I'm Falling for a Royal Princ...

By LeanGoddess

599K 29.6K 11.6K

THIS IS THE ORIGINAL STORY OF THE PROVOCATIVE PRINCE Folashadé was just a 16 year old girl when she and her f... More

Rewrite Vs. Original
Chapter 1: The Broken-hearted Girl
Chapter 2: The Tho(ugh)t of England
Chapter 3: Until I'm Married
Chapter 4: Interview Accident
Chapter 5: Job Orientation
Chapter 6: Twawking
Chapter 7: Sydney?
Chapter 8: Truth in the Garden
Chapter 9: Composure
Chapter 10: Early Morning Exercise
Chapter 11: Life-changing Advice
Chapter 12: An Almost-Mistake
Chapter 13: Risks
Chapter 14: A Bet (Part 1)
Chapter 14: A Bet (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Dogs Chasing Cats
Chapter 16: What He Wants
Chapter 17: Overspoken Advice
Chapter 18: Just For Fun
Chapter 19: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 20: Her Aggressive Beau
Chapter 21: A Late-Night Rendezvous
Chapter 22: The Origins of Going Downhill
Chapter 23: The Aesthetics of a Black Woman
Chapter 24: Confession
Chapter 25: Willpower
Chapter 26: To Give Warnings and Make Mistakes
Chapter 27: Sensual Hostility
Chapter 28: Advantages
Chapter 29: Necessary Precautions
Chapter 31: The Mistake

Chapter 30: Second Guesses

3.8K 188 98
By LeanGoddess

Okay so, for those that have already read the 2nd Book (IHARB) this chapter is going to be very different from the flashback chapter in that book. But as I said last chapter, so much will be changing about this series.

Without further ado, I hope you all enjoy this long chapter!

Chapter 30: Second Guesses


Every second, minute, and hour that ticked by was only bringing me closer to the evening. The Royal Family and all their guests looked forward to this joyous evening as it was the commemoration of the King and Queen's marriage of 30 years. I always admired marriages that surpassed 10 years. To devote yourself to the same person year after year was such an admirable characteristic. Considering that so many people in this world, including their own son, lacked the trait of truly being committed to someone. No matter how much you both argued, you still put your pride aside to reconcile with your significant other. No matter how much you may find your feelings to be tempted by someone else, your heart still belonged to your spouse. I used to want that for myself, to be with someone who was devoted to me and only me. But now, after tonight I don't think I even deserve to bask in having a man as devoted to me as the King is to his wife.

I knew what I was getting myself into. Sleeping with an engaged man who was not only unavailable, but he was also the Crowned Prince of the United Kingdom. Every time I think about it, my stomach starts to flutter. But, I didn't care; this is what I wanted and I would never do something that I didn't want to do. I've been on my own for a while now and it was time that I appeased myself despite it being with someone who should be unattainable to me. But maybe that was what drew me in so much to him. He was so unattainable that it unknowingly turned me on. I knew he could put my job on the line and I could be back where I started in London, but I didn't get that instinct that anything unfavorable will happen in the end. I knew he probably won't allow us to go back to the societal relationship between a maid and a prince; which is none. But as he said before, the risk was a thrill and that in itself may cause this to be an ongoing thing, which I will try my hardest to prevent. That risk factor is what really made us attracted to each other anyway, because I'm sure that if I was a normal woman on the streets, he wouldn't even blink once at me. But because I am a foreign maid in this castle, working for his family, he sees it as a very risky challenge. Like Vincent, I may never have the opportunity to do something extraordinary like this again.

Would I be a whore? Or a home wrecker?

My body shivered and my heart started to race at that degrading thought. I couldn't hear anything that was going on around me because my hearing was only succumbed to the rapid drumming in my chest. I really could never get mad if someone called me either of those words because that's exactly what I'd be.

Just for tonight.

I'd be those things, just for tonight.

"Okay, ladies," Gina began authoritatively. "We need all hands on deck tonight to ensure that this anniversary is a success," she announced to all of the maids that were lined up before her. It was 3 hours before doors opened for the Royal Anniversary Celebration. There was an expected attendance of over 3,000 guests. I wasn't even sure if the Ball Room could comfortably hold that many people, but I wouldn't be surprised. They'd been planning for this celebration for months and if anything was to go wrong tonight, Gina didn't want any of us to be responsible for the downfall.

"Folashadé, I want you to also be in charge of serving alcohol to guests every ten minutes," Gina asserted. I nodded in response. "Remember, no more serving after ten. We will not be responsible for guests going home drunk off their asses," she finished, her voice laced with a joking tone at the end. A few of the maids giggled softly.

"Yes ma'am," I replied with a nod and a smile. She returned the expression and went on to assign the next maid to her station.

Once she was done assigning us, we were dismissed. Because there wasn't much for most of us to do for another hour or so, Gina suggested that those who aren't busy get as much rest as possible for now. Apparently, we're going to need our energy to be able to balance our patience and swiftness with these guests. And I knew she was not joking with that statement.

I was walking alone, heading back to the Servant's Quarters to take a nap to rebuild any energy lost from the morning. I looked up from the ground of the walk way and caught the younger prince sitting in the courtyard alone, his arms crossed as he sent me a disapproving glare. I wish I had kept my head down when he motioned for me to sit beside him. Begrudgingly, I made my way over to him.

"Good afternoon, sir," I greeted him. Although it did irritate me to call someone so close in age 'sir', I knew it annoyed him even more. His glare deepening at the word was a prime indication of that.

"Folashadé, do you consider yourself a good person," he started after staring at me for some time. His features softened as he sat up straighter.

"For the most part, I do," I lied. Not in this moment, no. Good people do not romantically interject themselves in an engaged person's life.

"If you do, then why are you doing what you're planning to do tonight," he questioned, diverting his piercing gaze back to me. He looked upset again.

I couldn't immediately answer him because I didn't even know the answer to that question. Recalling how upset he made me yesterday, I really didn't have the energy to even have this conversation right now. "Your Highness, I have to return to the Servant's Quarters," I replied, looking around the perimeter and avoiding his eyes.

"Do not go to his room tonight. The risk that you are taking won't only affect you and him but others as well," he pressed and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees and again, his gaze never wavering from my direction. "My brother will play you like monopoly. He'll sleep with you, lead you to believe that he wants to be with you, and do you dirty in the end if you were to ever get caught."

"This isn't going to be an ongoing thing," I defended quickly. This was just for tonight.

"So you do know what I'm talking about," he smiled wryly.

Oh God.

"I don't want you to think I'm attacking you but I do want you to consider the consequences if things go wrong. Let's say you fall for him or want another night with him? He's an engaged man now. Whoring around won't come as easily as it used to for him."

"Were you not the one who told me that I make him happy? That you haven't seen him this happy in a while," I flipped the script. He did indeed tell me that Vincent felt happier in my presence. What changed now?

"I did and I won't deny that. But you two are taking it too far. Sex? Sex that you could get literally anywhere," he replied, not wavered by a single word that left my mouth. "He's having jungle fever, Folashadé."

"So... you want me to just call it off at the last minute," I inquired, pretending that I didn't hear him say such an insulting and disrespectful phrase. Jungle fever. I'm not a fucking animal.

"Whatever you think is morally sound," he stood up and yawned. "I think I'm going to take a nap," he quipped, his demeanor changed an entire 180 from how he was just seconds before. "I expect to see you tonight. Have a good evening," he bid his farewell and stalked toward the inner castle apartments.

I blinked slowly. Confusion, I'm sure, was etched all over my face. "He's really making me feel like shit lately," I frowned uncomfortably before continuing my tread to my room.



You could say I was exceptionally prepared for tonight's festivities and I'm not talking about the anniversary. I legitimately prepared myself for this evening through various pampering efforts. I had a full-body massage and spa treatment this morning to get rid of any knots in my body that may cause a cramp. I got a haircut and my beard lined up neatly to make sure that I presented myself well. I even got a sugar scrub this morning on my lips so that my lips would be extra soft the entire night. And lastly, I got a wax that I'm sure I could've waited a bit longer for but this night was probably going to be a once in a lifetime chance. I had to make sure I was top tier hotness. She wouldn't be able to resist me.

"How do I look," I asked my hair stylist.

"Magnificent, Your Highness," she replied automatically as she continued gelling my hair back.

"Magnificent? I don't look like a stud," I pulled away and looked up at her for a response.

She froze and her eyes darted from left to right before blinking rapidly. "Is that... the look you were aiming for," she asked, confusion etched in her tone.

"No, not at all," I chuckled before turning back to the mirror. "But, if you saw me, would you want to sleep with me," I had to ask. If I could get her opinion then maybe-.

"No, Your Highness," she cut me off and then went wide-eyed as she realized that she interrupted me. "Oh my goodness, sir, my apologies. I'm married and would never step out on my husband," she explained nervously.

"It's fine, no need to explain," I assured her as I rose out of my seat. She wasn't my type anyway, I wasn't into older women all that much. "I'm changing my suit. If you could step out, I would appreciate it," I smiled and gestured for her to leave my room.

"Isn't your stylist meant to help you with that," she asked confusion etched on her face.

"Usually, but I want to do this myself. So if you may," I waved my hand toward the door for her to leave. She finally left with a quick bow.

I quickly went to my walk-in closet to the wall full of a variety of 3-piece and 2-piece suits. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to wear a 3-piece since I was going to take it off later but at the same time I wanted to make sure that I looked nice for her.

I pulled off the silver blazer and unbuttoned it's matching vest. My eyes scanned the entire length of the wall, picking and choosing with my eyes what color to wear.

Green. Let's go for green.

I pulled the forest green 3-piece suit off of the rack and held it out in front of me. This should look good. Forest green with my olive skin. Tanning is the only reason I even go on vacation at this point. "Who needs a fucking stylist when I got myself," I sung out loud as I pulled out a gold paisley tie and the matching pocket square. A voice suddenly spoke at the entrance of my closet, nearly startling me since I wasn't expecting someone to be in my room.

"You're still not dressed? You must have been waiting for me," Melanie drawled out seductively. Lately, her demeanor was... different. She was more touchy and present and I wasn't sure if I was quite fond of it. Especially now. I really enjoy sex, yes and I think I'm quite a touchy person, myself. But Mel was pushing me at some moments. I could be shitting on the toilet and she'd come in with her sexual tension wanting to touch me. That's never happened, but it's a very possible scenario.

"Babe, not now," I said dismissively turning back to my wardrobe to scan for more accessories. Paired with the annoyance in my tone should have told her that it's time to leave. "I may not be dressed now but I will be soon so if you could just wait at the Ball- woah woah," I yelped as she ran her fingers against my ass.

"You look really good in your underwear, Vinny," she purred as her hand caressed from my backside to my groin. Before she could grab it, I instantly grabbed her wrist. I held her gaze, legitimately telling her to silently stop.

"Melanie. Not. Tonight," I added extra sternness to my voice. I was not about to waste a good nut for nothing. There was ass I've never had downstairs, waiting for me.

"Fine," she yanked her hand away from me. "But understand, that I don't take too lightly to the word no," she said warningly before raking her bright blue orbs over my half naked body. She huffed and stalked out of my closet. I waited quietly to hear the door finally close behind her.

"She's going to make me kill myself before I can even fuck Shadé," I grumbled under my breath. It's already bad enough that I slept with Mel two days ago. I could've been saving myself for this night, but she was extremely persistent.

By the time I was nearly dressed, I heard a gentle, four-point rhythmic knock at my door. I knitted my brows because I only knew one person that knocked liked that. What the hell was she doing here?

I swung the door open and saw the beautiful, petite woman looking to her left, as if she was avoiding someone. I want to say that she did her hair up for me, but I could be wrong. It wasn't her usual style, instead it was pulled up in ponytail with a curl on either side of her ears, giving her a soft look. She stated up at me with her large eyes and creased her forehead in concern.

"So gorgeous," I commented subconsciously as I scanned her uniform-cladded frame.

"I came to tell you that I'm backing out," she said quickly and as soon as the words left her mouth, I snapped out of my trance and yanked her inside of my room.

"P-pardon? You're what," I stuttered, slamming the door shut. "What changed between now and yesterday?" I had to know. She was doing fine and going about her business all fucking week so what the hell changed?!

"I can't do it. I feel like I'm degrading myself to be some kind of... of... whor-," I interrupted her.

"Hey, stop it," I cupped her face in both hands, guiding her to look up at me. "I don't know what made you think of yourself like this but please stop. I don't like hearing you speak badly of yourself," I kissed her forehead and pulled her into my embrace. As bad as I wanted to make love to this woman right now, I knew now was not the time. She wasn't in the right state of mind.

"Vincent," my name left her mouth like raw honey.

"Yes... Shadé," I refrained from using 'love'. I knew she didn't like me using that word with her.

"I really just want to go back to normal. Please," she pleaded, her eyes doing more of the work than anything else.

"If that's what you really want," I easily succumbed. I watched her nod in response. I can't force her to do something she doesn't want to do. But I knew one thing, if I find out that some bastard within these castle walls convinced her to back out of this, I'm raising every inch of hell in this damn place.

"Alright. I'll... I'll let you go," I sighed and loosened my hold on her soft body.

"Thank you for understanding." I don't. "I'll see you in the Ball Room," she bowed her head slightly before leaving the room.

I cannot believe I let her fucking go!

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck," I shouted angrily. What was the fucking point of going to the anniversary ball if I'm not able to release the pressure in my balls with her?! This wasn't something that I easily could get rid of by fucking Melanie. My attraction was for Shadé. Tonight was meant for us to get the other out of our systems and she just easily backed out at the very last minute.

I cannot let her go that easily. Something in me told me to fight back.

Go and get your woman back.

"She already said it's not what she wants," I said to myself. I wasn't about to spend anymore time arguing with my conscience. She's not my woman, she said she didn't want this, so I'm not going to pressure her.

Despite how angry I was, I couldn't not attend my parents' anniversary. Troy escorted me down to the Ball Room and the moment I stepped into the large hall, I was greeted by several young women. They were all beautiful but none were who I wanted.

"Good evening, Your Highness," a beautiful blonde greeted me. I smiled and nodded her way.

"Long time, no see, Vincey," another woman with short dark hair flashed me a smirk and a wink. I don't recall that woman's face at all so I'm a bit confused on how she gave me a nickname already.

"You're still as handsome as ever, Vince," one of Floyd's girls complimented me eagerly. I replied with a simple thank you and kept it moving.

Troy outstretched his hand to each and every one of them to keep them at a safe distance from me while I nodded and flashed a smile to anyone else that wanted to greet me. I made it to the table where my siblings sat and noticed my 'fiancée' far in the distance showing off the ring she wasn't supposed to have on her hand for another few months.

Just thinking about how she pretty much proposed to herself upsets me. Yes, I mentioned the word husband but I didn't mean for her to take it so literally.

"Excuse me," I stopped one of the serving maids, who had been carrying a tray of pastries and scones. "Do you mind getting me a bottle of wine, please," I asked her gently. She nodded and verbally confirmed with a 'yes, Your Highness' before disappearing into the crowd.

"No greeting, huh? I guess we don't exist," Genevieve accused.

"My apologies," I replied as I adjusted my seat to face toward her. "You look stunning tonight, Genny. We need to keep an eye on you," I joked, receiving a sincere smile and giggle from her. "Good evening, Rodney, have you finally struck up the courage to date Malona," I teased, and watched as Rodney rolled his eyes at me.

"Be grateful. Mum and dad will like her since they love her sister. You may even actually get to be with someone you love," I smiled dimly as I watched his face change to a gentler expression.

"Your wine, sir," the pastry maid announced from beside me. She leaned over and elegantly poured the wine into a clean wine glass for me. I was going to down this shit like shot.

"Thank you," I said as she stood up straight and bowed her head steadily before turning away to leave. I quickly scanned the room for any sign of the woman that rejected me minutes before arriving here. The moment my eyes landed on her athletic figure near the bar, I immediately downed the entire glass of wine.

"Vincent, that's not water," Rodney commented while Genny glanced curiously between Rodney and I.

"I know," I stated, pouring myself another glass and quickly gulping that as well. "Why do you think I'm drinking it like this?" I poured my third glass. This shit was weak. I should probably get something stronger.

"Genny, is that the Prime Minister's son," Rodney announced. "You should probably go talk to him if you plan on courting him soon," he suggested. Genny and I knew he was only doing that to isolate us and of course like the good little sister that she is, she left us to speak privately.

"Okay little brother, talk to me," I said knowingly before drinking the remains of my wine.

"What did you mean by what you said earlier," he ask instantly.

I frowned, trying to feign confusion. "What did I say?" I knew exactly what the hell I said.

"About me being able to marry someone I love," he replied as he placed his arms on the table to lean forward.

"Ahh yes, you are able to do that. It must be nice," I chuckled bitterly.

"Don't act like you can't do the same. You just have a track record of poorly choosing women," he reminded me. "They forced Melanie on you because if it were up to you, you wouldn't get married or have children until you're well in your 50s." He wasn't wrong, I was going to bask in my freedom as a single, childless man for as long as I could.

"Jesus Christ, Rod," I laughed heartily.

"Is there someone who could have taken Melanie's place that our parents would have approved of," he pressed on. He knew he was starting to irritate me.

"Why are you asking me this," I asked suspiciously.

"I'm curious."

"Well, don't be. I know you're assuming it's Folashadé, but it's not," I informed him, lowering my voice a bit. "She doesn't mean anything."

Rodney released a light laugh. "Didn't you two have a deal going on? You seem upset, did she cancel on you," he questioned with an amused smile. For some reason I felt like I had to defend myself.

"Actually," I immediately piped up. A weird energy boost surged through me like a nerve. "She did not cancel, she postponed on me. Two completely different things, Rod. I cancelled on her," I lied through my fucking teeth. "Postponing on someone like me is an automatic disqualification," I finished as I averted my gaze in her direction, oddly knowing exactly where she was and God was she looking beautiful in her uniform.

"I obviously don't have time for shit like that," I said thoughtfully as I kept my eyes on her. She look drained but in an attractive way. I wasn't sure how a person can do both but she was proof that it can be done.

Rodney turned his head slowly in the direction that I was looking, behind him. There were bodies moving back and forth as I tried to keep my sights on Shadé. However, a thin figure stood in my line of vision completely blocking the woman that was playing guitar with my heart strings.

"Hello your highnesses," Malona politely greeted, standing at a good 5'7" of being in my damn way.

"Good evening."

"Good evening, Malona." You fucking simp. I couldn't help but notice the dreamy look on my brother's face.

Malona smiled and twisted her fingers a bit as she began. "Sir, I don't mean to interrupt you two, but I'd like to talk to Rodney for a few minutes."

I bolted out of my seat, almost telling her to be my fucking guest. "Oh of course, that's not a problem," I said instead, eager to get the hell away from him. Rodney was no longer paying any attention to me since all of it was given to Malona.

I left the table and made a straight beeline for the end of the bar where she was standing. My annoying conscience was right, I need to go and get my woman back. But closer I got to her, the more I felt my confidence deteriorating. Her intimidating face was on ten tonight and had I not already seen her stunning smile before I would have thought she was rude. Thankfully she's not rude, just a bit reserved.

"Drink, please," I called out, signaling with my hand for her to head in my direction. She turned her head in my direction, her dark chocolate orbs immediately locking onto mine as she... she... she smiled. A very inviting smile. God, this is torture. She cannot smile at me with that face after rejecting my proposal at the last minute. That just wasn't fair.

She started making her way toward me, struggling to keep the three wine glasses for tipping over. "Dammit," I heard her curse under her breath before stopping temporarily to readjust the glasses and then heading to me. "Good evening, You're Highness," she greeted sweetly, as if nothing happened. "I hope you like-."

As much as I hated to cut her off, believe me, I really love hearing her speak, I had to make this quick. "Shadé," I breathed out her name slowly.

Her eyes widened at the sound of her name. She took a step back and looked around the area. We weren't near a lot of people, but the few that were near us were already have conversations of their own. "Sir, you're talking to me for too long," she warned quietly.

I took two glasses off of her platter and flashed a fake smile to a trio of women passing by. "There's no way that you gorgeous women are enjoying the night without tasting this wine," I said warmly as I handed the first two women glasses and followed by the third.

"It's not every day that we're offered wine from a handsome Prince," one of them giggled girlishly before walking off and continuing to admire me.

I turned back to Shadé, who was thankfully still standing behind me. I expected her to duck off somewhere and hide from me but I suppose it's not in her nature.

"Would you come up to my room for a drink," I invited her coolly as I looked around, keeping a watchful eye out for Melanie. Luckily, I didn't see much of her all night. Not that I was really looking.

"I doubt I'm allowed to just leave," she stated with an ounce of concern lacing in her tone. Her response piqued me. She wasn't allowed but she was willing. There was still a slither of hope.

"Come on. I only want to talk to you. We haven't had a decent conversation in such a long time. Please," I begged, taking her free hand in one of mine. Her hand was just as soft as usual and all too warm. I couldn't help but rub my thumb on the back of her hand.

She bit down on her bottom lip and instantly pulled her hand out of mine. "Vincent, I told you I can't," she firmly reminded. Jesus that word, can't. I glanced around the ballroom to confirm once again that we weren't being watched.

"I'm not worried about that. You're the only person I can really talk to whenever something is bothering you."

"I can't have a conversation about things like that if I'm the something that's bothering you."

"It's not about you."

She blinked several times. "Then what would be bothering you after what I told you upstairs," she questioned cautiously.

"It's a lot of things, really. In conjunction with the bomb you dropped, my night has been hell," I lied. I was actually enjoying my week until just an hour before this conversation.

"Okay, fine," she gave in, very hesitantly. "But only to talk," she continued, warningly. "After the anni-," the announcer cut her off as a loud greeting resonated throughout the Ball Room.

"Good evening all, entering now is the lovely couple who's marriage has lasted through the tests of time! His Majesty, King Mathias and his stunning Queen, Her Majesty, Lady Miranda," he proudly announced their presence, forcing everyone to submit all of their attention to the King and Queen as they dramatically entered the Ball Room.

But that was the perfect amount of dramatics for me to take the platter out of Shadé's hand and replace it with mine. I was glad that we were already standing on the outskirts from where the crowd was gathered because it made it easier for her to follow me.

I left the platter on a table that the guests clearly left unattended. I turned around to look back at the crowd who were wholly invested in my parents' grand entrance. I quickly glanced to my front to see where the emergency exit was and then back to Shadé.

She wasn't fighting me. That's a good sign.

My hand tightened in hers as we neared the dimly lit hall that led to Ball Room's emergency exit door. I didn't want her to get away that easily. She wasn't going anywhere.

I pulled her in front of me and gently pushed the door open for her. She pressed her hand against my chest as if to stop me from following her. "What," I whispered but didn't receive an answer as I watched her scan the environment. She finally stepped out and I followed suite, keeping in mind to close the door gently so it doesn't just slam shut. I damn near crushed my finger doing so since the door didn't have a handle on the other side.

"Where are we going," she finally spoke, her large forehead had some hints of perspiration on it. Likely from being in a crowded space.

"We can go to my room," I suggested. I briefly wondered where Troy was. I knew that the guards weren't ones to speak on what they see in the castle but I couldn't be too careful, especially with her. I looked down at Shadé only to see that she was already staring at me, looking a bit... jaded. "Are you sick," I joked and received a sad, but gentle smile in return.

"No. Can we go now before we get caught," she reminded me that we were still standing at the Ball Room exit.

"Yes, follow closely behind me. If we need to stop I'll put my hand up," I laid out the plan. It wasn't really a plan but it was something.

She nodded and got in the usual maid position, head down and hands crossed in front of her apron, ready to follow my lead. I feel bad for lying to her, but I had to spend the night with her, just once. After that, I'll leave her alone for good.


Y'ALLLLL!!! It's going down next chapter! 🤰🏾 I hope y'all can see that emoji lmaoooo



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