Forever with you...

By JananiPalpandi

86.7K 3.9K 4.4K

What happens when we lose everything in our life? Nothing is as fragile as trust. And nothing is stronger tha... More

Forever with you - Prologue
1- Nightmare
2- ๐Ÿ‘ญDay out๐Ÿ‘ญ
3 - First Day
4- Hide and seek
5- Dream aka Nightmare
6- Sleepless night
7- Anger
8- Sole Possession
9- Water Balloons
10- Business Trip
11- I'll not let anything happen to my love
12- Preps for the party
13- My happiness lies in your happiness
14- I won't spare them
15- Family meeting
16- Romantic Long Drive
17- Confession
18- I Believe Her
19- Game is gonna start now
20- Stay Away From Her
21- Concern
22- Out of stress...
23- Most awaited confrontation
24 - She deserves it
25- Will you forgive me?
26- Not to be remembered
27- Then what for friends are?
28- Dream of Love
29- Not as bad as I thought
30- Checking me out
31- First kiss
32- Who am I to you?
33- Past unveiled
34- A kiss to save
35- Race
36- Promoted as a Friend
37- More I know you, More I fall for you.
38- Advice from a stranger
39- PTSD
40- Past
41- Obession
42- Challenge
44- Love
45- Marriage bell rings
46- Proposal
47- Birthday
48- Surprise!
49- Symbol of love
50- Shattered
51- A new journey!
52- A night to remember
53- Trust? Broken
54 - Reconciliation
55 - Inflict the pain
56 - Lost and Found
57 - A Play or Reality?
58 - One Last Chance
59 - Falling for her
60 - Realizations and Truths
61 - Unplanned
62 - One bold Decision
63 - Expect the Unexpected
64 - Face off
65 - Escape from reality
66 - The lies and a truth
67 - All Happy Things
68 - Forever
End Note
Forever with you - Epilogue

43- Kidnapped

815 43 11
By JananiPalpandi

Adithi's POV:

Everyone presented their gifts to Jeeva and Arya. I slowly walked to them and stretched the gift to them. 'Happy birthday,' I said with a smile. 'Thank you so much,' Arya hugged me followed by Jeeva. 'Open it,' I said excitedly. When they opened and saw it, their eyes widened in surprise. 'This is beautiful,' Arya exclaimed.

'Beyond my imagination,' Jeeva smiled at me. They liked it. 'I'll wear it now,' Arya removed his watch and wore what I gave him. 'This is awesome,' Uthra complimented with a smile. Arya walked away after getting a phone call. 'I thought you would wear it too,' I gazed at him. 'How I cannot wear this beautiful present? You should tie it around,' he stretched it towards me. I tied the watch and inserted the cuff in his wrist.

It was even more beautiful in his wrist. 'I love this,' he smiled widely. 'Anna. We should take a group selfie,' Uthra dragged me and Jeeva. We all stood together. Jeeva gently placed his hand around my arm. I smiled at his warm touch. Uthra clicked the photos. After that Kanamma and Varun and his family left.

Sita aunty and Ram uncle sat on the couch and started talking with Arya and Jeeva. If I stay here, I will be intruding Sita aunty's privacy and she would again do something to insult me. I slowly moved to the poolside. I inhaled the fresh cool air. It was a little cold out. I hugged myself. I strolled around the pool and swung in the swing which was near the pool. I started feeling a little bored.

Jeeva's POV:

We all were talking but Adithi was missing. She might be at the pool. She would have left because of Sita Athai. I'll meet her once they leave. I resumed talking. I was telling them about the Theni project. Ram Mama gave me some inputs for the consultancy. Venkat said that he has submitted the scam reports to the High court bench and they have banned MMP constructions.

I expected it. This will happen to that Kaushik soon. They all left soon after. 'Anna? Where's Adithi?' Uthra asked me. 'I saw her walking to the poolside,' Arya said. 'Adithi is doing what Sita Anni said last time,' Amma sighed. 'I'll get her,' I said and walked to the pool. She was standing at the edge of the pool looking at something. 'Adithi,' I called her. She startled and fell into the pool. She was drowning. Doesn't she know swimming? I ran to the pool and jumped in.

Adithi's POV:

I felt like the water was pulling me down. I tried to move up but I failed. I should have learned swimming. I couldn't see anything. I suddenly felt a strong grip around my waist and it lifted me. I finally got some air. I coughed roughly as I drank some water. 'Breathe. Breathe,' Jeeva said. It was Jeeva who saved me. I gasped for air.

I coughed again. 'It's Ok. You're safe now,' he cupped my face. I closed my eyes and breathed. 'Are you ok now?' he asked me. I nodded in agreement. I still panted. 'Relax. Relax. Breathe. Inhale and exhale,' he gently instructed. I did as he said. He gently caressed my head. 'Ok now?' he asked looking at me.

'Yes. A lot better,' I replied. 'You don't know swimming?' he asked me. 'I don't know,' I looked at him. He sighed and his hot breath made my freezing skin warm. I started shivering as it was so cold. He pulled me closer to him and touched my forehead. He rubbed his hands and placed them over my cheeks.

He took my hands and brought them near his lips and blew his hot breath. He looked at me making me forget everything around me except him. 'Let's get you out. You're cold,' he said touching my forehead. 'We should,' I sighed. He slowly climbed up and reached the ground. 'Take my hand,' he stretched his hand towards me.

I joined my hand with his. He pulled me out instantly and I grabbed his shoulders for support. Even though the water was cold and the atmosphere was cold, his body radiated heat which warmed me a bit. I looked at his eyes deeply which were lost somewhere. 'Let's go in,' he broke away from my gaze and took me in. Everyone was shocked to see me wet.

'What happened?' she asked shocked. Amma walked to me with a towel and wrapped it around me. 'Thanks, Maa,' I held it tightly. 'She fell in the pool,' he replied. 'You're also wet,' Arya raised his eyebrows. Uthra came with another towel and gave it to him. 'She doesn't know swimming. She fell in accidentally and was drowning. I got her out,' he answered wiping his face. 'You go in and change the clothes,' Amma said and he walked to his room. Amma wrapped her hand around me and took me to Uthra's room. She gave me her dress and a towel.

Arya's POV:

I followed him to his room. He slowly removed the watch and cuff and dried them with a cloth. He placed them in the box which he carried while he came. He removed the metal pin in his suit and removed the coat. I was looking at him sharply. 'What?' he asked out of blue. 'Nothing,' I replied. 'Arya. Just tell me what you think,' he turned to me.

'Just one doubt. The swimming pool is approximately 5 feet deep. She might have managed to get to the ground. Why did you jump?' I asked raising my eyebrows. 'Arya. She needed help. She was drowning. And I cannot let her like that,' he frowned and went into his bathroom. A light smile pastured my lips. He cares for Adithi a little more than everyone. I went to my room to change.

Adithi's POV:

I changed my clothes and dried my hair with her blower. 'You are not drying it properly. You should dry like this,' she pushed my hair down and dried my hair.

'See. It's completely dry,' she combed my hair. 'I'll do it Uthra,' I tried to get it from her. 'Shut up,' she made me sit straight and she combed my hair slowly releasing the tangles. Amma came with a cup and stretched to me. 'You should have called me. I would have collected it,' I frowned.

'It's ok dear. Drink this. This is an herbal tea,' she gave it to me. I slowly sipped it. It was so soothing. 'It's amazing. The best I have ever drunk,' I smiled. She cupped my face and kissed me in my forehead. I smiled. 'I think I didn't switch off the stove,' she walked out. Uthra sat beside me as I drank the tea. 'I'll dry your clothes,' she got up. 'I'll do it. Wait,' I stood up keeping the cup aside.

'You just stay here. I can do it,' she said sharply and left with the basket. I sat back and drank tea. My head ached. 'Are you ok now?' Jeeva entered the room wiping his wet hair. 'Yes. Perfect,' I smiled and emptied the tea. 'You get startled very easily,' he raised his eyebrows.

'I didn't expect you there. Out of the blue I heard your voice and fell into the pool,' I explained. He smiled back. Uthra came back and sat beside me with a straight face. 'You two didn't even appreciate my gift,' she huffed. 'What did you give us?' he asked playfully. She hit him with a pillow and stared at him angrily. 'Ok. The suit was amazing,' he hugged her. 'I didn't like the color. It was so dumb,' Arya joined us. 'Dumb?' Uthra yelled.

'You should have gifted something better,' he said. He started hitting him with the pillow. 'Uthra! Why are you beating him?' Amma stopped her. 'Amma, he says that the suit was dumb,' she frowned. 'He doesn't know its value honey,' she pacified her. She hit him another time. He chuckled.

'It was wonderful as you,' he hugged her. Jeeva smiled seeing them. 'So do you have any idea of getting some sleep?' Amma questioned us. 'You're right. We have to get some sleep,' Uthra pouted. 'I have to go home too,' I said. 'Don't feel home here?' Amma asked. 'No. No, Maa. I am feeling home. But you all should get some rest and I'll leave,' I replied. 'You can leave in the morning,' Arya suggested.

'She is staying here. You all go to your room and sleep,' she made Arya move away from the bed. Before I could reply she stopped me. 'No more arguments,' she said sharply. Everyone left after wishing good night. 'You're so stubborn,' she closed the door behind. 'Just like you,' I said with a smile.

'So funny,' she huffed. 'My dear Uthra is so cute when she is angry,' I hugged her as she sat beside me. 'I can sense her smile. But she is not expressing it,' I looked at her face. She smiled breaking from the hug. She switched on the night lights and lied down beside me. We talked for some time and then slowly drifted to sleep.

Uthra's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and found Adithi surfing through her phone. 'Good morning. What's the time?' I asked her. 'Good morning, It's nine,' she replied caressing my hair. 'Don't you have a shift now?' she asked keeping her phone aside. 'I have a night shift,' I yawned. Soon we both went to the living room. Amma was busy in the kitchen.

We both hugged her from behind. She smiled and prepared coffee for us. We helped her in preparing breakfast. 'Jeeva and Arya have gone somewhere. They have left earlier,' she said. 'They must have gone to the office,' Adithi replied. 'I think so. They are not even attending my call,' Amma stated. 'Probably I should go to the office too,' Adithi said tensed.

'How many days you have taken off this month?' I asked sitting beside her. 'I haven't taken any off this month,' she blinked. 'Then you're taking an off today,' I grabbed her phone and typed a message to Jeeva Anna.

'Dear Boss,

I am taking an off on account of your sister's request. Actually, it's her order.

With regards

Your PA'

I sent the message. 'This message is rude,' her eyes widened. 'It's ok. He will not mind it,' I winked. Amma made Upma for three of us. 'At least they should have left after breakfast,' she sighed. We ate breakfast and went to the laundry room helping Amma to iron the clothes and fold them.

Adithi helped in ironing and I folded the clothes. Then we lounged in the garden. Amma showed her kitchen garden to Adithi. Adithi was very eager to know how she grew the plants and she got many tips from Amma. When we went back to Arya and Jeeva Anna was sitting on the couch.

'When did you come?' Amma asked them. 'Just now,' Arya Anna replied. 'I'll prepare breakfast for you,' Amma said. 'No Maa. We already ate. I prepared a sandwich,' Jeeva replied. 'Where did you go?' Amma asked them. 'Amma, I said about the consultancy, right? We both went to register the company and request for the approval. And Arya gave a very nice idea,' Jeeva Anna paused.

Adithi's POV:

'He said that the farmers are suffering from the brokers in the market. Why not we buy all the vegetables and grains which are grown organically by them. This was a great idea. So we signed up with a leading agro organic company that buys the harvest at a very good rate. Along with the consultancy, our collaborative market will be opened,' Jeeva replied.

'That's a great idea, Arya. It will be beneficial for the farmers and the consumers,' I appreciated his idea. 'So what's the next process?' Amma asked curiously. 'Consultancy and markets like this are very new to Theni. We have applied for approval generally in the government. We have to submit the requisition documents to the collector of Theni and get it approved,' Jeeva replied.

'And we have to hire a lot of people- Agriculture, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geology based candidates. We also have to find office buildings for these. A lot of works,' Arya sighed. 'Don't worry. You can do it, Anna,' Uthra hugged both Jeeva and Arya. This is what I like about Arya and Jeeva. Even though they are different, their thought process is just the same.

'So we have to return to Theni without any delay,' Jeeva said looking at me. I nodded in agreement. 'The documents are ready. We have also consulted with our lawyer Vishal. Without any delay, we have to start the works,' Arya said and Jeeva nodded. 'Adithi. We're leaving after lunch,' Jeeva said. 'Ok. I'll be ready,' I answered.

'Then I'll go home and grab my things and come back,' I said. 'You should,' Uthra said. I collected my dress and my things from Uthra and left home. All my essentials are in Theni. I packed the things which I brought home. I watered the plants. Bhabhi has watered the plants when I was not here. I cleaned up the kitchen and wardrobe.

Advik and Vanya came running to me and hugged me. I hugged both of them and made Vanya sit in my lap. I played with them and Aarav and Prisha ran to me and hugged me. They showered me hugs and kisses. 'We missed you,' Aarav hugged. 'Aww. Cutie, Chachi missed you all too,' I kissed them.

'Seems like you have forgotten me,' Yakshit Bhaiya was standing at the doorstep. 'Bhaiya. How can I forget you?' I hugged him. Bhabhi came with some sweets. We all talked and Bhabhi fed me the sweets. They were delicious. I packed some. 'Shall I pack them?' I asked her. 'For Uthra and her family?' Bhabhi questioned.

'Yes. Uthra loves sweets,' I smiled. 'Then I'll get some more,' Bhabhi went to get some more. When she came back, I hugged her tightly. 'Thank you so much Bhabhi,' I said. 'Keep your thank you aside. I have bought extra boxes for them when I bought for you,' she wiggled her eyebrows.

'That's so sweet Bhabhi,' I hugged her even more tightly. 'So keep this for you. Give these to Uthra,' she said pointing at the sweet box she gave me. I smiled. I checked the time accidentally. Oh my God! I have to leave now. I got my things and took the sweets with me. I hugged all of them and bid bye to them. I went back to Jeeva's home.

Amma made me sit and eat lunch even though I said I am full. After lunch, I gave the sweet boxes Bhabhi gave me. 'Neha Bhabhi gave these. Especially for Uthra,' I gave them to Sarla Maa. 'That's so sweet of her,' she said. 'Message me her number. I will thank her for getting me these with so much love,' she hugged me.

I forwarded her the number. Uthra immediately called her and thanked her. Amma spoke with her too. Uthra opened the box and started to eat the sweets. 'You can at least give me a small piece?' Arya asked unable to resist the temptation. Uthra made a funny face and refused.

Arya grabbed the box from her and ate the sweet. He closed his eyes enjoying the taste. He fed it to Jeeva. Arya got the phone from Amma and spoke to Bhabhi. 'The sweets are amazing. I could not stop myself from grabbing a second bite,' Arya said. 'This is very delicious. I have never tasted a sweet like this before,' Jeeva said excitedly.

'Bhabhi. This is so tempting so that Arya could even stop himself seeing me taste it,' Uthra said playfully. 'You should come over on a weekend. Don't forget to bring the kids too,' Amma invited her. She ended the call. Uthra and Arya fought for the sweets and finally, Jeeva grabbed the sweet from them and fed Amma.

'If I let this with them, nothing will remain,' he fed me a sweet. I refused with a smile. 'I already ate it. Bhabhi fed me,' I smiled. He nodded and gave the box to Amma. Arya and Uthra finally compromised and ate the sweets. Amma, Jeeva, and I chuckled as they ate the sweet. 'I think we should leave now,' Jeeva said and grabbed his keys. We bid bye to everyone and we traveled to Theni.

**** THE NEXT DAY ****

Jeeva's POV:

Adithi and I went to the Collector office and applied the requisition. We returned home past noon. I am sure that the consultancy will be approved. Once it is approved, we would assign an HR team and start the hiring process. Aadi left for his friend's home. He said that he won't be coming until tomorrow as it is his friend's birthday.

I lounged on the couch relaxed after eating lunch. 'Jeeva, I am going to the market. I'll be back soon,' Adithi said taking her purse. 'I'll come with you,' I got up. 'It's ok. The shop is just a street away. I'll back soon,' she insisted. 'Ok. Come back quick,' I said. She smiled and left.

Adithi's POV:

I purchased some vegetables and went to a supermarket nearby to get some groceries. I felt like being followed. I turned and found Raja. I ignored him and moved forward. Another man blocked my way. 'Move away,' I warned him. He winked at me. 'I said move away,' I said sharply and pushed him away.

But he held my hand and pushed me back. 'Kaushik wants to meet you. If you come with us quietly we won't harm you,' he neared me. 'Else we will take you to him,' he smirked. 'Go and get in the white car in the gate,' he said and followed me to the car. I had no other way. I got in the car and after a few minutes, they stopped the car. 'Get down,' he grabbed my hand and pulled me.

'Leave me,' I tried to free my hand. He dragged me and left my hand as we reached Kaushik. 'Get a chair,' he said and a man got a chair. 'Sit,' he pointed towards the chair. 'Sit,' he shouted startling me. I sat in the chair and the same man who winked at me tied my hands at the back of the chair even though I resisted. I stared at him angrily.

'I heard that you're opening up a consultancy for those farmers. Jeeva has touched my ego,' he roared. 'Do you think that he'll do anything you want if you kidnap me?' I asked him. 'Yes. You're his secretary and he will do anything to save you,' he smirked. I cannot let this happen. This bastard will blackmail him for sure.

And Jeeva will do anything to get me out. That should not happen. 'If you think so, you're a fool. I am nothing to him. Nothing personal. I am just his secretary. Do you think that he won't get another secretary?' as I said his smile vanished. Please don't call me Jeeva. Don't try to call me.

'I am nothing to him and he is nothing to me,' as I said I felt a pain in my heart even though it is a lie. He stood up from his seat. 'But I can make him do what I want to,' he smirked. 'Fear is common to everyone. I will make him feel the fear of seeing what we have done to you,' he laughed evilly. My eyes widened as my heartbeat hitched.

'Do whatever you want but he would never feel anything because of me,' I provoked him. This may stop him. 'Let's check first,' he walked to me. I was shocked. 'John,' he called the man who tied my hands. He signed him something. He knelt beside me and came near me. I moved my face away with disgust. He turned my face towards him. I tried to free my hand but I couldn't. 'Don't you dare come near me,' I screamed. 'You cannot do anything,' he came closer to me and I closed my eyes.

Jeeva's POV:

I don't feel right. Why Adithi hasn't returned till now? She said that the shop is just a street away. Where she is? It's been one and half an hour. I walked to the shop and looked around. But she was not there. Maybe she could have gone home by now. I ran back home. She was not there. I called her. She was not reachable. My heartbeat rate got high. Where she could have gone?

Adithi's POV:

I closed my eyes. He licked my cheek and I screamed to stop. I felt my skin burn due to disgust. Tears welled up my eyes. I cried and my muffled sobs echoed in the place. He released my face finally. I felt so disgusting about myself. He freed my hands by releasing the tie.

'This is enough. He will come to our way,' he threw my things to me. 'Drop her back,' he said. Tears flooded my eyes. I got in the car and hugged myself. 'Don't cry. Tell that Jeeva what happened,' I heard Raja's voice. I didn't look at anyone. They dropped me back at the same place. I walked home wiping off my tears.

Jeeva's POV:

I walked around restlessly. Where is she? I called her again. I heard the door opening. Adithi walked in lost somewhere. Her hair was messy. There were bruises in her hand and her face. I ran to her and held her shoulder. 'Adithi. Where were you? What happened?' I asked her. She remained silent. A lone tear escaped her eye.

'Adithi!' I called her shocked. She broke down and buried her face in her palms. 'I feel so disgusting,' she sobbed. 'What happened Adithi?' I asked cupping her face. 'Kaushik,' she stammered and sobbed. My heart froze. How dare he? She wiped off her tears and looked at me.

'Nothing happened. I am fine,' she said and wiped her tears off. 'Adithi. What did he do to you?' I asked cupping her face. 'Adithi. Please tell me what happened,' I asked again. She told everything to me and wept. 'I'll kill him,' I tried to go but she stopped. 'Please no. Don't leave me,' she hugged me and buried her face in my chest.

Rage was burning inside me. I hugged her tightly. 'I feel so disgusting Jeeva,' she cried. Tears welled up my eyes as she cried. I'll not spare him. 'It's not your mistake. Adithi,' I cupped her face. My anger reached its peak on seeing her tears. 'I feel like burning the place he touched,' she cried.

'No. Adithi. You should not harm yourself for his shameful act,' I controlled my anger trying very hard. 'He tied my hands. I could have stopped him. Why didn't run away?' she cried vigorously. 'It's not your mistake Adithi. It is not your mistake,' I wiped off the tears.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to control my anger. She looked at with tears in her eyes. 'You're strong. This is not your mistake. The one who should cry is that bastard. And I'll make him pay for what he did,' a lone tear escaped from my eye. Tears flowed down from her eyes. I gently wiped it off.

Adithi's POV:

His eyes were filled with tears. He is crying for me. 'You need a bath,' he took me to my room. 'I am here. If you need anything just call me,' he said. I nodded and went in. I stood in the shower letting the water wash away his creepy touch from my body. The warm water relieved me a bit.

I don't know how much time I stood like that. I rubbed the soap over the place he licked and washed it vigorously. I switched off the shower and dressed. When I opened the door Jeeva was standing at the doorstep showing his back. He suddenly turned to me and stepped towards me.

'Come with me,' he stretched his arm towards me. I joined my hand with him and he entwined his fingers with me. Warm and Delicate. He took me to the living room and made me sit on the couch. There was a bowl of steaming water and a towel. He sat opposite to me.

'If you feel uncomfortable anytime you should tell me,' he said. I nodded. He dipped the towel in the water and crushed it in the bowl. He placed the towel in my forehead and pressed it gently. I closed my eyes. He gently moved down to my cheeks and gently wiped it.

He did the same with my other cheek. He took my hands and gently pressed the warm towel in the bruises. It felt warm and relieving. 'Comfortable now?' he asked worriedly. 'Yes,' I replied looking at his eyes. I took his hands and placed them over my cheeks. He gently pressed.

I closed my eyes absorbing the warmth and the relief it was providing. I felt the burn in my skin subside gradually. I took a deep breath. He gently hugged me and caressed my hair. The burning sensation of my skin subsided completely in his warm hug. He gently caressed my hair until I broke the hug. His eyes were sad.

'I'll be back,' he went to the kitchen with the bowl and the towel. I am feeling a lot relieved now. He came back with two glasses of milk. 'I have added turmeric and pepper to it. It's very good for health,' he gave me a glass. That's when I noticed it. It was dark outside. I slowly drank it.

He got back the glass and he emptied his glass and went to the kitchen again. He came back and sat beside me. He gave me my tablets and medicines. 'How do you feel now?' he asked touching my shoulder. 'A lot better. Thank you,' I hugged him. He caressed my head and reciprocated the hug.

I broke the hug and leaned in his shoulder sitting straight. He took my hand in his and pressed gently. I hugged his arm. I felt his head against mine. And I felt relaxed in that feeling. I closed my eyes and sighed.

Jeeva's POV:

I opened my eyes and looked around. The sun rays fell over me. My shoulder felt heavy. Adithi was sleeping peacefully leaning in my shoulder holding my hand. Did we sleep all night like this? I stayed in the same position as my movement could affect Adithi's sleep. I felt her moving. I looked at her. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. I smiled back.

'Good morning,' I said. 'Good morning,' she whispered and sat straight. 'I don't remember how I slept,' she left my hand. And my hand missed her touch. I sat straight and stretched myself. 'I don't remember too,' I looked at her. 'I'll get you coffee,' she stood up and walked to the kitchen. I entered my room and returned after the shower. There was coffee at the dining table. I sipped it as I called Pradeep.

I asked him to rush up collecting the evidence against Kaushik. I'll get Adithi back home today. I cannot risk her anymore. If I tell her, she will never agree with this. I'll tell her something and get her back home. She came out of the room and sat opposite to me with a smile.

'We have to go. Get ready,' I said sipping the coffee. 'Where?' she raised her eyebrows. 'I'll tell you later. Get ready soon,' I said finishing the coffee. I got ready and went to Adithi's room. I dragged her out as she got ready and got her in the car. I locked the home and kept the key in the spot Aadi told. I got in the car and ignited it. I drove looking at the road.

'Where are we going?' she asked surprised. 'Somewhere,' I replied as we entered the outskirts of Theni. 'Stop the car right now,' she said realizing where we are headed. I didn't reply. 'I said stop the car. Right now. Jeeva,' she raised her tone. 'Raising your tone will not help you,' I replied without looking her.

'If you are not stopping I am jumping out. If you're ok with that then drive,' she removed the seat belt. I stopped the car at the corner of the road suddenly. She pushed open the door and went out. I composed myself and followed her. She stood holding her forehead.

'Why are you so stubborn?' I held her arm tightly. 'I am just reflecting you,' she replied. 'Adithi. Why don't you understand? You should go back. It is not safe,' I yelled holding her arm. 'Why don't you understand? I cannot leave you,' she yelled back and freed her hand from my grip. I sighed and calmed myself. I made her look at me.

'You don't have any idea how I felt yesterday seeing you like that. I lost a part of myself. Do you what my biggest fear is? Right now? Fear of losing you,' I explained. 'I cannot lose you,' I whispered cupping her face. 'You won't,' she took my face in her hands. 'You won't lose me Jeeva,' she said.

'And do you know what is mine? Fear of losing you,' she stressed the last word. 'I am not leaving Theni. Because I cannot lose you,' she said as I closed my eyes. 'Please don't make my fear come to true Jeeva,' she closed the gap between us by embracing me. I leaned and gave in to the hug. The burning rage inside me cooled down a bit. She is scared of losing me just like me.

She broke the hug and rested her forehead in mine. 'Please don't ask me to leave. Please Jeeva,' she said cupping my face. 'I won't,' I placed my hands over hers. Her touch over my face was delicate yet pressurizing. I felt her care and concern through her touch. I wish to stay like this forever. Forever.

Sneak Peek:

Adithi meets Kaushik and tells him that she'll help him avenge Jeeva. Adithi realises something very important.

Hi guys,

I am so happy to meet you all. I hope you all loved this update.

So Adithi's helping Kaushik? Is she against Jeeva?

Comment what you think. So the suspense will open in the next chapter.

Stay tuned.

Thank you so much for showering this much love. I am grateful for that.


Meet you all in the next update.

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๐™„๐™ฉ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฉ ๐™ฌ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™– ๐™—๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ! ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™–๐™—๐™จ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™ฌ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™› ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™–๐™ง๐™š ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ก๐™ž...
174K 11.5K 48
#1 in Forever together. #1 in Long lost love. This story is a full package of; ๐Ÿ”ธLove, ๐Ÿ”ธRomance, ๐Ÿ”ธComedy, ๐Ÿ”ธDrama, ๐Ÿ”ธRevenge, ๐Ÿ”ธInteresting plots...
114K 1.1K 10
He is Mr Handsome and the one who can conquer anyone in the business world. He has a past which no one knows. And that made him lose hope in love and...