She's Fabulous, Unlike You (H...

By Riley_TheWriteyDude

30.4K 1.1K 459

She gained an Oscar trophy for her movie; Frozen. She's talented, beautiful, and so on. But, she never wanted... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Actress
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: The cold DOES bother her
Chapter 4: A Terrible Mistake
Chapter 5: Scared + Review about The Big Hero 6
Chapter 6: Her Childhood
Chapter 8: Do I?
Chapter 9: Payback
Chapter 10: First Day at School
Chapter 11: The Crew
Chapter 12: Frost and Winter
Chapter 13: Jelsa
Chapter 14: Jealous + Author's birthday
Author's Note
Chapter 15: Party
Chapter 16: Saving Her
Chapter 17: New Girl
Not an update...
Chapter 18: The Date
Chapter 19: Romantic time
Reader's nickname!
Chapter 20: Loyalty
Chapter 21: Wounds
Another author's note
Chapter 22: Starting Over
Chapter 23: He's in... what?
Author's note
Chapter 24: Comforting
Chapter 25: Just You and Me
Chapter 26: The Trip
Chapter 27: The Shooting
Chapter 28: Sudden Call
Chapter 29: Destroyed Into Pieces
Final Chapter: The Funeral

Chapter 7: Helping

822 36 9
By Riley_TheWriteyDude

Well, last update of the week, I presume.

But let’s hope.

 Hiccup P.O.V

 I heard someone knocked the front door. Hearing this, made Elsa rushed towards a calendar hanging on the wall. Her face didn’t look okay, as Anna followed her from behind. They both pointed a date, which was mark with a red marker. They shared a quick glance to each other’s face. Was it someone’s birthday date? Or something else? I could only wonder.

 “Hiccup, you’re gonna have to hide.” Elsa said in a low voice, as she turned around to me.

“Hide? Why?” I said.

“It’s my parents! I just noticed that they’re coming today, come on!” Elsa pushed me into a nearby closet, which was filled with some maid’s stuffs.

She pushed me in, and closed the door. It was dark, the only light I could see is from the key hole.  The air wasn’t nice as well, since the closet was very small. The door suddenly opened, and it was Elsa.

 “Sorry.” She said, and closed the door again.

 I couldn’t do anything, but to wait. I sat down on a box-thingy, which was strong enough to contain my weight. I grabbed my phone out from my pocket, and started to doodle around.

But my attention turned to the voice outside of the door, I could hear the same man’s voice, which was probably no one else, except Mr. Winter. Elsa’s father.

 “How’re my daughters doing, eh?” The man spoke.

“Hi there girls.” This was a woman’s voice, perhaps it was Elsa’s mother.

 “Hi mom, hi dad.” Elsa and Anna answered in unison. I guess I was right, the woman’s voice was their mother.

 After this, I only heard silent.

 “S-so, how was your holiday?” Elsa broke the silent, she sounded nervous.

 ‘No Elsa, express your feelings toward them!’ I thought.

 “Um, not bad. We just went to Hawaii, Italy, and many more. Thanks for the budget girls, anyways.” Her dad answered.

 ‘Douchebag! Using their money for fun!’ I was mad.

 I decided to do what I had to, I turned my attention to my phone, and started to text Elsa.

Elsa P.O.V

 I felt my phone vibrating inside my pocket. It vibrated once, meaning that I’ve got a text message. I reached my phone, and what a surprise.  It’s a text from Hiccup. My parents were taking off their jackets and their luggage on the floor, so they didn’t notice me.

I looked behind me, at the closet. What was he doing? Texting me in the middle of this family conversation? Was he trying to get himself compromised?

I looked at the message, what it said made me surprised.

 “Express your feelings toward them! Tell them that they’ve been doing the wrong thing to their daughters! Show this message to Anna as well, and talk!”

 I couldn’t believe what I just read, and yet, I have to admit that this was a perfect moment for us. All of us were here, in the living room. I tapped Anna’s  shoulder, she seemed to be worried as well. As she turned to me, I gave her my phone. She looked at it, and gasped a bit. Her eyes rolled onto mine, I gave her a nod to confirm her.

 At least they have to know this, I’m not gonna care that they wouldn’t care at the end or whatsoever, I just wanted them to know.

 “Mom, dad…” I spoke.

They simply replied with a “Mhm?”

 “I remember when we were only like child, our bond was really tight. I was so happy back then, I bet was Anna..” I explained.

“Yeah, so was I.” Anna added.

“And what’s up with that?” My mother asked, putting her hands on her hips.

“We missed those times..” Anna answered.

“But you all… Changed. Because your careers, you guys changed a lot. And your changes, made you two more distant and distant and distant from us.” I told them.

“But you two have to remember, that we’re working for your schools, foods, and many more things to pay up. It’s not like that we’re working for someone else and giving the money to someone else as well.” My father asked.

“Of course we know that, father.” Anna said.

“And that’s why we took some of your money from your movie for our own vacation.” My mother said, didn’t seem to give a single”f” to us.

“And how would you call that as a proper reason to take our money from our hard effort on the movie?!” Anna barked.

“Shut it down, Anna. We’ve worked harder for you two, and you two must pay back!” My motherbarked back. This made me so offended.

“It’s not just about the money, mother! It’s about you two being such a bad parents for us in the whole time! What kind of parents that would leave their daughter to work for five years, without even visiting or calling or making any single communication?!” I shouted.

“Elsa! Do not speak like that!” My father shouted back.

Hiccup P.O.V

 The argument was getting more and more intense, as I recorded the whole conversation with my camera phone through a small gap on the door. I put the camera on the right angle, and left it like that. I thought I just had to, this kind of parent’s behavior must be reported to the eyes of law. I thought it was the best as well.

I kept recording, until I heard a slapping noise.

 Oh no.

I turned off my recorder and put it back in my pocket. I opened the door in rush, there I saw my most terrible horror.

 Elsa was lying on the floor, holding her cheek. Anna was shocked. The father’s pose explained everything,

He slapped his daughter.

His own daughter.

 I quickly reached after Elsa,  looking after her, not caring to the fact that I already got out from my hiding spot.

 “And who’s this brat?! Your boyfriend?!” The man yelled.

 I didn’t pay attention to him, I helped Elsa standing up. Her eyes were flooded by her tears, she sobbed down every second.

 “Get out from here!! Go have some romantic times with your pathetic boyfriend somewhere else!” Her father yelled at us.

Seeing no options left, I looked at Anna, who was also helping carrying Elsa. We agreed. We left the house.


 We walked down at the sidewalk, Elsa was still crying about what just happened between her and her parents. Anna shed drops of tear as well, but not as worse as Elsa. I couldn’t help but to comfort both of them.

 “I’m so sorry…” I said.

 “…. It’s okay. I never liked my parents anyway…” Elsa said with anger on her tone.

 We kept walking with nowhere to go. I thought about leading them to my house, since their parents wouldn’t accept their appearance in their own house.

 “How about we go to my house? I’ll make some nice hot chocolate for you two.” I smiled at them.

 “…Sure. How about your parents?” Anna asked.

“They accept guests, including my friends. I’m pretty sure that they’d welcome you two.” I answered.

“Okay… Yes, please.” Anna answered.

“Is that okay with you, Elsa?” I asked to Elsa.

“…Very.” She said.

-Time jump-

 We all arrived at my house, the door wasn’t unlocked, meaning that my parents were home. I came in first.

 “Mom, dad! I’m home!” I exclaimed.

“Oh hey Hiccup—“ My mom, Valka, greeted me. But she was cut when she noticed the girls behind me.

“Why hello there, ladies.” My mom greeted again, but she pulled my shoulder.

‘Hiccup, who are these girls?’  My mom whispered.

 ‘I can explain, but I need father as well… We have some big trouble here.’ I answered.

‘But first, let them in and give them some hot chocolate. They need them.’ I added.

 Hearing this, my mom raised an eyebrow and smiled.

 ‘Whatever you say, young man.’


“Come in, ladies. Please, have a seat.” My mom guided them to the sofa.

“Thanks… Mrs. Haddock.” Elsa answered, trying to crack a smile but it was faint.

“May I ask your names?”

“… I’m Elsa, and this is Anna.” Elsa introduced.

“Hello, Mrs. Haddock.” Anna greeted.

“Hello Anna. Let me get you two some nice hot chocolate, what do you say?” My mom offered.

“Yes, please.” Elsa answered.

With that, my mom left to make the hot chocolate.

Out from nowhere, my dad, Stoick came in.

 “…Why hello there, ladies. Who are these ladies, Hiccup?” He asked to me.

“Um, that is Anna, and that is Elsa, dad.” I answered.

“Hi Mr. Haddock.” The sisters greeted in unison.

‘Why are you bringing these beauties here, Hiccup?’  My dad whispered.

‘I need your help. We’re kinda stuck in this problem.’ I whispered back.

‘That’s very gentle of you, but what kind of problem that needs my help?’

‘Not just your help, but mother’s help as well, to be precise.’

‘… Did you have some—‘

‘NO! What the hell dad, of course I did not.’ I cut him off before saying the word.

‘… Okay, we’ll see.’


My mother was back with 2 hot chocolate for the girls, we left them to the kitchen.

As we arrived, I explained everything I experienced. From the start until the end, since Elsa invited me to come over her house, and the moment when Elsa’s father slapped Elsa really hard. My parents understood about this, and how important this matter was. My mother even let out some curse about Elsa’s parents.

We agreed on helping the girls, and I left to them.

“Elsa, Anna… If you want to stay here for a night, you are very welcomed.” I spoke to them.

Hearing this, their eyes went wide in surprised.

“R-really?..” Elsa said.

“Yes.” I simply said.

They instantly went over me and hugged my really hard, I couldn’t do nothing but to hug them back.

Helping is beautiful, isn’t it?

Well, I put a lot of effort on this chapter. I was never good at making dramatic scene or something close to that. But here it is.

So Elsa’s parents here are the villain, pretty much. But of course, they won’t be like that for like, forever.

The story haven’t fully focused on ‘Hiccelsa’ yet, but here they are, hugging again.

This is going to be a long story, that’s all I can tell.


Thanks for reading, Jenson out.

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