My Sister's Best Friend {Comp...

By Kay_Qveen12

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Part 2- Chapter One
Part 2-Chapter Two
Part 2-Chapter Three
Part 2-Chapter Four
Part 2-Chapter Five
Part 2-Chapter Six
Part 2-Chapter Seven
Part 2-Chapter Eight
Part 2-Chapter Nine
Part 2-Chapter Ten
Part 2-Chapter Twelve
Part 2-Chapter Thirteen
Part 2-Chapter Fourteen
Part 2-Chapter Fifteen
Part 2-Chapter Sixteen
Part 2-Chapter Seventeen
Part 2-Chapter Eighteen
Part 2-Chapter Nineteen
Part 2-Chapter Twenty
Heyy Guys!!!!!
New story
New story up!!!
New story

Part 2- Chapter Eleven

197 12 3
By Kay_Qveen12

"Grant, why are you doing this?"

"Why you think you stole the woman I suppose to marry away from me" he yelled

He had a knife in his hand, "Grant I'm sorry but I love her where is she?"

"You will see soon enough" he chuckled walking out the room.

I struggled trying to get out but I couldn't I looked around the room & I was so type of basement & it was dirty & smelly.

"Stop!" I heard Gwen yell.

"Gwen Baby!" I yelled.

"No stop!"

"Leave her alone!" I yelled again, the door opened again & it was another person in a mask.

"Shut up!" The voice yelled I could tell it was a woman.

"Let me go!" I yelled trying to get free.

"You really thought I wouldn't get you" she giggled & took off the mask.

"Toni..." I took a deep breath.

"Aww babygirl What's wrong?" She asked sarcastically.

"Why are you doing this to us?" She walked closer touching my leg.

"You really thought I wouldn't find about you & my wife." She tilted her head a little pouting.

"I broke it off with Shante when I got with Gwen"

"Yeah you did but she was still in love with you"

"You killed her didn't you?" She giggled & nodded her head.

"I did because she really thought she could leave me & I damn sure wasn't going to loose her to you."

A tear fell out my eye.

"Toni please let Gwen go she has nothing to do with this."

"I'm sorry I can't do that baby" she looked at me with lust in her eyes.

"I see what Shante saw in you, your beautiful"

"Toni please don't do this."

She lend down trying to kiss me but I turned my head.

She grabbed my face making me look at her.

"I'm going to do whatever I want to you & you will enjoy it or you & the girl dies"

She forcefully kissed me & I didn't kiss back causing her to get mad & slap me.

My face stung & another tear fell out my eye.

I laid there & let her do whatever she wanted to do to me, I had to find a way out of here


"So you feeling better?" Shawn asked as we walked in the park.

"Yeah, I mean it's going to take time but I will get over it."

"You tell your moms" I nodded

"Yeah they came home fighting the other night & it made me sad & think about Jess & I" as we walked I saw a beautiful woman sitting on a bench drawing.

Wow, she was so breathtaking, "Damn she is fine"

"I know, I'll be right back" I said, I fixed my hair before walking over to her.

"Hello" I said, she looked up & smiled.


We just stared at each other, my mom was right, that when you meet the right person you will know.

"Are you ok?" She asked

"Yes I just can't get over your beauty" she blushed.

"Thank you"

"So you love to draw I see?"

"Yeah, right know I'm drawing the trees & stuff I am art major at Clark Atlanta"

"Really I want to go there" I sat next to her on the bench.

"Really your still in high school?"

"Yes I graduate this year though" I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes get hypnotized.

"Congratulations, so your 18 or 19?"

"I will be 19 in a month & you are?"

"I'm 21"

"Wow so we are not that far apart" I looked over at Shawn who was trying to get my attention telling me it was time to go

"Oh I'm sorry I have to go"

"Aw okay well it was nice meeting you?"

"Jada & you are?"

"Aaliyah" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Aaliyah"

I walked away from her smiling.

"Ooh Girl I see someone is happy"

"She is so fine & smart"

"Really did you get the number?" I though to myself & forgot to the damn number

"No damn I forgot" Shawn Chuckled at me. We walked back to my car & got in.

"Let me go home before my parents kill me"

I drove her home & then went home myself.

I walked in the door to see Mama Tori sitting on the couch.

"Hey honey how was school?"

"Good, Shawn & I went to the park after school & I met someone" I smirked.

"Really who?" I sat on the arm of the couch.

"Her name is Aaliyah, mom she's is the most beautiful woman I ever seen"

"How old is she?"

"21 she goes to Clark Atlanta"

"Wow, so you like her?"

"Yes I do"

I didn't know Aaliyah at all but I wanted to get to know her.


After the fight with Tori she hasn't been talking to me at all, I feel bad for not telling her at Will but I'm not messing with him I would never cheat on my wife.

I just got off from work & I stopped to get Tori some flowers & candy I wanted to make up with her because honestly I was horny & I needed her touch.

As I was driving my phone started ringing, I rolled my eyes when I saw it was Will.

I answered knowing it was a bad idea.


"Hey beautiful I missed hearing your voice."

"Will didn't my wife tell you not to call my phone?"

"That was your wife I didn't know you was one of those"

"One of what?"

"Those dykes & gays" he really had me fucked up at this point.

"Hold up first off I'm a lesbian & second off woman fuck way better than men so get the hell off my phone" I hung up rolling my eyes

"Niggas I swear"

I pulled up at home & got out grabbing the stuff I bought & my briefcase.

I walked inside seeing Cash sitting on the floor playing.

"Hey baby boy" I said, he got up running toward me I bent down kissing him.

"Hey baby I missed you"

He smiled running back to his toys, I took off my shoes walking in the living room putting my Briefcase down walking in the kitchen seeing Jada & Tori sitting there doing homework.

"Hey mama" Jada smiles.

"Hey sweetie how was school?"

"Good I met someone"

"Really that's great"

I walked over to Tori who didn't say anything to me, I noticed how beautiful she looked today.

"Hey baby" I handed her the flowers & Candy she looked at it & took it.

"How was your day?"

"It was ok" she mumbled, I bent down hugging kissing on her neck.

"I'm sorry" I whispered in her ear.

Tori bit her lip, Jada looked from her homework & gasp.

"Mom that's gross"

"I'm just loving on my wife" I giggled sitting up, Tori stood up.

"Jay finish your work mama & I will be right back" She said grabbing my hand taking me upstairs, we walked in our room & she shut the door pushing me up against the wall & kissed me deeply

She unbutton my pants kissing on my neck, I moaned softly feeling her bite on my neck.

" I'm so sorry baby I love you"

"I love you too" she said & came back up kissing me again.

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