courtney miller imagines (gxg)

By mixkatie

32.3K 450 99

i literally haven't updated this in ages and probably won't again 😭 More

long distance
telling everyone at smosh about your relationship
the first 'i love you'
you have a crush on her during highschool
she accidentally says 'i love you' infront of the others
someone walks in on you two being cute
arguments pt.2
smoshcast in quarantine
sing me to sleep
break-up's can be good
hey guys!! (please read)
hi :)
spin the bottle
ello there

you walk in on her filming during quarantine

1.7K 27 1
By mixkatie

the idea is from @Lukes_hemming5 :)

(y/n's pov)
we're currently still in quarantine and it's getting kinda boring. i think it's been about a month now, if not almost two. i've lost count of the days, it's been that long. luckily, i'm in quarantine with courtney so that's made it like a thousand times better. she was currently shooting a bunch of scenes of a new sketch for the every blank ever series. i was getting extremely bored again, since i couldn't really talk to her until she was finished. it was kind of like an unspoken rule.

it had been about an hour and a half, and she's normally finished by now. i couldn't hear her talking anymore so i assumed she had finished filming. i wanted cuddles so i put my phone down, turned off the tv and walked to her room. it was silent, so i still assumed she was finished. i got to her room and knocked. she didn't answer so i opened the door and walked in.

(courtney's pov)
i was still filming one of my scenes for a new every blank ever video. this one video has taken me forever to shoot, it's probably because i have a bunch of scenes and i can't focus for the life of me, so i had to reshoot about half of them like 50 times (not really, i'm just exaggerating, i had to shoot them loads of times though) i was currently shooting a scene where i had to be silent for ages since someone else would be speaking, i'd have to shoot the reactions at the same time too, and then just say some random ass lines. pretty typical for a scene with me in it.

just as i was about to say my line, my door opened.

"hey ba- oh shit i'm sorry, i thought you finished recording-" she said, about to walk back out.

i turned the camera off and turned around in my chair.

"it's fine, i needed a break anyway, this is taking foreeeever, what's up?" i asked, i really did need a break, i'd been recording for about an hour, if not longer.

"i wanted cuddles." she said with a pout. how could i say no to that adorable face?

"awww baby, come here," i held my arms out and she walked over to me and sat on my lap, giving me a koala bear hug.

"i'll just message ian and tell him my video clips may be a little delayed." i said before putting my head in the crook of her neck.

we cuddled for about five minutes, just enjoying each other's embrace for a while, until i started to tickle her for fun.

"b-babe oh my god, st-top it!" y/n said in between breaths while laughing. i carried on tickling her and she ended up falling backwards onto the floor.

"oh my f-fucking god-" i couldn't stop laughing now, that was fucking hilarious, and the look on y/n's face just tops it off. i was laughing so much that my sides started to hurt. she got up while i was still laughing my ass off.

"stop laughing, it wasn't funny courtney!" she said, trying to sound serious and pulling a 'stern' face while folding her arms.

"it was just your face, o-oh my god-" i still couldn't stop laughing. my cheeks started to hurt too and there were tears coming out of my eyes. eventually, y/n saw how much i was laughing and started laughing with me too, it was like my laugh was somehow infectious. we ended up having a laughing fit for a few minutes.

"i'm in literal tears- jesus christ y/n you're stupid sometimes, but i love it." i said, finally calming down and wiping the tears away.

"shut the fuck uppp.." she said, smiling at me and rolling her eyes playfully.

"as much as i love your company bubba, i'd better carry on with my scene shoots, or else i'll never get them done, but if you need me at all just message me or something, mkay?" i told her.

"...would cuddles and kisses be a valid reason?" she asked, smirking at me.

"perhaps." i said, making her giggle.

"yayyy!" she did a cute little happy dance which made me aww at her.

"you're adorable. i love youuu!" i said in a baby voice, which she loved.

"you expect me to agree with that statement while you're being freaking adorable? hell nah. you're the adorable one. i love you too cutie, i'll be watching netflix if you wanna come to me after you're finished. good luckkk!" she gave me a quick kiss then left the room and shut the door behind her. i smiled at the door for a while, not knowing how i got so lucky with her. i love her so much.

i decided to do a different scene, since i couldn't be bothered to wait out the silence part again. i turned the camera back on and started recording again.

"yoo dude..."

(a/n: this is pretty cute.
sorry this ones really short, i couldn't really find a way to make it long (hehe that's what she said).
as i said, any requests or ideas are accepted (and thank you for this one Lukes_hemming5 :)) and yeah, i'll see you all in the next chapter :)))
word count: 905 words.

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