My Sister's Best Friend {Comp...

By Kay_Qveen12

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Part 2- Chapter One
Part 2-Chapter Two
Part 2-Chapter Three
Part 2-Chapter Four
Part 2-Chapter Five
Part 2-Chapter Six
Part 2-Chapter Seven
Part 2-Chapter Eight
Part 2-Chapter Nine
Part 2-Chapter Ten
Part 2- Chapter Eleven
Part 2-Chapter Twelve
Part 2-Chapter Thirteen
Part 2-Chapter Fourteen
Part 2-Chapter Fifteen
Part 2-Chapter Seventeen
Part 2-Chapter Eighteen
Part 2-Chapter Nineteen
Part 2-Chapter Twenty
Heyy Guys!!!!!
New story
New story up!!!
New story

Part 2-Chapter Sixteen

212 12 3
By Kay_Qveen12

"Shawn girl you hooked my hair up" I said playing with new curls that my bestie put in my hair.

"I know now pay me" she joked hitting my arm, I stood up wiping hair off of me.

I sat on Shawn's Bed & pulled my phone out taking pictures.

"Girl you are not cute"

"Bitch please my ladies think so" I stuck my tongue out.

"Don't tell me you still messing with both of them?"

"Ok I won't tell you" I shrugged, she started putting her stuff away.

"Look I like both of them okay, Susan is sexy & mature she loves spoiling me" I blushed.

"And Aaliyah is fun & Full of life" I smiled.

"Jay you can't date both of them" Shawn reassured me.

Rolling my eyes "I know but I can't choose" I pouted, I like both Aaliyah & Susan if I could have them both trust I would but I know I can't keep playing with them.

"Hey I gotta go but I hear you okay" I said & hugged her.

"Ok you better be good" she said & hugged me back, I grabbed my things & left out.

As I was driving I heard my phone ring, I answered through my AirPods.

"Hello" I said happily

"Hey babygirl" Aaliyah said.

"Hey ma, how are you?"

"I'm good just missing you"

"I miss you too baby" I heard a click letting me know someone was on the other line.

"Hold on Liyah" I clicked over & stopped at a red light


"Hi babe" I heard Susan's sexy self say.


"I just wanted to call you bae, I wanna see you" I bit my lip going through the light.

"I can't I gotta go home but I will come by tomorrow I promise"

"Babe"she whined.

"I know Susan I will come see you tomorrow"


"Alright I gotta go bye" I said & clicked back over.


"Yeah I'm here, who was it?"

"Oh it was Suki telling me about her boyfriend again" I lied.

"Oh, you wanna hang out today?"

"Yeah you can come over & we can chill by the pool"

"Ok I'll text you when I'm on the way"

"Alright bye babygirl" I smirked

"Bye Jay" she hung up.

This is harder than I thought.


I have really been thinking about going back home to Atlanta I miss the girls & my family so hopefully Gwen wants to go back with me.

I walked inside our apartment & saw her sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey baby"

"Hey how was your day?" She asked, I took in all her beauty I just love looking at her.

"It was good I got a few new clients" I sat my bag down & sat next to her kissing her cheek

"That's good baby" I had to find away to ask her about going back.

"So I been thinking" I trailed off she laid her head on my shoulder & looked at me in my eyes.


"Atlanta" she looked down biting her lip in the process.


"Yeah, Keyshia called me the other day & she is going through a lot her father was killed & I miss them" Gwen sat up thinking about what to say.

"I can't go back there Londyn"

"Babe it will be ok, we will buy a new house" I grabbed her hands

"And then what? They are going to come after us!" She semi-yelled as a tear fell from her eye.

"I promise you I won't let that happen again" I said sternly.

She moved my hands & stood up, I sighed rolling my eyes, I stood up grabbing her by the waist holding her close

"I don't want go back without you Gwen, I love you.

"If you love you will stay Lo, look we are happy here aren't we? We have friends here & we can start our own family" was she seriously right now?

"Gwen do you hear yourself, nobody can replace the girls they are our best friends."

"You know what fine stay here but I'm going back to Atlanta, if we keep hiding out & running eventually they will find us & I'm not scared of damn body" I said.

"Fine"she pushed me away.

I looked at the woman I loved & just thought about all the good times we had, why can't she just leave with me?

"Wow, so that's it huh?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

She sighed & turned her back toward me facing the window looking out.

"Coo" I whispered & left her standing there & walked to the bedroom & started packing my bags but I started crying as I was doing it.

I never thought that this would happened like this but I guess it's better this way.

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