

"That was Mach Tornado!" Galacta Knight announced. "He only uses them in training. The move is very fast, but doesn't do much damage. It's used for defence. When he teleported, he used Dimensional Cape. When you don't know where he's going to appear, it's hard to parry."

"Woah!" The crowd murmured.

After fifteen minutes of vigorous swordplay, Kirby slashed at his mentor's mask, cleaving it in half. He threw his cape around himself and teleported away. Just before he disappeared, they saw a glimpse of his eyes, and they were a bright white. Kirby jumped up in joy. Today was going to be a great day.

"I did it!" Kirby cheered. "I wonda' whewe 'e teweported."

After five minutes of people thinking of where he could be, Meta Knight teleported back, mask on his face.

"Meta? Are you alright?" Galacta Knight asked kindly. Meta Knight nodded in reply, taking a white flag out of his cape and thrusting it into the sand.

"I think we've wasted enough time on watching! We need to start battling." Lillie said determinedly. "If we get strong enough, we can defeat Tsurara!."

"And the Dark Matter!" Mallow added.

They practiced for an hour or so before all heading over to Mallow's restaurant.

"Mallow! You're home early, and with all your friends, without the teacher! Was school let out early?" Mallow's father greeted. "First, Kukui and his wife's co workers come in surprisingly early seeing as it's a school day, like fifteen minutes ago. Now, you guys! Mallow, can you please take everyone's orders?"

"Professor Kukui's here?" Mallow repeated, then smiled. "Everything's okay now, Dad. It's a long story, but I'm sure you'll be told soon enough."

She glanced at the adults' table, who all grinned and awkwardly waved. They went back to eating and chatting about adult stuff. The schoolkids sat down on a nearby empty table and began to talk among themselves while they ordered. Kirby offered to help Mallow with the food, and she accepted. Kirby inhaled the frying pan, and became Cook Kirby. He immediately knew what to cook and how to cook it, for the frying pan had contained the spiritual memories of those dishes.

"Um..." Galacta Knight said, her eyes just peeking over the tabletop. She was already standing on the chair. Meta Knight balanced on the very front of his feet (where one's toes would be).

"I think I need another chair." Meta Knight murmured. He jumped off the chair gracefully and walked over to a stack of chairs near the wall. Galacta Knight followed. They took half the chairs off of one stack and dragged it over to the table the rest of them sat at, ignoring the stares they got from the few other customers.

"Theeeere we go!" Galacta Knight laughed, sitting on the stack. Meta Knight rolled his pink eyes. After a few minutes of discussion, Kirby decided to have every kids' meal that was on the menu.

"I'm hungwy ok?" Kirby pouted as everyone stared at him. "I was possessed by Da'k Madder and then after I dooled Meda Kni..I didn't have any wunch."

Soon after they ordered and chat with Mallow so she would feel appreciated, Tsareena served the drinks, then the food.

"Thanks Kirby, Tsareena, Mallow!" they chimed as they dug in. Meta Knight grabbed his food and sat outside. Galacta Knight apologized for his privacy and ate the food with the mask just a bit up, so nobody could see her face. It smiled as it sucked up super-spicy noodles with the help of chopsticks.

Meta Knight came back inside, an empty bowl in his glove.

"Oh, no!" Galacta Knight began suddenly. "We don't have any Alola currency, how will we pay?"

"Uh, I guess we split their bill with three people who are willing?" Sophocles suggested. "I'll pay for Galacta Knight."
"I'll pay for Meta Knight!" Mallow said.

"Okay, I'll pay for Kirby. I've got pocket money!" Ash exclaimed. 

"I'll help pay for Kirby, because it seems like a lot of money was spent from him." Lana added and Ash beamed at her.

"How was it?" Mallow called from the kitchen.

"It was very good. Thank you, my friend." Meta Knight bowed politely before getting putting the bowl on the counter. As he was about to walk back to his chair stack, a quiet male voice from the far corner called to him. 

"Never really got to meet you , Meta Knight." Meta Knight instinctively put his hand on his sword. He mentally kicked himself for thinking about attacking someone who wanted to meet him. In the corner of the room, the male's face was shrouded in shadows. He had very pale skin, and equally pale blonde hair. Light jade green eyes pierced through Meta Knight. Meta walked over to the person, who turned out to be Gladion. 

"Greetings. What is the name you go by?" Meta Knight asked, putting his gloved hand out to shake. Gladion bent down from his seat to shake it.

"The names Gladion." Gladion said, brushing the hair out of his face, showing pale green eyes and equally pale skin. His hair was a very light blonde. "You're as short as the other one. You're both much smaller than I expected."

"Everyone here is taller than what I thought was possible." Meta Knight retorted, making Gladion snort through his nose silently.

"So you're a Warrior of the Stars?"

"Well, not THE Warrior of the Stars, that would be Kirby. I'm just General Sir Meta Knight, swordsman first class. The Star Warriors used to be an army to fight an enemy in our Galaxy. We were all wiped out apart from Lady Galacta Knight, Kirby, me and a few others. The beast Tsurara brought us here just after the second war."

"I don't mean to intrude, but what happened to Kukui? My mother said he wasn't answering any calls, and wanted to check on him. We came and... It seemed we were just in time to save you from him killing you? Then he just... Died, or practically died? I know you said something about a Dark Matter or something..."

"Dark Matter is a terrible entity from our world. It just so happened to be out for Kirby, Galacta and I. It possessed the professor and he tried to kill us. Thank you for saving all our lives, too."

"Well, I guess I should stay around the school the Dark Matter is out there."

"I will keep everyone as safe as I can."

"Keep Lillie and the others safe, alright?"

"You're related to her, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes." Meta's eyes turned greener than Gladion's eyes.

"Yeah. She's my little sister. Keep her safe, I don't want anything happening to her."


"What happened that made you get out of school early?" Mallow's father asked the adults as he was serving some dessert to another customer next to them.

"Ermm... It's a long story." Professor Kukui stuttered. He didn't even remember the story at all, just blurs and voices. He had went back to his house and changed out if his bloody clothes, after getting a bandage ("It's lucky that all you need is a bandage and stitches", said a nurse at the hospital. "Your Pokemon did a good job in healing you."). The spare lab coat was still a pristine white. Mallow's father eyed the bandage that the Professor had gotten.

"Well, good! I like long stories."

"Its just that... W-We don't need you worrying, that's all! We can explain later, if you want!" Professor Burnet stammered, still not in the right frame of mind to explain the fate of her husband. The cactus-green-haired chef raised an eyebrow is high it almost escaped off the top of his head. The scientists and professors smiled stiffly.

"If you guys tell me the story, I'll get worried? I won't badger you about then... I'll get it from the students soon enough." He shrugged and went off to take something off the stove, which was about to burn. Luckily Kirby had turned the heat down so it didn't burn.

"Should we tell him the story?" Wicke asked. "I mean... he deserves to know the full truth, he's Mallow's father and Mallow was a part of what had happened, but the full truth is..."

"Scary. I mean... Something took control of Kukui, the one who'd normally protect the students from danger." Lusamine finished. Kukui groaned in exasperation.

"Can I please know what's going on?!" He sighed. All he remembered was giving his students a task while he did some paperwork and suddenly, he's on the dirt, everyone is surrounding him, his wife looks like she saw a ghost and says that he practically died.

 Like, seriously, what the actual heck happened?!

"Well, nobody deserves the truth more than Kukui, right?" Faba drawled, stirring his 'Tapu Cocoa' he hadn't drank yet, but it was still steaming hot.

"Yeah, I deserve to know what's going on!" He huffed.

"Ask the students. We only appeared halfway through the actual story." Wicke said. "But luckily we came just in time."

"In time for WHAT?! All really heard was that something happened to me and you're not telling me!"

"Long story short, you tried to kill everyone with Braviary because you got possessed by the Dark Matter." Faba explained bluntly. Kukui's eyes widened, even though he already knew it. "We came in just as it was about to murder all the children and Pokemon in cold-blood. And you brought out your Lucario, but he didn't listen to you because you weren't yourself. He stabbed you to save your life."

"I knew something happened to me with that Dark Matter stuff... But... Is everyone okay? Wait... Lucario healed them too, I forgot. You told me two seconds after I came back to life."

"Yeah. Your Lucario knew Heal Pulse and used it to save your life. It was amazing." Wicke said, smiling ear to ear.

"I remember him learning it before, but I don't think I used it all that much. Maybe we forgot that he could do it." Kukui replied, chuckling awkwardly.

What a long day...


The afternoon fell quicker than expected, and Kirby, Galacta Knight and Meta Knights decided to help Kiawe on his farm. The three puffballs wanted to spend some time together and none of them had stayed the night at Kiawe's yet. After saying goodbye to everyone, Kirby climbed upon Charizard's back. Meta Knight and Galacta Knight waved goodbye and took off.

"It has been a wild couple of days, hasn't it?" Kiawe said as they flew across the light blue (though darkening as the late afternoon) Alolan sky. Meta Knight caught up to the dragon. He flipped upside down and it looked like he was lying on the thin air. They flew through clouds, making funny holes in the misty, white bits of floating fluff.

"One would say wild, adventurous and tiring. I would like to stay here, but I would also like to see my home again." Meta flipped back over.

"Ka'we was da one who saved me when we came hewe!" Kirby said, a charming smile on his face. Kiawe smiled, remembering that recent yet so long ago day. It felt so long ago, and it was like Kirby had always been apart of everyone's lives. Was it really only 3 days?

"Speaking of you guys coming here, Meta, did you fall next to Team Rocket or something?" Galacta Knight flipped like Meta and took a hold on his hand. "Why did you team up with them, I heard they're really bad."

"Jessie told me that I fell from the trees onto her head, apparently." Meta Knight replied, making his company laugh. "They seemed looked dangerous, because they were much taller than me and I'm about the height of the Meowth, so I went ahead and dueled them. They were not very dangerous, pathetic fighters even, but I made the mistake of using Galaxia Darkness on them," Galacta Knight snorted and began to cry in laughter. Kirby followed suit.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Kiawe asked, not knowing about Galaxia Darkness.

"Galaxia Darkness is an extremely dangerous attack. I'm surprised they didn't die!" Galacta Knight said through heaves of giggling. "That attack kills hoards of Demon Beasts, but how didn't they get killed?"

"Well, I went terribly easy on them, and the cat still fainted. I forced them to help me, and we became friend after we battled." Meta Knight explained, eyes turning green. "They were thankful when I saved Jessie and Mimikyu from the Demon Beast."

"Do you now battle everyone you meet?!" Galacta couldn't stop laughing. She snorted so hard she almost fell out of the sky, and she hugged her stomach (well, below her mouth.). Even Kiawe laughed awkwardly.

"When we get back to the farm, I may ask you to help me with some work I need to do every afternoon, is that okay? You don't have to, but I do"

"Well, I offer to help, if you want." Meta Knight gave a quick nod before diving down and flying back up. He enjoyed the thrill of diving and the adrenaline. Galacta Knight flew after him. They spun around each other in the blue sky. It was as if his youth returned.

"Remember Sir Dragato?" Meta Knight asked, his eyes blue. "We used to do this all the time."

"Of course I remember him, it was only five hundred years! Speaking of Dragato, is he still alive?"

"He's alive, I believe. I haven't spoken to him for a while, though."

Kirby and Kiawe watched in awe as the two flew as if they had choreographed the entire thing.

"Its good to see the Meta I knew 500 years ago is back." Galacta Knight whispered.

"It's good to see the Lady I lost 500 years ago is back." Meta replied, his eyes turning lavender. "And I don't want to lose you again."

***At Akala Island***

At the farm, Kiawe opened the door to his house.

"Hey, I'm home!" Kiawe called. A little girl came running from another room. She had the same tan skin and dark brown hair as Kiawe.

"Kiawe, you're early. Doesn't school end in an hour?" The little girl asked.

"It's a long story that I don't feel like telling right now, Mimo. Anyway I've got some friends staying over tonight. They're willing to help out on the farm too!"

"Cool! Mum and Dad are just doing some work, so you can start on your work soon." Mimo replied. Kirby ran up to her, extending his paw out.

"Hi! I's Kaabii! Pyo!" Kirby greeted, and Mimo shook his hand.

"I'm Mimo! Hii!" Mimo squealed and picked up Kirby. "You're soooo cute!!" Kirby squeaked as Mimo hugged him.


"You say 'poyo'? Poyo!" Mimo mimicked.



"That's enough, Mimo. Meta, Galacta, will you help me in the barn? Only if you want to, though. I need to clean it and give the Pokemon some hay. Kirby, do you wanna come?"

"I wanna stay wif Mimo." Kirby jumped. "Mimo Mimo!"

"Okay... Mimo, be careful with him, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, Okay! Kirby, do you want some ice cream? Our farm makes the best ice cream in Alola!" Mimo asked, and they went off to the kitchen.

"Lets get to it, then." Kiawe shrugged. "Kirby's just a kid. He should enjoy his time here."

"Where is this barn?" Galacta Knight asked.

"Really close to here. Come with me."

The three bounded over to a large building with a rounded roof. It was spacious and empty, with troughs that needed filling and stables where the Pokemon slept cleaned. Galacta Knight looked out and saw the farm Pokemon in the bright green grasslands. It looked like a really peaceful place to live if you were a farm Pokemon.

"This is where the Pokemon sleep every night. We need to make sure they have enough to eat and drink during the night." Kiawe picked up a large shovel. He walked to a massive pile of hay and scooped up a large amount and put it in the trough.

Meta Knight pulled out a smaller shovel from his cape and began to help out. He passed another shovel to Galacta, who also began to shovel the hay.

"I know it's kind of tedious, but the Pokemon are really appreciative with the extra food." Kiawe said as they filled the trough until it was practically overflowing.

"After this, we need to clean the Mudbray, but I'll do that, and-"

"Kiawe! Mimo said you were back!" A voice came from outside the stable.

"Oh! Hi, mum!" Kiawe called back. He beckoned for Meta and Galacta to follow him. Two very tall people were walking towards them.

"Hi mum, dad!" Kiawe greeted. "I've got some friends over, and they're helping me."

"These are the friends you were talking about all those times?" Kiawe's father said. "They're quite a bit shorter than what I expected, and they look the same as that Kirby we found with Mimo."

"This is Meta Knight, and this is Galacta Knight. The Ultra Beast that brought them here are after them, so each day they've been lying low at one of my other friends' houses." Kiawe explained. "They all decided they wanted to come to the farm... Also, where is Mimo?"

"She's just having some ice cream with Kirby in the fields. Anyway, you guys should probably-"

Suddenly, a high-pitched scream came from the direction of the fields.


"T-that came from the fields!" Kiawe gasped. "Mimo and Kirby- that scream!!" He dashed of, yelling,

"Come on, MetaKnight, Galacta Knight! They're in trouble!"


Side characters give the story depth, even if this is one of the only chapters you'll see Akala island in more detail. 

Also, one note. The next chapter there's a lot of shipping MetaGala aka Melacta Knight (MY FRIEND TOLD ME TO ADD SHIPPING, IT WASN'T b0babubble, IT WAS ANOTHER FRIEND. I was going to refuse the MetaGala ship, but she got kinda disappointed so I gave in, and I'm starting to like how they treat each other uwu), including fluff, wholesomeness and love and stuff. 

You have been warned.

If you do not like MetaGala ship, there will be a note written in bold letters (like this) where the shipping begins to max, and another note written in bold where it ends for the chapter. Look out for the notes so you know what happens in the chapter. 

See you in the next chapter!


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