midnight love // noco

By wjnterfcll

15.7K 381 360

yes, i made the cover of this story. yes, it sucks. 🥴 imagine they never got involved in total drama, and th... More

operation 'stealing keys like a bad boy'
the unexpected neighbour
strong like me
i can tell that we are gonna be friends
i can tell that we are gonna be friends - part two
pillow fight
A not so happy family
black eyes and lies
more lies
more lies and a plastic baby
hush hush hush, blush blush blush

the new kid

2.9K 43 29
By wjnterfcll

Noah's POV

I look out the window at the cars passing our school. It is quiet in the classroom as my fellow classmates do their tests. I, already finished it, of course. All of a sudden I hear the door of our classroom open and see the principal and some kid walk in. 'Miss Portland, is it OK if I can borrow one of your students? Cody here is new and needs a guide around the school. I would do it myself, but I've got some important work that needs to be taken care of.' Principal Johnson says, as he firmly places his hand on the boy's, who's name is apparently Cody's, shoulder. A few classmates stick their hand in the air saying things such as 'I'll do it' and 'Miss pick me!' I roll my eyes and grab my book. 'Well, sir, we are in the middle of a test, but I see that Noah has already finished his. Noah, would you be a nice guy and give Cody a tour around the school?' I hear miss Portland say. Wait, did she just say Noah? Me, Noah? Crap. 'Yes, if I have to.' I say, without looking up from my book. 'That's the spirit. Well, then you are dismissed from this class. I would like the rest of you to continue with their tests.' The teacher says, as she claps in her hands. I grab my bag and walk out the classroom together with the principal and Cody, not once looking up from my book. 'So, Noah, I trust you can do this. If it's no problem, I'd like you to bring him to my office after the tour.' Principal Johnson says, as he walks away. I close my book with a loud noise. 'Hi, I'm Cody.' The boy says, as he sticks his hand out. 'Noah.' I say, as I shake his hand. I let go of his small hand and study him. He has fluffy brown hair and blue eyes. But the thing that caught my eye the most was the gap between his teeth, that made him look like a six year old. 'Well, follow me new kid.' I say, as I start walking. We walk down the hall and down the stairs and enter the cafeteria. 'So, here's the cafeteria..Most of the time the tables are taken by the popular kids, so I wouldn't try too hard.' I say as I walk past the tables and to the vending machine. I insert a dollar and get myself a chocolate bar. 'Want one as well, new kid?' I ask Cody. Normally, I would never offer someone food, but I have to make a good impression and stay in the principals good books. I'm really hoping on getting a scholarship. I've already got class president in the bag, so that wouldn't be too hard. Cody shrugs. 'I don't have any money.' I raise an eyebrow. 'It's on me. Also, how could you not bring money? Don't you need it for lunch?' I ask, while getting another chocolate bar from the vending machine. 'Nope, I'm all set.' Cody says, as he reaches in his backpack and pulls out a plastic bag stuffed with bread sticking to it. God, now that is gross. I give Cody the chocolate bar, along with some money. 'What's the money for?' Cody asks, now him being the one to raise an eyebrow. 'For lunch, you can't go eating that crap, honey.' I say in a gay tone. 'Oh..thanks, Noah!' Cody says, as he smiles widely, revealing his gap. I return the favour with something that looks like a smile and start walking outside. 'Where are you going?' Cody asks, as he runs after me. 'We've got more in school than just the cafeteria, new kid.' I say. We walk over the long grass lane, with the sun burning in our necks. 'So, this is just a place to chill during free periods or lunch breaks, but we also do sports here.' I say, pointing at the soccer field. 'Are there cheerleaders here?' Cody asks. 'Of course there are, doesn't each school have one?' I ask in a snarky way. Cody grins and starts walking towards the soccer field. 'Where are you going? We still have the other building left for the tour!' I shout, irritated. 'I'm gonna go talk to some of those cheerleaders. It's time they meet the codemeister.' Cody says. I try my best not to burst out in laughter and walk next to him. 'Hey, don't even bother. They're some of the most popular girls in school and I don't think they're waiting for a six year old looking boy to make a move on them.' I say sarcastically. Cody looks kind of hurt after I said that, and I feel regret coming up. 'Look, I'm sorry, man. It's just, a new school can be tough. Especially if you don't know anybody. I'm just trying to protect you.' I say. 'But I know you, now.' Cody replies. 'Well, yeah, that's true. Let's just...continue with the tour, OK?' I say, as I grab his arm and start walking the other direction, to the back building. I am shocked on how easily I can fit my whole hand around his arm, he's like a spaghetti string. I could make so much comments in this, but I decide to keep my mouth shut. 'This is the back building. And yes, it does actually exist, unlike mean girls.' I say, smirking. 'You like mean girls?' Cody asks. 'Of course I do, honey. I'm gay, what did you expect?' I say, rolling my eyes. Cody takes a second to process what I said, then gives me a small, but genuine smile. 'So, if you walk into this door, you'll find the gym. We can't go inside though, because there's a class in there right now.' I say. We walk down the hall and I stop him at a red door. 'Might wanna keep your voice down in here.' I say, as I open the door into the library. 'So, this is the library, great for studying, avoiding socialising and my favourite of all: reading.' I say as I lead Cody through the aisles of books. 'Interesting.' Cody whispers, distracted by some posters on the wall. 'These posters are for the gig the school band has Thursday.' I say. 'You've got a band here?' Cody asks, while his eyes widen. 'Yes..? Is there anything you dId have in your old school?' I ask, raising an eyebrow. I know, I do it a lot, it's a habitat. 'Nope, not really.' Cody says, letting out a small giggle. 'Why did you move schools anyways?' I ask, trying to show a bit of interest. 'Uh..m..my dad got offered a b..better job here, so yeah.' Cody stutters. That's weird, I didn't expect the 'codemeister' to get shy all of a sudden. I exit the library, assuming Cody is behind me. 'So, this is the hall where all the clubs are. Music club, Art club, Drama club..you've got everything here.' I say. 'Where is the music one?' Cody asks. I point at the door at the end of the hall and Cody starts walking towards it. 'Cody, what are you doing now?' I ask, walking behind him. 'I just wanna look.' He says, while reaching for the doorknob. 'Uh, I don't think you should do tha-' Too late. Cody opened the door, and surprisingly, the band geeks aren't there. Cody walks over to a keyboard and sits behind it. 'Cody, we should go. If a teacher finds out we're here we're dead meat.' I say, closing the door softly. Cody ignores me and starts playing a tune on the instrument. I'm surprised he has enough brains to remember those chords. I'm kinda impressed by it. 'Girl you know it's true, you make me feel so blue. When you don't come around, I was lost and now I'm found.' He sings. Ok, not so impressed anymore. 'Cody, come on. We really gotta go now. I got to  get you to the principals office, remember?' I ask, getting slightly irritated. 'Oh yeah, sorry!' Cody says, getting up from the keyboard and accidentally bumping into the crash of a drumkit, making a lot of noise. 'Oops...sorry.' Cody apologises again. 'It's OK, let's just get out of here.' I say, trying to keep my chill. We walk towards the door, until a sound catches my ear. 'Ssst!' I say, while pulling Cody's arm to make him stop. 'Hmm, that's weird. I thought I locked this classroom.' We hear a teacher say from the hallway. I freeze and Cody grabs my hand out of fear. I feel my cheeks burn up and look at our hands. 'Come on, there's another door over there.' I whisper, as I point to a door at the back of the classroom with my free hand. Cody nods and we start walking to the door, still holding hands. We quickly open the door and exit the classroom. At least, that's what we thought. 'Dude, this is a closet! You're telling me you've went to this school for so long, yet you didn't know this was a fucking closet?' Cody whisper shouts. Damn, didn't expect him to curse, he looks so young. I just can't believe he's the same age at me, the gap between his teeth make him look like an elementary school kid. 'I don't do music.' I whisper shout back. We keep quiet and hear the door of the classroom lock. After a few seconds, we decide to come out of the closet. Haha, not that I hadn't done that already. 'Great, now we're stuck in here.' I say, trying the doorknob. Cody sits down behind the same keyboard again and is about to play another stupid song. I give him an irritated look and he walks away from the keyboard. 'Jeez, someone's cranky.' Cody says. 'Yeah, maybe because I am stuck in a classroom with you?!' I snap. 'Can't you just text a friend to come and save us?' Cody asks. I look at the ground, not knowing what to answer. 'You do have friends, do you?' Cody asks, tilting his head slightly. 'Well, there is this one guy. His name is Owen.' I say, grabbing my phone and typing in his number. 'Well, here goes nothing.'

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