Night Life [Craig x Tweek]

Tabby21dreams द्वारा

54.6K 962 3.1K

Craig Tucker is a well respected and feared mafia boss's son. He'd much rather just do his job in the day tim... अधिक

A pretty young Thing
A busy Man
Lunch with a Side of Jealousy
In his Office
Dressing Room
A Lesson
A mattress for Two?
Waking up in a Small Apartment
Just Relax
Click Boom!
Kiss it Better?
Swimming in Emotions
Welcome to the City
Where are you Sunshine?
Living in Hell
Hold On
A show to End them All!

It's a Date

2.3K 43 202
Tabby21dreams द्वारा

Tweek sighs as he sits on a bar stool. He's dressed up for their date already, his face isn't too dolled up and he wears the nicest clothing he owns. A peacock green cold shoulder sweater and black skinny jeans hug his curves nicely as he sits, boredly scrolling through his phone. He'd order himself a drink, but he knows he really shouldn't, he's underage and the last time he did something so dumb lead to a night full of regrettable choices he made and a terrible hang over. Kenny and him are the only two people still in the club, but that's only because the bartender always closes for the night and was generous enough to give Tweek a few more hours before he has to kick him out.

'Ugh...this place is so quiet, it makes my brain hurt!' Tweek whines to himself.

"K-Kenny, can you play some music, i-it's hurts to think." the dirty blonde nods his head, pulling out a radio from under the bar and turning a station on. He sets his head on the table. From behind him a familiar face taps his back.

"Master Tucker has requested I pick you up. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but he also wanted me to give you these-" Burman holds out a bundle of white lilacs to the shorter male.Tweek gazes in wonder as he gently accepts the flowers.

"White lilacs, these are my favorite, h-how did he know?"from the bar Kenny chuckles as if he knows something the dancer doesn't.

"Shall we take our leave?" Tweek blushes but gathers his bag in hand and combs out his bangs with his dark green nails.

"L-lead the way!"

The drive is rather quiet and Tweek falls asleep. When he wakes up he's laying on something rather soft.

"Did you sleep well?" Craig chuckles exiting the bathroom. Tweek groggily opens his eyes, blushing as he views his surroundings. He realizes right away he's no longer in a car, but a very well kept room with a large bed to match.

"H-how long was I out?"

"Not too long I don't think? I only arrived ten minutes before you were up." he is wearing a blue flannel shirt with black Jeans. A more casual look other than his business one. The blonde goes red in the face, finding the look really suits the giant.

"Are you ready for our date?" he asks. Tweek nods and fiddles with his-

'Wait, where's my beret?' Craig chuckles, holding up the small maroon hat.

"Looking for this?" Tweek gets out of the bed and walks over to his date to retrieve it.

"Y-yes, thank you!" he stutters, grabbing the beret and placing it on his head. Craig glances down at him, seemingly impressed.

"You look great tonight~"

"T-thanks, so do you!" Tweek smiles as pink dusts his cheeks."T-thank you for the flowers by the way, I just love white lilacs!"

"Of course, Sorry I was late" he kissed his head softly. Tweek giggles happily.

"I-it's alright, you're here now so I forgive you. You even had someone come for me, that was really considerate, how can I stay mad?"

"Shall we?" he asks, holding his hand out.Tweek beams and takes the offered hand in his, staring happily at his tall companion.

"Yes we s-shall!~"

Craig leads him down the stairs to the garage. He opens the door for his date, smiling. Tweek laughs softly and gets in the passenger seat up front, buckling himself in.

Craig enters and buckles in as well as he presses the button, powering on his vehicle. The blonde hums softly to himself as music emits from the radio instantly. He keeps his hands on his lap, not trusting himself to touch anything.

"S-so, handsome, will you tell me where we'll be doing our fine dining now?~" the dancer teases.

"Nope, it's a surprise, you can pick our next location for a date." He backs out of the garage before closing it with a push of a button.

"A-are you sure you want that?I already told you I've only ever been limited to two places for eating right?" the blonde jokes.

"Well, look up some after this and we'll check it out, you already know nothing's out of my price range, right?" he laughs softly as he gets onto the road.

"H-how rich are you anyways?"

"You've seen my house and cars, I thought you would have an idea?" he chuckles softly.

"W-well yeah, but even celebrities don't seem to have as much wealth, next thing you'll tell me you own your own cabin!" Tweek giggles at his sarcastic example.

"No, I don't own a cabin-" he pauses as he turns a corner."I own six." he states. The blonde's mouth is agape.

"H-how, d-do you even use any of them?!"

"Well, of course I do, normally in the summer or winter when I get a break, I can take you there maybe sometime if you're up for it?" he glances at him. "Before you ask yes, I earned it all myself, I took nothing from my father. I used to live in an apartment that I rented from him then I got money, and well, four years later here I am."

"T-that's amazing, h-how!? I barely make an earning to keep me and Bean fed, with a roof over our heads no less!"

'To be fair, unlike me he's probably not in debt for past drug use...'

"That my dear, was no easy task, see, I work two jobs, one is more of a side thing, the other is my job."

"W-wow! I believe you on that, holy smokes, it should be illegal to be charming, handsome, funny, hard working, sweet, and rich!" Tweek states in amazement, counting off each trait on his fingers.

"Yeah? You think so?" he blushes lightly. "If you need, I can provide Bean with food and anything else she may need, I don't mind it. would be less stressful if you only had to worry about your food?" he offers.

"T-that would be great, b-but you've done so much for me, I couldn't just let you do that for me without payment, i-it wouldn't feel right."

"Smile" he murmurs softly.

"W-why?" Tweek asks in confusion.

"Just do it" he whispers as he stops at a stop light. Tweek rolls his eyes playfully but gives his best smile. It's becoming easier to do so in front of this man anyways.

"Payment enough. Just give me a smile everytime and it's enough for me sunshine."

"Do y-you realize h-how cheesy you sound right now?"

"Nope but I honestly don't give a shit, so is that a yes then?"

"To the cabin or t-the cat offer?"

"Both" Craig shrugs. Tweek blushes brightly.

"Y-you trying to make me fall for you handsome?~"the blonde teases.

"I thought that was obvious at this point considering I like teasing you and we cuddled at your apartment" the dancer covers his face as his body goes hot at the memory.

"I c-can't decide if you're an ass or a gentleman anymore!" Tweek giggles feverishly.

"Well, the old saying is you are what you eat, so I can be both.~"

"Y-you are the worst right now!" the green eyed male snorts.

"I can be even worse, wanna see how?"

"S-should I be scared, is that how bad?"

"Bend over, I'll show you how bad I can be~" he teases, laughing. Tweek flusters but accepts the challenge head on.

"B-but if I do that, how will I be able to kiss you~" the blonde replies, fluttering his eyelashes and biting his lip.

"Well, you could kiss me now~" he flirts but hopes the male will, even if it is a little too soon.

"Hmm, t-tempting, but I've been told you're supposed to have dessert after dinner, maybe you can give me some good reasons to spoil you early?~"

"After dinner huh? Alright, one reason, maybe if you'll let me, I can show you a thing or two~" he winks. Tweek reddens.

"S-show and not tell? Hmm...alright~"as soon as they enter another stop light Tweek leans over, only inches from his lips. He smirks and pulls away, hearing a small groan from the giant. The blonde just giggles and sits back.


"Aww, y-you didn't actually think I would let you kiss me on the second day of just knowing you, did you?~" Tweek teases with a fake pout before laughing in hysteria.

"Jerk" he repeats as he pulls into a parking space. "We have arrived!" he steps out and closes his door, opening Tweek's for him. The blonde thanks him politely once he's calmed down from his small laughing fit. Craig locks the doors and leads them inside, opening each door like a true gentleman for his date.

"Welcome to 'Joe's pasta House' do you have reservations?"

"Yes, under Tucker" he speaks blandly.

"Ah, yes, I have you right under our V.I.P, would you like anything else?" a devilish smirk crosses his face and he whispers something Tweek can't hear to the lady.
"Alright, if you two will follow me I shall seat you!" they both nod and let her lead the way. She sits them at a table with a purple curtain around it.

"This will be your table, here are your menus, one of the waiters will be with you shortly!"

She then hands the giant both of them and then leaves. Tweek and Craig claim their seats across from one another and the business-man chuckles as he hands his date a kids menu.

"Y-you jerk! Y-you told her I was a kid?!"

"No, all I said was I have a brat with me" Craig shrugs. Tweek playfully rolls his eyes.

"Is this how you're trying to get me back from earlier?"

"I don't believe I know what you're talking about." the giant smirks.

"S-sure you don't." the blonde chuckles. "Anyways, why did you get us a table with a curtain?"

"Well, I sometimes come here and this is my usual seating. I don't care for people staring at me when I eat."

"A-and the candle lighting?"the dancer points out.

"That's so we can see while we eat. I had no intention to set up a mood at this place, the food's just really good."

"O-okay, I'll buy it." Tweek laughs softly."M-may I please get a different menu now?"

"Why? They even have a 'make your own pasta' on there" the taller man jokes teasingly.

"B-because I'm your date and not a child" Tweek pouts with a huff.

"Fine, but if you really want it, you'll have to ask the waiter yourself, sound fair?" the dark haired man says, trying to reason with the blonde. Tweek reluctantly nods, he doesn't like talking to strangers much, but Craig's offer does seem fair for the most part.
He seems to be nervous as the giant's leg shakes under the table.

"I-is something wrong?"

"No, why would something be wrong?"

"W-well, your leg's shaking, I tend to shake when I'm nervous?"

"Oh, yeah I am a little nervous I suppose, never been on a date with a guy before" he admits shyly. Tweek warmly smiles and lays a small hand over his companion's.

"W-well, I'm flattered to be the first guy, b-but there's no need to be so anxious, I'm having fun thanks to you!"

"I'm glad" Craig flips his hand over intertwining their fingers as he smiles. Tweek allows it to stay that way even as their waiter arrives, finding small comfort in the small gesture.

"Welcome! My, mister Tucker, you look as great as always! I see you have a guest as well! I'm Rachael, I'll be serving you both tonight, but first what would you both like to drink? As your waiter, I am required to inform you we are having a special on our wines and I highly recommend our white wine!"

"Yes, thank you Rachel, this is my date, Tweek" he looks back over to the blonde. "Wine?" he asks.

"C-can I just get a strawberry lemonade?"

"Of course, and you sir?"

"Dr. Pepper."

"Alright, I'll be back shortly with your drinks!" she smiles and walks away.

"Strawberry lemonade?" Craig asks curiously.

"In my defense, it's really g-good!"

"Childish as well" he mumbles laughing.

"I-I'll have you know, a kid can order Dr. Pepper just as much as you. Also, I'm not new to drinking, I-I just choose not to do it because the one time I did, I did so many things I don't even remember!"Tweek whispers, giggling.

"I was kidding" he has wide eyes.

"Oh! Uh..W-why are you so shocked?"

"No reason" he lies as their drinks arrive.

"Thank you Rachel."

"Of course, have you both decided on what you may want?"

"N-no actually, I think they misplaced my menu, c-can I please look at one?"the dancer politely asks, hiding the children's one he received under his bottom.

"Yes, I'll be right back"

Craig hums. "You have something against pasta?"

"Where's this coming from? I lived for pasta when I could afford to have it!"

"You didn't want the 'make your own pasta'." he teases." I'm sorry, I don't think I can be with you anymore, you don't like pasta!" he says over dramatically.Tweek snorts in surprise at the emotion portrayed on the usually stoic man.

"J-just because I don't want to order from a kids menu, it doesn't mean I hate pasta!"the blonde defends with a playful eye role.

"No, it's too late, the damage is done!" he holds in a laugh. Tweek gets an idea and smirks to himself before fluttering his eyelashes and putting on his best puppy dog eyes.

"A-are you sure you can't forgive lil' ol me?"

"Well maybe I can" he smiles. "But you'd have to do something for it.~"

"A-and what would that b-be, sir~" the blonde draws out his words flirtatiously as he leans his head to the side.

"Well I don't think you'll be able to, it's an awfully big job.~" Tweek flusters at the innuendo --which he's positive was used on purpose-- and just smiles sweetly as his eyes go half lidded.

"F-for you, I'm sure I can take whatever you've got.~"

"I wouldn't want to hurt you" he smirks. "Your pretty little face, something that big might hurt you.~"

"O-oh? I'm sure we can figure something out, I'm not as delicate as you may first think.~" Tweek teases back, wearing a subtle, but lustful look in his green orbs.

"Oh yeah?" he purrs. "Well, I think I might just have something for you, but you'll have to wait until after dinner, it comes with dessert.~"

"Sound d-delicious, handsome~"the blonde smirks, slipping a shoe off and dragging his foot teasingly over the taller man's leg.

Craig hums. He reaches under the table, grabbing Tweek's foot. "Playing games now, are we?" he holds it in place with one hand and tickles it with the other. The blonde bites his bottom lip, determined to not give in.

"D-don't -pfft- know what you-ha- mean!"

"You sure about that?" he tickles faster.

"Pfft- N-no! H-ha!- S-stop it!" Tweek manages to get out, trying to wiggle his foot away from Craig's reach.

Craig lets out a groan after Tweek kicks him. He let's go biting his lip. "Shit-" he whispers in pain. The dancer takes his foot back to his side before he notices the damage.

"O-oh my God, a-are you okay?! I-I didn't mean to, i-its just, I'm really sensitive, please don't hate me!" Tweek whimpers, looking worriedly at his date.

"No, just-" the giant holds up one finger as he lets out a few gasps and grunts, setting his head on the table. Tweek's face visibly falls as he watches the scene before him. It's one thing to kick the occasional creep in the groin, but it's another to kick someone who's over all been very generous and kind to him.

"Alright, I'm okay" he looks back up. "You didn't hurt your leg did you?" he asks, concerned. Tweek gives the man a look but lightly chuckles.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, a-are you sure you're okay? I know I can kick r-really hard. The last creep tonight got a taste of it!"

"Yeah, I can tell" he huffs. "Creep? At the club?" he asks, still trying to catch his breath.

"Mmhm, some guy w-wanted to get personal, I think I told you earlier? A-anyways, I soccer punched him in the nose and kicked him in between the legs. Think it's fair to say he got it worse though, I had heels on when he tried to pin me down."

"I should've been there, I'm sorry" he mumbles.

"D-don't be, I'm the one that should be sorry, I kicked you where it hurts, I can't always expect good men like you in my line of work."

"You're damn right it hurts, still does" he laughs softly. "At least you can defend yourself" Craig smiles.

"Yeah, I-I kinda have too, my only family member who wanted to take me in wanted me in not so family relations. The rest didn't want anything to do with me...When you c-can't take living like that, you tend to pick up a few things just so you don't end up learn to stop trusting others.."

'Then you get so broken that you turn to drugs..'Tweek thinks to himself with a saddened expression.

"Well I'm glad you've given me a chance." he smiles reassuringly. Tweek thinks he may feel butterflies. He offers a warm smile back.

She returns.

"Here you go! Sorry for the wait!"

"It's fine" Craig seems awkward around this woman.

'Do they have history, is she maybe an old flame? It's possible, he did say he dated a lot.'

"Right, well here is your menu" she looks at the ground as she walks off.

Craig takes a sip of his beverage. Tweek looks down at his own untouched drink and sips at the straw anxiously.

"Are you alright?" he asks, setting a hand over Tweek's.

"Y-yeah, j-just thinking.." the blonde murmurs quietly.

"About?" he softly runs the back of his knuckle with his thumbs.

"W-well, nothing really important, b-but I noticed you seem distant with our waitress?"

"Distant how?"

" know her, but you're not on good terms?"

He sighs, rubbing Tweek's knuckle. "That obvious?"

"Y-yeah, afraid so.."

"Well, we do have a history" he kisses Tweek's hand. The blonde looks at his companion with flushed cheeks.

"I'm guessing you want to know what it is?"

"P-please?"green eyes plead.

"Well, we were both young and stupid, fresh out of highschool. I thought I was in love with her, I wasn't, I just didn't like being alone. I proposed, she said yes and we planned on running away" he laughs. "Stupid I know, I waited for her but she never showed..." he looks down. The blonde frowns but tries to think of something to cheer the man up. He decides to grab the man's large hand and softly lays kisses on the rough finger-tips.

The giant laughs softly. "Before you ask, no, that isn't the relationship that fucked me up" he slips his hand to the back of Tweek's head and carefully pushes his head forward to meet his own. Ocean eyes stare into forest ones as the world around falls away. "You're so beautiful." Tweek feels speechless, he has no flirty remarks on hand and he's blushing redder than a teenage girl. He only sees honesty in the dark haired man's orbs, which is something he never sees often...

"Have you decided yet?" she asks kindly as her amber eyes look towards Tweek. The spell leaves the dancers eyes and he hastily moves back and opens his menu in search of something.

"I-I'll have the Chicken Parmigiana?"

"Just regular spaghetti for me." he moves away.

"Okay then, those two should be out in twenty or less minutes!"

"Alright" he takes another drink.

"Would any of you like a refill?" she asks as she takes their menus. Tweek sheepishly looks down at his glass, finding that he's already two sips away from being empty.

"M-may I have some more lemonade?"

"Of course, these are free refills after all!" Rachel then beams and takes Tweek's glass."Anything else before I go?"
Both males shake their heads no and their waitress leaves.

Craig bites his lip. "So, do you want to spend the night at my place, or no? I didn't get to properly ask you."

"Hm? O-oh! Uh, yes, I'd like that very much!" the blonde brightens."W-we just have to make sure Bean is properly fed tomorrow. I gave h-her some food and water before we left, so she should be good till then" Tweek reasons.

"Yeah or you could bring her over too, I have a lot of places for her to explore?" Craig offers.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to kidnap me and Bean~" the blonde teases.

"Maybe" he shrugs "But no, in all seriousness, I know you love her so I thought it would be nice for her?"

" S-sure, I'm sure she'd love it, b-but what about your allergies?"

"I've got my medicine at my place" he shrugs as he takes another gulp from his glass.

"W-well, I guess I'm staying over then"the blonde blushes."Jokes aside, w-would you mind if we slept in the same bed again? B-big and new places tend to make me feel overly anxious when no one else is around and it makes sleeping much more difficult..."

"Sure, I don't mind as long as you are okay with it." Tweek smiles sweetly.

"T-thank you, you're saving me so much stress!" the blonde sighs in relief.

"Of course."

Once the food arrives there is an awkward silence as they eat.

"T-this food's pretty spectacular" the smaller male comments out of the blue eight minutes later.

"Yep" he sighs. "If you could go anywhere, where would it be?" The blonde chews on his food as he tries to think.

" I'd like to visit Paris, it's just so pretty at night! Well, I think anyways, I've only seen pictures on the internet.."

"Can you speak french?"

"Well, no..never had a chance to learn."

"I can teach you?" he smiles.

" Y-you speak it?"

"Oui, Tu as de beaux yeux" he compliments.

"Wow! Y-you just can't be real, did you somehow just find all of the things I like in a guy, are you some social experiment?"he giggles.

"je compare votre beauté à une rose, belle mais fougueuse et fait mal si vous la traitez mal" he laughs softly. Tweek blushes madly. The man speaks the words beautifly and it's only adding on to all the warm feelings in his chest.

"Social experiment? No" he chuckles. "tu es mignon quand tu rougis" Tweek feels all giddy but he keeps that excitement as tame as he can.

"Would you like to know what I'm saying?" he asks as he finishes his food.

"Y-yes please!"

"The first thing I said was, yes, you have beautiful eyes" he smiles. The dancer stares in awe of the man as his entire being heats up.

"Then I said something really cheesy, just for the hell of it" the taller man shrugs.

"M-more cheesy than complimenting my plain eyes?"

"Plain? Oh they are anything but plain, so much emotion rests in those eyes, joy, sadness, anger, embarrassment, ...lust" he whispers the last part.

"T-thanks..I hadn't realized.."Tweek's cheeks flush bright and he clears his throat."A-and the 'cheesy' one?"

He rolls his eyes playfully. "I compared your beauty to a rose" he turns red. "And some other stuff I won't go into detail about."

"W-why not?"

"Because it's embarrassing" he rubs the back of his neck. Tweek giggles softly after he's downed his last bite.

"Y-you may be rich and stoic, but you're also really sweet!"

"Then you blushed and I said you look cute when you blush.." he blushes himself a deep crimson then hides it by laying his face on his arms. Tweek's whole face turns the shade of a tomato. He reaches over and runs his fingers through the smoky locks of hair in an attempt to make the man feel better. He turns his head looking at Tweek. The short man is surprised to find the hair itself is smooth.

"I t-think you're amazing.." he whispers while continuing to softly tangle his fingers in the raven strands.

Craig's eyes fall closed as he leans into the touch. The dancer repeats the action once he realizes that the giant seems less tense.

'It's like..a dog almost?' the blonde thinks fondly to himself.

"Really?" he asks as he tilts his head slightly, feeling nails scratch softly at his scalp, leaving him in pure bliss.

"Mmhm!" Tweek hums honestly."I find you to be not only very handsome, but also kind and considerate."

"Mm" a ghost of a smile grazes his lips. Tweek only stops when their waitress clears her throat.

Craig groans with a small growl like a dog as he sets his chin on the table and pouts.

"Will we be having dessert?"

Craig nudges Tweek's hand with his head again like a dog in need of attention.

"Um, c-can we get a desert to-go?" The blonde directs the question more to Craig but also the waitress.

"Oh, sure let me get the dessert menu" she leaves

The giant gives puppy eyes.

"W-what's the matter?"

He pouts, nudging his hand like a needy pet. The dancer gives him a strange look before he finally gets it.

"Y-you want me to comb your hair with my fingers?"

He nods pathetically. "Please?"

"A-alright big guy, how can I say no to you?~" The blonde laughs warmly and with one playful eye roll, his fingers are scratching softly at the man's scalp.

Craig leans into it tilting his head as he closes his eyes. "Thank you" He whispers.

"I-it's no problem" Tweek sighs with amusement, running his fingers slowly through.

"I was going to make you eat wasabi ice cream but I think this is much better" a happy sigh is heard from him.

"W-we can do both, y-you can pay me back in cuddles and that foot rub I won?~" Tweek teasingly reminds the other.

"Sure but only if you promise to do this again."

"Hmm.."Tweek thinks things over. It's a fair trade, only for something as simple as petting the man.

'I wouldn't mind going out like this again with Craig..'

"Add another date and you have yourself a deal~"

"Always" he smiles and pulls away sitting up. He calls her over.


"We'll take two sundaes to-go."

"Of course" she smiles staring into his eyes. She reaches a hand out and the giant flinches away. She looks down "I'll bring those out for you."

He rolls his eyes as she walks off. Tweek notices the giant looks more than a little annoyed.

"W-what movies do you like?" the dancer asks, wanting to distract the blue eyed giant's mind from unnecessary negatives.

"You'll make fun of me."

"I won't, I'll tell you mine first, i-if you want?"

"I like classic movies, horror and well made rom-coms" he says nervously.

"W-why would I wanna make fun of you for that? I like indie films, romance, comody, and at one point, 'Sex and the City''s still a guilty pleasure.."

"Oh really? Fifty shades of grey then too?~" he teases.

"Maybe the first movie, b-but over all, terrible franchise, BDSM is not really like that!" Tweek snorts.

Craig stays silent while they are sat down and Craig pays. He holds Tweek's hand when they walk on out.

He opens the car door for the dancer.The two laugh and stop by to get Bean and one of Tweek's favorite night shirts before they finally arrive at Craig's house.

"So, you've done BDSM?" the business man brings up suddenly as they sit on the sofa. Tweek goes completely still with red cheeks as he holds sweet Bean in his arms.

"W-well, I have an interest in it.."

"That much I could tell" he hums. "I've never seen it, wanted to but never got the chance."

"W-well, to put it in short, it's like role-play? partner plays the dominant, and the other a submissive.." Tweek gulps.

"I was talking about the movie, I know how BDSM works perfectly~" he winks but sneezes as Bean climbs on his lap.

"O-oh, r-right..w-well, the movies aren't the worst, but they definitely aren't good. The first one barely passes as 'okay' in my opinion." Tweek chuckles, reaching over to pet his kitten. "How'd you get into BDSM anyways..i-if that's okay to ask.."

"Uh, well, I had my first time and she kind of did it to me? I was curious and did research and found out I liked it and was interested in being the, you know, dominant one" he sneezes again.

"S-should I get you your twenty-four hour relief? Y-you'll have to tell me where it is though."

He sneezes again as his eyes are watering.

"I'm out of it" he sounds nasally again as he sneezes.

"Young master are you sick?"

"No-" he sneezes. "Allergies."

"But you are only allergic to cats?"Bean meows curiously.

"D-do you have any back up medicine?" Tweek asks worriedly as he takes the cat away from Craig's lap.

"That was the backup."

"All the pharmacies are closed sir."

"It's fine" he sneezes and blows his nose. "I didn't plan on sleeping anyways" he wipes his eyes.

"Sir, I insist on you sleeping properly."

"Good luck with-" he sniffles.

Bean meows.

"Make sure she is comfortable" he orders, blowing his nose again.

Lola nods and gently lures the feline with catnip into another room.

Craig groans as he lays on Tweek's lap. "Your cat should be fine, I had a cat room made for her while we were on our date" he informs, sneezing again.

Burman sighs "Sir, I really think you should clear your sinuses."

Craig sighs sniffling as he blows his nose.

The dancer just stares down guiltily at the floor, rubbing his toes anxiously into the carpet.

"I-I'm sorry.."

"Don't be, it was my idea" he sneezes again covering his mouth."Fuck it, I'm taking a bath" he stands and walks up the stairs."Burman has a room set up for you, once I've gotten most of this under control, I'll lay with you. It's late, but you can watch TV while I'm not there if you can't sleep."

'Craig you absolutely amazing and caring fool!' Tweek smiles softly, still shaky but feeling a lot better. He gets up and hugs Craig close.

Craig chuckles softly. "Don't blame yourself, alright?" he kisses his head then leaves.

Burman and Lola both share a look then look at Tweek. The dancer can't fathom as to why they look so shocked. Eventually they both lead the small blonde to a room he's vaguely familiar being in. Craig was the first to greet him upon awakening before they left not too long ago.

"How did you do that?" Lola asks curiosity in her tone.

"W-what did I do?" the blonde asks, confusion clouding his features.

"Get him to hug you? Willingly?" Burman asks.

"I-I don't know actually..just hugged him I suppose?"

"He hasn't hugged or touched anyone in such a manner of love since he was seven, even his past lovers barely got a kiss."


'Is this true? But we just met two nights ago, lust, flirting, and having a crush are things I can get passed, but love?..I'm not sure about that just yet..'

"Well, we don't wish to pressure you, we just found it a good way though!" Lola smiles sweetly. Both her and Burman exit the room, bowing before gently closing the door. The dancer hums to himself and plugs up his phone for the night. He notices a mini fridge is placed five inches away from the TV so he slides their dessert's in and closes the door so it doesn't melt the ice creams.With a sigh he takes off his duffle bag and lays it on the edge of the bed before he strips himself and gets out a shirt that covers all the way down to his knees. It smells of lavender and has stars with tiny alien faces dotted all over it. Once he has it on he folds his previous clothing on a nearby chair. The dancer forgot to bring some sweats but thinks he'll be fine with just a shirt and his boxers.

Tweek then crawls under the blankets and lays himself down on the luxurious bed that is so big, he looks like a twelve year old in comparison.There's so much space left too on both sides of him. The dancer just yawns and grabs the remote on the bedside table, flicking through channels to keep his mind more at ease while Craig's not around. Thinking too much never really ends well for him so he leaves his mind as blank as he can, save for the bit of thoughts he has for Craig. It was normal to have thoughts about your date even if you just barely met two nights ago, right?

He ends up watching an old film that catches his eye."Warm Bodies," truly isn't all he expected, despite the film having zombies and 'Bonies' that sort of creep him out, he finds the love story intriguing and, dare he say, cute?

Just as R visits Julie in the film, Craig walks in with sweats, no shirt, and messy hair.The blonde bites his lip, blushing because Craig's making the 'slob look' seem hotter than it really should be. He holds a kennel with a certain squeaky creature.

"She's used to me being in the same room as her in the night, so I hope you don't mind, but she'll be in here with us."

"I-I don't mind."Tweek yawns. Craig smiles and puts Nova on the dresser.

"Mind if I join you sunshine?" the giant whispers as he closes the door softly behind him. Tweek rolls his eyes playfully but pats a spot for Craig with a tired yet happy face.

Craig then lays in next to him, going under the comforter. The giant is still nasally but not as
bad as he watches the cheesy film play out.

The raven yawns and stretches, putting his arm around the blonde and pulling him closer.
Nova squeaks from her cage on the dresser. He laughs softly and takes her out, setting her on the bed. Then pulls Tweek closer as the smaller male lays his head on the giant's chest. The dancer feels comfortable warm, nuzzling his head happily against the man as he pets the small creature laying on both of them.

"T-they let me check in on Bean before I came here, she's asleep in the cat room, figured you'd want to know."

He nods "Yeah, that's good, maybe I'll be able to sleep after all."

A knock comes to the door.


"Ms. Stevens is on the phone sir."

He groans "It's two in the morning, why is she even up?" He pitches the bridge of his nose."Tell her I'm busy and will call her back tomorrow."

"Very well young master" Burman's retreating footsteps leave.

"So, no pants then?" he teases Tweek. The blonde hides his face in the nook of the giant's neck.

" shirt again?"

"No but at least I have the goods covered" he teases, lightly pinching Tweek's thigh. The blonde gasps in surprise before a small giggle and blush take over.

"As long as you are comfortable then-" he sighs contentedly. "I still owe you that foot rub, want it now? It may help you sleep?" he offers, brushing Tweek's hair out of his eyes.

"S-sure, we really should stop staying up so late though, you said it was two in the morning?" Tweek snorts softly.

"Yeah, I kept you out late, maybe Bean was punishing me, using my allergies against me." he chuckles.

Nova squeaks, crawling over to Tweek and nuzzling herself in his hair.

"D-doubtful she'd do that on purpose, b-but I t-think Nova believes my hair's her straw bed now!"the blond points out, laughing softly.

Craig laughs as well. "Come on baby" he picks her up, setting her on his chest. Two large fingers pet her as a sliver of a smile is on his features. Tweek giggles warmly at the display, finding Craig's love for his pet to be extremely heartfelt.

"M-maybe you can give me that massage after or before I go in for my night shift?" the green eyed male suggests as he yawns, feeling sleepier by the minute.

"When do you get time off?"

"W-well, I'm off every sunday, w-why?"

"Just curious" he softly traces small circles onto the smaller male's back. Tweek shivers pleasantly and leans more into the touch.

The blue eyed man smiles and gets up, putting the rodent back in her cage as he turns out the lights. He lays back next to his companion, smiling. He slips one hand under the fabric of the shirt and continues soft strokes.
The dancer mewls with each touch, feeling his eyes grow heavy.

"I l-like hanging out with you." Tweek decides sleepily with a smile and soft red cheeks. He feels great pleasure in the menstations of the man, but also really relaxed.

Craig nods, smiling down at his companion.

"I'm glad."

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