Coach Week

By Kiisu23

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Can you find love in a week? More

Chapter 1 - Flight
Chapter 2 - Arrival
Chapter 3 - Reykjavik
Chapter 4 - Blue Lagoon
Chapter 5 - Thingvellir
Chapter 6 - Geysir & Gulfoss
Chapter 8 - The Bar
Chapter 9 - The next morning
Chapter 10 - Another morning in Reykjavik
Chapter 11 - An afternoon in Reykjavik
Chapter 12 - A whole meal
Chapter 13 - A private viewing
Chapter 14 - Round one
Chapter 15 - Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss
Chapter 16 - Vik
Chapter 17 - Reynisfjara
Chapter 18 - Skogar museum
Chapter 19 - Sturtu
Chapter 20 - Drukkinn
Chapter 21 - Reiði kynlíf
Chapter 22 - Lækkaði handklæði
Chapter 23 - Rauðfeldsgjá Gorge
Chapter 24 - Steinbrú
Chapter 25 - Djúpalónssandur
Chapter 26 - Kirkjufellsfoss
Chapter 27 - Myndarlegur djöfull sem freistar mín með sjálfsfróun
Chapter 28 - Að eilífu?
Chapter 29 - Ice Cream
Chapter 30 - 64.023310, -22.122847
Chapter 31 - Tími til að fara heim
Chapter 32 - eða er það?

Chapter 7 - Secret Lagoon

39 3 2
By Kiisu23

We sat back in our seats, my hand still stinging from the cold. Coach reached across and took my hand in his own. He began rubbing my hand slowly. He raised my hand towards his face and began to blow on my hand with such care. His warm breath feeling like it is slowly thawing my hand.
"They say you should put cold hands between your thighs to warm them up."
He glanced at my hand, then my thighs.
"My thighs are free if you'd rather use mine?" His face once again taking on that evil, playful look.
I was half tempted to force my hand between his thighs there and then to show him he can't keep playing with me, but I thought better of it.
He'd either enjoy it and I wouldn't live it down, or he'd get mad that I took his jokes seriously and actually touched him intimately. I couldn't see either way ending well for me.
"You're so funny." I said as sarcastically and coldly as I could. I snatched my hand back and forced it between my thighs in defiance.
"My hands are cold..." I heard him whimper softly, I turned and he had his bottom lip stuck out like a child.
"Any room in between your thighs?" His stuck out lip curling into his usually devilish grin.

"You're the worst!" I laughed. He nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to get in the lagoon, my shoulders are aching. Fancy giving me a massage when we get there? Payback for the one I gave you in the Blue Lagoon?" He asked so nonchalantly. My body tensed as fear raised from my feet upwards.
He turned to face me.
"What wrong?"
"The Secret Lagoon....I forgot about it! I forgot to pack my swimming shorts and a towel!" I rested my head in my hands, how could I forget when I'd been working out which coach service to use based on what was included in their itinerary for months and finally found the one that included everything I wanted to do. Like the Secret Lagoon!

"I know it's called the Secret Lagoon but I'm pretty sure it's advertised in the itinerary" he laughed.
I shot him the most serious glare I could muster. What was I going to do, I was really looking forward to this, I didn't just want to sit and watch while everyone else enjoyed the lagoon.

"Don't worry about it. You can borrow mine, I'm sure they'll have some spares in lost and found that I can use." He grinned as wide as he could.
My fear began to slowly subside but I was still frustrated, I was usually so on the ball with everything but I'd messed up so many times and I was still at the start of my trip!

Coach seemed to sense my frustration and began his usually chatter to take my mind off of the missing swimming gear.
After a few minutes the coach started to slow and the tour guide stood up.
"Would anyone like to see some Icelandic horses?" His face beaming with excitement.
The coach buzzed with murmurs of anticipation. Who knew people would get so excited about horses.

Coach leaned in, closer than he probably meant to. His lips brushed my ear.
"Whatever you do, don't call them ponies."
Not exactly what I was expecting to hear but I agreed.

We stepped off the coach back into the bitter cold, my hand that had only just warmed up began to sting again.
Coach once more grabbed my ungloved hand. Was I so obvious, so easy to read? I didn't even try to refuse his grasp. My hand was thankful for his warm embrace.
We made our way over to the wooden and wire fence. On the other side stood about twelve horses, although in all fairness they do look more like ponies. They were a lot smaller than normal horses. Their coarse blonde hair blowing in the cold wind, their unusual blue eyes glistening made them look really cute. Strange considering I have a fear of horses after one bit my finger when I was younger.

One of the horses broke away from the group and approached where me and Coach were stood. It placed its head over the fence and looked at us as if expecting something.
"We should have brought some snacks for them." Coach tutted.
"I think he likes you, give him a stroke."

I shook my head. The fear that as soon as my hand approached, the horse would turn to finish the job the first horse had started all those years ago.
I looked at the ground and relayed the story of why I'm scared of horses to Coach. My gaze firmly planted on the white, snow encrusted grass below us.
I again found Coach's hand placed atop my head.
"You're so cute. Scared of a tiny horse like this."
My eyes shot up, my face flushed with anger.
"Hey, I'm joking!" He said, his arms held up in the air. I'm sure he'd be waving a white flag if he had one.

"Would it make you feel better if I helped, I could protect you?" His voice softer than before. He took my uneasy silence as confirmation. He grabbed my bare hand and raised it, resting it on the neck of the mud brown horse before us. He laid his own hand on top of mine. He moved himself closer, his firm body pressed against my back.
He leant down slightly.
"See, you don't have to worry, I won't let anything happen to you."
Every hair on my body stood to attention.
It was almost as if the horse had melted away along with the rest of the scenery, the tour group. The whole world. For that brief moment all I could focus on was Coach's heart beating against my back.

I was soon shocked back to reality as something spooked the horses and they all bolted away from us. The shock pushing me back slightly causing us both to falter. Coach managed to steady us, his hands tightly gripping my waist. I shook free from his embrace, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I didn't dare look at him as we made our way back onto the coach.
I sat in my usual seat and took out my phone. I didn't know what to say to him so I thought I should try and ignore him without being obvious. I loaded up the photos he had taken of me at Gulfoss.

My eyes immediately focused on the bulge in my tight jeans. My eyes widened. Had my body betrayed me? Reacting to just his hand in my pocket?
I can't believe I hadn't noticed that I was stood with an erection while he was just taking photos! Why hadn't he said anything?!

"You look good in those pics! Happy." He smiled, the inflection in his voice drawing attention to the fact he had definitely noticed the bulge he had aroused.
"Umm thanks" I gulped trying to pretend everything was fine.
I pushed the phone back in my pocket and stared out the window in silence.
It was only a short drive to the Secret Lagoon but it felt like eternity. I'm sure I could feel Coach looking at me, eyes burning into the back of my head.

We arrived at a small building covered in white corrugated metal cladding, I'm sure I would have walked straight by it had I not been brought here. It blended in seamlessly with snow-covered landscape.

We left the freezing outside world temporarily and stepped through the brown wooden door into the warmth that far exceeded the heat produced on the coach. The wooden walls and interior were so inviting I almost didn't want to leave, I knew it wouldn't be as warm once we had left.
But the thought of the lagoon pushed me to continue on.

I made my way into the changing room with the rest of the men on the tour, Coach veered off and headed towards the counter. I assumed he was asking to rummage through the lost and found. I looked down at his shorts and towel in my hands and felt bad for ignoring him. Still I pressed on.

I stopped in my tracks when I turned the corner into the changing room, it was a lot smaller than the changing facilities at the Blue Lagoon. This was one single room, maybe big enough for ten people. Small wooden benches lined three of the walls, the fourth held the lockers.
I positioned myself against the wall, wrapped myself in the towel and as quickly as I could tried to shimmy out of my tight jeans and underwear.
Hopping on the spot I tried to pull up the swim shorts that were way too big. I removed the clothing from my top half and made my way to the locker. I stuffed everything in and walked to the showers. Again the showers were a lot smaller than the other lagoon. I shouldn't moan, this lagoon was a lot smaller in size anyway, as was the price! While smaller, the facilities were extremely clean and well maintained so it had that going at least. That and I was here for the lagoon not the changing rooms.

I left the shower into a corridor that wasn't holding the heat as well as the main lobby. At the end of the corridor was the door leading to the lagoon.
There was no indoor pool to ease you into the process of leaving the warm hug of the building here.

I psyched myself up and quickly opened the door, the cold came rushing at me like a bull. I gasped. As shocking as the cold was the scenery. The lagoon was a lot smaller, a lot emptier and a lot quieter. It was smaller than a normal swimming pool but still large enough to house lots of guests. The water wasn't milky or blue here. Just your run of the mill water, looks wise.
The same steam rose from the water however and the setting seemed a lot more natural to me. The lagoon was surrounded by rocks and stones. Normal rocks and stones, not jet black volcanic debris.

I realised I'd been stood for a few more seconds in the freezing cold than I should have done as the cold began to rise up my legs through my bare feet. I quickly made my way down the metal stairs into the warm water.
I moved along the edge of the pool and sat on a rock. My back leaning against the rock wall of the pool. I was facing away from the main building, I focused on a small stone hut at the other side of the pool. It had two doorways but no doors to fill the holes. I assumed it was the old changing rooms but it looked extremely creepy, my eyes trying to look further into the darkness housed inside.

"Here." I heard from behind me.
I tilted my head back, my eyes met a large orange bulge floating amongst a tanned background.
Coach lowered down, squatting with his legs open. How had he found the smallest, tightest pair of bright orange Speedos ever? I bet he had loads of choice and still went for these!
His orange coated package was stationed precariously close to my forehead, my eyes locked on it for longer than I probably should have. Coach didn't seem to mind as his face was adorned with that stupid grin.

"Do you want this beer or not?" His eyes motioned to his hand. I'd been completely oblivious to the large can he was holding out.
I turned to face him, not realising how close my face was to his crotch. It almost brushed against my forehead. I pushed myself back from the wall to ensure we didn't connect. Coach laughed as he lightly launched the beer can towards my hand. I fumbled but managed to catch the can before it hit the water. I looked up and my eyes tracked him as he made his way towards the steps into the pool.
My eyes focused on his tanned body, starting on his broad shoulders, moving passed his firm pecs.
They followed the trail of dark hair down from his navel and just reached the top of those neon orange trunks before the water rose and covered his lower body. I snapped my eyes back up to meet his face as he swam towards me.

I must've been frozen in place as Coach pulled the tab on my beer to open it for me, he then opened his own beer and crashed his can into mine.
"Skál!" He proclaimed, shaking me back to reality.
"Umm cheers.." I replied.
There was something so comforting about drinking an ice cold beer while you are surrounded by warm water. I hope this doesn't follow me home and I end up having to have a beer every time I have a bath!

"Do you fancy giving me that massage then? My shoulders are killing!" He smirked.
I rolled my eyes and huffed in response. I took the few steps back to the edge of the pool and placed my beer on the side. As I span around to make my way back to Coach I was stopped abruptly. Coach was stood as close to me as he possibly could have been. I could feel the light pressure of his bulge pressing against me, resting just above my own.
With his usually smirk he span around, his broad back glistening.
I raised my hands and placed them on his dense shoulders, his muscles thick and firm beneath my fingers. I began to slowly push and pull, my fingertips working into his skin. I could hear gentle, quiet moans escaping his lips. His head falling forward, his back began to arch slightly. With every small movement of my fingers his body seemed to quake.
I was unsure if he realised what he was doing but he edged back ever so slightly over the next few minutes. I found myself being pinned against the wall of the pool. His taught ass pressed against my groin. My hands fell limply to my side, unable to continue the massage with him being pressed right against me.
While my arms went limp, my penis grew hard. I could feel it pulsing against his cheeks. His turned his head to face me.

"Why'd you stop?" His face flushed red.
"Ummm you're pressing me against the wall.... I can't position myself properly to do it!" I snapped playfully. Was he so relaxed he was oblivious to my erection digging into him? Or his own small motions causing his ass to rub up against that erection?

"Oh..sorry" he sounded embarrassed as he moved away. My body felt like it was burning, aching for him to come back and press up against me once more. Coach kept his head down, looking at the water. Was he shy?

"What's wrong big guy?" I asked as I splashed water at him.
"Nothing, I was just um.... relaxed." His eyes not shifting from the water.
He coughed slightly, took a deep breath and then looked at me with a big smile on his face.
"My neck feels a lot better, thanks,"

I looked at him, trying to work out what he was actually feeling.
"Finish your beer, we'll be leaving soon."
I nodded in response and made why way to the can I'd left by the side of the pool.

As my hand grasped the can another hand settled on top of my own. The hand much more tanned than mine. The hand moved my hand up, the can travelling passed my face. I glanced as far to the side as I could. I could feel his hard, rippling muscles pressed against my back, and something harder pressing deeply into my lower back. Coach took a few gulps of my beer before releasing my hand.
"Thanks" he whispered sweetly in my ear.
A shiver ran down my spine.

"Dude, I've drank from that can!" I pushed away from his body, giving myself safe distance from his reach.
"It's cool, if you don't want it I'll finish it?" His eyebrow raised.
I grunted in response.

He raised the can to his lips and began gulping down the last bits of amber nectar. A small river of beer escaped the side of his mouth. It ran slowly down his thick neck, caressing his Adam's apple. My eyes followed it fiercely as it ran over his pecs, down each of his abs.

I had never felt so thirsty in my life. My tongue yearning to lick each golden bead of liquid.

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