When the Devil falls in love...

By Biridjonka

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"There are two types of people. Those who fantasize all their lives about the great romantic timeless love, a... More

A romantic boy
Lil man
The Devil gives a suggestion
I want this (18+)
Big things (18+)
You're really something else...
Punishment (18+)
No man is an island
Hot and cold
It fits me perfectly (18+)
It takes two to tango
Cosplay cafe
New friend
Who is who?
Duality (18+)
Love is Love
Satin (part I)
If he was telling the truth...
She knows
Heart of glass
Desires, reality and possibilities...
Past ( Satin II)
Mothers love (Satin III)
Secret love makes us stupid
Only mine (18+)
Two bodies but one soul
Meeting boyfriend's parents
Sweet cherry ( 18+)
The rhythm of love
A million butterflies with rainbow wings
If you look beyond the lies
Diary (short side story)
The begining
Time between dog and wolf (part I)
Time between dog and wolf (part II)
Let the games begin
From here to eternity
Somewhere over the rainbow...
Author's word
I'v crossed ocean of dream to find you... (bonus chapter)

Tsuki ga kirei desu ne

6.6K 356 444
By Biridjonka

My dear readers, we reached the end of this story. It was one crazy and unforgettable journey. Exactly 4 months ago I posted the first chapter. I had no plan, but I had a complete story in my head that I simply had to put “on paper”. But a miracle happened, people started reading, commenting. It was a big shock for me, something that started as a little story turned into something very big and beautiful. But I won't talk much anymore.
Please enjoy this last chapter as well, I hope I was able to explain everything to you. But if you still have any doubts after reading, please feel free to ask.
I intend to set a chapter - Author's word - where I will annoy you a little more with some sentimental things, but also with some explanations if there is a need for that.
Thank you for reading and  comments. Be healthy and safe. I send a lot of virtual hugs.

P.S. My English and grammar, remained my "Max" until the very end.


The hospital room was bathed in morning light. Windows with raised curtains looked like big blue cubes thanks to the crystal clear sky. The room was large and in two parts. In one there was a sitting area with a large TV screen, and in the other there was a hospital bed and monitors that monitored the patient's condition.

A young man was lying on the bed, at first glance it looked like he was sleeping. Black hair, full lips and a nicely defined jaw. Like a picture of a sleeping angel. Next to him sat a woman in her forties. With a wet towel, she ran gently over the young man's face, muttering softly ~~ I miss you little one, I miss you a lot ~~ Every day for the past four and a half months, she would sit and talk for hours, hoping the young man would hear her.

-“Mrs. Satin, do you need help?” The nurse asked.

- "It's all right, I can do it myself. When's the physiotherapist coming?"

- "He'll be here soon ."

- "Okay, I'm done too. Just to comb my little one's hair."

Nurse laughed softly, past 4 months this has been Ms. Satin’s routine. For the first fifteen days, the young man had bandages and stitches. Later,  Mrs. Satin took care of him, after two months, the physiotherapist started with light exercises.

 Satin ran her fingers slowly through the young man's hair. When finished she kissed him gently on the cheek.

- "It's time to wake up lil man. I hope today is that day."

She would repeat these same sentences every day before leaving him in the care of a physiotherapist. Two hours later, when the physiotherapist  finished his part of job, Satin asked .

- "How is my little one?"

- "In great shape, we manage to keep the muscles active, he lost a little weight, but that will be compensated quickly."

And this conversation has been the same for months. It was as if they were in a movie  ~ Groundhog  Day ~  every day was  the same. Over and over again.

It was late afternoon that same day, the nurse visited the patient, checked the monitors, and lowered the curtains.

- "I'm here tonight to say good night to you, your mom is on set."

Nurse walked to the door, took another look at the patient, then paused.

~ Was it some shadow or did  young man's eyelashes move? ~

She went back to the bed and looked at him carefully.

~ Oh, there  is again! ~

She took the patient's hand.

-"Type, if you can hear me, squeeze my finger."

At first there was no reaction but then she felt a slight squeeze. She quickly ran out of the room and called the doctor. Soon the room was full of people waiting impatiently to see what would happen. The doctor examined the patient, gave instructions, everything seemed like an eternity. And then young man's eyelids flickered a few times and he finally opened his eyes.


I tried to open my eyes. My eyelids were terribly heavy. I heard a voice say to try again. I tried and tried, suddenly as if some invisible hand removed the burden from my eyelids. I managed to open my eyes. The first thing I saw were a few strangers, smiling. Then one of those faces spoke up.

- "Welcome back Type."

I wanted to answer but the words didn’t come out of my throat. One of the faces spoke again.

- "It's okay Type, don't force yourself. The most important thing is that you woke up."

I didn't know where I was and  didn't understand what this man was saying.
Tharn! Oh god I don't see Tharn among these faces. I want to see Tharn!

One of the strangers took some gadgets, examined me, measured something and took notes. It was weird, but I couldn't think of it now. The only thing I could think of was Tharn. I tried to say his name. But there was only something like a growl. Oh for God's sake, is that my voice? Why do I sound like that?

-"It's okay Type, don't force yourself. We know you have a lot of questions, I promise we'll answer each of them soon. But don't strain. All right?"

No, it's not true - I thought. I don’t have a lot of questions, I only have one. Where is Tharn?

So I kept trying to pronounce his name again.

- "Oh my God, Type! My little one, you're finally awake!"

It was the first known voice and familiar face. Satin. I was happy, Satin is here. But ... is she crying? Why is Satin crying?

- "Oh, my little one, how I missed you."

I stared at her helplessly.

- "Doctor, what's the condition?"

- "The patient responds well to everything. Although these are just ordinary tests. It remains to conduct a more detailed examination. The patient cannot speak, but I hope it is only temporary."

Patient? So I'm in the hospital. But I can't remember why. The last thing I remember  was making dinner for Tharn. What happened then? Did I set the apartment on fire? Maybe  slipped in the bathroom? I hope Tharn tells me everything when he comes.

In the hallway, Satin talked to the doctors.

- "Mrs. Satin, this is a miracle. Trust me, since I've been doing this job, this is the first time a patient has woken up and reacted so well. It may not be professional to say this, but some higher power has intervened here."

Satin cried, whatever interfered she didn't care. The most important thing to her was that Type woke up.


Finally everyone left. Now I can sort out my thoughts a little. I'm terribly tired but I have to figure out what's going on. And maybe, maybe I could get some sleep. And when I wake up Tharn will be there.

Satin returned to the room and sat down by the bed. Type was asleep, but this time she was calm, she knew her baby was just sleeping.

These few months have been hell. If Type hadn't woken up, she didn't know what she would have done with her life. She was not there to wait when they operated on him, she was not there when they took him out of the operating room. It wasn't until the next day that the police called her. Her son, her blood and flesh were on the verge of death and she had no idea about it. ~ Were you scared little one? ~

Satin prayed for him every day and promised that if Type woke up everything would be different. She will be a mother, as she should have been from day one. Gently took Type's hand, tears streaming down her face as she whispered softly.

- "I know I'm a selfish little one, but please give me another chance to show you how much I love you."
She felt a faint grip, raised head and met Type's gentle gaze.

- "Oh little one, you're awake."


I watched and listened Satin. She cried and muttered. It was hard for me to watch her like that. My beautiful mom was tired now and had a wrinkle on forehead. I'll have to warn her about that. I tried to pronounce Tharn's name again.

- "Th .... ar."

- "I don't understand little one, is that a name? Is that your friend?"

I was confused, how come mom doesn't know who Tharn is?

- "Th ... arn."

- "Ok. Tharn. I understand it's a person. But ..."

- "Pho ... on."

-"Phone? I'm sorry little one but ... You had an accident and your phone was broken. I'll call a lawyer, maybe he'll be able to find out the numbers from your phone."

I looked confused at Satin. I have to think a little. So I had an accident and my phone was broken. But that still doesn't explain why Satin doesn't know who Tharn is.

- "Th ... arn. My boy....friend."

I saw a surprised look on her face, her eyebrows raised to half forehead.

- "Your boyfriend? I ... I haven't met your boyfriend Type, but ... I ... I'll call a lawyer now and he'll find him. That Tharn, he lives in Bangkok right? We'll find him Type, we'll find him. "

Pain, I felt a terrible pain in my heart and one tear slid down my cheek.

- "Oh my God Type! Don't cry my darling. Please don't cry. Mom will find him, just don't cry."

I looked at my beautiful mother. I didn’t want to cry but the pain was destroying my soul. Something was wrong. Something was completely wrong. I wanted Tharn to be there, to hug me, to kiss me and to tell me that everything would be fine.

- "Little one, you try to get some rest now. Tomorrow is a new day, everything will be fine. I promise you."

I nodded and closed my eyes. As soon as closed my eyes I saw Tharn's face. The pain in my heart intensified even more.

Satin quietly left the room and called lawyer. She told him Type woke up and explained about  phone. Returned to the room and sat down next to Type's bed.

~ My little one has a boyfriend, how come I don't know anything about it ?! I am a terrible person. It’s good if Type has someone who loves him. But where the hell has that Tharn been for these past four and a half months?! ~


I opened my eyes slowly, it took me a few seconds to get used to the light. Through the windows I could see the blue sky. Where is Satin?

I tried to get up a little, but I couldn't. This body didn't seem to be mine. I tried to move my hands but only managed to move finger a little. Why is everything so difficult?

Satin entered the room and saw Type trying to move.

- "Good morning little one, I see you've been very active since this morning."

Type smiled.

- "I called a lawyer, he's at the police station. We'll have the numbers from your phone soon. Are you hungry? Can I get you some of this wonderful hospital food?"

Type shook his head.

- "My throat hurts a little ..."

"Type, my lil man, you speak much better today. I'm going to call the doctor, he came earlier but you were asleep so imagine the irony he didn't want to wake you. Oh, Type, it's so nice to hear your voice."


Doctors came in and out. Everyone had something to say or to examine me. They agreed on only one thing, claiming that my awakening was a miracle.

Eventually a man came who looked more like a lumberjack than a doctor. He stretched my legs, my arms, pulled my head. Maniac! And then he said in an unusually gentle voice:

-"Type, I think you're going to get out of that bed soon. They say you're a miracle, but trust me, I'm a miracle worker, too."

After them came Satin. She carried a bowl in her hands, it was a congee. She says, she made it herself. I managed to swallow two tablespoons of that tasteless mixture. I don't think I've eaten anything worse in my life ... But Satin was overjoyed.

- "Type, a nurse will come to bathe you. And when she's done, we need to talk."

I blushed. The nurse was a professional and finished the job quickly. Twenty most unpleasant minutes in my life.

Satin waited for the nurse to come out and then sat down next to the bed.

-"Little one, we can talk now. The doctor said someone should explain to you what's going on. So let me start .... uhhh where do I actually start?  Like this ... you had an accident. You were hurt in that accident. That was four and a half months ago, you've been in a coma for so long. Your arm was broken as well as your collarbone.  Your rib pierced your lung, and you had a head injury. They assume you fell into a coma due to brain swelling. There were a few more minor injuries but it all healed while you were in coma. That's why it may be difficult for you to move your arms and legs right away. Wait for me to lift your pillow a little, is this better? Type,  doctors did what they could, now it's your turn. Now you need to show how strong and persistent you are. This will pass quickly little ones, we will fight together. The most important thing is that you woke up. "

I listened to what Satin was saying. Four and a half months, woow it's a long time.

-"Tharn? Did your lawyer tell you anything?"

- "Now I wanted to talk about it. They gave him phone numbers but there's no one under that name. Actually, apart from my and the maid's, there are no other numbers. Neither a message nor a call."

Type couldn't believe what he was hearing. Is this some kind of joke? Is he in some parallel universe? Or maybe he's dreaming, maybe he's still in a coma ?! But, the longer he looked at Satin, the clearer it became , what was happening now was reality. He closed  eyes, if this is the reality then maybe it's better that he never woke up.

The days passed quickly and Type was slowly recovering. Physical exercises helped, he was soon able to sit in a wheelchair. Every day, Satin would push him in a wheelchair to a small park near the hospital. She would talk and Type would listen.

Slowly, real-life memories began to return. A psychiatrist also visited several times, but  estimated that Type was not ready to start the sessions yet. Type was grateful  for that.

 Two detectives came to visit once. They explained Type how the accident happened.

That night when Type left the house, he wanted to shorten the path so walked through the park. It started to rain a little.

Type didn't pay attention to the surroundings, he just wanted to find a taxi as soon as possible. He didn't even notice the person following him.

That man was a fan of Satin, he followed her for months and then for who knows what reason he started following Type as well. He had a long history of mental illness, he was even in the hospital several times.
Man was obsessed with Satin. That night he followed Type through the park and pushed him down the stairs. Someone found Type in a pool of blood and immediately called the ambulance and police.
Police searched the park and the surrounding area. In the park they found a man shouting: ~ Little bird is flying, flying ... ~ which was suspicious , so they took him to the police station.

The man was obviously insane and they failed to find out from him what happened. The officers looked at the surveillance camera footage, it was immediately clear , that man was following Type. In his apartment, police found pictures of Satin, cut from various magazines. He had pictures of Type in phone. It was another piece of evidence against the man. They filed an indictment, but man was mentally ill and by law he could not be convicted. Police and lawyer managed to place him in a psychiatric institution. This time he will be imprisoned for the rest of his life. And that was it. Because of the obsession of a lunatic, Type almost died.

But Type didn't care. Those wounds from the fall were healed by the doctors but what really hurt him the doctors could not heal. Tharn, Alex, Techno, Champ ... those people were still in his head. Tharn's touch, his voice and his smile ... it was still real in Type's  memory .

Three months have passed since waking up from coma. Type regained arm and leg function. He walked a little slow but was stable.

First month, after waking up, he spent in the hospital, after leaving, Satin took him to her house. A physiotherapist also came there and quickly helped Type to get back on his feet.

Typee went to a psychiatrist once a week. At first he didn't want to talk to her. She was very calm and full of understanding, she explained to him that it happens that people in a coma have dreams and hallucinations. But only few people remembered when they woke up.

Type laughed.
He remembered every second, every Tharn's word , every kiss, so he couldn't believe none of it was real.

Finally, little by little, Type started talking. They discovered the reasons that led to the fact that in four and a half months, Type in dreams created a whole new world, a new life. She also explained to Type how it came to  fell into a coma and the reason for not waking up. When she explained it made sense. Type’s new world was much better than the real world.
Type has always thought he was a simple person, but after every conversation with a psychiatrist he seemed to take off one layer of his personality. It doesn't seem he is that simple after all.

- "Type, after today's session, I'll ask you to do something. It's been three months since waking up,  it's the right time to close one chapter. We still have work to do, but I think we've solved a big part. That's why I'd like you to write a letter to the person you trust the most.
In that letter, I want you to write to that person, in your own words, everything we've been through so far. I want you to put that on paper and address it to a person you trust. I know it's going to take you a while, so you don't have to come next week. How about that? "

-"Okay, I've never written a letter to anyone before. But I don't know what to do with the letter. To send it to that person or ..."

- "Just write it down, read , put  in an envelope and put it somewhere safe."



I was happy that we solved some things, I was not aware of how much things bothered and worried me. The conversations helped me sort out some things in my head. It was fascinating to discover how my psyche and subconscious work.
At first it was hard for me to open up and start talking, every recollection of life from a dream was like someone sticking a needle into my heart. But as time went on I told the psychiatrist everything. Or almost everything. Something in the story was missing ... the story had no end but if I tried to remember my head would hurt terribly.

But after a few sessions, I managed to remember that as well. At that moment, my thoughts became crystal clear. The anxiety I felt,  insecurity, it was all gone, and I was able to draw a clear line between dream and reality. It was like I was born again.

So I need to write a letter to the person I trust the most? It’s definitely Tharn from my dream. So I will write that letter to him.


To my only love

I feel a little weird because I’m writing my first letter to a person who’s real only in my head. But I trust you the most Tharn, so, my love,  listen to this story of mine. As you already know, you are a person from my dream, or from a hallucination. They say you're not real but I say: Fuck them! To me, you are the most real person in my life.

I don't know where to start all this I want to tell you. When I'm done, you'll probably think I'm completely crazy. Although the doctors say I'm a miracle, so for now we'll stick to that "title."

So Tharn,  in the end it turned out that I was just dreaming for four and a half months. Doctors say I created a new life in a dream for several reasons: trauma, fear, and my real life which was quite boring. I would completely agree with that last reason. I replaced my boring real life with an exciting life based on desires, fantasies, movies, series and comics.

I know, I know, when I write like this it sounds silly and funny but I'll explain everything to you. Have a little patience.

You see, this real Type is really boring.
What I'm going to tell you first is about Alex. Prepare for shock.

Tharn, can you imagine after talking to a psychiatrist it turned out that Alex is my alter ego. You're laughing, aren't you? And I laugh when I remember how jealous you are. And now it turns out you were actually jealous of me for me. Complicated !? I just started.

Alex was supposed to be like some adult Type. In dreams he was supposed to be my protector but my subconscious played with me there. So in the end Alex got a similar fate to mine, maybe even worse. Then I tried to protect my alter ego by giving him amnesia and a chance to live a carefree life.

Unfortunately, my brain said: wait a minute, this is too easy, let's complicate it a bit. The rest you know, it was a real mess.

And BDSM? I don’t admit anything here and I don’t know where it came from in my subconscious. No, I haven't read comics with that topic, and I invoke the right not to say anything that can get me in trouble. I love you.

But the positive thing is that I became closer to my alter ego. Yeah, the doctor says I reconciled with myself there. Whatever that means.

For now, just that about Alex, I know you don't like him, so I won't talk about him anymore.

Now I'm switching to Techno. Tharn, you won't believe it but Techno exists in my real life. That’s the character I watched in the BL series! His real name is Mild! I don’t know him personally but I love his characters in the series. The Lonely Type wanted to be like a cheerful Techno who has a bunch of friends, who is a talker and who doesn’t let problems break him. Tharn, imagine, my subconscious was kind to me there and she gave me Techno for a friend!  Speaking of Techno, I should also mention Champ. And he is real. I watched that guy on campus. Never exchanged a word with him but I was thrilled that he was friendly to everyone, an athlete, a cheerful  big guy who is always there to protect anyone who gets in trouble. Hello my subconscious I want Champ to be my friend. And I got it.

My mom ... Satin and I had almost no communication before the accident. But now Satin and I are like Satin and Type from a dream. We had so much to say to each other. Tharn, I have to tell you that Satin from real life doesn't have much in common with Satin from my dream. This Satin is not a Drama Queen but still has a wrinkle hassle. Hehehe some things never change.

Speaking of personalities that really exist, I now have one bomb for you! Tharn, the mobster grandfather from my dream is actually my janitor from the building! Here I am laughing too. I couldn't figure out where he came from in my dream. Maybe because I talked to him a couple of times and a couple of days before the accident he really unplugged my sink. Imagine Tharn how lonely I was in real life when the janitor from the building got a place in my happy dream.  

(And now a little break for the two of us. Tharn, I haven't told you in a long time how much I love you, have I? I adore you and could spend days writing you why and how much. But if I continue to write this, I think I will never finish this letter. So maybe it's better to continue with the story of my happy dream.)

Where did I stop? Oh yes, I'm still with real people. Tharn, that lawyer exists, though I have to tell you he's the most boring man I've ever met. If I told him what he was like in my dream I think that man would die of shock.

Now we come to the serious stuff. I hope this story didn’t put you to sleep, this explanation took a little longer.

Tharn, it turns out I've suffered my whole life because I don't have a father. Who would say that?

 My subconscious thought my father was an evil character as soon as Satin never mentioned him. I guess that means I thought he was evil too. Turns out I kept wondering why he never came to look for me? Why didn't he love me? Why didn't he want me ... the subconscious screamed evil, evil, evil ... and here Max was "born". The psychiatrist says  because of fear and trauma, I merged two people into one character. My father and my attacker. I have to be honest with you Tharn, I still don't understand that part very well. Did I really miss my father so much? Does my subconscious really think he is the greatest evil? I'm confused Tharn. I never asked Satin about my father, I never tried to find him, or find out anything about him. The psychiatrist says these are all repressed desires. But ... Tharn you're my witness that, Type from a dream, your Type was pretty cold when he found out his father was alive? Although, when I think about it a little,  Type from dream, went to see his father ... maybe there is something hidden there.
Because of this part, I still have to hang out with a psychiatrist.

Speaking of characters who don't exist, I have to tell you I'm sorry, my love, but your family doesn't exist. It’s a family from my favorite lacorn that I watched as a kid. Everyone was wonderful, everyone loved each other, solving problems together. For the seven-year-old Type, it was a picture of an ideal family. Also the Techno's and Champ's families are from the series I watched as a kid. Those families were horrible and as a boy I was comforted that there were worse families than mine.

Tharn, I know you're going crazy now but I have something else to write you.
Although I'd rather skip this part because I don't want you to be mad at me.

Tum ... You know,  Tum exists in the real world. And he really is a singer who retired from the scene 4 years ago .... but ... Tum is my celebrity crush. I'm sorry Tharn, but again in my defense I want you to keep in mind that my subconscious connected Tum and  Alex! So please don't frown at me.
P.S. I still adore Tum’s songs.

Tharn, there seems to be another thing that has burdened me terribly in real life  and that is, my sexual orientation. I hid it in real life and I was afraid of how people from the faculty would react if they found out. How will Satin react when she finds out. That’s why in my dream, I created a world where being gay is a normal thing. Everyone accepts, it is not strange or ugly to anyone. Now it remains for me to accept the fact in real life that I should fight for what I am. It's not a shame to be gay. It is neither a disease nor a disorder. It is my right to love who I want. Tharn do you remember when I told you I would no longer be a supporting role in my life? I stick to that decision and stand firm in defense of my beliefs. Tharn, if only you could see me now, you'd be proud of me.

I still have a lot to tell you, but my hand already hurt a little from writing.
Tharn, my love, I wouldn't want you to think I'm bragging but this Type is slowly becoming like a your Type from a dream.
I talked to Satin about my father, don't worry he's not a mobster. My father most likely lives in America. He was on holiday in  Thailand and met young Satin who was working as a waitress (yes, the part that she was poor is true). Basically, they spent the whole summer together. It was his vacation before enrolling in college. He  left with a promise to come back for her. As you know it never happened. Satin seized the opportunity and became famous. She hid me at first so that the story of her illegitimate child would not tarnish her reputation. Later it became a habit not to talk about me. But, as time went on the maternal instinct seemed to work, she tried to make some contact with me but it was too late. I already built a wall around myself and did not allow anyone to approach me.

What else do I have to tell you my love? It's a little weird when I write to you and I know I'll never get an answer.

Soon my lectures at the faculty will start again, I had to renew the second year, but it doesn't matter. At least now I know what will choose as a specialization. Believe it or not I will be a psychiatrist. Just to sort myself out first.

Tharn, I know you're wondering why I'm avoiding the talk about you, and I'm writing you essays about all the other stuff. To be honest, you hurt me Tharn, it hurts me all about you.

Tharn K.

You also exist in the real world. Are you shocked? I don’t think so, you must have known you existed, you are Tharn, you exist in all worlds and universes.

But the fact is, Type from real life, he didn’t know you existed but his subconscious did. Are you confused? I know, I was confused when  finally started talking about you. Because it turned out that you exist and do not exist. I know, I know, if I haven't sounded like a lunatic to you before, be prepared,  because now I'm going to sound like a total lunatic.

Tharn K is actually the CEO of Imeprial Corporation. Type, from real life didn't know who that man was and what he looked like. BUT my subconscious  remember seeing you somewhere, on TV or in a magazine so she connected that face with that name. So that's the part where you exist.

But since Type, from real life, knows nothing about a man named Tharn K, we can conclude that everything from my dream is made up. And that’s the part where you don’t exist. At least that's what the psychiatrist explained to me.

But no ... I still can't accept this. For me, Tharn K is real, no matter if it’s reality or a dream. I love you . And I will always love you. Let them declare me crazy, I don't care, but no one can say that my love for you is not real! NO ONE! Tharn, if you can't read this part it's because my tears have stained it. Tharn, I want to see you so much, I want you to touch me, I want you to take me to bed and tell me: baby and my love. Tharn, I may be stronger than I was before the accident but if they keep telling me you don't exist I'll break into a thousand pieces and I'm afraid when that happens I'll never be able to put myself together again. So Tharn, please never fade from my memory. Give me the strength to keep going forward, stay with me until my last breath. I would give anything just to be able to hear you tell me once again that I am brave and that you believe in me. And so Tharn, if I don't ask too much of you, come and visit me in my dreams. I will wait for you.

                                  Forever your Type

Type signed the letter, tears streaming down his cheeks. The doctor told him to read what he wrote, but he did not have the strength. Type folded the papers, put them in an envelope, and wrote-  for Tharn. At first he thought of burning the letter, but changed his mind, grabbed favorite book, The Little Prince, from the shelf, and hid the letter in it.

After writing, he felt empty, had a headache and did not have strength to move.

What he could not write in the letter was the fact that - Type  was a coward. That's why he didn't type Tharn K into a Google search. That's why he didn't watch TV and read magazines. He didn’t want to see that, Tharn K from real life,  has someone in his life or maybe he’s even married. He didn't know how to deal with it. So he stayed to think of Tharn K from his dream. That Tharn was perfect and only his.

Months passed. Type was like being born again. He started hanging out with colleagues from college. He sometimes went out with them to town. At least once a week, went to lunch with Satin. He visited a psychiatrist as needed if he felt a crisis was coming. (like for the New Year, for example) But day by day he felt more confident, stronger, ready to fight any problem that came up. And maybe, just maybe he was a little happier. Type continued to write letters to Tharn, which turned out to be his best therapy.

It was the beginning of February, Type had a lot of commitments in college.
The group projects he  previously avoided were now his favorite tasks. The pace at the medical school was deadly.

It was 10pm when finally came home, he didn’t even have the strength to take a shower. Type put the phone on the charger. Ding ding ding ding ... It was a message from Satin.

- "Call me as soon as you see the message."

He called her number.

- "Type, my little one, you just got home?"

- "Mmmm and I can't wait to go to bed. Is everything okay?"

- "Yes, but I need a favor from you."

- "A favor? Hmmm if there's another photo shoot for a magazine, no way, I have too many lectures in college."

- "It's not that ... Type will you be my escort at the premiere of my new film? Please little one, please."

- "When is that?"

- "February 14. For Valentine's Day."

Type's chest tightened, he remembered another Valentine's Day.

- "I don't know, Mom."

- "Lil man, please, I want you to come with me for another reason. I would like to tell everyone that you are my son."

Type was surprised and didn't know what to say.

- "Why? There's no need for that."

-"Little one, don't think I'm doing this just to make up with you. I also want to throw the bombastic news. What do you say, do you want us to have an unforgettable Valentine's Day?"

Type laughed and agreed. Maybe the old Type wouldn't agree, but this new Type is a bit naughty.

February 14. finally arrived. Satin made him put on a tuxedo. There was a real madhouse at the premiere, when she revealed that Type was her son, chaos ensued. All cameras were facing in the direction of Satin. Finally, when the chaos calmed down a bit, Satin dragged him to a quiet place.

-"How are you holding up little one? It was pretty crazy wasn't it? They don't call me for no reason, Satin - the national treasure of Thailand. They haven't been in this business long enough to be able to outplay me. Little one, I know I'm asking a lot, but do you want to come with me to the afterparty? Let's make some more chaos, I enjoy bragging about having a beautiful son. "

- "Mom, I don't know, I'm not in the mood ..."

- "Type, please, only for half an hour. Afterparty is in the famous Imperial Hotel."  

Type froze when he heard the name of the hotel. His heart started pounding like crazy.

- "Okay, we can go for half an hour."

His mind told him not to go, but like some deja vu, it was the heart that made the decisions.

Type didn't pay attention to what Satin was saying on the way to the hotel. It was already quite crowded on the 18th floor of the ceremonial hall. When they entered the murmur stopped and everyone was looking at them. Type had to admit, Satin was the Queen.

After half an hour, Type stepped away from the crowd. His gaze circled the hall. Type knew what he was doing was stupid, but he couldn't control himself tonight. Unfortunately, the person he was looking for was not among these people. Type felt the well-known chest pain again.

He went out on the terrace, the view was spectacular. The sky was clear and the stars were shining brighter than ever before. The moon was huge, Type had a feeling if he held out his hand, would be able to reach it. He still felt chest pain.

Type put one hand on his heart and took a deep breath, recalling Tharn's face in his mind. He stood like that for a while as he struggled with tears, and then he heard a well-known voice.

- "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"

Type froze. He was afraid to look in the direction the voice came from. And then he heard that same voice again:

- "I hope I didn't spoil your mood?"

A million emotions suddenly overwhelmed Type, one tear sliding down his cheek. He took another deep breath and turned in the direction of the man he wanted so badly to see.

- "No, of course not, and the moon has never been more beautiful."

The man smiled.

- "I'm glad we agree on that. May I know your name?"

- "I'm Type."

- "Type ... nice name ... so Type- the man looked at his watch- it's now 23:59 and it looks like just you and I are going to enjoy the fireworks."

Type looked up and at that moment a thousand-colored fireworks lit up the sky above Bangkok. Again a tear slid down Type's cheek. He knew in that moment, that everything in his life was meaningless if there was no Tharn to share it with him. He knew that too, fate  brought them together again but this time forever.

Type looked in the direction of the handsome man, the man looking at the Type and not at the fireworks. When their eyes met, he smiled and said:

- "I didn't introduce myself. My name is Tharn. Happy Valentine's Day , Type."

                                                 The end

p.s. After this you have 2 more chapters. Author's word and bonus sweet chapter. Thank you for getting here. Hold on a little longer, you won't regret it. ❤

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