Sorry! I'm In Another World R...

By NovaKirby2830

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Kirby and Meta Knight were doing training when it showed up. A beast, with claws like swords, three tails and... More

Chapter One: The Beginning of an Ultra Adventure
Chapter Two: A Whole New World
Chapter Three: The Pokemon School
Chapter Four: Ultra Guardians Assemble!
Chapter Five: Go Away, Team Skull!
Chapter Six: First Night
Chapter Seven: Ambush At The Beach
Chapter Nine: Reunion?
Chapter Ten: First Battle Against Tsurara
Chapter Eleven: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twelve: The Darkest of All Dark Matter
Chapter Thirteen: Mistakes
Chapter Fourteen: Third Night (The Beginning)
Chapter Fifteen: The Night of Wholesomeness
Chapter Sixteen: Final Battle Part 1
Chapter Seventeen: Final Battle Part 2
Chapter Eighteen: The Aftermath And The Opinions
The Epilogue/Final Night
An Insight Into the Next Book
Just some notes about the story

Chapter Eight: Showdown at The Mansion!

684 11 25
By NovaKirby2830

That afternoon after spending the day searching for Tsurara, Galacta Knight chose to stay with Lillie, and she allowed Kirby to stay the night at Sophocles' lab.

At his lab, Sophocles showed Kirby a big wheel to run in. "After I apply these special stickers, all you've gotta do is run in it! Show him what to do, Togedemaru!" Togedemaru hopped onto the pink wheel and walked. Kirby jumped in next to Togedemaru, with special stickers to record data on him.

"Togede!" She quipped. The round pokemon began to speed up, so did Kirby. As it sped up, Kirby felt he was struggling to keep up, but Togedemaru kept going faster. He was moving as fast as his shiny red feet would carry him. Suddenly, he tripped on Togedemaru's tiny feet and went whirling around in the wheel before shooting out of it like a rocket onto the grass a few feet away.

"Kirby, are you alright?" Sophocles fretted, running to his side. Kirby nodded, getting back up. "I think it's time for a snack" He added, guiding Kirby to the kitchen.

"Mum's malasadas are the best in Alola!" He boasted. "Just wait until you try one, Kirby." Soon after he said that, his mum came in with a plate of steaming hot malasadas. Kirby felt so happy, the kindness of the foreign people were immeasurable.

"Be careful, they're hot!" She said sweetly. "I hope you enjoy them, Kirby, Sophocles and Togedemaru!" She smiled and exited the room.

"Now Kirby, only eat one at a time, don't inhale them all!" Sophocles chided, remembering how Ash said that Kirby inhaled all the snacks at his house. Kirby nodded, also knowing that memory. He picked up one and placed it all in his mouth.

"Hot!" He cried, before swallowing, his eyes sparkling like stars. "So good!" He picked up another one, but reconsidered and gave it to Togedemaru, who squeaked with happiness. Kirby then picked up another malasada and placed it in his mouth, savouring the sweetness, the fluffy texture, the sugar sprinkles on top...

He found himself eating another five with Sophocles and Togedemaru. Kirby sighed in content. "Vewy good, dewishus!" Kirby smiled. Seeing Kirby smile felt like the best thing in the world to young Sophocles, that innocent smile. Sophocles's mum came back in to collect the plate.

"Wow! You demolished those malasadas. Did you like them, Kirby?" She asked kindly.

"Yes, yes! Vewy good! So good!" Kirby ranted, before giving her a large heart-warming smile. She smiled back and exited the room.

Sophocles invited Kirby into his lab. It was a small, tight area but in housed all his technological devices and the devices that helped him decipher it. Kirby hopped up on the table to look at a computer that Sophocles was turning on.

"You see, the sticker on your head showed me your energy levels! Your energy peaked at around here –" He pointed to a graph. "But then it fell and that's where you tripped." Kirby nodded, looking intently at the graph, but not quite understanding how the sticker did that.

"Wha's tha'?" Kirby pointed to a remote lying on a shelf.

"It detects the radio waves, and the magnetic field of the place." Sophocles explained slowly, but Kirby looked confused. "You don't know anything about radio waves or magnetic fields, do you."

"No. Medi Kni didn't teach me that. He teaches me meditaashun, how to dool, and how to master my copy abilities." Kirby replied. "Maybe he can expw'an that too..?"

"Duels, meditation, copy abilities... does that mean if you inhaled electricity from Togedemaru you would copy it?" Sophocles asked excitedly. "Like how you inhaled Snowy's powder snow?" Kirby nodded. Togedemaru squeaked excitedly, tackling Kirby in a hug.

"Toge Toge!" Togedemaru chittered. "Demaru demaru!" Kirby returned the eargerness.

"Kirby, why don't we have a battle?" Sophocles challenged. Kirby gave a determined smile and nodded.


Galacta Knight sat in the limousine, looking out the window with difficulty because of her height. Lily's pokemon, a white Vulpix named Snowy, sat in between Galacta Knight and Lily.

"What do you like about Alola?" Lily asked quietly.

"I like the atmosphere about the place! It's all laid back and carefree, just like Dreamland! I like the ocean and the beach, the strange creatures that live here. I love the skies, the breezes that come, the space to fly around, everything!" Galacta Knight noted, facing forward with her wings fluttering. Snowy kept on poking them, playing with the feathers that moulted from Galacta Knight's wings.

"Snowy, don't do that, she's a guest," Lillie scolded weakly, picking Snowy up and placing her on her lap. Snowy mewled in reverence. After a few minutes they arrived at the estate where the mansion lived. Lillie's kind servant (though she refused to call him a servant, more of a helper and a friend) opened the door for the girl

"Hobbes, I've got a friend with me. She's not from Alola, or even this world." Lillie informed. "Her name Galacta Knight. Galacta Knight, this is my friend Hobbes."

"Greetings, Galacta Knight, friend of Miss Lillie." He gave a low and dashing bow. Galacta Knight nodded, also bowing.

"Hello, Hobbes. Nice to meet you." Galacta Knight greeted. "What do you think we should do, Lillie?"

"I think we should have a snack before doing something. Does that sound good?" Lily proposed and Galacta Knight nodded. Hobbes opened the double doors of the mansion.

"Come in. I will have some food prepared for you." Hobbes smiled. Lillie showed her friend to the dining room, where a platter of assorted macarons was placed down in front of them after a few moments. Galacta Knight sighed in content.

"Thank you! Since I'm not picky about showing my face unlike Meta Knight, I will be just fine taking off my mask." Galacta Knight took of her mask (Undoing the strap and taking the mask of the horns) to reveal her face. Lillie gasped and smiled.

"You look so cool!" She complimented. Indeed, Galacta Knight was magenta all around with raspberry blushes on her cheeks. Her eyes were a strawberry red (But not in a creepy way) with short eyelashes. Two horns poked atop her head.

"Thank you!" Galacta Knight replied, taking a macaron and placing it in her mouth, carefully chewing, savouring the taste. "Wow, these... I don't know what they are. They're delicious!"

"These are macarons. I guess you don't have them back at home?" Lillie said. As they were about to strike up another conversation, a voice cut through the silence.

"Lillie, who is that?" A stern male voice came from behind Galacta Knight, from in a shadow of the corner of the room. 

"Gladion, this is Galacta Knight. She came from an Ultra Wormhole." Lily introduced.

"If this 'Galacta Knight' is from an Ultra Wormhole, wouldn't be classified as an Ultra Beast?" Gladion came from the corner of the room. His hair was a very pale blond, and had jade green eyes like Lillie's. "Don't we need to get rid of it?"

"Hey, I'm not an Ultra beast, I am a Puffball. They come from Planet Popstar, and I just so happen to be known as the strongest warrior in the galaxy." Galacta Knight replied fiercely. "Back off, and I won't have to defend myself from a native from this land." Snowy mewled at Gladion and Galacta Knight angrily, as if trying to stop them from getting into an argument with someone who they just met.

"Look, if you're that dangerous, get away from my sister." Gladion hissed. Galacta Knight jumped off the chair, walking towards Gladion. He didn't realise how short she was. The boy gasped quietly from looking at this adorable short thing. Was this puffball really going to attack him, because the puff didn't look all that intimidating.

"Look here, Gladion. Please don't fight. Galacta Knight is trying to help us FIGHT an Ultra Beast that attacked her world." Lillie said stubbornly. "It's already attacked the Pokemon School, and mum found an Ultra Aura near the beach earlier this morning. Galacta Knight is here to help us. Don't make her job even harder than it is already. Galacta Knight, please don't attack my brother. He means well."

Gladion nodded silently, still scowling, eyes blank. "I see. If she is here to protect Alola, then that's okay. As long as she doesn't attack me." He retreated up a staircase and out of site. Galacta Knight and Lillie stared at each other, then they burst out laughing. They left the dining room and went up to Lillie's room. Galacta Knight put her mask back on.

"This is my room. I don't really know what to show you here... My mum's clefable used to be a clefairy but it evolved. I still have the doll, but it kind of reminds me of you, Galacta." Lillie grabbed a small pink clefairy doll and showed Galacta Knight it.

"It... It looks like Kirby!" Galacta Knight spluttered, holding back a laugh. "It's so cute! Is your house near the beach?"

"Yes, it's only a five-minute walk from here. Would you like to have a walk on the beach?" Lillie asked. As Galacta Knight nodded, Lillie's servant Hobbes entered the room.

"Miss, Lillie! Sorry to intrude but your mother Lusamine is requesting your appearance. Please follow me." He smiled and beckoned for them to follow. They walked down a corridor and to a large room with a flat screen TV on the wall. The TV showed Lusamine waiting Lillie's arrival.

"Hiii Sweetie! How are you?" Lusamine started enthusiastically. "I see you have Galacta Knight here too, how are you, Galacta?"

"I'm very well, thank you." Galacta Knight responded. "I hope it's okay for me to stay, as I-"

"It's all good, Galacta Knight! Anyway, I just wanted to see how you're doing, how you're coping with the danger. Nothing near the house?"

"No, Miss Lillie and Miss Galacta Knight are doing quite fine." Hobbes answered.

"Alright. How is Gladion doing? Is he here?" Lusamine asked, smiling happily.

"He was here a moment ago, shall I find him?" Hobbes offered. When Lusamine accepted he walked out the door leaving Lily, Galacta Knight and her mother together.

"So, Galacta Knight, how are you liking your stay in Alola?" Lusamine chatted.

"Mother, you're treating it like Galacta Knight's on a vacation." Lily mumbled.

"Apart from the Demon Beast hunting us all, it's been wonderful, Lusamine. Since you found me at the Altar of the Sunne, it's been great!" Galacta Knight punched the air, her wings flapping. While Lusamine, Lillie and Galacta Knight idly talked, Gladion slunk into the room silently.

"Gladion! How have you been, dear?" Lusamine asked.

"I'm fine." He scowled. "I'm... worried about the Ultra Beast. It attacked the Pokemon School, word got around that some people at the beach were attacked by it, and who knows where it'll strike next?"

"Don't worry, Gladion. You are a powerful trainer." Lusamine comforted. "You'll know what to do if it comes." Gladion shrugged. Suddenly, a deep rumble vibrated through the room.

"What was that?" Lillie asked, a shakiness in her voice. Gladion put a hand on her shoulder. Galacta Knight summoned her lance and shield. The rumble came again, but this time louder and stronger. A vase of flowers fell off a table and shattered, leaving the poor red roses on the ground.

"Lillie, Gladion, be careful!" Lusamine cried before the connection was cut from the TV. The expensive television was shaken from the wall and fell to the floor with a sickening crash. Splinters of glass flew everywhere as it smashed. Gladion dragged Lillie from the room, with Hobbes and Galacta Knight in tow. They rushed down the stairs, through the dining room, into a corridor which led to the front door.

"Look! There!" Hobbes pointed to a pale blue shape emitting coral coloured waves all around every minute. Hobbes stepped out in front of Gladion and Lillie, a pokeball in his hand. As he was about to toss it into the air, the coral wavelength passed him. The wavelength was what was making the house rumble, but it wasn't hitting them directly, so he got the full force of the vibration. It looked as though he just tripped backwards, but the weird He stumbled back and landed painfully on his back. He jumped right back up and threw the pokeball.

The pokemon was Oricorio- pompom style. "Ori! Oricorio!" It tweeted fiercely at the snarling wolf known as Tsurara. Tsurara looked up at the humans, the bird and Galacta Knight and grinned. The wolf bared fangs, as if it was going to eat Oricorio as a light snack.

"Oricorio! Use peck!" Hobbes shouted. The green bird flew into the air and dived down at an incredible speed. Tsurara noticed, and stood up on its hind legs. It used it's front paw to carefully grab Oricorio by the beak. Oricorio looked confused for a second, then realised what was happening. It flapped it's wings, desperately trying to escape.

Galacta Knight noticed and flew to Oricorio. She cut Tsurara's paw to release the poor bird. Tsurara nabbed the bird again and threw it aside. Galacta Knight rushed to Oricorio's side. It was injured but could still fight. As it tried to take flight again, Galacta Knight stopped it.

"Let me handle this." Galacta Knight said soothingly before taking flight again.

"Silvally! Help Galacta Knight!" Gladion yelled, throwing a pokeball. A massive pokemon came from it. It had a silver fish-like tail, a feathery head with a big crest on it, but with fur on the torso. It's legs were thin like a chicken's. It gave a metallic roar in reply to its master.

"Use air slash!" The thing's master instructed. Silvally nodded, releasing two tremendous slashed from its front legs that looked much like a sword beam from Meta Knight. Tsurara jumped out of the way, only to be slashed by Galacta Knight. It began to thwack its tails in a menacing manner on the ground. Suddenly, Silvally froze and winced.

"Silvally, what's wrong?" Gladion ran to Silvally and looked at the tails striking the ground, sending out waves of sound that only Pokemon could hear. The earsplitting screech was happening again. "It started when the tails started to strike the ground. Galacta Knight! Aim for the tails!"

Galacta Knight swooped at Tsurara, but the beast whipped her in the wings using the tails. She stumbled, but then steadied her flight. She aimed a slash at Tsurara, who dodged. Tsurara roared, and used its ice breath at Galacta Knight, whose agility is unmatched to anyone, flew out of the way. She summoned all her strength, and let loose a Sword Beam. Tsurara then did something the Ultra Guardians never saw; it hardened it's mane and tanked the Sword Beam! It cooled its body down to a temperature that formed a protective layer of ice on it's body. 

Galacta Knight tried to cut the protective ice in half, but it ricocheted the lance and sent her tumbling to the ground.

"T-that's impossible! How can it do that?" Galacta Knight breathed in awe. "Nevermind, this thing needs to go..."

"Silvally! Use Swords Dance, then Air Slash!" Gladion told Silvally, who had recovered from the psychic blast. Elemental swords twirled around Silvally, increasing its internal power. Silvally then let another two slashes of air stream towards Tsurara in an 'X' shape. It hit the demon square on the nose causing a red bump to sizzle on the tip of the muzzle.

Galacta Knight searched for a weak spot and found what she was looking for- a thinner, more crack-able layer of ice. She dived, flew low and thrusted her lance upwards into its fur. The ice shattered as the lance pierced through the thick fur. It didn't go very far but it was enough for Tsurara to roar in discomfort. It jumped back and jumped into a portal.

Galacta Knight froze before sighing in relief.

"Is everyone okay?" She consoled everyone. Lillie nodded, Gladion shrugged and Hobbes nodded too.

"We should spray Oricorio's injuries. For now, it's best if we stay low." He suggested. "Thank you, Miss Galacta Knight, Master Gladion, for helping out."

"No problem, Sir!" Galacta Knight chirped back. "What should we do now?"

"I don't know... I guess we can tell Mother that we're alright." Lillie pointed out. She walked back into the mansion, grabbed her phone and dialled Lusamine.

"Hi, mother! I'm just calling to say we're ok. Tsurara the Ultra Beast came and- Yes, I'm ok! Galacta Knight attacked it and Silvally helped. It didn't do much damage as I found a new ability. It can freeze itself in a protective... amour made of ice. It's mostly impenetrable. It can also send out psychic waves that shakes everything it passes. Hobbes fell over, and so did me and Gladion, but it stopped after we got its attention. Yes, Hobbes is fine.... Ok. Mhm... Okay! Bye!"

Gladion, Galacta Knight Hobbes were inside by the time the phone call was done. They were giving Oricorio a spray of a potion. Oricorio was dancing and chirping to show it was all better. Galacta Knight was laughing, Hobbes was smiling, but Gladion still looked stressed and cautious. It was as if he thought the demon beast was going to come back any time soon.

 But that wasn't going to happen, right...?


Author Note: I myself think that this chapter needn't exist, but you guys probably needed to know what they did in the afternoon. To me this chapter felt a little underwhelming, but the next chapter is where it all gets juicy- the next chapter will be better I promise.

Stay tuned!

From NovaKirby2830

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