Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


3.2K 164 80
By tokki-maknae

"So.. that's the story. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner, it sounds ridiculous but I'm ashamed of my past so I never thought about telling you guys about it until now." Hobi said with a strain laugh at the end, with his hands starting to turn clam-y with how tightly he kept holding onto your phone. Hobi basically called for a meeting in the artillery room, standing on one side of the black island table in the center of all the walls covered in weapons. Letting your eyes drift around the room, you had to admit it was decked out in a pretty badass secret weapon room that every spy movie had.

You did your best to stay as neutral as you could throughout it all. When Hobi broke the news to you first, you told him that he was going to need everyone in on this to help. After all, the very second his sister came to, her life was put back in danger for just being conscious. Time was sensitive because Hobi could lose his remaining family in just a single blink.

So telling everyone what's going on was the first step in all of this, which caused Hobi to make a request that you went along with everyone else since you only knew about it before any of the other members did. Which you agreed with to some degree because you also weren't sure how it would play out if you knew about this before the rest of the boys did who were with Hobi for way longer than you were. Holy shit I practically sound like a home wrecker.. You couldn't help but comment at it. After all that was the general feeling you had while everyone took a moment to digest Hobi's backstory.

"Alright," Namjoon spoke up first, moving over to Hobi as he put his hand on his shoulder, "You had your reasons for not telling us, but thank you for opening to us, Hoseok. I know that wasn't easy for you. Tell us what you need us to do now, you have the entire gang's support for anything and everything you need right now."

Smiling in relief, Hobi shakily let out an exhale, "Thank you Namjoon, and everyone else. Just thank you, right now all I know is for the moment my dad has no idea she's awake. Luckily my mom was alone in the room when she came to and managed to have my sister pretend to still be asleep. I don't know how long they can stay like that until they're found out. I don't even know what my dads going to really do once he finds out."

Nodding along, Namjoon stepped away form Hobi before facing everyone else, "So right now we need to come up with a plan. Something quick, but also safe and secured-"

"If I may," You spoke up while also rising to stand from where you were preached on the couch arm. "When I was Ace, I was hired to help on a mission to retrieve a hostage. So I think it'd be best for time and efficiency if we just copied and past their plan."

Returned for the time being from his family's on going feuds, Jin was leaning against the doorway in the living room. Having his arms crossed over his chest as he said, "Let's hear the plan first before any final calls."

Agreeing with Jin's comment, you were pretty confident in the plan either way. Since you've been working on it the moment Hobi had to walk away from his mom and sister the last time. You just gave your plan idea a different cover up to respect Hobi's request, because it'd be weird if you just had a convenient plan for this exact scenario.

"In any hostage rescue mission, there's always a key window of time we have to meet perfectly, that's the second most important aspect in the plan. The first is safely extracting Hobi's mom and sister from any immediate danger." Moving on, since the first step in your plan was to inform everyone to the severity of the situation this had on Hobi. You could give out the rest of the steps without giving out context in intervals, "Our time window lies during the hospital visiting hours. Knowing that Hobi's dad is a mafia head, we also know that he doesn't go anywhere alone."

"It's true," Hobi added in, "My dad takes longer to move around because he moves in a pack. He fears being assassinated or taken out so he likes to have multiple people and cars on hand, like a painfully slow convoy. Power in numbers mindset. The same mindset that also made him treat his own kids like threats." He made a jab in his last sentence, which you couldn't blame him for.

"And your mom isn't apart of that pack your dad keeps around right?" Knowing the answer, you asked either way to keep clear of confusion for anyone else.

Nodding along, Hobi also mentions, "My mom's used to test the waters before my dad goes in. So there should actually even be a time where my mom and sister are alone before my dad gets to the hospital."

"That's perfect then, the time when Hobi's mom is at the hospital alone is our window. Right now it's too late, so the latest this can happen has to be tomorrow, any sooner and we risk them getting caught." Taking a pause, you did a quick skim over the plan just to reassure yourself before you explained it, "We're going to break into two main groups and have a third fallback unit if we need to. First group is the search group, they're going to keep tabs on Mr. Jung, from a very far distance they'll should be able to tell if he's arriving early, or if he was tipped off, or just any abnormal activity involving him."

Making sure there weren't any questions and you still had everyone's attention, you held up two fingers as you continued. "Second team is the rescue team, they'll be the ones extracting Hobi's mom and sister from the room during the opening. While also being able to not alert the hospital staff on what's going down before they could go into lockdown or have the police involved. And finally we have our fallback unit, they'll be like a destroy team. They can be a person from either of the two teams and their new goal if their main one starts to fall through is to create distractions or diversions to stay on course with the plan. They're also the people in charge of taking out any of Jung's lackeys. In case there's confrontation with the enemy, that way the others can focus on the main groups focus without worry for any outliers in the plan. Plan's basically bulletproof, now we just sort out our positions. I'm going be with the rescue team, I'll also be the person to fall back for the destroy team to narrow it down."

"I'm going to be on rescue as well, there's no way I'm doing search." Hobi said once you finished speaking, clearly no one would argue with him since this hit home for him after all. You just had a few doubts that because of his repressed hatred and also condition fear of his dad might conflict during the mission. But you decided to keep to yourself about those worries since this mission meant everything to Hobi.

Raising his hand, Jin also threw his hat in metaphorically, "I'm obviously going to be on rescue also. We can use my family's hospital as a disguise and cover up for being visiting doctors or something, that way we'll barely raise any red flags."

"Then I'll do search, I'll also be taking Jimin and Jungkook along with me." Namjoon spoke for them and himself, seeing as no one was on the search team yet. You noticed he purposely choose those two based on lack of experience individually. While Jungkook was exceptional in hand to hand combat and an absolute human tank if needed to, he lacked making snap judgements and handling high intensity situations. Whereas Jimin hasn't trained enough in close combat, but he was good at memorizing details of maps and locations so he'd help out more with the search team goal. Either way those two had no complaints as their leader assigned them.

Which only left Yoongi and Tae. You've seen what Yoongi can do under pressure and alone when he basically rescued you from Eunbi's hit men in the forest. So he'd probably go for rescue-

"I'll fill in the last rescue spot then." Taehyung confidently claimed the remaining space.

Leaving Yoongi to fill in the final spot for the search team, "I guess I'm on search then." You quickly washed away the initial look of shock from your widen eyes to avoid any misunderstanding. With Tae's skill set you just figured that he would just make a better fit for doing recon on the enemy. Yet once again, you couldn't bring yourself to voice your opinion without possibility hurting someone's feelings. But you were confident with how the team line up turned out either way, you appointed yourself to the fall back unit knowing you were all the kickass rescue team needed anyways.

"Then let's make sure everything else is in preparation for tomorrow. Let's pull up a floorplan of the hospital, get Jung's most used and potential routes mapped out, and get everyone's needed gear together." Namjoon ordered as he took over the rest of the planning session from you. Getting everyone into motion, everyone turned into a busy body for the mission ahead of the gang.

Heading over to a connected part of the room where you pass by earlier that you stole a glimpse at. You confirmed your assumption as there were more counters and walls covered in other varieties of weapons that weren't just guns. You had to give it to Jin, he did know how to build and stock a weapon room. Going over to one of the closer counters, you carefully picked up a knife from an open case. Before you could take a closer examination of it, there was a light pressure on your shoulder.

Turning around, you followed the hand grabbing you up to the nervous expression of Hobi. Pressing his lips together before letting out a stress induced smile, he tells you, "Thank you, [Y/n]. I needed that push to tell everyone.. It's really going to happen tomorrow, I can't wait to see my mom and sister again." Hobi said the last part with more emotion behind it as his eyes did a few rapid blinks.

Setting the knife back down, you turned to face him, "You don't have to thank me. I did say when the time was right we'd save them, and I intend to keep to my word on that. When we're done here, you better get some sleep. I know that might be hard, but this mission's to critical to go in sleep deprived." Watching as a tense exhale left his chest in relief, he gave you a head strong nod before returning to his own preparations. As his back turn towards you, you had a sudden light bulb go off causing you to blurt out, "Actually Hobi, I do have a tiny request for the mission."


"Doctor Anderson, this is truly a wonderful surprise!" A middle age man exclaimed as his short yet wide body stature made him look as if he was waddling towards you guys.

Standing alongside Jin, who wore a doctor's coat over his business attire. You dressed similarly in professional attire with a matching blazer-pencil skirt combo with a white button up tucked in. Pushing his fake round rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose, Jin spoke in a deeper tone, "A wonderful surprise? Does that mean my arrival is that of a unwanted one?"

"N-No of course not, your arrival is nothing short of a pleasant visit for us!" He stammered frantically to Jin's Oscar worthy acting.

Still acting unamuse, Jin said, "This is my assistant, pay her no mind. Her duties are strictly note taking and making observations. For now may we move our visit to your hospital's recent breakthrough on the improvement in sanitation regulations and procedures." Even if Jin never mention you, you doubt this other guy would've even notice your presence. He was only focused in on Jin aka "Dr. Anderson" as he desperately began to motion for Jin to follow him.

So Jin's family hospitals did have some major influence with other branches that aren't their own. You thought to yourself as you held your right arm on top of the messenger bag you had slung over your shoulder. It didn't seem too difficult to sneak in through the front under the disguise of visiting board member's from Jin's hospital. It was crazy what an official phone call under a board phone number and Jin's borrowed embroidered lab coat could do.

On cue as you began to turn the hall, you softly call out, "I need to use the restroom."

Going along with it, Jin let out a heavily annoyed sigh, "Unbelievable, sometimes having an assistant feels more like I'm babysitting." He also added a dramatic 'tsk' at the end of his sentence. Which killed you not to laugh at, muttering a quick apology under your breath while doing a submissive bow with your head. Even though you did feel irritated at his tone, that probably just meant he was doing really good at acting like a douche.

To that Jin waved his hand back at you, "Don't be a nuisance, you're an adult so you can figure out where the bathroom is by yourself." Creating no room for you to be bother with a guide and giving you a perfect excuse as to why you were wondering around if caught, you quickly parted from the two. Leaving Jin to distract the hospital's head doctors so you could freely move around.

Once completely separated, you took out your phone to pull up the image everyone on rescue got of the hospital floor plans. Discreetly cradling your phone against your chest as you maneuvered throughout the first floor, you luckily didn't catch anyone's attention as you walked with resting bitch face all over your expression. A.k.a, the kind that would cause people to walk around you instead of wait for you to move or to run into you.

Approaching a side entrance, you carefully glanced around. Waiting for a few nurses to pass by as you instantly pretended to be on the phone. Faking a conversation to sound boring and personal, dropping a subtle, "Hold on, I think I'll get a better reception outside." While using your forearm to push against the bar handle of the door. Gently blowing your hair around as you opened the door. Upon taking a brief glance outside to see two figures lingering against the outside wall dressed in nurse scrubs with face masks covering their faces.

Nodding to you, you held the door open as the two "nurses" walked inside. Causally going along with it, you still acted like you were on the phone in case someone was still watching you. Letting in Hobi and Tae who were disguised, you trailed behind them from a distances as they made there way to the elevators that the nurses primarily used to transport larger equipment.

Walking off to the side for bit, Hobi looked around carefully before grabbing onto one of those massive laundry hampers on wheels. Pushing it in front of him, Tae went ahead of Hobi to press call for the elevator. As soon as the doors opened, they went in with Hobi walking backwards to pull the hamper cart along with him. Jumping in at the last second while the doors started to close. You made it in time as the elevator began to ascend.

Ripping his face mask off, Tae began to remove the nurse attire off of him. Following in suite, you shed the blazer off from your body. Folding it quickly, you opened the flap to the messenger bag on your shoulder. Exchanging the jacket for a pair of shorts you had tucked inside, you set the bag down as you stepped into the pair of shorts. Putting them on underneath the skirt before you actually removed the skirt, you stuffed your previous clothes into the bag before throwing it into the cart.

Already moving the assorted rags and towels to clear a spot, Tae sat at the bottom of the clothed covered hamper while holding back the avalanche so you had room to fit in as well. He was probably waiting for you to finish since Tae already had his mission clothes on under the scrubs. Hobi held out his hand for you, which you took for extra balance as you climbed into the hamper. Sitting next to Tae, all three of you rearranged the towels to perfectly cover up and fit the top to conceal you and Tae.

Hiding inside the bin proved to be more cramp than expected as you were practically on Tae's lap. But you felt like it wasn't really your fault he was 80% legs. Hearing a muffled ding of the elevator, you felt Hobi use more force to push as you two weighed down the cart more. As Hobi rolled the hamper out of the elevator, you tried not to move so much as you awkwardly sat in between Tae's legs facing him. Not that any of this could be less awkward as more tension seem to just linger around you both.

You wish this part didn't require you to be completely silent, or else you would've at least tried to have talk to him. Stealing a glance at him, you notice he was just staring off to the side. Sensing your obviously stare, Tae's eyes flickered over to you, before you could look elsewhere, Hobi came to an abrupt stop.

Sending you to collide into Tae, if you thought it was awkward before it just got ten times worse. Somehow you ended up on top of him with your noses basically brushing against each other as you both shared startled expressions. Causing you to panic as your first instinct was to immediately reestablish the space from before. Which you froze on doing so as you heard another voice speak up from outside where you two were hidden. Making out small talk, you pieced together someone saying, 'a kid just spilled some soda down the hall', making assume it was probably a nurse asking for rags to go clean up some spill with.

"Let me grab them for you then," You heard Hobi offered through the layer of rags above. Doing so to avoid having you both exposed immediately, and probably to give you both a better heads up.

Feeling pressure from above, without thinking, you quickly did your best the squish both Tae and you down to the bottom to avoid being seen. Holding your breath at what seemed like an eternity for the person to be requesting for borrowing towels, you focused on trying not to get caught as you pressed yourself against Tae more without thinking much about it. Still withholding your own breath, you listened carefully as you heard the sounds of fading footsteps, that were followed by Hobi pushing the cart again, this time a little more urgently, but definitely not enough to look suspicious.

Exhaling a sigh of relief after taking in a greedy inhale. You waited a few beats to be in the clear before looking over to Tae to check on him. Only to find him being suffocated into your chest, which was probably all done by you aggressively smushing yourself on top of him. As your thinking process finally caught up to speed, you felt yourself breakout into a fever of a blush. Instantly reacting by pushing yourself away, you also hastily whispered, "I'm so sorry, I-I didn't realize I was-" Unable to finish your apology, you felt your blush intensify when a pair of arms secured themselves discreetly around your lower back and waist. 

Along with Tae cutting you off with his on whisper of, "It's safer like this.." There wasn't a doubt of that in your mind, since you could only push the single thought of, Isn't this position a little too intimate?!, through your embarrassed state. It was one thing for you to accidentally shove your chest into his face with immense awkwardness. But with how you were currently positioned, with your legs pressed against either side of his own, you kept your hands lingering above his shoulders. Which didn't do much as Tae suddenly grabbed your by your hips, as if he read your mind he repositioned the two of you. To avoid blatantly having his face in your chest, Tae carefully sat himself up, opting to have his face buried into the crook of your neck instead.

Which you honestly couldn't tell if it was better or not as his arms remain encircled around your waist and you could feel his breath against your neck. Causing your sensitivity to spike along with your heart rate, as in any other situation this was definitely some form of cuddling. Picking up on your tense form, Tae suddenly blew against your neck out of curiosity. Forgetting that staying still was the current life or death thing to do, you reacted by gently jabbing your hand against his shoulder, as to not make a lot of movement.

"Didn't know you were sensitive." Tae whispered to you, carefully making sure he didn't warrant another baby jab from you.

Easing up a bit from being the so tense against him, you quickly defended yourself, "I-I'm not. Isn't this.. a little awkward, I mean being smushed on top of you?"

"Not really, you're really squishy so this kind of feels nice." Tae answered you with complete seriousness.

Causing you to go deadpan for a nano second as you asked yourself, Is he implying that I'm out of shape or did he mean my boobs? Changing the subject mentally, you brought yourself onto another pressing matter you had at hand. Figuring this couldn't possibly get anymore awkward for the two of you. Deciding to rip the bandaid off, you suddenly asked, "Have you been avoiding me? I'm not mad or anything, but I just feel like you are. Or like I did something wrong to you at least."

Taken aback, Tae still took a lengthy pause before answering you, "A little bit, I was trying to figure out something."

"What were you trying to figure out?" You didn't mean to pry, in fact you never really try to unless you felt involved in the matter.

You could feel his fingers drum against your lower back as he came up with another answer, "You're always involved with everything, whereas I'm not, and sometimes I feel like I'm put on as benchwarmer for everyone else. I want to do more than that, I want to make big contributions and be a key player like you. So I guess I was just jealous." Honestly at first it didn't seem like the truth, but it made sense to you. Why he wanted to be on the rescue team and be closer to the danger, even when he said the jealous part he sounded pretty bitter about it. Even if that was the case for Tae's reason to avoid you, why couldn't you get rid of that guilty after taste that always lingers for you.

Subconsciously leaning into him more, you softly spoke up, "I get it now, I was worried I did something. Does this mean your still jealous though?"

"Something like that. But don't worry about it, I'm not going to avoid. You mean to much to me for me to be petty over a little bit of jealousy." Tae assured you while wrapping his arms around you more tightly.

"You know, if there's certain areas you wanted to try or improve in, I can help you with it. Especially with hand to hand combat, I don't go easy on you guys even if I'm teaching." You offered your abilities out to him. Attempting to patch over whatever former bitterness Tae held to you, going further to selfishly try to appease that nagging guilt in the back of your head.

"Oh really, I'll hold you to your word on that then." Tae told you seriously but spoke in a hum matching your tone. Smiling a bit as a comfortable silence fell over you two. You felt more relieved even though this wasn't how you wanted to talk with him ideally, you were still glad nonetheless that things were patched over. You weren't sure how much longer you could stand being ignored, because in a weird way you were scared at the thought of not being close like this to Tae.

Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around his shoulder. You didn't really think much about what you were doing, completely oblivious in your own thoughts you missed reading the way Tae kept shifting around like he wanted to say something. Before anything else was said, the rags overhead you both were suddenly pulled back. Causing Tae to let go of you, allowing both of you to move back into a less compromising position for the two of you.

Sitting up, you were face to face with Hobi, looking around you recognize the surroundings of the inside of a hospital room. You were so absorbed in thinking about Tae, you had no idea that Hobi already wheeled you guys into the room. Taking Hobi's hand that he held out to you, you climbed out from the rag bin on wheels. Easily recovering from your prior states of embarrassment and being flustered, you looked over to see the familiar form of Hobi's mom as she stood to the side of the room.

Eyes lighting up with recognition, she walked over to you. As she came closer, you couldn't tell if you grew taller or if she somehow lost a few centimeters, either way it was evident that stress was taking it's toll on her as she appeared to look consumed from fatigue. Taking in your appearance as well, Hobi's mom says, "You look like you need to eat more, especially at your age since you're growing."

Mentally cussing yourself out for you lack of social skills, you cringed at the awkward agreeing laugh that left your lips. Still shining a motherly smile at you, she held her hand out to you, which you reached out to yourself for what you thought was a handshake. Only to be pulled into a bear hug from her, "It's so good to see you again sweetheart," Giving you a few hearty pats along your back, you let out a genuine smile yourself as you returned the hug.

"It's good to see you too." You told her as she released you from a hug. Nodding in agreement she gently squeezed her hands along your upper arms before noticing Tae had already emerged from the same laundry bin as he was having a light conversation with Hobi's sister by her bedside. Noticing you were looking over at him, he walked over to Hobi's mom to introduce himself. Looking elsewhere you met Hobi's eyes, as he could barely contain the look of anxiety breed with both excitement and nervousness. You watched as Hobi quickly flashed his sister a reassuring smile when she looked up towards him. Probably to ease his sister current state of uneasiness, noticing she kept stealing glances at you nervously in a skittish manner.

Thinking about it, you felt for his sister, because you could only imagine the fear that followed when she woke up finally. Only to be told she had to keep faking her comatose state without fully understanding the danger around her. With enough collecting of his own nerves, Hobi finally went to his sister's side, once close enough they both began tearing up at seeing each other once more. Joining them, Hobi's mom went over to the her children as the three cave into having their long awaited reunion.

Giving them space you remained where you stood, looking around the room for hidden cameras or recording devices. Standing alongside you, Tae stayed by your side as you just counted the minute hand on the wall clock while giving them the happy reunion they've been deprived of from all these years.

Hearing a soft ringtone from a phone, you looked over to Tae as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket. Watching his face drop, he showed you the screen without having you to ask what happened. Reading that he was getting an incoming call from Jin, you instantly crossed your arms over each other before folding them under your chest, already dreading the anticipation of Jin's call. Since it was already established that calls were for emergencies involving a leak in the plan.

Answering the phone, Tae didn't even have it properly held against his ear before he held it out to you, "He said to put you on."

Taking the phone, you quickly answered to the call, "Go for [Y/n]-"

"Jung's here, plan's fucked, get out now." To say that Jin kept it short and sweet would be an overstatement on your part.

Staying on the line, you held the phone against your chest while looking back to Tae, "We need to move, Jung's here." Nodding in response to you, Tae went over to the three hastily. Moving forward, you went to the door and carefully opened the door a crack just to do a quick scout of the hallway. Holding the phone correctly against your ear once more, you asked Jin, "I thought the search team was going good- Is everyone from the search team okay? And how sure are you that he's here in this exact building with us?"

"They're okay, Namjoon says they had tabs on him the whole time and his route never changed, he doesn't know how he slipped past them. I've been hanging around the back entrances and just watched a group of guys in black suits come through surrounding one guy. There wasn't a neon sign that pointed at him and said 'Hoseok's piece of shit mafia dad', but I'm confident it was him. But right now you need to be worried about yourselves." Jin whispered in a hush voice, meaning he probably had other people around him still.

Closing the blinds to the room, you went back into the room to check on them, watching Hobi and Tae struggle to help Hobi's sister out from the bed. Which was understandable from your own experiences in walking up from a coma state, "Working on that. Putting my mafia boss thinking cap on for a second, Jung could've been tipped off. Whatever the search team is seeing right now is probably a decoy so call them off for now, we can plan a regrouping point elsewhere. I'll try to get us all out now, but you need to take off too, I don't want you to stay back if shit hits the fan." With that you promptly hung up on him before returning to everyone else.

At the most now, Jung was probably on the elevator up, he could even be on this floor already. With critical time being crushed and the pressure really coming down now. Things weren't going to get anywhere with his sister being unable to move, they needed a head start at least.

"Hobi give your scrubs to Tae," You told him without much reason as you went back to the rag bin. Digging around briefly, you finished out your messenger bag. Going back, you took out your decoy clothes from earlier, he took them from you while you said, "Have your sister change out of the hospital gown so this doesn't look like a kidnapping. She can borrow my clothes but they might be a little lose on her."  You were currently weaving a new plan together, it wasn't any plan you felt confident in but it was better than doing nothing.

Giving his sister the privacy to change, you were still searching through your bag for the other supplies you brought along. Including the previous favor you asked from Hobi, which was asking for the bracelet tracker they forced on you from the first time you met them. Putting the bracelet on, you couldn't help but feel the irony in the fact you hated this thing with a great passion, and now you were willingly putting it on yourself.

"[Y/n], what exactly are you trying to do?" Tae asked as he watched you in trying to make sense of your current directions.

Going over to a closet door in the room, you fished out a clean folded spare hospital gown. Turning back towards him as you put it on, "I'm tagging you in with me, you said you didn't want to be a benchwarmer right?" You knew this was probably moving a lot faster than Tae expected when he asked to do more gang involvement like you do. Which you should've mentioned earlier were usually just the dangerous stuff you can handle on your own better than the others.

Still that didn't seem to waiver his confidence at all, keeping head strong with his trust in you to change the plan so it would work flawlessly. Tae ultimately nodded before saying, "What's our next move then?"

Pulling a folded wheelchair that was placed off to the side, you answered with, "Focusing on the priority, we're getting them out first."

Everything else that followed was blur. In a blink of an eye you and Tae had changed into the hospital gowns. Hobi already exited the room with his sister on his back and his mom following them in tow. All of it done in the heat of the moment kind of thing, as you figured the best way to get them out safe and sound was to get caught in their place. Which you had no problem doing, except Tae was still with you for the sake of his self confidence in his own position and helpfulness. You were worried about dragging him into something that was too much for him already, so first chance you could get you knew you had to get him out as well.

"And then?" Tae asked you with unwavering confidence you'll figure something out like always.

Digging through the built in wall closet in the hospital, you fished out a folded up wheelchair, "And then just follow my lead."


Even for you this was too obvious, in a short amount of time you manage to get Tae posing as a nurse to momentarily block the stairs doorway with a blockade of caution signs and tape draped over the door.

Leaving a note by the side of the door in the hall over where a patient's name is posted, you simply wrote out, 'Moved to Room 117-03.' You didn't know if that was an actual room in the hospital, you just hoped it would be enough of a goose chase in case they believed it.

As for you and Tae, you currently had "nurse" Tae pushing you in a wheelchair towards the main elevators. The idea you had going was to just get you guys away from this current floor or to remove any suspicions of what you two could possibly be doing. Wearing one of Hobi's sister's spare hospital gowns over your clothes to really sell the lie, you kept your face low just in case of calling attention to yourselves from nurses or doctors that don't remember you as one of their patients.

In front of the elevators now, Tae did his best to press the call button once without frantically hitting them with repeated urgency. Stealing a moment to look around, you saw that there was two elevators with lights above them indicating them coming up this floor. You wanted to think about how fucking unlucky it'd be if one of them had Jung inside.

As an elevator dinged upon arrival, Tae began to push you towards the sound of metal doors opening, only to abruptly stop. It was difficult to keep staring down at your lap while Tae said in a deeper voice pitch, "Sorry this elevator looks full, we'll catch the next one."

"We're getting off here anyways." Whoever said that sounded pissy. As you someone out of the corner of your eye began to step out, then instantly stopped as the voice from before goes. "That patients wearing a gown with the room number 101-04, that's the room my daughter's in."

You could practically hear Tae's heart stop. Of course I had to fuckign jinx it so that Jung was here now.. You thought bitterly to yourself, mentally hitting yourself for carelessly putting the hospital gown with realizing it was had room numbers on them. Stressful situation or not, you should've accounted for a detail like that. Tae quickly replied with, "The patients are moving rooms-"

"I wasn't notified. If my daughter's being moved, even if it's across the fucking hallway, the hospital needs my approval first." Jung cut in with, not backing down as you felt his stare towards you now.

Caught in a lie, Tae's brain tried to process another excuse as you two were sitting ducks in a waiting game. Impatient however, Jung asked with sincere murderous intention, "So let me ask, who actually are you two fucks, and where's my daughter if you're wearing her hospital gown."

There was no way out of this one now, at least for you. In an instant you sprung up from the wheelchair. With everyone caught of guard in the moment, you shoved the wheelchair back into Tae, knocking him back into the hallway. Tackling and pushing Jung back into elevator without giving anyone a second to breath, you threw your back towards them as you pressed the button to close the elevator doors while also hitting the lobby floor button. Since the elevator was sitting idle for so long, the doors closed quicker than they normally would've. As they did you watch as Tae desperately tried to stop the doors from closing, ony to hear him hit against the elevator as it closed.

Exhaling from relief, you weren't given any heads up as you were roughly slammed against elevator wall and pinned with your arms twisted behind your back. You crane your neck a bit to avoid having your face painfully squished against the freezing surface. Only to have another hand aggressively slam it back against the wall before you were suddenly ripped away and held  in a vice grip in front of who you assumed was Jung.

Which was confirmed as the older male asked through clenched teeth, "Where's my daughter?"

"You're not going to lay a finger on her." Was all you responded with, seeing as it was pointless to lie or pretend any longer when you were caught literally.

Taking a tense inhale, Jung threaten, "You're awfully cocky for someone without any allies. Let's hope your friend back there can save you in time before I'm through with you. Can a little girl like you bet her life on that?"

With references to Tae and the others, you said, "I've betted worse, so yeah I'll bet my life on them too." Which only pissed Jung off more. Seeing as he had no intention of killing you now, you just hope they'd mistake the tracker from some piece of cheap jewelry.

However your lingering words were still provoking enough for Jung to threaten, "I'll make you regret ever saying that."

For some reason I can't figure out how to upload two pics so i dropped some art of [Y/n] in outfits I see her in also peep namjoon on her phone

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