Beautiful Chaos || BrightWin

By hellsplate

174K 8.2K 1.5K

Bright is an undercover business man who's main job is in the mafia. Win ends up getting caught and thrown in... More

It's Complicated
new home & new faces
I have Issues
A Bunch of Things
Testing the Water
I can't believe what I've done
Win in Distressed.
Whose the Enemy Now?
A Mess of Things
My Deepest Darkest Secrets
The Truth
Bright, I want this
But Why Do You Have To Go?
Maybe not everyone is bad?
I Should Have Listened to Bright
What the Hell is Going On?
Into the Right Arms
My Beautiful Win
Flashing Cameras
Receiving Our Blessings
Valen and Pavel's bet
A Surprise for Win
Feathery Kisses
A by Pass of Time
Red Chapter🔞
Who is it now?!
Maybe I'm Delusional?
Keeping my man
I'm Sorry Bright
Date night
Goodbye Friend
A family
I do

What Bright Thinks

8.2K 360 109
By hellsplate

With one swift movement of a kick and gun shot, the man became limp.

Bright P.O.V.

What I do for a living isn't always what I had as an ideal job. Of course I work as one of the head directors at a hotel but this was more of my main job.

How I got here was because of shitty eyebrows.

Back track to when I just finish high school. I was always great at everything as everyone would put it. I was so great at everything that every dumb fuck would pick a fight with me. In the end they got all their asses serve to them. Then more dumb fucks would come from all over neighboring schools and do the same and it would always end the same. I got into more fights a day than I would like but still keep my grades high. Heck I could have become whatever the fuck I wanted to be for a living.

Then that shitty eyebrow had to come along and ruin just about everything. To put it short he picked a fight with me and I lost. But it was no ordinary fight. We betted on it. If I won he would send his security to handle all the fights for me. Apparently he said he was rich and could afford it but that's all he let up. Although if he won then I had to agree to whatever the fuck he wanted. Of course I made sure it was nothing sexual because I'm not into that stuff. Having to not deal with fuck heads was too big of a deal to pass off.

I lost and then I was taken to a secluded place. There he told me his real motives and what he really did. He wanted me to join his mafia and be his right and left man. I hold my pride very high but this was tough shit. I couldn't walk away but he offered a high paying stable job as well as security. It was a set future for me then on.

Fast forward to now. In the end I guess it was worth all those years working under him. If a certain bright eye brat is the reward for living hell then I'm not complaining.

It was supposed to be business related but it turned out to be more complicated than I wanted it to be. I hated his guts but he intrigued me. The more I thought about him, the more I felt that something was there besides being intrigued.

Sure he can be a handful and a bit annoying but there's just something about him I couldn't put my finger on. He has a few blotches of uncertainty in him. He has days where he's sensitive and I can't help but tip toe around him. I want to know more about him and what happened to him. I want to be able to be that person for him. Even if I have to keep him by force.

Win P.O.V.

At College

This was the first day back at college after a month of skipping. After my demons showed up I couldn't just go back to school right away. I had to calm myself down and wait for a while. I just know panic attacks are going to occur and pieces of my past will show their ugly faces again. If there was a way to forget everything I would take it any moment.

A month so far with Bright hasn't been as terrible as it should be. With all those intimate moments, I can't help but question my sexuality. Maybe I'm Bi but after seeing him, no girl could make me look at her twice. He plagued my mind more than I would like him to.


"Ow." I rub my head as I gaze at my teacher. "Mr. Metawin if you would like to zone out then you may leave." This teacher was the devil of them all. She hated me ever since I walked in here. For crying out loud I even tried to bribe her with quality chocolate. I thought it worked but she just ate it and still treated me the same, if not worse.

Today I would be coming home late since Luke decided he would treat me to dinner and to go see a movie. Who would have guess JJ of all people to make him feel bad about him being the cause of why I lost my job.

Serves him right anyway. The final bell rang for class to end and I waited for Luke out front. No later than 10 minutes, he made it out to the front. "Where's Joss?" He shook his head. "He had to do a project with a classmate." That leaves us together. I thought that I wouldn't have to be stuck alone with horse face here, but honestly I've never actually seen him before. I've only heard of him.

I followed Luke to his car and made my way to the passenger's side. I was expecting his car to be clattered with mess but surprisingly it was clean. "What's with that face of yours?" I playfully glared at him. "Shouldn't I be saying that to you." He punches my shoulder as I got in. "I'm kidding ok. It's clean in here." He scoffed and turned the car on. "It's Joss. He always cleans my car and I'd thought I'd keep it clean today for him. But he has no time for me today." His voice dropped a bit towards the end. And I wasn't one for comforting people. "Where to first?" We started down the road and out of the student parking lot. "We'll just have dinner at the diner and watch a movie after." I nodded.


"What can I get?" I wanted to make sure jean had enough. I'm not going to buy a ton if he doesn't have much. Even though he has a job, that job we used to work at only paid minimum wage. I was feeling hungry today since I skipped breakfast. Of course I just had to have a big appetite. "Just get what you want but you better eat everything." He gritted his teeth at the last moment. "No worries I'm a growing adult and can handle my dinner." I laughed to lighten the air around us. He chuckled. "How's life Metawin ?" I tried my hardest not to frown but it probably showed a bit. "Well I got a job at Satine Hotel-" he spat a little of his water and scrambled to speak. "How the fuck did you get a job there?! Man you should be paying!" He huffed and crossed his arms. "I had a friend and he got me in." His eyebrows knit. "As far as I know, you have a bad temper that almost no one can handle. What's your friend's name?" I don't know if it was safe to tell him but oh wells. "Bright." I turned suspiciously around and barely spoke in a whisper. Luke smirked. "Think he could get me in too?" He nudged my shoulder. "I don't know I wouldn't want him to lose his job. He already got me in." His smirk drop and the waiter came over to take our order. The rest of the dinner was pleasant and was mostly filled with Luke ranting about how Joss would nag him to do his homework or to get up from his lazy ass. Joss seems to be a really good influence on him .

As we left for the theaters Luke made a phone call and I waited at the car to give him space. My phone rang and an unknown number lit up. I thought of answering it but Luke came by and I ignored the call. We got into the car and made our way to the theater. "What do you want to watch?" Luke asked. "I don't know but nothing romantic. You can watch that with Joss." He blushes and stutters. "S-Shut up Metawin. I would never want to watch a movie like that with you." I smirked. "You just admitted that you would watch one." I chuckled and he turned even redder. If that was possible. "Let's watch a horror movie but no grabbing my arm you're a big boy now." I laugh and he punches my arm. "You're on Metawin." He held a look of determination.


We paid for our tickets and sat towards the front. We bought two large drinks and a large popcorn. Towards the end of the movie I noticed that Luke stopped eating the popcorn and instead held himself. I looked back up in time to see a jump scare and he almost smacks the popcorn out of my hand. I internally laugh at him as I tried to not burst out laughing. He looked at little embarrassed but keeps his eyes on the screen. When the movie ended we threw the drinks away and the popcorn. "That movie wasn't so bad now, right Luke?" I tried my hardest not to laugh but I slip and soon I was against the wall cracking up." Shut up!" He growled and started to speed walk to the car. "Wait up!" I said trying to stop the giggles from resurfacing. Tonight was a blast. I haven't felt this much joy in a while.

We made it to the car but before I could open it I saw Luke get hit in the face. I made my way to him and almost hit the guy but when he turned around he was someone I knew. "Bright?" I said in surprise. He frowned and threw me over his shoulder. "W-Wait." He speed walk and I saw Luke get up looking confused. "Don't worry about me! Sorry about that and thanks for tonight!" I yelled from across the parking lot. He waved back in confirmation and got in his car. I felt Bright's hold on me clench as he got near his car. "You can let go of me now." I said a little upset that I had to see him so soon. He threw me into his car and started the engine when he got to the driver's seat.

Was he ignoring me? What did I do wrong? He didn't even tell me I had plans with him if that was what he was mad about. "Did I forget something?" I asked and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Why didn't you answer your phone?" He gritted his teeth and sounded annoyed. I scratch my head trying to think if he called me. Then a light build switch in my head. "Did you call with an unknown number?" I asked hesitantly. "Shitty brat, you didn't even add my phone number in." I guess that was his. But why is he so annoyed or on edge.

"You didn't tell me you were staying out late and who it was with." His voice had a mixture of worry and anger. Did he think me and Luke were? Oh no. "If you need to know, that dude you just threw a fist at was Luke. He's one of my childhood friends and the reason I lost my job. My friend JJ made him treat me out because of that. It was supposed to be his boyfriend and us but he had to work on a project." I stated and his gaze softened.

We made it to the house and I waited for him to open the car door. He walked over and opened it for me. "When are you going to remove that child lock?" He smirked. "When you start submitting to me." I shook my head and frowned. For however long this has to be, I just hope I won't die of frustration.

I walk up to the doorstep and step aside for him to unlock the door. Once we were inside he sat me down at the couch. "Give me your phone." He crossed his legs and held a hand out. I gave him my phone after unlocking it. He fumbled with it for a moment and returned it to me. "My numbers saved. From now on you need to tell me via phone call or text if you're staying out late or not coming home early, understood?" He spoke with so much authority that all I did was nod. "Good. Now go get cleaned and get to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow." I made my way to the stairs but stopped when he spoke. "Don't ever make me wait for you again." I nodded but answered with a question. "Why did you punch Luke?" I asked with an innocent tone. His figure darkens as he spoke. "Just felt like it." I frowned and made my way upstairs after my statement. "Well, punching people who haven't hurt me isn't cool. You could have done that to the people who have though." I spoke with venom. But whatever he said next was faint because I slammed the door.

"I already have. I have done horrific things to them for you."

Next Day

Bright P.O.V.

I woke up at 6:00am. I couldn't help but feel heavy in my chest. I look at the brat next to me. He shivers and I pull the blanket up his bare chest to just beneath his chin.

He doesn't know how much he drives me crazy.

As I got ready for the day many thoughts came into mind. Yesterday I was going to take him out to a restaurant and a night walk along the beach.

I came to his school yesterday and before I could leave my car to take him with me that horse face shit came to him. I waited hoping he only came to ask him something small or to say bye. Although he ended up taking Win with him. I simply followed them around and waited for the right time to lounge him away. Then an opportunity opened and I called him. I shouldn't have done that or even let him near the horse shit. I should have just taken him in the first place. Why I punched him was out of my control. I got frustrated and took it out on him.

Then Win got mad at me. I was hoping he would warm up to me and actually want to stay with me. We could have a real engagement. But I messed up. Though those men that laid a finger on him did get what they deserve. I beat them so bad that they voluntarily quitted. The rest of them that taunted him got their wages cut by $5.00.

I would tell him but I don't want him to stay because of that. I want him to willingly stay by my side and feel the same way I do for him. If only he knew.

It was 7:00am and I walked out of the bathroom to wake him up. I shook his shoulders a bit. He bolted up and quickly moved away from my touch. He looked frightened. That reminds me that I have to ask him about this entire act but for now I'll dig up as much as I can on my own. It was one of the benefits of being in the mafia.

"I-I'm sorry about yesterday." His eyes widened like a crazed animal as he spoke with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to snap at you." He turned his gaze down. I frowned and pulled his chin towards me so I could meet his gaze. I shortened the distance with a light kiss. His fright vanishes just as it had appeared. "Hurry up and get ready brat. Meet me down stairs when you're done."

I quickly left the room and shut the door. I leaned against the door and took in a deep breathe. I had to calm the pulse of my heart.

I took my time walking into the kitchen. I took a glass cup and filled it with water. A few minutes later the brat comes down. "Bright?" He calls out. "I'm here brat." He walks into the kitchen and warily smiles. It warms me up and I have to keep my facade from fading. "Come along. We're going to go eat out today." He nods and follows me into the car. We leave and I'm driving down the road. "Bright what are we doing today?" He asks nonchalantly while looking out the window. "The plan is that we eat out for all three meals and I take you shopping. You need new clothes to wear at the office and at sophisticated events. Everything else can be for everyday wear and things you need for school." And lastly were going to take a walk along the beach after dinner.

I keep the last part to myself. I was going to make sure we get to take that walk. I wanted more than anything to grasp his hand and take him along with me.

I took him to the mall and I lead him to the shop that I've always gone to for my suits. There were many things I liked about this store despite its high price on suits. One of them being that they didn't had an overwhelming scent of cologne and wasn't crowded of people (because each suit was expensive). Win gawked as he walked in and I felt him come closer to me. "This place...makes me feel out of place." He whispers to me. I smirked. "Just stick close and they won't ask anything of you." He continues to linger around me and I motion for a worker to come by. "Bring me a suit for him, three of different color." The man nods and eye balls Win's body. I would have knocked his eyes out for eyeing him but I knew he was measuring him because that was the same for me.

No later than five minutes he comes out with a black, white, and gray suit. He then gives it to Win and I nod for him to try it all on. I walk to the back and pick out five different ties for his suit; they were black, navy blue, navy blue & white stripes, dark purple, and a brown tie. I picked the last one out to match his eye color. He walks out with one of the suits on and asks for an opinion.

I cough to let out the awkward tension building in me. "It's suits you well. Go in and change we have a couple of more places to go." He walks right back in and I let out a breathe.

The rest of the day was filled with silence and occasional small talk. We had lunch at a diner he wanted and soon enough we had time for a walk along the beach.

Instead of driving down the road to our home I drove on a different lane. Win, who was gazing out the window again, grabbed my sleeve. "Where are we going now?" He groaned. "Patience brat, you'll have to wait." He fumed and continues to gaze out the window. After 30 minutes I pulled in to the nearest parking lot. "The beach?" He asked in confusion. I nodded. "B-but we just ate and it's 9:00pm?" I walked over to open his door and shut it when he got out. I walked over to the trunk and unlocked it. "We're taking a walk." I took out two pairs of flip flops and settled them on the ground. "Take off your shoes and roll you jeans up. I don't want sand in the car." He bends down and starts to untie his shoes. I do the same and once we were done I lead him down to we're the water meets the sand. I take a breath and the sight of the ocean as the wind blows.

The trees rustle and waves rush over the sand. The sand beneath my feet massages it and there's the smell of salt water. My days here are usually spent by myself as I walk along the shore. It was lonely and I was filled with many thoughts. Good and bad but the ocean never failed to soothe the bad ones.

Today for one of the many times I've visited, I've brought someone with me.

I walk along the shore with Win in tow. He seemed calmed and didn't ask me any questions. His hair ruffled when the breeze came. The darkness made his eye light up. His plump lips were pink and I wanted to take him on. Everything about him was alluring.

It was peaceful but soon it had to end. It was getting late and I had work tomorrow. So did he but he has school tomorrow as well.

We walked back to the car in silence and he dusted himself off. We didn't bother putting our shoes back on.

The drive back was serene and for once I didn't have to argue with him.

To be continued.

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