The Neko Boy (TodoBakuDeku) M...

By Explosion_Pop

612K 15.9K 14.1K

Izuku Midoriya lived in a realm where hybrid people was the normal. He lived with his mother in their cottage... More

Background information
~*~Chapter 1~*~
~*~Chapter 2~*~
~*~Chapter 3~*~
~*~Chapter 4~*~
~*~Chapter 5~*~
~*~Chapter 6~*~
~*~Chapter 7~*~
~*~Chapter 8~*~
~*~Chapter 9~*~
~*~Chapter 10~*~
~*~Chapter 11~*~
~*~Chapter 12~*~
~*~Chapter 13~*~
~*~Chapter 14~*~
~*~Chapter 15~*~
~*~Chapter 16~*~
~*~Chapter 17~*~
~*~Chapter 18~*~
~*~Chapter 19~*~
~*~Chapter 20~*~
~*~Chapter 21~*~
~*~Chapter 22~*~
~*~Chapter 23~*~
~*~Chapter 24~*~
~*~Chapter 25~*~
~*~Chapter 26~*~
~*~Chapter 27~*~
~*~Chapter 28~*~
~*~Chapter 29~*~
~*~Chapter 30~*~
~*~Chapter 31~*~
~*~Chapter 33~*~
~*~Chapter 34~*~
~*~Chapter 35~*~
~*~Chapter 36~*~
~*~Chapter 37~*~
~*~Chapter 38~*~
~*~Chapter 39~*~
~*~Chapter 40~*~
~*~Chapter 41~*~
~*~Chapter 42~*~
~*~Chaper 43~*~
~*~Chapter 44~*~
~*~Chapter 45~*~

~*~Chapter 32~*~

8.7K 257 164
By Explosion_Pop

Chapter 32

-(Izuku's POV)-

I wake up in between my two boyfriends but there both still asleep. I wiggle my way out and go downstairs to make them breakfast.

I made pancakes bacon and scrambled eggs. When I was chopping up some kale for scrambled eggs I nicked my finger.

"Ow that sucked..."

I walk to the bathroom downstairs and grab a small bandage. I walk back into the kitchen and finish cooking. Once I was done I walk back upstairs to see them both still sleeping. Hmmmm how should I wake them.

"KACCHAN SHOTO!"The both jolt awake and fall out of bed.

"WHATS WRONG?!"Sho looked at me whit wide eyes.

"Nothing. Breakfast is ready now though."I say with a smile.

"I'm gonna kill you."Kacchan get up from the floor and runs after me.



I run around the counter and hid in a cabinet below our island sink. I hear kacchan run in and start looking around. He opens my hiding spot and drags me out.

"NUUUUU!"He started to tickle me.

"Come on Kat he did make us food let's eat while it's still hot."He finally stoped tickling me and helped me up.

We all sit down and start eating. I finished eating early so I ran upstairs to change. I change into jeans and a white blouse with a green vest. I run back down and kiss my boyfriends on their cheeks.

"Wait where are you going babe?"Sho asks before I get out the door.

"I'm gonna see if Denki want to explore with me!"

"Ok well be careful and back before lunch."Kacchan hugs me and I walk out the door.

I run over to Denki's house and knock on the door. After a minute of waiting he comes to the door.

"Wanna come exploring with me?"

"Sure let me go get changed and tell Kiri!"

He let me in and I sat on the couch waiting for him to come back down. After 10 minutes he came back and we headed of on our adventure.

We decided to go North of camp and walked for and hour. But then we heard a rustle of leaves from behind a bush. We both freeze and prepare to fight.

Denki has been trained to fight with a knife and so did I. Kiri had taught him and my mom had taught me. My mom showed me when I was about 10 because dad came back one day and beat me...

Two men pop out of the bush... one had purple scars under his eyes and on his neck... the other had purple hair and bags under his eyes...Dabi and Shinso.

I panic, these men were with my father when he 'visited' us. I grab Denki's hand because he seemed to be frozen as well and I began to shake.

"Oh if it isn't little Izu and Kami. How ya been over the years?"

"G-Go away."Tears start to prick my eyes remembering all the events they put me through. Kami grabs me and pulls me into his chest.

"Awww do you not wanna come back with us? How about you Denki? Never mind we'll just take both of you!"Dabi rips me out of Denki's hold and I start to cry and hyperventilate.

"STOP! Give him back and we'll go peacefully..."Denki yells.

"Fine but anything funny happens I won't hesitate to separate you two." Dabi throws me back and I land on the ground. Denki helps be back up and I latch onto him.

"Denki I wanna go home..."I sobbed out just addible for him to hear.

"Shh your fine. It's ok I have a plan."He was also shaking.

We start to follow behind them and Denki tells me the plan for our escape.

"Ok we both can climb pretty fast and I know for a fact they can't so we split up climb a tree and jump back until we're close to camp. Once were close enough we scream." I nod in response to his plan.


We spring off and get high in the trees. They were following us from the ground in their wolf forms. I was crying and I couldn't stop shaking. I kept jumping from tree to tree making sure not to look at the ground. Denki was two trees behind me when suddenly the branch I had jumped to snapped beneath my feet.

I fell and knocked the wind out of myself. Denki jumped down and helped me up and we ran until we saw our pack. My chest was on fire. Dabi had caught up and grabbed my wrist knocking me back. We saw Mina and Kirishima so he yelled beyond couldn't.


They turn and see me and Denki being restrained under the two taller males. Mina turns into her wolf form and tackled the man on top of me. Kiri half transformed and did the same for the man on Denki.

I couldn't get up because my back was throbbing and I couldn't get any air in my lungs. Denki got up and ran over to me. I was on my stomach so Denki gently rolled me over.

"Hey you ok?"He asked me but all I could do was try and gasp for air.

Kiri and Mina were fighting the two males until they decided to retreat. Kiri and Mina ran up to us and started asking a million questions.

Still not getting enough air in my lungs and the now constant stream of speech comeing at me my head starts spinning.

"Kiri go get Momo now! He's going pale!" Mina and Kiri rub off.

"I-Im f-ine"I finally get out.

I attempted to sit up but he lightly pushes me back down.

"No you aren't you fell straight on you back and knocked the wind out of yourself."

I end up coughing from trying to speech again.

"Please don't try and talk..."Denki was starting to cry.

-1018 words-

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