Infinity | JinKook ✓

Oleh jinkookandchill

81.1K 5.4K 261

Life wasn't fair. And yet they fought against it. Lebih Banyak

Disclaimers + Warnings
Present - Jungkook & Seokjin
Present - Yoongi & Seokjin
Past - Hoseok & Yoongi
Present - Yoongi & Seokjin
Present - Jungkook & Taehyung
Present - Taehyung & Seokjin
Past - Jimin & Jungkook
Present - Taehyung & Seokjin
Present - Namjoon & Seokjin
Present - Everyone
Present - Jungkook & Seokjin
Past - Yoongi & Seokjin
Present - Jungkook & Seokjin
Present - Hoseok & Seokjin
Present - Jungkook & Seokjin
Present - Jungkook & Taehyung
Present - Yoongi & Taehyung
Present - Jungkook
Present - Jungkook & Seokjin
Present - Yoongi & Taehyung
Present - Jungkook & Seokjin
Present - Jungkook
Present - Seokjin & Jungkook
Future - Everyone

Present - Everyone

935 91 4
Oleh jinkookandchill

"You sure about this?" Taehyung sounded as endlessly exhausted as he felt. Checking out of the hospital had been an actual gauntlet of instructions and doctors and nurses and paperwork before he had been allowed to leave, literal hours after he was supposed to. "You know I don't mind you coming back, right?"

"I've been paying rent for months on an apartment I haven't even been living in. I might as make use of it." Counted among the multitude of incredibly stupid decisions he had made, not simply getting rid of the apartment he had rented when he first met Seokjin had to be near the top of the list. What had started as running away and spending a week in Taehyung's guest room had ended with him gathering all of his clothes and just making it permanent, all while still paying for a place he never planned to actually stay in again. A choice made out of depression, out of a desire to just give up, only ever going through the motions instead of actually living.

"Is this what Jin's been up to?" Because honestly, he was shocked that there was anything on earth that had somehow been more important for the omega then being there when Jungkook was released.

"Yeah. I had him get my stuff from your place." Seokjin, being the actual angel that he was, had also cleaned the entire space from top to bottom, clearing away dirt and dust. Had changed the sheets and towels and filled the pantry and refrigerator with groceries. Had worked tirelessly since the previous night to somehow transform an empty, cold space into something that was warm and bright and colorful and welcoming. "I also kind of asked him to move in with me."

"On second thought maybe it's better you don't come back. I really don't want to walk in and see you two making out again."

"Maybe if you had just learned to knock we wouldn't have had that problem."

"Well excuse me for thinking you wouldn't try and bang your omega in a hospital bed."

"Please tell me you know the difference between kissing and banging."

"No mommy, would you please explain it to me?"

"Don't worry, we'll take you to the library later and get you a book."


There were two omegas scurrying around his apartment, one straightening things and fluffing pillows and correctly little imperfections here and there that didn't even exist, and Jungkook wondered how beautiful and perfect their apartment must look. The other was in the kitchen, moving back and forth as they created something that smelled absolutely amazing, spices and peppers and meat sizzling together.

"God I really need to find an omega." Taehyung's voice broke the silence and they both turned, watching as the beta brought the contents of his arms over the sofa and instantly dumped it.

"Is that where those go?" Yoongi's tongue pushed into his cheek as he spoke, eyes glancing from the couch back up to Taehyung.

"But I'm tired." It came out as a whine, and Seokjin was mentally preparing to watch Yoongi launch into some rant about how that didn't matter.

"Are you arms broken?"


"Then you can carry them into the bedroom, can't you?"

"But -"


"Fine." Jungkook literally felt his head snap back at when the agreement was finally made, and watched with wide eyes as Taehyung scooped everything back up and started to make his way towards the bedroom. "Will you at least come and help?"

"Such a needy beta." It was said with a soft sigh, but for some reason neither of them understood, Yoongi actually started to follow.

"Okay that was -"

"Weird." Seokjin finished the other's sentence, before his look of confusion turned into a soft smile. Reaching out, he turned the burner down low so the food was stay warm, before wiping his hands on a near by towel. Coming out of the small kitchen, he let himself slip in close, until he could wrap his arms around the other's neck and lift himself up onto his tip toes, allowing him to press a slow, soft kiss against those beautiful lips. "Welcome home, alpha."

"I could get used to this." Coming home to his omega each and every day, to the warmth of his presence instead of an empty house would make everything so incredibly worth it. "Have you thought about what I asked?"

"I did." It was difficult, this decision that he was facing. He had always known that eventually he would leave Yoongi, would step out and start his own life. But it wasn't really, truly leaving, not in the manner he always assumed. Yoongi would still be near by, right there when ever he would need him. And he was always going to need Yoongi. That was a fact of life that he had come to simply accept. "And I want to say yes, alpha. But only under one condition."

"And what is that little one?"

"I will come live with you once we become mates." It didn't seem like too much of an unreasonable thing to ask for. To want them to be mated properly before he allowed things to get too far out of control.

"You're driving a hard bargain here." But those words made that cute little bunny smile spread across his face, and he leaned down to press those lips against Seokjin's. "At least stay with me tonight."

"Mm, I think that can be arranged. I'm going to need some incentive though."

"Name your price."

"Five kisses."


Which was, ironically, how they ended up in their current position. Jungkook stretched out of the couch with Seokjin hovering over him, peppering kisses across his throat, nose nuzzling into his scent gland and making salty sea air blossom around them, until it was so thick it was practically intoxicating. Until it covered even his own sweet vanilla and the spice of ginger and the bloom of melon that he had come to expect from Taehyung.

"Jesus fuck will you two please start doing that in private?" That this was the second time he'd been unfortunate enough to see it was a terrible fate, one that he was absolutely not willing to suffer a third time.

"Again, learn to knock."

"On what?"

"Try your own head since it seems to be made of wood."

"Seokjin will you please explain to me what you see in this guy because literally no one gets it."


"Make me."

"Children." Yoongi's voice sounded so done with both of them as he came from the bedroom into the living room, walking right past the couch like absolutely nothing was happening. "Stop bickering and come eat."

"Yes mama." It slipped out before Seokjin could even stop it, mindlessly pushing himself up from where he had previously sat on Jungkook. Both alpha and beta just stared at each other for a moment, before glancing over at Yoongi who was looking both shocked and guilty at the same time.

"Seokjin." It was gentle, as it always was when he spoke to his son. "Baby, you have to be careful with that."

"But Jungko - oh shit." His own eyes widened as he turned to look directly at Taehyung, who had the actual audacity to just do some sort of awkward little wave in return.

"It's okay." Out of everyone it did sort of make sense that the revelation would shock Taehyung the least. "I kind of figured."


"Seokjin, baby, you two really do not do a good job of hiding it." It was Jungkook's turn to speak, pushing himself up to kneel on the sofa so he could face them all without having to crane his neck.


"It's okay." Yoongi spoke again, his scent picking up slightly as his hand reached out to take Seokjin's interlacing their fingers together.

"But -"

"I've held this secret inside me for so long, Seokjin. Every time someone would call you my brother it would hurt. But there was never anyone I could trust enough with the truth. And now there is. I want people to know you're my son."

"I want people to know you're my mom." More than anything, he just wanted Yoongi to finally get the recognition that he deserved, to take his rightful place.

"You two are gonna make me cry." Taehyung sniffled as he spoke, breaking the tension that had filled the air and making both omega's scents instantly lighten. "Hold me Kookie."

"Come here you big baby." Holding his arms out, he let the beta come into them, sighing softly as he let his fingers comb through soft strands of light hair.

"Aren't we supposed to be the ones hugging?" Yoongi once again sounded so incredibly done, a tone which Seokjin could definitely foresee himself adopting in the near future.

"Shush, this drama is really entertaining."

"Sometimes I can't believe I raised you."

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