Night Life [Craig x Tweek]

By Tabby21dreams

55.8K 983 3.2K

Craig Tucker is a well respected and feared mafia boss's son. He'd much rather just do his job in the day tim... More

A pretty young Thing
A busy Man
Lunch with a Side of Jealousy
In his Office
Dressing Room
A Lesson
A mattress for Two?
Waking up in a Small Apartment
Just Relax
Click Boom!
It's a Date
Swimming in Emotions
Welcome to the City
Where are you Sunshine?
Living in Hell
Hold On
A show to End them All!

Kiss it Better?

2.6K 41 233
By Tabby21dreams

It's been six weeks since their first date. Both males concluded they both wanted to see each other more. So every sunday they'd go on dates, taking turns on picking where the locations would be. Craig always ended up paying since Tweek could never afford to pay for their food, but he really didn't mind, seeing the dancer smile and have a great time was worth the small fee in his eyes. Things were going great for the two of them, Sundays were their dates, and Fridays they'd just hang out at Craig's place after the dancer's shift.

Unfortunately, today was not one of those days. It was a Wednesday, he was finished with his work as a vet, but his father called him in for another job. He wasn't as mad as he could be, at least when his old man figured out the days him and Tweek would go out, he was reasonable and made sure to try and not disturb the giant on those occasions. Did he really have to call him in for something as boring as finding out where Thorn's hide out could be though? He's been here sitting in front of a screen and looking at thousands of files for an hour already! Craig could be a lot of things, but being patient isn't one of his greatest qualities.

"Token, have you found anything useful yet?"he asks, irritation clear in his voice.

"Sorry man, all I've got are eye witnesses claiming to have seen him at a bar with a blue eyed blonde last week. And the worse part is they're very inconsistent so it's hard to tell if any of that's true."

"Damnit!" Craig groans, pinching the bridge of his nose as he feels the infamous migraine starting. "Black, how many more hours till we can call it a day?"

"We've got till twelve sir."

" I asked for hours Black, I can't look at my own watch right now."

"Right, well it's only ten-sixteen so about a little over two more hours." Token states emotionlessly before going back to his work.

'I need a stress reliever after all this bull!' Craig thinks to himself. Maybe he'll see Tweek after this, he always seems to feel better whenever the dancer is around. If he's lucky, maybe the green eyed beauty will soothe him with those slender fingers of his.

'Well, if I do that, I'm going to have to inform him ahead of time..'

"Token, take over for me, I need a smoke. I'll be back." the man nods and Craig just leaves for outside.

The guards don't question his motives as he walks out, they already know not to bother him. He opens the exit door and latches it shut before digging in his pockets for his lighter and pack of smokes. Once he finds it, he takes out a cigarette and places it in his mouth before lighting the cancer sticks end. The giant inhales before he takes the cigar from his lips and blows the smoke away.

'That's better.' Craig decides. The dark haired male then takes out his phone and goes to Tweek's number before typing out a message.

Me: Hey Tweek, would you mind if I picked you up tonight? Work was stressful and all I can think about is you.

Sunshine: Aww, I didn't know I occupied your mind that much, handsome!~ ;)

Craig just shakes his head in amusement as he takes another puff from his cigarette. He can already just picture the dancer's sweet smile and flirtatious tone.

Me: Of course you do, how could you not? But anyways, is that a yes sweetheart? ;)

He looks down nervously as his phone informs him the blonde is typing.

Sunshine: It's not a no. How long will I be waiting?

Me: little over two hours.

Sunshine: pfft- Seriously? -_-

Me: yep.

Sunshine: What do I get for waiting so long?~ ;)

Me: whatever you want.

Sunshine: Oh?...hmmm..Okay, but no longer than that please. Kenny can only keep this joint up and running for so long. -_-

Me: Understandable.

Sunshine: I have to cut this short, I'm up. See you soon big guy~XOXO

Me: see ya.

Craig then pockets his phone and finishes up his cancer stick before crushing it with his foot into the cement and leaving back to do his father's biding. At least now something good will come from this. He walks through the double doors and back into the surveillance room where Token is still sitting.With a sigh the giant pulls his chair open for himself. Unconsciously a sliver of a smile reaches his lips as he thinks about seeing his sunshine after this stupid task can be done with for the day.

"Hey, Craig, you seem happy, did something exciting happen?" asks the brunet to the other side of him. Craig thinks his name might be Clyde, but he doesn't really care. All he needs to know are last names.

"Mind your damn business, don't you have someone else to bug the shit out of?"

"Woah godzilla, I just wanted to make small conversation, it's odd to see you smile, you know?"

"Well, as odd as me smiling is, work needs to be done. Donovan, If you wanna waste time, go to Token."

"Sorry boss man." Clyde sighs out. Craig says nothing.

Once the two hours are finished they are left with nothing. "God damnit!" Craig curses, slamming his fist on his desk, unaware of the torn up tissue as a result. Both the other two males stare at him. Token just sees it as normal at this point, but Donovan's new so he's a bit shaken.

"Uh, if it makes you feel better Craig, I narrowed it down to Thorn possibly being in an alley that starts with 'H'?" Clyde offers fearfully. The giant huffs, restraining himself from yelling at him.

"There are sixty alleys around here that start with the letter 'H' Donovan."

"O-oh..then I got nothing.." Clyde hangs his head low shamefully. Token stares sympathetically at his partner and pats his back.

"Both of you, get out of my face." The giant grumbles, rubbing his temples. They both nod and retreat from the room.

"I thought I did good?" he faintly hears the brunet say.

"Well, we tried, better than nothing right?" comes the low voice of Black.


The giant hears nothing more once the door slams. With anger boiling in his system as well as stress he has to take a deep breath to steady himself. He dials Tweek's number, needing something to calm him down. The phone rings for a while and Craig's just preparing for it to go to voice-mail.

'Son of bitch-' his thoughts are interrupted as shuffling is heard on the other end.

"H-hello?" comes the sweet small voice of the dancer. He clears his throat before speaking.

"Hey, it's me, you done with work?" he tries to keep any irritation out of his voice as he speaks. He thinks he's a little successful since Tweek only giggles.

" Y-yeah, just sitting here at the bar, Kenny's here."

"Is that your boyfriend Tweek?~" he hears McCormick tease.

"S-shut up!" the green eyed beauty shouts, no doubt blushing madly.

"Alright, I'm on the way" he sighs grabbing his keys. "How was your day?"

" Fine, only one creep, but he surprisingly behaved himself. What's up with you handsome? I'm delighted y-you wanna see each other, but you said your day was stressful?" Tweek says, a hint of concern in his tone.

"Yes, I'm exhausted, irritated, stressed, my head is killing me and I feel an urge to punch someone." he gets in the Jeep and starts it. His phone connects via bluetooth.

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that dear, do you need me to rub your worries away t-then?"

"If you would, that would be heavenly." Craig turns onto the freeway. Tweek can be heard laughing softly.

"Of c-course, I wouldn't just let the guy who treats me well suffer, I'm a tease, not a prick." The giant can practically see those beautiful green orbs roll to the side with the dancer's tone.

"I'm about ten minutes away now, I should probably tell you something happened at work."

"Y-you mean your job as a vet?" Tweek giggles."pfft-I still can't believe you work with animals on a daily, yet you are still allergic to cats!"the blonde snorts.

"Yeah, yeah" his eyes roll in amusement. "Speaking of cats though..."

"W-what is it dear, you s-seem serious?"

"This elderly lady came in and her cat needed surgery because she was pregnant. Well, her landlady won't let her keep the kittens and they can't be away from their mother until eight weeks at the least..." he trails off hoping Tweek isn't mad.

"C-Craig, d-did you..did you adopt them?"

"Sorta, it's just till I find them some homes after they've matured enough."

"You knowingly agreed to keep lot's of cat's in your home when you can't stand their fur?" Tweek sounds serious, but oddly enough, not mad.

"Yes and we are out of allergy meds so I needed Burman to pick some up since I'm way too tired to go myself."

" So you're too tired to want to pick medicine up, y-yet you're awake enough to come and get me?" Tweek giggles softly.

Craig rolls his eyes. "Of course dork."

"Aww, y-you going soft on me already Tucker?~" the blonde teases.

"Never, I know you like it hard and rough~" he smirks.

"Mmhm, you're not wrong~" the dancer purrs softly before laughing it off."B-but preference aside, I do find it sweet. Seeing as you'll be taking care of cats, w-would you mind if I came over and helped you out?"

"No, not at all, I know tomorrow isn't Sunday but would you be willing to go on our seventh date with me?"

" Oh? My answer's yes, b-but why the sudden plan?"

"Maybe I missed you?" he smiles. "It won't be anything fancy, just a small dinner and movie at my place, that doesn't change your mind does it? We can go out to eat if you want I just don't like crowds and-"

"No need for w-worries, a relaxing stay at home date sounds perfect.Would you mind if I made it a sleepover though? Cartman told us all to not come in for Friday, something about having a m-meeting I think?"

"Great, I'm about five minutes away now."

"Yay, can't wait! I'll see you in the parking lot then, getting on the elevator now, should only be three or less minutes till I'm up."

Craig bites his lip, thinking of saying something but keeps from it. "Sounds good, alright bye" he hangs up and let's out a puff of breath.

Five minutes later and he pulls up to the curb. At first he's left confused since according to the dancer's calculation, Tweek should be here. Yet, he's looking around and can't spot the-

*clink clink* Craig turns his head to investigate the small sound. He allows a sliver of a smile once he sees it's the green eyed beauty tapping on his window.

He rolls down the passenger window. "Hey, need a ride?" he smirks, the blond just laughs, green eyes rolling playfully.

"D-depends, will you unlock the door first?~" he teases.

"Mmm, what do I get for it?~"

"Well, aside from letting me not freeze, you may get a kiss?~" the dancer offers with a cute pout

"Hm, pretty tempting~" he ponders on it but laughs and unlocks the door. Tweek climbs in with a chuckle and lays his duffle bag by his feet before closing the door and leaning up to lay a quick peck to the drivers lips and buckling up.

"When you said kiss, I was sure it'd be a little more worth it than that sweetheart."

"Oh? W-well, maybe next time love.~"

"Mm" Craig hums as he turns the radio on and starts for home.

Once they reach their destination, Craig pulls into the garage.

Lola is there to greet them with a smile. "Hi Tweek!" She greets the blonde.

Craig rolls his eyes.

"Honestly, they like you more than me at this point." he grumbles, getting out. The blonde only giggles.

"H-hello to you to Lola!-" the house lady pulls the dancer into a hug. Tweek hugs her back gently.

" Young master mentioned his assistant bringing over cat's, but I don't recall him mentioning you seeing us again!" she explains as she pulls away, holding both of his small hands in her's.

" I don't need to inform you when he comes." Craig snaps.

Burman sighs. "Bad day sir?"

"What do you think?!" he shouts.

Lola glances at Craig then back to Tweek. "What happened?" she asks as Burman and Craig head inside.

"H-he hasn't told me anything yet, j-just that work was stressful" the forest eyed male frowns."M-maybe I should go after him.." he offers an apologetic smile to Lola before speed walking inside.

"Shall I start a bath sir?"

"No" Craig grumbles, sneezing as he makes his way to the cat room.

"Well, at least you informed me this time, I got you two months worth of the twenty four hour since that's as much as they had in stock. I suggest you take some now sir."

"Fine" he sneezes again, checking on the kittens.

"Hi pretty mama" he gently pets her. The grey feline purrs in response. She stands and her babies start crying for food.

"You need to feed them" he sighs. "Burman, get some Kitten formula, she isn't producing enough for them and she's too young to be a mother!"

"Right, on it sir, should I let your guest in with you as well?"

Another sneeze. "Yes" he wipes his eyes as he picks up one of the babies. "Let's see six, seven, eight.." he counts. "Eight, you have eight kids." he tells the female animal.

Burman and Tweek come into the room, Tweek's holding four little bottles filled with formula and his butler has four as well, with the exception of his pills and a glass of water.

Craig takes the water and pills from his butler and drinks it down. He finishes the cup, taking the bottles. "Thank You" he sets the four bottles down and takes the other four from Tweek. "Sit on the sofa, I'll bring em to you." The blonde nods and leans down to kiss his cheek.

"As you wish, h-handsome" he whispers with a small giggle then exits to the living room.

"Did you just fucking quote princess bride?!" he calls after him laughing, putting three of them down and picking one of the babies up.

"M-maybe, or maybe not, you'll never know!~" he hears Tweek call in a sing-song kinda voice before sweet laughter is echoed.

"Come on little one" he whispers, taking the baby in his arms. "Lola, I need you to get a blanket and a towel."

"Okay sir." his maid runs off upstairs to retrieve the towels and blankets.The giant gets up and walks out, finding his guest sitting on his couch, cross legged with his hands in his lap. Once green eyes fall on the small creature in the giants arms, they shine warmly and Tweek's mouth curves up, pink cheeks visible.

The slim maid places the blanket over Tweek and sets the towel over it. Craig sets the small animal on the towel. "Hold the bottle tilted upwards, but not too much." he places the bottle in Tweek's hand. "Make sure she latches onto it first, sometimes they know it isn't their mother's nipple." Craig informs as he turns away and sneezes. "You got her?" he asks. Tweek nods, cradling the small feline and carefully feeding it. He looks fondly at the kitten, eyes like that of a doting mother.

" Reminds me of when I found Bean" the blonde sighs.

"She was a baby?" Craig asks as he brings the babies one by one placing them on the blanket. He scoots next to Tweek as he feeds one as well.

"Mmhm, she was so frail back then, the poor dear looked starved and on the brink of death! I brought her in after I found her under my uncle's porch...he wasn't happy, b-but after some convincing, he let me keep her..." the blonde bites his lip at the word 'convincing' uncomfortably. "That was only three years ago..I'm glad we got out."

Craig kisses his cheek. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again." he states, Tweek gives him a small yet genuine smile in return.

Once they are all fed, half of them fall asleep. Craig takes the sleeping ones and sets them in bed with their mother. The other four keep crying unless Craig holds them. Not even being held by Tweek stops the whining completely.

"Why do they like me? I'm allergic to cats, they aren't even mine!" he huffs but allows the babies to sleep. Tweek giggles softly.

"W-what's not to like? If you were allergic to me.. I-I'd probably still wanna be around you too.."the dancer admits sheepishly, whispering the last part.

"Oh yeah?" he raises a brow playfully.

"Mmhm" the blond hums, biting his lip nervously as he stares at the carpet and curls his toes inward.

"What's wrong?" the giant asks, noticing his guest has gone silent.

"N-nothing! I-it's just-" the nervous blonde takes a deep breath as he turns to face Craig.  " I-I wanna try something!" he squeaks in a small voice, red tinting the tip of his ears and his cheeks.

"What is it?" Craig raises a brow, eyes filled with curiosity.

"N-no, I shouldn't...I-it's dumb.."

" Knowing you, it's probably not, and if it is, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Tweek chuckles.

"Pfft- Y-you made a movie reference!"


"W-why?" the blond snorts.

"Because, it's a good film and I stand by that phrase." the taller man smiles taking Tweek's hand in his own. The blonde gulps nervously but doesn't pull away.

"I-I haven''s been a while.."

The giant sets the kittens in with their mom and disappears into a back room. He returns moments later and places the DVD in the tray. "Popcorn?" he asks as the movie plays. Tweek nods yes silently.

The movie goes on for a time, popcorn is halfway finished and the giant looks sleepily at the screen while the blond massages his scalp. Tweek looks calmer than before, but it's clear he's still thinking over earlier.



"D-do you trust me?"

"Are you quoting Aladdin now?" Sleepy blue eyes shine in amusement. Tweek's emerald orbs roll to the left playfully.

"N-no, I-I'm being serious you goof!"

"I let you in my home, have shown you my day job, and you know my worst fears, does that answer your question?"

"S-sorta..Well then, I want you to close your eyes and stay still."

"Why?" he asks, his eyes shooting fully open. "You won't leave will you?" he whines.

"N-no, heavens, of course not! B-but what I want to do, i-it's embarrassing for me to say out loud.." the blond turns red. Blue eyes soften.

"Alright, but only fifteen seconds."


With a deep breath Craig closes his eyes and tries to make himself comfortable. At first, there's nothing, he can feel Tweek shaking, but nothing really too out of the ordinary. Then, he feels warm hands cup his face in a gentle yet twitchy grip. Warm breath ghosting over his lips are his only warning before a sweet slightly plump pair close the distance. Blue eyes shoot open in surprise but slowly close as he kisses back, tenderly caressing the smaller cheeks. Tweek gladly deepens the kiss, mischievous fingers running up to lightly pull at inky black hair.

Craig moans softly into their make out. He deepens it even further, pulling Tweek closer by the hips with a silent plea for access inside the wet cave. The dancer obliges and they continue to steal each other's breath away until oxygen is desperately needed. The two slowly pull away, eyes meeting half lidded.

"Wow" the giant says, almost breathless. Tweek giggles softly but nods in agreement. His cheeks are beyond red and his green orbs are glimmering.

Craig is left speechless not knowing what to say. One thing is clear though, he wants to do it again. "Can I kiss you? Uh, again?" Tweek laughs softly, crawling and making himself comfortable on the giant's lap before wrapping his arms around the others neck.

"T-thought you'd never ask.~"

Craig pulls him in for another passionate kiss to which the blonde mewls sweetly in. As the credits play they pull apart.

"So you dealt with creeps today you said?"

"Y-yes, but only one, and he behaved so you don't have to w-worry~"Tweek teases, booping the others nose. The giant knows the blonde can handle himself, but he can't help getting protective and possessive over the dancer. They may not be boyfriends yet, but they're obviously something to one another.

"S-something troubling you handsome?"

"Do heels hurt?" he asks randomly. "like, to walk in? I just noticed your feet are swollen and I was wondering why."

"Y-yeah, it sucks, but you kinda get used to it and the pain becomes faint."

"Are your feet hurting now?"


"Want a massage?" Craig asks softly.

"I-if it wouldn't pose too much trouble, I-I'd really appreciate it" the blonde bashfully smiles.

"Of course it wouldn't, I'd do anything for you." Craig smiles softly taking the blanket off himself as he pulls the slender legs onto his lap. The smaller male blushes brightly at the words and sudden movement.

Larger hands gently rub and sooth Tweek's feet, ebbing away the dull pain.

"So, overall how was this date?" The Veterinarian asks. The sun-kissed haired male softly laughs and leans up to peck his companion on the cheek.

"Although this h-hangout was certainly a surprise to me, I'd say you blow away my expectations everytime! I always feel safe and have a great time when I'm with you" Tweek says with complete honesty."You always treat me like I'm more than what I am, like I'm something special, it's nice" the blonde giggles.

Craig tilts his head slightly in confusion. "You're special to me, you aren't just a stripper in my eyes, you're way more, you have no idea how much you mean to me. You're..You're my sunshine Tweek and I won't let anyone take my sunshine away."

"Sunshine huh? Aww, you're too sweet! Well, if we're being cheesy and honest, y-you're my..hmm.. Raven rebel!"

The giant raises a brow stopping in his movement. "That's new" he only takes a second but gently applies pressure to the arch of his left foot.

"Ah!" Tweek gasps suddenly.

"Sorry, did that hurt?"

"A b-bit, but it was more sudden than painful."

"Sudden as in?"

"S-surprising? L-like I wasn't expecting the feeling.." the dancer blushes.

"Did it feel good?" Craig asks blushing slightly.

"M-maybe.." Tweek covers his face in embarrassment.

Craig clears his throat awkwardly as he presses on it again rubbing softly. Small hums of pleasure escape the green eyed beauty.

The giant turns a darker shade of red as he works his way down to the heel.

"Mm, C-Craig~" Tweek mewls subconsciously.

He bites his lip and gently rubs the heel. Trying to keep his thoughts clean.

'I need to stop thinking of it, uh, what is least appealing?..Dead pets! Stripe one was crushed,
Stripe two was poisoned-' his thoughts are interrupted as another lustful sound erupts from his date. He feels his temperature heat up but restrains himself, setting the left foot down. He picks up the right one, pressing in the middle. The process is inevitably repeated but the giant is successful in his task and keeping cool...for the most part. Once he is finished he goes to the kitchen sink and washes his hands, splashing water on his face to calm down. After his temperature drops back to normal he returns to the sofa. "Feel better?" he asks, sitting back down.

"Y-yes, thank you so much!" the blonde smiles, littering kisses all over his host's face in appreciation.

"Of course" he blushes.

"H-how about you, did me rubbing your scalp help?" curious green eyes stare up at him as he finishes his kissing fit.

"With my headache or with my bad day?" He asks, pulling Tweek closer to his chest.


"Bad day yes, migraine, unfortunately not fully." he gently wraps his arms around Tweek's torso.

"A-anything else I can do to help?" the dancer offers, blushing redder than a wild strawberry.

"Maybe I just need sleep..would you be opposed to cuddling with me?" the business man proposes. Tweek softly smiles.

"You already know my answer to that big guy~" the blonde teases.
" I don't have my sleep-wear with me, so I hope you don't mind if I just sleep in a shirt, jeans tend to get uncomfortable if you sleep in them."

"I don't mind but your shirt doesn't necessarily cover you completely, would you like to borrow one of my shirts? It would be a lot warmer?"

"S-sure, i-if you don't mind that is" the dancer blushes, twirling his bangs on his pointer finger anxiously.

"Not at all, here, you can come pick one" the taller male stands and holds his hand out for the blonde to take once he gets up.

"O-okay" Tweek smiles, grabbing onto the offered hand and getting up as well. The two males intertwine their fingers as they hold hands and walk up stairs.

Bean follows behind them and sneaks into the room, retreating under the bed.

"Alright, here is my closet." he opens the double doors to reveal a walk-in closet that's the size of Tweek's bedroom at his apartment.

"Shirts are in the back, business shirts are up front and behind those I have my casual ones" he explains moving his collared button ups. Tweek bites his lip in astonishment.

"Y-your closet could almost be a store!" the smaller male comments."A-also, I'm sorry I forgot to thank you. Bean likes your place a lot more than mine, I really appreciate you keeping her here throughout the week when I have work."

"Of course" he smiles. "She isn't so bad, only when I'm trying to take a nap and she wants in. Sometimes she'll even come up on my lap when she knows you're on the phone" he laughs softly, bending down as she strides over to him. Tweek giggles softly and pets his small baby. The feline purrs, leaning into the touch of her owner even as she rests comfortably in the giant's arms.

"D-did you miss me sweetie? I missed you too! Did you have fun staying with Mr. Big?"

"Mr. Big huh?"

"I-it's a reference to 'Sex and the City'. I-it seemed fitting! Y-you're very tall like him, he even talks all monotone like you!" the blonde reddens, trying to defend his reasons."Granted, you're not really like him, I'll admit the guy was a jerk in the show and movies, s-so your personalities are where the similarities stop. I-I'm not calling you jerk of course, just that you're charming and-"

Craig pulls the front of Tweek's shirt, bringing him into a kiss.

"You're cute when you are flustered."

"Gah! T-thank you?"

He kisses him again. "You going to pick a shirt? Or want me to take yours off?~"

"N-no, I've got it!" the blonde squeaks, feeling hot all over. He runs to retrieve a black NASA shirt.

"That one is my favorite you know."

"O-oh? Y-you're a NASA fan?"

"Sorta, I do like NASA, but I like space more. When I was younger, before my parents divorce, I always dreamed of being an astronaut just so I could explore the different planets and galaxies."

Spaceman Craig-" the green eyed beauty smiles."I-I would never have thought, h-how cute!"

"I'm not cute." Craig rolls his eyes. "You can change in here if you want to."


The blond turns away and casually slips off his shirt then his jeans. With some effort, he eventually gets his limbs through the holes of the giant's shirt, which falls a little past his mid thigh. He bends over to pick up his discarded clothes before facing the taller man. When he turns back, he notices Craig is slightly red and just standing awkwardly.

"Uh, I'll just umm, I'll be uh going.." he points to the door. Tweek just laughs softly.

"N-no need, I'm done, I'll just put my clothes in my bag and wash them when I get back to my place."

"N-no pants?" he blushes trying to keep his eyes up.

"Do you have anything small, I-I could wear some, but if your shirts are this big..I can only imagine how the pants will fit..." the blonde points out.

"No, I don't think my pants will fit you..." he looks away. "Why don't you go and lay under the covers, I need to change, I'll be back" he pushes him out of the closet and closes the door. Tweek's laughter can be heard on the other side.

"A-alright handsome.~" he hears tiny footsteps walk further away."I'm downstairs if you finish and I'm not there, putting my clothes in my bag!" Tweek informs as he leaves.

Once Craig removes his clothes, he puts sweats on, taking his precious clothes and putting them in the hamper. He leaves his shirt off, finding himself becoming hot. The image of Tweek without pants and only in his shirt appears in his head again. A liquid drips from his nose, he touches it and examines it, seeing the red color.

'Fuck! A nosebleed now!?' he rushes and locks himself in the bathroom. Then turns the water to a cold temperature and splashes his face for the second time that night. He really should stop thinking about Tweek like this, he normally has more self control than this! Sure, the blonde has pretty eyes, soft skin, a back that arches just right, and slightly plump behind-

'Fuck!' he splashes even more cold water. He looks down. 'Shit-' the giant opens the door and shouts to his guest.

"I'm going to take a shower, be right back!" he then locks the door and starts a cold shower trying to calm down.

When he gets out and re-dresses, upon opening the door, two things are realized. One, Tweek looks adorable snuggled up in his bed. And two, not only is his guest still awake, but he's also mothering Bean and humming a soft melody as he cradles her. Not wanting to disturb he slowly enters and sits next to him, embracing him gently as he listens to the lullaby. When Tweek is finished and his pets asleep, the blonde softly places her down by his feet and leans up to kiss Craig on the lips.

"Hey s-stranger, enjoy your shower?-" Tweek yawns softly, turning his body to face the giant before snuggling closer and laying his head on the taller man's chest.

"Mm, it was pretty lonely" Craig lays an arm over Tweek's shoulder.

"Mm, m-maybe I'll join you next time" the green eyed beauty mumbles softly, tracing hearts over Craig's torso with a sleepy yet content smile.

"That'd be nice" he kisses him one last time before finding peace.

Meanwhile, near Hell's Pass ally, Thorn sits in his bedroom. Damien beams once one of his lackeys calls saying they've spotted a plaything of his getting in the car with a certain Tucker.

"Damie? Love, why are you smiling?" his blue eyed blonde lover asks from satin sheets, love bites are scattered sweetly on his form.

"Nothing dearest, I've just gotten word an old friend has made himself acquainted with Mr. Tucker's son."

"Oh my, does that mean I'll get to meet your friend?" the brit smiles excitingly, unaware his lover has more history than he's letting on.

" I suppose it does Phillip, but not now."



"Then when Damie?" Pip whines with a pout.

" Patients my dear." he chuckles darkly, Thoughts of how he can mess with Tucker's son forming.
" We'll see them soon enough." he smirks, stroking an old locket that once belonged to a certain client of his. One who's eyes shined bright green.

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Craig was an emotionless guy that didn't believe in love. Not after the first time he fell for it. That is, until Tweek came along. Tweek was a nervo...
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Craig Tucker suddenly finds himself hopelessly in love with a certain spazzy blond. How will he deal with these new, overwhelming feelings? Will he...
97.6K 2.2K 39
tweek and craig are now in high school! their relationship seems to be quite comfortable between the two. until one day, a boy from North Park spots...