GoT Imagines One-Shots and Dr...

By TeaAndSympathy

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GoT Reader Inserts. Imagines, One-Shots and Drabbles. Credit for the book cover goes to Nothing_But_A_Thief More

Unexpected (Jon Snow x reader) - Part 1
No Words (Robb Stark x Reader Drabble/One-shot)
'My Gendry' (Gendry x Reader One-Shot)
A Real Love (Jaime x Reader Drabble)
Southern Lady (Tormund x Reader Drabble)
An Urgent Confession (Sandor x Reader Imagine)
Change of Plans (Tyrion x Reader Imagine)
Always Have (Tommen x Reader Drabble)
Unexpected (Jon Snow x Reader) - Part 2
Distractions (Oberyn Martell x Reader One-Shot)
Everything (Sandor Clegane x Reader drabble)
Conflicted - Part 1 (Ramsay Bolton x Reader)
Gone (Jon Snow x Reader Drabble/Oneshot)
Highborn Love (Tormund x Reader One-shot)
Carrying Jon Snow's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Tormund Giantsbane's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Sandor Clegane's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Robb Stark's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Gendry Waters' baby would include: (Headcanons)
Carrying Jaime Lannister's baby would include (Headcanon)
Carrying Jorah Mormont's baby would include: (Headcanon)
Carrying Podrick Payne's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Oberyn Martell's baby would include (Headcanons)
Having a baby and being with Yara Greyjoy would include (Headcanon)
Trueborn (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader) Part 1 of 3
Always and Forever (Sansa Stark x Male/Female Reader)
Trueborn Part 2 of 3 (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader)
One Good Reason (Sandor x Reader Drabble/Oneshot)
Trueborn - Part 3 of 3 (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader)
Not Such A Lady (Sandor Clegane x Reader - One shot)
Searching (Tormund Giantsbane x Reader)
The Tolling In The Tower (Jaime Lannister x Reader) Part 1 of 2
Home To You (Edd Tollett/Dolorous Edd x Reader - Oneshot)
More Than Enough (Ned/Eddard Stark)
The Tolling In The Tower - Part 2 of 2 (Jaime Lannister x Reader)
Theon Greyjoy encountering you, a mermaid, would include:
Return To Winterfell (Robb Stark x Reader)
Perfect Lady (Tormund Gianstbane x Reader)
No Burden (Ned Stark x Pregnant Reader)
Conflicted - Part 2 (Ramsay Bolton x Reader)
Restless Nights (Tyrion X Reader) Oneshot

Northern Nights (Tyrion Lannister x Reader)

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By TeaAndSympathy

Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: Just a sweet little moment between you and your husband, taking place a year or so after the fiery inferno of the King's Landing battle.

Word count:1403

Warnings: None really. Brief mention of passed family.

A/N: Okay, so this was sort of a request. I asked what you guys would like to see more of and one lovely anon answered, asking for more Tyrion. So here you go.

Any feedback or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

Taking care not to wake you, Tyrion laid quietly down beside your sprawled out body. Pulling up the thin blanket with feather-light fingers, he made sure to cover your naked form. It had been a hot and muggy day, which in turn made for a warm and stifling night, but the breeze filtering in through the window was finally starting to cool the chamber down and he didn't want you to wake with a chill. Over the years, he had spent a lot of time in King's Landing and he had grown quite accustomed to the hot stuffy days... But he didn't think he would ever grow used to waking up beside you. Every morning, he would open his eyes and see you... feel you snuggled up beside him and it never grew old... he would never ever grow tired of it... and still, even after a whole year of marriage he still felt the need to pinch himself... just to make sure you were real and not caught up in some blissful dream.

Since returning to the capital, his life as the hand of the new King in the newly rebuilt Red Keep was a far cry to his previous time serving in the position. It certainly hadn't been easy, there was a whole city to rebuild, untrusting civilians to win over and a new royal household to reappoint... But then there was you... You made all the hard work and late nights bearable. And he knew he could return to the Tower of the Hand each and every night to find you safe and well, never having to burden himself with the worry of keeping you safe.

Besides all that, it was you that kept him sane throughout the entire appointment. Without your sweet smile, adorable laugh and perfect cuddles, he doubted he would have surfaced so intact from the grief of Jaime's death. As the daughter of a Northern Lord, you had endured your fair share of grief too, with all of your immediate and most of your extended family dead, either as a result of the red wedding or the Battle at Winterfell. And he was left amazed by your strength and courage and your endless ability to keep joy in your life, even when the world was excessively cruel to you. Just how you did it, he would never know, but he found great comfort and relief that you could because if there was one thing he could simply not tolerate, it was sadness and tears in your beautiful (EC) eyes.

Unable to help himself, he reached across and softly kissed your shoulder, cursing quietly when his contact made you stir, but as a soft groan of annoyance left your lips, Tyrion chuckled silently... even when you were grumpy you were adorable. Rolling over, you kicked off the light blanket he just covered you with and the moonlight filtering in through the open window shimmered off your bare skin in the most stunning way, the sight creating a vision of himself running his hand up along the soft curves of your side. But that image quickly faded with amusement when you mumbled... mostly incoherently... something to do with the blanket and the fiery depths of hell, all entwined with some very unladylike language. Chuckling a little louder now, Tyrion watched as you rubbed your hands across your face, before turning your whole body to face him, squinting your sweet eyes in an effort to focus. Still half asleep you pushed playfully against his chest, "What's so amusing, dear husband?"

Ahh... those two words, 'dear husband'... you said them all the time, and still, it never failed to sound like the loveliest melody, even when you spoke them in your current grumpy tone. "You, my dear wife... you are amusing. The language one little blanket can pull from your sweet lips... is really quite astounding... I'm sorry my love, I only covered you up so you wouldn't catch a chill."

Rolling onto your back, your fists lightly hit the mattress, "Ugh... a chill..? In here? You can't be serious... You do know I'm from the North, don't you..? and not just the North... I'm from north of the North." Sitting up, you kicked the blanket right off the side of the bed, "What I wouldn't give for a cold northern night, to lay in a bed piled high with furs as flames crackle away in the fireplace." Placing your hand back on his chest, you gently pushed him to the mattress, your whole body hovering over his, your lips so close to his mouth that when you whispered, the heat of your voice ticked his nose. "And even with all the furs and the fire, I would still need the warmth of your body to keep away the cold."

Tyrion swallowed thickly, your closeness had him losing his train of thought. After all the countless times he had spent with whores, he always thought he would hold more control with you, but no, you never failed to have him reacting like a young and inexperienced fool. And now... since you, there was not a single whore or woman in the entirety of existence that could hold a candle to you... or make him feel loved and wanted in the way that you did. But not tonight... tonight your cruel and wicked streak had come out to play... leaving him a hopeless mess beneath you. With barely any contact, you ran your plump lips across his, all the way along his jaw to his ear, whispering your cruel words of torture, "You know... I could show you exactly how I would keep myself warm... how I would keep you warm." Tyrion breathed deeply, his head nodding at your inviting offer, as you slowly and enticingly moved your lips back to his, teasing him with a kiss. Yet, before he even had time to lose his hands in your hair, you pulled away and flopped onto your back once more, your voice expertly losing all of it's inviting appeal, "But unfortunately, we are not in the North, are we..? We are here, where it's hot and sweaty... and completely unsuitable for any kind of physical contact."

Turning your back to him you laid on your side, your whole body taking forever to adjust itself into the mattress, and he knew you did it to torture him just that little more... gods how he loved that back. With an exaggerated sigh, Tyrion leaned up on his elbow, taking in every inch of your smooth skin, his voice now holding a teasing tone. "You're a cruel woman, Lady Lannister." Tyrion watched as your body shook slightly, the sound of the sweetest giggle reaching his ears. Moving across the bed he leaned up against you, brushing away the hair from your neck, this time it was his turn to whisper against your ear, "I'm not sure if I'll take you along after all..."

Your sweet giggles faded as you spun around to face him, confusion, intrigue and suspicion just detectable in your eyes under the soft glow of the moonlight, "Take me..? Take me, where?"

Tyrion answered with a flippant tone, his eyes drifting to the ceiling, "The King... he asked me to go to Winterfell to meet with Queen Sansa... to personally hand-deliver our gift to welcome the new Prince."

Grabbing his face, you eagerly planted a quick kiss to his lips, "Really? Please tell me you're not joking... when, when are we leaving?"

Wrapping his fingers around your wrists, he moved your hands from his face, kissing them before holding them against his chest, "Well, I'm leaving next week... and I hear they're having a bit of a cold spell at the moment... apparently it's even been snowing."

With a small sigh, you suppressed your excitement and raised your brows, your expression adorably dismissive as you gave your shoulders a little shrug. "Well, it is a pity I can't come, the chambers are frightfully cold at Winterfell... you could freeze there without me to keep you warm."

Rolling onto his back, Tyrion placed his hands behind his head, as if seriously contemplating not taking you, before sighing and turning his head in your direction. "Hmmmm... I guess you could persuade me to take you along. But first, let's start with a little demonstration on just how you intend to keep me warm."

Any feedback or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

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