The Villian's Baby || Nygmobb...

By Helixx_x

23.1K 853 243

It started with a simple crush but after a night full of alcohol it turned out as a real, life-changing, prob... More

The Dinner
Trying to tell him
His Touch
Broken heart
What now?
The plan
The feast
Tiny Sprouse of Hope
The Confrontation
The accident
Phone call
The revelation
The final truth
United lovers


545 26 5
By Helixx_x

Oswald's POV

I would be a filthy liar if I say I'm not nervous. I was about to freak out, as I was standing beside the podium, waiting to give my speech, or rather to announce my resignation to the people.

On the other center of the room, I spotted Ed, so I made myself noticeable, waving. But to my surprise, he ignored me coldly and disappeared into the assembled crowd.

"And now welcome our great mayor...Oswald Cobblepot!" The call of my name threw me back on the ground of facts. Slightly shaking, hiding it the best way, I slowly made it to go on the stage. Taking a deep inhale I began.

"Dear citizens, it is an honor for me to be here today. First of all, I would like to briefly announce the successful changes that have taken place since my election as mayor.
The first point is the clean quality of the streets, people are disposing of their garbage appropriately and consciously instead of just letting it rot in the streets. The second point is that the crime rate is decreasing, which means that the population suffers less fear and aggression. And last but not least, what I feel from my point of view: the people are happier, they have hope that one day there will be peace in Gotham. Thanks to all who contribute their part!"

Thunderous applause filled the crowd, which moved me to tears inside...stupid pregnancy hormones. Under other circumstances, my speech would probably not have been so warm. But as a father-to-be, full of feelings and emotions, I wanted to give people a little bit of hope for the future.

"But now back to a serious topic," I brought the crowd back to its senses. "Due to serious health problems, I am announcing my resignation as Mayor of Gotham on this day. I want to thank every one of you who believed in and supported me. Thank you."

It somehow hurt a little bit to look into the sad and disappointed faces of those present, when they were full of hope and happiness. But I had no other choice to protect myself and the baby. I stepped off the stage and tried to get away, but was almost overrun by a questioning gathering. Fortunately, my men came to my aid, pushing the people back and thus bringing me safely to the exit.

Just as I was about to get into the car, I noticed Ed next to the exit and couldn't resist turning around and going to him again.

"What's wrong with you Ed?" I asked him worried.

"Nothing. Everything's fine," he muttered and smiled at me crookedly, his face looked so dark and evil that it sent a shiver down my spine.

"Got to go. Bye," he said briefly and embraced me fleetingly, leaving without another word.

Questioningly, I looked after him.


When I came home from the press conference tired and exhausted, I noticed an envelope addressed to me on my desk. Curious, I put my cane aside and opened the letter.

Dear Oswald,

There is something really important I have to tell you. It's about my very special feelings for you. Meet me tomorrow night at Kane Chemicals. Your Ed

I could feel my heart jumping for joy. At last, he was finally aware of his feelings for me. Well, good things take time.

• • •

~ Helix❤

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