Her Dauntless [2] //Diverge...

By BelleTheTeaDrinker

35.3K 924 84

╔ ═ ═ ═ ═ ╗ ║ Book Two ║ ║ of ║ ║ Three ║ ╚ ═ ═ ═ ═ ╝ He... More

Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Hennessy Hayes
Vanessa Hayes
Vanessa Hayes
Her Dauntless
Story So Far...

Hennessy Hayes

1.4K 35 8
By BelleTheTeaDrinker


I wish they would hurry the hell up.

Dressed in Eric's jumper, I sat crouched down looking over the half-wall that overlooked the abandoned entryway. Max and Eric stood at the side as the technicians carried in large crates and drums, rolling them around on pallet trucks, whilst dauntless guards paraded around the perimeter.
"What happening?"
I turned around, Four and Harry crouched down on either side of me.
"This is it, been here thirty minutes," I whispered, running a hand through my freshly dyed hair.

In the light, Max used a crowbar – prying open one of the blue logoed crates, in his hands he lifted something up; it was small, the contents shimmered orange. He put the vile back in the box, allowing it to be pulled into the compound.
"You staying here Harry?" Four asked," If we all stay it would look suspicious."
Harry nodded holding up a flask," Already prepared."
"Suck up." I coughed, looking around surprised.

Wrapping Harry in a hug, Four and I left the perch – walking around towards the initiate dorm.
"So..." I sang, "How's Tris?"
He shrugged, "How am I supposed to know?"
"You did throw knives at her last week." I pointed out, "Least you could do it ask if she's ok – maybe give her a get well soon balloon."
"No." He said bluntly pushing open the dorm room door.
I lift my arms exasperated, "Just Polite."

with my forearms resting on the cold metal, Tris was missing from her bed again – probably getting a few more hours in before final testing. Smart.
Four hit the pipe on the rail, three rhythmic times.
Molly buried her head in the pillow, groaning as Drew pulled her out from the covers.
"Get up!"
Slamming the door behind us, we went down a floor to the Pit – taking a coffee from the canteen on our way to the training room.

Tris was already there, practising her punches – the glanced at Four before she continued to punch. She was letting out a lot of anger on that bag.
Last week there was an article, one that damned most of Abnegation and her family – the fights last Friday were something else. Molly was on the floor, bloody covering most of her face, it helped Tris's rank, but she was still in the red.

Storming in, Eric walked up to us – ignoring the initiate on the bag, he peered over my shoulder at the listings.
"You look good in my clothes," He whispered.
I nodded," You'd look shit in mine."
"Would I?" He smirked," Don't think I'd look good in a black lace bra?"
"Nope." I laughed.
He rolled his eyes," I'm hurt truly."
"Get over it." I smiled, taking the board.
" I want to change one." He said seriously.

"What to?" I asked putting the board behind my back.
He took it from my hands as the initiates walked in," You'll find out."
"That's not an answer." I said as he walked away, "Eric! That's not an answer, I don't like surprises."
"Don't I know it." I hear him say from where he stood, a slight smile on the left side of his face.

Al. What can I say about Al?
He's a fucking idiot I though as I circled Christina's name.
She looked as confused as we did when she walked out of the ring – since the fight with Will earlier in the Stage, he's never won a fight even though he is more capable than of it- Christina is half is height and three quarters his weight. He should've won, at least that one.

Will vs Molly

"Peter vs Tris!"

"What!" I shouted, almost dropping the red pen, "Are you completely insane?"
He raised his eyebrow.
"Never mind, your Eric, of course your insane." I rolled my eyes at the man, who five minutes ago wasn't a complete asshole.

Peter looked smug as he entered the ring – standing with his shoulders back and feet apart, making him look more intimidating than normal. As Four spoke to Tris, in the corner he cracked his neck pulling his arms across his body. I rolled my eyes at his smugness – even in the same chosen faction where we are logically supposed to share some characteristics, I still don't see it.

The two stood in a stance on the matt, barefoot with their shoes and socks by the stone steps
"You alright there stiff?" Peter smirked, "You look like you could cry. How's this: if you cry, I might go easy on you."
Distracting her, smug bastard.
"I don't know how many fights you have been in, Initiate." I spat," But there is never this much talking."

The two faced each other, Peter keeping his mouth shut. Taking a step, he went to punch her direct, noticing his step – she moved her head in time dodging his attack.
In the space between his step, Tris made a jab of her own; Peter cried out, his anger boiling. He went again, stepping first giving her the opportunity to push him out the way; Tris made several good moves winding Peter making him stumble. Whilst she was up close, he elbowed her in the face then made a punch to the gut making her tumble out of his space, whilst she was going down, he made another few punches to her face.

She quickly recovered, her arms up to guard her vital organs and face

From the side, Eric looked smug- like he enjoyed seeing her fall from the bold girl she was yesterday. As a leader he couldn't personally attack people he didn't like; he could, however, get an initiate to give out his wrath through final fights.

Tris twisted Peter's arm, holding him in place as she kneed his stomach a couple of times; seeing the gap in her defence, Peter jabbed at her ribs then picked her up throwing her down on the ground. His eyes were ablaze, everything from hatred to anger to revenge to jealously; he was using her like a punching bag who could just about fight back.
On the ground, Tris pushed herself up; her arms shaking. Standing above her, Peter kicked her down again.
"Get up!" Peter yelled
Four flinches as he watched, every punch she took – he took too.
Aww, Number Boy cares.

Eric looked bored, his hands clenched in front of him, stone-faced; the labels of his jackets starched and stiffer than his posture. Walking away from Four, I stood by Eric; my head just about reaching his shoulder.
"Is this worth it?" I asked without moving my lips very much," Does this boost your ego? What's the gain here Eric?"
His eyes didn't leave the fight, "She needed to learn. Learn that with everything there are consequences."
"Then make her clean the initiates dorm with a toothbrush or make her polish the police's breastplates." I listed," Beating the crap out of her is just going to make her feel like she has something to prove."

Pursing my lips, I walked away, sitting on the tables that were left out with my legs crossed.
Sharing a look across the matt, Ronnie was visibly disturbed at the fight, the blood thirstiness of my brother and the depths Eric went to keep up his notoriety within the faction.

Tris finally made it on her feet, she looked dizzy – the punches to her head starting to take its toll. Peter smirked as he punched her again in the face, sending her back down on the ground.
Her face was bruised, battered and bleeding.

I sighed as Four walked away, his back to fight – Eric's eyes darted to him, a small egotistical smile on his face which dropped as quickly as it came.
Tris stopped, looking at Four's fleeting shadow.

Above her, Peter used the flat of his foot to quickly smash her face against the matt knocker her out cold.
Ronnie rushed over to Tris, flashing a light in her eyes," Well she's out cold."
"Go on." I snapped," Help her, you did this – these are the consequence, you help her."
Peter nodded, helping Ronnie get her up on a gurney, Tris was pushed out of the training room leaving Peter and his goons to laugh about the events of the fight.

"Who hasn't fought?" I asked looking over the listings," At all since this started?"
Everyone stayed reasonably quiet.
I nodded, clapping my hands together once," Good."
Christina put her hands on her hips," Now what?"
"For you, Stage One is over!" I cheered over-enthusiastically," Hurray!"
"What do we do now?" Al asked.
I shrugged," There are more Dauntless born initiates then you so they will be done tomorrow, whilst we are done today. Enjoy the next few days of freedom, and we will see you tomorrow."

I waved them off, knowing the next three days will be the best and the worst.
Eric stayed behind to help me take everything down since Four walked off somewhere.
The only sound's in the training room was Eric putting the powder bags away – I stood in the middle of the ring, memories of my fights coming to mind.
Jumping off the mat, I collapsed down some tables, leaning then against the side of the room on a slight tilt.

"What's the plan tonight?" I asked as we walked out of the training room," We doing capture the flag or waiting till Friday night?"
He opened the door to the training room, I walked under his arm before he let it close, "Tomorrow, I think."
He nodded as we stopped in front of the service lift," If you could find a few more people to even the team out that would be good."
"How many?" I asked.
"four more," He said counting in her head.
I nodded," I know a few people."
Eric nodded, kissing my forehead," Am I doing dinner today?"
"It's Chilli night at my place." I sighed, "You can come if you want – there are two large bowls of chilli then loads of side dishes like cornbread and zucchini fries then dessert is going to be Bunuelos de Viento or Crema Catalana."
Eric moved his jaw from side to side, "Who's going?"
"Usual people, Obviously me, Angel and Ronnie then Harry, Theo, Charlie and Bran followed with Zeke, Shauna and Four." I said counting the names on my fingers," Maybe that creepy bloke at number 315 and that new family at 323."
He sighed," Save me a bowl – I might."
"You should," I smiled," Cause I make good deserts."
He rolled his eyes with a slight smile," I'll consider it."
"Good." I stood on my tiptoes, kissing him once," See you there then."

The Neon lights filled the space, the orange light bled out of the front door before fading off. Bud was running around the store, his head banging to the bass that shook the glass plates on the wall.
Tori looked on edge, her eyes keeping an eye on everyone and everything.
"Nessa!" Bud yelled, "What do we owe the pleasure."
Tori smirked," Training too boring?"
"Oh never." I smirked," But anyway, I was looking for some new piercings and the outline of the mandala?"
Bud clapped his hands together," Finally!"

The buzz of the needle was relaxing and familiar – the blue ink of the outline slowly but surely disappearing – it was simple, a band that wrapped around the top of my thigh under the band where several droplets at the end linked together with thin lines. The buzz of the gun stopped; Bud wrapped my leg not really needing to give any care instructions; sitting up; I buttoned up my jeans – leaning on the edge of the chair.

Not flinching, Bud punched through my ear going into my tragus and anti-tragus, pushing the studs through; I smiled at the five studs I had in one ear and three in the other.

At the counter, I twisted the silver 1.57-inch pill into the block – twisting it in place till the light at the top went red. Pressing some buttons the top went green allowing me to remove it from the slot; putting it back onto my keys.
"Do you know when we get you back?" Bud asked leaning on the desk.
I nodded," Five more weeks, then I'm back with you lovely lot."
Bud sighed," Thank you!"
Tori laughed," Can't even make a coffee without you!"
"Shush!" He yelled, "Don't give away all my secrets."
She popped her head around the mesh divider," What? Like the heart tattoo on your ass or the smiling face on d–"
"Ok!" He yelled, looking back at me as I tried not to smile at the two." You stop smiling."
Putting my hands up I slowly backed out of the store," I'll leave you to it, remember chilli night!"

Leaving the parlour, I went to the store to pick up some extra ingredients; carrying the two bags home in my arms; my face peeking out in the gape.

310. 311. 312.

Unable to get to my keys, I put my leg on the wall to balance the bags giving me a free hand to grab my key chain from my pocket. Pushing the door open, I dropped the bags on the floor – retrieving my keys then throwing them in the gold dish.
On the counter, I put the radio on – heating the pans on the hob, my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head.
Around the kitchen half of the spice rack was scattered around: ground cumin, ground coriander, Ancho chilli, dried oregano and smoked paprika.

Over a low light, the two pans of chilli bubbled away – the two chillies where different flavours; one more spicy, which is my gran's recipe and a plain one with just enough to give it a kick without blowing your head off. Angel was setting the table, whilst Ronnie was getting out of the shower; knowing it wouldn't burn – as soon as Ronnie stepped from the bathroom, I had already jumped in.

The hot water relaxed any tension I held in my shoulders – the way each water jet pounded against my skin. I kept the new tattoo as best I could out of the water as it was a personal preference not to get them wet for the first twenty-four hours; I know some disagree.
Blow drying my hair, I braided the two sides the joined them in the middle twisting the extra hair in a spiral before using hairspray and clear bands to keep it in place.
Keeping low from the open windows, I ran to my room; pulling the curtain over the glass door as well as the blinds. Quickly, I changed into a long black A-line dress that had a split up the middle. Sitting on my bed zipping up the back; I smiled at the locket that hung off a picture of Eric and me. Last year I never took off, however now I didn't feel I needed it so close to me all the time.
Next to the newest photo, was the oldest photo I had. It was of me and Peter as kids, my dark brown hair stood out against his almost black locks – I don't remember how we got blackmailed into taking it but I was glad we did. Maybe we could be like that again, tolerable of each other, though I think we are way past that now.
With a deep sigh, I ran back into the kitchen; finishing the last touches before someone arrived.

Each bowl was filled and set on the table just as the Crema Catalana dishes sat in a tray of water.
Around seven the apartment filled with people, Zeke came in early with Shauna under his arm; the usual suspects of Harry, Bran and Charlie came in loud and abrasive; twenty-four cans of beer between them.
Bud brought an extra bag of nachos, dropping it on the island on his way in; cracking a beer starting conversations with some of the nurses Ronnie invited. Tori rolled her eyes at him, picking a beer from the coolers.
I was never a fan of beer, I found it too bitter.
Four stood in the corner, a bowl in his hand staying out of the loudness but being part of the event.
The new family, Quinn and Georgie came around six when they had found a babysitter for Hannah, their one-year-old.
The creepy neighbour, Janus sat close the wine rack – filling up his glass every time it was empty for a second

During dinner, Angel and Theo told us about the apartment they brought on the first floor – everything from the marble bathroom to the living room being on the same floor.
I held the bottle, my rings tapping against the whiskey glass – my eyes darting to the door every chance I could.
"So, Four." I sang standing next to him by the window," Why did you walk away from the fight today?"
He smirked, looking out of the coloured glass," You're not dropping this are you?"
"Not likely this side of Christmas." I confessed," But why did you leave?"
"It wasn't something I wanted to see." He shrugged.
"Ha!" I shouted," You do have feelings!"
"Shut it."
I scoffed, "What are you gonna do lower my rank?"
He smirked evilly," I'll tell your brother about Eric."
"That'll work, no need to make him any cockier than he already is." I nodded swiftly," As you were."

The Crema Catalans went into the oven, with a spare one squeezed in, just in case he did show his face by some miracle. To crisp off the top, I used a small hand blowtorch.
Gran's chilli was near enough gone as I collected the bowls, the only thing left is some chunks of chorizo. Dropping them into the sink – I filled my glass up then sat back down in my usual seat around the dining table. Part of me wanted Eric to turn up, but I knew he wouldn't; he couldn't risk being Eric Coulter any more not with Max on his back.

"Nessa." Shauna said catching my attention," How did you cook this?"
"Gran is very proud of her family's Spanish routes from before the war," I explained," I was intrigued by it so I picked up a few things."
Shauna nodded, pointing to the pot," Teach me to make this?"
"Family secret," I smirked, taking a bite of my own.
Shauna slumped down, "Mean."
"Thank you." I smiled, throwing a raspberry at her.

The loud music died off after midnight as the guests went home; Angel walked Theo back as Ronnie headbutted her duvet as Harry helped carry her back to her room after one too many martinis. He waved quietly, shutting the front door behind him.

Enjoying the newfound peace in the apartment, I sat curled up on the chair in my room, looking at the stairs in the sky with my finger keeping the page in a book – would a text have really killed him.
Just one text, it would've been enough.

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