Alpha Paxton

De sunxmoon__

366K 14.3K 3.2K

"Who the hell are you?" He growls lowly. "And why do you smell like that?" "Like what?" I feign innocence, al... Mais

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21.5K 576 201
De sunxmoon__

"Stop," I lightly scold. "I don't always need my sister fussing over me." My hands soothe down the wrinkles on clothes we just purchased. Black leggings, and a red shirt that had a bit of a risqué neck line —nothing out of the ordinary, just as we wanted. However, Destiny has always tried to control things.

Her name truly suits her.

My eyes roam over to her. Her pink bob-cut and black outfit is what makes her stand out the most amongst other people. It saddens me that many people don't know her the way I have. The way her eyes light up when she has a new idea, the way her nose crunches up when she laughs.

Instead, she's known as a wanted woman; for murder. We've fled Myersdale, the town that we've held so closely to our hearts for so long —our home.

It isn't safe anymore, not when he is out there looking for us.

Destiny killed his one true love —his mate— for me, and now he is seeking to avenge her recent death. I shake the trailing thoughts out of my head, instead focusing on my sister who has risked everything for me.

"Destiny, where will we go? I'm scared." I admit to my sister, tears brimming in the corners of my eyes. She sighs, and comes closer to me. Taking one look at the expression on my face, she wraps me in her warm embrace.

"We aren't going anywhere, sis. I'm getting you the hell away from me."

Her words make me stumble back; I am too shocked at what she was saying to even hold myself up right, and I need to look her in the eyes to make sure I am hearing her correctly. My mouth parts, and confusion builds up inside of me.

"W-What?" I shake my head. "No. I'm going with you,"

"Alpha Klayton wants me dead, Theia. The only way for you to be safe is for you to be away from me." I begin to question her but she holds up one hand, cutting me off. "Save it. I'm not changing my mind about this one. He's never seen what you look like, so he'll never find you."

"So, what? You did all of this just so you and I would be split apart?" I spit, angrily. "You killed that girl, and now I'm never going to see you again?" I wasn't actually mad at Destiny, I was just upset with the situation and she was the perfect outlet right now.

"No Theia," she hisses. "I did all of this so you would be alive,"


"Are you sure about this?" I ask Destiny softly, gazing at her as she drives. It was dark outside now, and even when looking outside the windows I was met with pitch black. We had been driving for hours, and I knew we had to be somewhere quite remote.

Somewhere far from Alpha Klayton.

"I'm sure, Theia. I don't want you living in fear, and you'll be safe here," She tells me. "We've just entered a pack territory. It won't be long before they discover you."

"Me?" I panic in my seat, turning frantically to face her. "Destiny, I'm not ready! I don't know how to act; especially around wolves."

Destiny quickly glances at me, and a small smirk dances on the side of her mouth. My eyebrows knit in confusion.

"That's exactly what I was planning on," she chuckles and then her face turns serious; her grip tightening on the wheel. The action makes my stomach churn uneasily. "Theia, there isn't much time now. Dark magic may conceal your identity, but you have to play the part as well. You're human,"

I gulp at her emphasis and a tear slides down my face. I angrily wipe it away and place one hand on hers, above the steering wheel.

"When will I see you again?" I ask.

"Soon. I promise," she reassures. "Now brace yourself."

With those few words, she aggressively whips the wheel to the right and slams on the breaks —sending us on a spiral. It happens in seconds. The car flips and all I can see is my long blonde locks in front of my face; I'm upside down.

As the car stops rolling, my head stops banging on the window beside us. Hissing, I turn my head to the window and see a small amount of blood. It's my blood, I think with a cringe.

Turning my head to the left, where Destiny sat moments ago, I see that it's empty.

Destiny is gone, and I'm left here with a pack of dogs surely on the way.

As if the cruel world could hear my thoughts, a wolf howls from beside me. I couldn't see much, as I was upside down and hanging in my car, but I could hear excellently. The shuffles had to be only a few feet away from me, and my heart starts to pound in my chest.

"Are you okay? Can you get yourself out?" I hear a man shout from outside the car. I struggle in my seat; the seatbelt still safely in. I wince as I move around. I then shake my head at the stupidity of this situation, yet Destiny knew I would be fine.

"I-I don't think so," I yell back. "Please, can you help me?"

No one replies and for a second I genuinely thought they had left. However, next thing I know, a pair of hands make their way around me —effectively allowing me out of my seatbelt. This helps me wiggle out of my position, still upside down, and I crawl out of the shattered windshield.

As I'm on my stomach, slithering my way out of the totaled vehicle, I glance back at it. The car was completely destroyed; broken glass everywhere and dents the size of the wolves themselves were scattered throughout the vehicle.

As I turn back to face the men who saved me, I'm face to face to a snarling wolf. The giant brown creature leans down on its front, it's teeth bared menacingly. I open my mouth to say something —anything.

Yet, what stops me is the drop of blood that drips into my eye. I'm appalled, and immediate reach up to find the source of the injury. My hands meet my forehead, right beside my hairline which was bleeding profusely.

I make eye contact with the wolf once more before darkness befalls me, and my head goes smacking into the ground once more.


"Wake up," a deep voice snaps.

Water is poured above me, drenching my hair around my face. I gasp at the cold feeling, and go to make a move before I realize I am sitting in a chair with my feet bound against the legs of the chair. My hands are tied behind my back.

I look up through my blonde locks, and glare at the dark figure in front of me. The only light that shined in the room is on me; I was the spotlight. I couldn't make out the features of the assailants around the room, but I knew with their huge and muscular silhouettes that they had to be pack members.

"What do you want from me?" I grit out at the man in front of me. He steps forward, and I am almost stunned into silence at his features. He had piercing green eyes, and dark blonde hair that looks so soft I could run my fingers through it. It was shorter on the sides of his head, and a bit longer on top. His jaw is sharp, and set in a clench that draws me away from my train of thoughts.

"Who the hell are you?" He growls lowly. "And why do you smell like that?"

"Like what?" I feign innocence, although the sweat starts making itself known above my brow. I'm shaking, but I do my best to hide the trembling of my hands at my side.

"Like a human," the man who looked like God himself narrows his eyes. "But it's... different,"

"New perfume I guess?"

The man chuckles darkly, and a knife comes into view. The reflection of silver makes me visibly swallow, and fear instills itself in my body. This is it, I think to myself. I'm going to die... thanks a lot, Destiny.

In one swift movement, the knife is coming my way. My eyelids squeeze shut; bracing for the deadly impact. However, it never comes. I open one of my eyes and scan my surroundings, noticing that the man had just cut the rope that had bonded my hands together behind my back. Opening my other eye, I bring my hands to my front and rub the place where they had achingly been tied together. The man then cuts the ropes that held my legs against the chair, and I'm suddenly just sitting down —unrestrained.

"W-Why did you free me?" I ask, my eyes searching his own.

"I didn't know you were bleeding," the man growls out. He whips his head to the right, growling and facing another pack member. "Why did no one tell me she was bleeding before I threw water in her face?"

"I thought it would be best for you to interrogate the human, Alpha. My sincerest apologies, sir."


The titles makes me internally quirk an eyebrow, however I keep it to myself. The man in front of me was the Alpha, and he had a sympathetic side? This was interesting.

The man sighs, frustrated. "Someone get her bandaged up,"

About three seconds go by before the Alpha leaves, and two pack members come over to me. They give me a look that says 'don't move', and I oblige. We wait in silence for a short while before a very tall, lanky man comes strolling in. His face had round glasses, and his curly hair was starting to grey. In his hands, he holds a small white box with thick black straps. A medical kit, I assume as he nears. This man must be a pack doctor.

He opens the box and my suspicions are confirmed as I have the opportunity to gaze what was inside of it. The man pulls out some gauze, tape and a small bottle of clear liquid. As he approaches me, I flinch.

"Ah," he falters. "Erm, if I was in your position I would probably be a little frightened as well. To ease some of your discomfort, I'll introduce myself. I'm Dr. Orchas."

I nod at his words, finding comfort solely on his part for trying. He takes this as my silent consent to continue and I allow it. Dr. Orchas pours the clear liquid onto a small amount of gauze before delicately dabbing it into my forehead.

After a few minutes of his tender cleaning, he leaves a small bandage on my forehead near my hairline, where I had been bleeding. My hair was drying at this point, and I use my hands to put it behind my shoulders and out of my face. The pack members around me just stare at my movements, silently.

I hear loud footsteps and my head whips around, watching as Dr. Orchas leaves once the Alpha returns. The two of them share a brief nod, and my eyes find their ways to the hard ones of the man.

"Nothing too damaging," the man starts. "That was a nasty crash you survived on my territory. Would you mind letting me know how?"

"I'm not sure I understand your meaning. Must have been luck," I shrug.

"I don't believe in luck."

"You're missing out then," I say. "Honestly, I had just been driving by myself when I saw a giant wolf cross my path. It startled me, and I swerved the vehicle. Next thing I know I'm tied down to this chair and water is being thrown in my face," I spit the last part out.

"Let's cut the crap where you pretend you don't know what we are. You didn't even flinch when I suggested you weren't human," he scoffs.

"You're right, I know you are werewolves. I grew up around them but I can assure you that is what I am —human. Get another one of your dogs to smell me, and I can prove it."

The man growls, the sound coming deeply from his chest. A gold shimmers quickly through his green eyes, and as I blink I could almost swear I imagined it.

"Don't disrespect any of my people on my territory," he growls. Suddenly, he turns to a man on his right. "Teague, smell her."

The man named Teague takes a few steps closer to me, and deeply inhales; searching for a distinct scent. My heart starts to pound and I'm sure they can hear it, and I have to internally tell myself to calm down before I give myself away.

"She's right," Teague whispers. "She's human."

The Alpha doesn't seem one-hundred-percent convinced, but all of his peers were. This made him wary of me, but now he knew I could mean them no harm. I mean, what can a human do to a werewolf?

"Are you done questioning me now?" I ask the Alpha politely.

"Not quite, Freckles."

"Freckles?" I ask, bewildered at the sudden pet name.

"Yeah," the Alpha smirks. "Like the ones you get from the sun."

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