The Neko Boy (TodoBakuDeku) M...

By Explosion_Pop

612K 15.9K 14.1K

Izuku Midoriya lived in a realm where hybrid people was the normal. He lived with his mother in their cottage... More

Background information
~*~Chapter 1~*~
~*~Chapter 2~*~
~*~Chapter 3~*~
~*~Chapter 4~*~
~*~Chapter 5~*~
~*~Chapter 6~*~
~*~Chapter 7~*~
~*~Chapter 8~*~
~*~Chapter 9~*~
~*~Chapter 10~*~
~*~Chapter 11~*~
~*~Chapter 12~*~
~*~Chapter 13~*~
~*~Chapter 14~*~
~*~Chapter 15~*~
~*~Chapter 16~*~
~*~Chapter 17~*~
~*~Chapter 18~*~
~*~Chapter 19~*~
~*~Chapter 20~*~
~*~Chapter 21~*~
~*~Chapter 22~*~
~*~Chapter 23~*~
~*~Chapter 24~*~
~*~Chapter 25~*~
~*~Chapter 26~*~
~*~Chapter 27~*~
~*~Chapter 28~*~
~*~Chapter 29~*~
~*~Chapter 30~*~
~*~Chapter 31~*~
~*~Chapter 32~*~
~*~Chapter 33~*~
~*~Chapter 34~*~
~*~Chapter 35~*~
~*~Chapter 36~*~
~*~Chapter 37~*~
~*~Chapter 38~*~
~*~Chapter 39~*~
~*~Chapter 41~*~
~*~Chapter 42~*~
~*~Chaper 43~*~
~*~Chapter 44~*~
~*~Chapter 45~*~

~*~Chapter 40~*~

7.2K 205 188
By Explosion_Pop

Chapter 40

~4 day time skip~

-(3rd POV)-

The nekos fevers have broke and they were now fever free for 24 hours. Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto had all moved back into their house. Denki and Kirishima has also moved back to their house.

There little village was now at peace again. But little do they know the peace would not last any longer.

The LOV has completed their plan and were moving in for the kidnapping.

-(Dabi's POV)-

The plan was finalized and we headed out of our base back to their pack. The plan was to go in and distract while Kurogiri find the two nekos. Once he finds them he will cast a teleportation spell to get them back and then all we have to do is get back to base on our own. Although Shigaraki obviously wasn't going to be going so it was only Twice, Toga, some of Shigaraki's monsters, and myself. Shinso will be waiting at the base to restrain them.

It's around an hour after lunch and they were all outside having a picnic. The two nekos walk off into a house and I give the signal. We all rush in.

-(Izuku's POV)-

OUR FEVERS WERE FINALLY GONE! I'm so excited because Sho said we can have a picnic to celebrate. We were sick for 4 days pluse one where we were under strict bed rest. BUT WE WERE FINALLY ABLE TO GO OUTSIDE! I was also happy to finally be back in our house I missed it.

Sho walked into our bed room and told me the picnic was going to be starting soon so I grabbed my bag and we headed out.

As we're getting close I see Denki so I run up to him. We wrap our arms around each other. I didn't notice my tail was basically wagging until Kacchan started laughing.

"Hey kitten are you really that happy?"He says through his laughter.

I look at him confused and then he points to my tail. I feel my face heat up and that only makes him laugh more and this time Sho had joined in. I grab my tail and Denki's hand walking away to our picnic blanket.

Everyone sits down in a circle and starts to eat. After about half an hour we had finished and started to play a game of hide and go seek freeze tag.

Kacchan and Kirishima were it so Sho, Denki, and I were prime targets. Sho and I run and hid behind a tree while Kacchan started to chase Mina around.

We played for another half hour before me and Denki decided to go get his back pack that was in his house.

As we start to search for his bag we hear yelling from outside. I go to look when I feel a hand go over my mouth with a rag. My eye lids start to feel heavy and soon drop plummeting me into darkness.

-(Katsuki's POV)-

As the two nekos walk into the house I suddenly see 5 new monsters climb over our wall. We all grab our weapons and begin to fight. All we can do is hope Denki and Izuku are safe. We built a safe house so they know where to go if things get to bad.

I was lost in the battle so I didn't notice the fact that a dark grey wolf was running to the house the nekos were in.

I sprinted after it but when I got there I was shocked to see them getting scooped up and being teleported away. I quickly grab Deku and get him out setting him on the ground but by the time I got to turn around it had shut and Denki was gone...


I scream and I didn't notice but I had half transformed and started crackling small explosions from my hand.


I quickly scoop Deku up and fly out I hand him to Sho and he just looks at me confused. I quickly fly to Kiri who was also half transformed.


His faced paled but soon was replaced with utter fury. I can see his magic activate as his skin suddenly goes solid.

"Where the fuck did they take him."He was fuming with anger.


"Shit shit shit. SHIT!"

I can see tears forming in his eyes this was really getting to him. I can't blame him if Deku was taken me and Sho would be a wreck.

"Kiri I know this is stressful but we will get him back. He's park of our pack. We will destroy them."

"Let's kill the rest of the monsters and strategize."

I've never seen him so pissed. As we're fighting the monsters I noticed an elfin sneaking up on Sho who was fighting with Izuku on his back. I dive over but I was to late she had grabbed Izuku of his back. He was still passed out so he had no chance to put up a fight.

I dive onto her knocking Izuku out of her arms. I managed to tie her with my belt and she just laughs.

"Oh just you wait that pretty little neko and his friend will sell for big jewels in the black market!" She starts giggling.

I ignore her and pick up Deku who was on the ground. He must have landed on a rock because his head was bleeding.

"SHIT! Sho take him to Momo I deal with her."

I hand Deku to Sho and he quickly run of the the safe bunker where Momo should be. I pick up the elfin and throw he on my shoulder.

"Oh now aren't you all handsome and stronge!"

I'm not going to kill her...

I'm not going to kill her...

She can help find Denki...

She had information...

I'm not going to kill her...


-1005 words-

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