Epiphany [S.Stilinski 1 ]

By Czechgirl111

322K 8.5K 2.5K

• Book 1 Life took an unexpected turn [Season 1 & 2 of MTV's hit show Teen Wolf] Disclaimers: • English is... More

The New Girl
The Stranger In The Woods
Wrong House
Shocking Surprise
Digging up bodies and playing Lacrosse
Group Date
Find the Bullet
The Beginning Of a Nightmare
Night School
School Chase
Full Moon
The Alpha
Alpha Visit
Dressing Up
Winter formal
Part II
Prison Break
New Werewolf in Town
The Appearance
Swimming Lessons
The Kanima
Realization ( TW: Suicide)
Library attack
Party Guessed
The Finale


6.8K 200 43
By Czechgirl111

Chapter Thirty



Matt was the man behind the murders, Lydia was gone and Allison's mother committed suicide because she was bitten as their family code didn't allow it.

This wasn't the typical teenage night Flora wanted.

The girl tried to get hold of Allison to be there for her because she knew what it was to lose a mother - especially to suicide.

But the girl gently blew her off and Flora respected it, she knew that the brunette probably wanted to be alone.

So now after a long of convincing (mostly from Flora, because Noah trusted her the most), she 'broke' into the sheriff's office with the Stilinski's and Scott.

The four of them watched the camera records from the hospital in complete silence.

Flora's stomach felt like it was full of snakes the moment she found out that Matt was indeed a psychopath and the fact she even went out with him - that really made her realize how stupid she was.

"That's him! That's Matt!" Stiles' observation made Flora snap out of her thoughts and take a good look at the screen. There were a few silhouettes on the screen but Flora couldn't recognize Matt.

"All I see is the back of someone's head," Noah replied and squinted his eyes.

"Matt's head! I sit behind in history. He's got a very distinct cranium, it's weird." His son argued, earning a confused look from the three people. "Look at his jacket, huh?" The boy pointed at the leather jacket on the screen when nobody believed him. "How many people do you know who wear black leather jackets?"

Flora snorted and tried to hide her chuckle by covering her mouth. She knew at least ten people who owned at least one leather jacket, even Lydia had one, for god's sake.

"Millions, literally." Stiles' father answered and shook his head at the boy.

"He was stalking Flora!" The teenage boy shouted and pointed at the girl standing by the other side of the table.

"You know about that?" Flora screeched and threw an angry look at Scott, who threw his hands in the air, showing the girl that he refused to get involved.

Stiles rolled his eyes at the girl. "Don't look at him! Allison told me because she knew that you wouldn't!" He threw the sharp comeback in her face.

Flora stuttered and crossed her arms in irritation. "As if you would do something about it." She scoffed.

The boy blinked and opened his mouth. "My father is literally a cop!" He pointed at the man who was sitting in the chair and watching the argument with raised eyebrows.

The two bickering teenagers made him realize how much they reminded him of his early relationship with his deceased wife.

"Flora if it's true, we can file a police report." The man urged, shocked that the girl had a stalker without telling anyone.

The blonde shrugged. " I think that a police report is going to be useless if he's going to jail anyway." Her little argument made the whole room quiet.

"Can we scroll forward?" Scott jumped in, wanting to find decent proof. "There's gotta be a shot of him coming at one of the cameras."

Noah Stilinski let out a loud sigh but he scrolled forward for the boy. He knew that if Flora believed it then the boys were right.

"He's talking to Scott's mom." Flora pointed at the back of Matt's head when Noah stopped the frame.

Scott nervously gulped and pulled out his phone, ready to call her.

"He looks evil!" Stiles described him to Scott's mother over the phone.

The blonde girl patted his shoulder with pursued lips, motioning at him to shut up. The boy looked at her with an offensive look but quickly shut up.

After Scott's mom told them that she recognized Matt and that she stopped him because he was tracking mud in the hall, Stiles' dad pulled out a file with shoe prints.

"We've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site." The older man showed them the photos, describing the murder of the two people that happened a couple of days ago.

"And if they match, that puts Matt at the Scene of three murders. The trailer, the hospital, and the rave." Stiles assumed.

"Actually, four." Stilinski jumped into his theory. "A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed." The man stood up and looked at the three teens.

"When?" Flora questioned, curious if it was the same day as she and Stiles were there.

"A couple of hours before you got there." The sheriff answered Flora's question with a sigh.

Stiles grabbed his dad's shoulder. "Dad, if one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern, what's four?"

Stiles' father smirked at his son. "Four's enough for a warrant." He smiled before looking at Scott. "Scott, call your mom back, see how quick she can get here." He ordered before turning his head at his son. "If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant." Noah educated the kids. "Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott's mom in when she gets here."

When Stiles left Flora grabbed the files, wanting to read some of them again.

Ever since she spent more and more time with the boys she was more and more interested in crime and mysteries.

"My son's personality is rubbing on you." Noah smiled at the girl who was currently sitting behind his desk.

Flora's head snapped at the sudden comment. "What?" The girl blushed, hoping that none of them could see it.

Sadly for Flora, both - Noah, and Scott saw the blood rushing into the girl's cheeks.

"She even admitted that she loved him tonight." Scott teased the girl after he hung up on his mom.

Flora and Noah gasped - one of them in shock and one of them in betrayal. "I-i didn't!" She denied. "I was drunk!"

Noah raised his eyebrows and then sent the girl a stern look, making her sink in her seat. "I mean." Flora smiled nervously. "I would never drink alcohol, I'm not legally allowed to." She lied with a dumb smile over her face.

Their small talk was disturbed by Stiles being shown into the office by Matt.

Flora stood up from the chair and pressed her lips into a thin line when she saw Matt with a gun in his hand. A bad feeling settled in her stomach when the boy pointed it at them.

Stiles slowly walked towards her and grabbed the girl's hand, rubbing her skin with his thumb, trying to assure her that it's going to be fine.

"Matt? It's Matt right?" Noah tried to put the attention on him. "Matt whatever is going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun."

Matt chuckled and observed the weapon in his hand before answering. "You know, it's funny you say that because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are." He mocked the man.

"I know you don't want to hurt people." Noah continued with trying to stop Matt.

"Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people." Matt disagreed and pointed the gun at Flora, making her jump.

The girl gulped as her lips started to tremble. She could feel her heartbeat in her neck as she squeezed Stiles' hand harder than before. Stiles didn't even hesitate before pushing her behind him, not wanting her to get hurt by the maniac in front of them.

"You weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded." He continued, still pointing at shaking Flora, he didn't even care that Stiles would be the first he would hit if he wanted to shoot. "And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cellphone like McCall is doing." Matt pointed at the young werewolf who quickly pulled his hand out of his pocket. "That could definitely get someone hurt." His hand motioned at the group to put their cellphones on the desk and when neither of them listened he yelled at them, making the three males take out their phones. "Flora?" Matt asked the girl behind Stiles.

"I-it's in my purse." She shakily pointed at the black purse that was in the middle of the big brown couch that Sheriff had in his office.

Matt looked the girl up and down, noticing that she was still wearing the dress from the party. "Okay, let's go." He pointed towards the door with a sinister smile.

"Tighter," Matt ordered to Stiles when he saw how loosely the boy handcuffed his dad next to the prison cell.

"Do what he says Stiles," Noah said to his son, not wanting to see him get hurt.

Stiles clenched his jaw but did what Matt wanted and then walked back to his friends before Matt pushed him towards the door.

Just as the four teenagers were passing one of the halls Flora let out a quiet yelp when she saw three murdered police officers that were lying against the wall.

"Are you gonna kill everyone in here?" Scott snapped at the boy when he saw the massacre in front of them.

Matt scoffed. "No, that's what Jackson's for. I just think about killing them and he does it." He smiled as if he was talking about having a unicorn. "Move it." He hardly shoved Flora into the next room. The girl almost fell, not expecting the harsh impact. If she knew that she would be held at gunpoint she would take off the heels.

Matt made Flora sit next to him when he watched Scott and Stiles destroying the files of the homicides done by the Kanima. "Isn't this nice?" He whispered to the girl next to him.

Flora shivered when she felt his hot breath on her neck. She couldn't answer him and she hated herself for it. If she knew what were her powers and how to use them she would get them out of the police station without a blink of an eye. The girl felt useless for just sitting next to a murder who was pointing a gun at the two boys she grew so close to. A small yelp escaped her lips when Matt wiped a tear from her face.

"How can you be so pretty even when you cry Flora? That's some witchcraft." The boy joked and then looked at the pissed-off teenager who was shredding the police files. "Isn't she pretty Stiles?" He asked before putting his lips against Flora's mouth.

Flora's eyes widened in shock as she pushed the brunette boy away from her, a strong wave and anger rushing through her veins.

Matt smirked and pointed his gun at Stiles who was about to punch him. "She's also very feisty, I can see why everybody has a thing for her." He wiped his mouth and carefully patted his bottom lip when he noticed a small bite from Flora.

"Everything is deleted okay?" Scott pointed at the empty table.

"And since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first, whatever that means, we're good here, right?" Stiles asked and took a step closer to Flora, ready to grab her hand.

A car that stopped in front of the station made Matt stand up and drag Flora up as well. "Sounds like your mom's here McCall."

Flora closed her eyes, the last thing the teens wanted was to get their parents killed.

Scott begged Matt to allow him to talk to his mom and make her leave but the boy wasn't having any of it. "If you don't move now, I'm going to kill Flora first so the two of you could watch, then Stiles and then your mom." He grinned, and pressed the gun against Flora's head, making her silent tears go down faster.

When the two boys saw how serious he was being, they walked towards the boy, Stiles carefully looking behind him just to make sure that Flora was okay.

"Open it," Matt ordered them when they stopped in front of the door. "Open the door." He repeated when neither of the boys moved.

Flora let out a relieved sigh and a smile appeared on her face when she saw Derek standing behind the door. And just as quickly her positivity appeared the same way it disappeared when Derek crumbled down, thanks to Jackson standing behind him.

Derek's body fell on the ground with a loud 'thud'. "This is the one controlling him? This kid?" Derek scoffed when he saw Matt leaning over him.

Matt smiled at the paralyzed werewolf on the ground. "Not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf." He snapped and then turned at the three teens. "That's right! I've learned a few things lately." He smiled and started counting on his fingers as he started naming the creatures living in Beacon Hills. "Werewolves, hunters, Kanimas. It's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon." Matt joked and took a step towards Flora and Stiles. "Except for you two. What do you turn into?" He pointed at them with an amused smirk.

"Abominable Snowman." Stiles sassed. "But it's more like a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal." Just when he finished his sarcastic answer Jackson sliced his neck, making him fall as well.

"You bitch," Stiles mumbled before falling on top of Derek.

"Get him off me," Derek whispered slowly, already irritated by the fact that he was paralyzed, he didn't need Stiles laying on top of him.

Matt laughed and kneeled next to them. "I don't know Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair, just like me and blondie over there." He smiled and put his hand over Flora's shoulder, ignoring Flora's shaking body.

"It must kinda suck though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless." Matt continued to provoke the werewolf.

Derek looked at him with his famous harsh look. "Still got some teeth. Why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? We'll see how helpless I am." Derek offered to the boy.

"Yeah, bitch." Stiles murmured, his head on Derek's chest.

If the group wasn't in a danger Flora would laugh at Stiles' input but since Matt was having the time of his life with his hand around her shoulder she kept quiet.

"Is that her?" Matt asked Scott when he heard another car stopping in front of the station. "Do what I tell you to and I won't hurt her." He reminded him. "I won't even let Jackson near her." The boy promised.

"Scott, don't trust him!" Stiles yelled at his friend, making Matt pull Stiles off Derek's body.

He put his leg at Stiles' throat, watching the reaction of the two teens as he started pulling his whole weight into his leg, making Stiles' face go red as he started choking, a couple of tears escaping his eyes.

Flora's eyes filled with tears again. She quickly pulled on Matt's hand, catching his attention. "Please stop." The girl sobbed when she saw how Stiles gasped for air more and more. "Matt stop!" She yelled at the boy desperately and pushed him away from the boy. Stiles coughed loudly, happy that he could breathe again.

Matt's eyes went wide when Flora pushed him back. He watched her in shock as her brown eyes were now glowing green. A sarcastic chuckle escaped his throat and grabbed the girl's arm, pushing her back towards his chest. "I should've known that you were some type of supernatural bitch." He growled in her ear and put the gun against her temple. "Do what I tell or I'll blow her brains out." He warned Scott for the last time.

When Scott finally told him he will do what he says, Matt ordered Jackson to take Stiles and Derek to another room and then dragged Flora and Scott towards the front desk to welcome Scott's mother.

"Where is every-" Melissa stopped talking when she noticed Matt holding Flora against his chest with a gun pointed at her head. Flora tried to smile at the woman, to assure her that everything is going to be fine but her wet cheeks and her red eyes filled with tears failed her.

"Mom, just do what he says. He promised he wouldn't hurt you." Scott promises his mom when he saw the terrified look on her face.

"He's right." Matt agreed and fired at Scott, shooting him in the lower part of his chest.

The two females screamed when Scott fell to the ground. Flora wanted to run towards Scott but Matt's grip on her chest tightened even more. "Scott! Stiles! What happened?" Flora heard Noah Stilinski shout from the cell.

"But I didn't say I would hurt you." Matt faked a pout, ignoring Stilinski's yell.

"Baby." Melissa hurried towards Scott, only to be shoved back by the gun that was pointed at her face.

Scott attempted to get up but then fell back down with a groan. Flora winced, feeling his pain through his emotions.

"Get up McCall." Matt hissed at the injured werewolf. "Everybody shut up!" He yelled when Stiles' dad started talking to him from the cell. Matt panted angrily before pointing the gun at Scott's mom. "Get up or I shoot her next!" He warned Scott.

Flora grabbed Matt's shoulder which made him point his gun back at her. Flora put her hand in the air, showing him that she wouldn't try anything. "At least let me help him get up." Flora urged when she saw how Scott's wound looked.

When Matt allowed her to help Scott with walking he made all of them walk in front of him, making sure that none of them would do anything stupid.

"Get in the cell." Matt shoved Melissa behind the bars and immediately locked it. Flora slowly helped Scott to sit down next to the bench where Noah was sitting.

Flora hesitantly put her arm on the bullet wound on Scott's stomach.

"What are you doing?" The boy whispered when he saw how she winced.

"Just something I read about Vila's last night." She mumbled and closed her eyes, trying to focus. A small groan escaped her lips when she felt a sharp pain in the same place where Scott had his injury. She clenched her fist, digging her nails into the arm as Scott's pain was slowly leaving his body, transferring into Flora.

"I don't know what you just did but you need to stop." Scott panted and pushed Flora's hand away in shock. "I'm going to heal, you know nothing about this, you can't risk it." He warned her even though he was impressed by the girl's power.

Scott then stood up and looked at his mother. "It's doesn't hurt, mom." He tried to assure her and then sent a small thankful smile to Flora, who was sitting on the floor, wiping off the sweat from her forehead, she felt some of the blood that appeared on her newly transferred wound go through her black dress.

"That's the adrenaline, okay?" Melissa told her son with tears in her eyes. "Just let me take a look at him, please." The woman begged Matt who watched the whole situation with a smirk.

"They have no idea, do they?" Matt asked the two teens with a laugh and then rolled his eyes at Scott's mom. "Lady if you keep talking, I'm going to put the next bullet through his head." He threatened and then turned his attention back at the two teens. "Flora, get up, and back to the front." He pointed his gun at her and Scott. "After you!" He raised his voice when neither of them moved.

Scott looked at his mom with a sad look and then slowly helped Flora up. The girl hissed and touched the injury she got thanks to her trying to heal Scott's wound.

"Hey! What's wrong with Flora!" Noah Stilinski yelled at Matt when he heard that the girl groaned while standing up. His eyebrows scrunched in concern when he saw how pale she looked.

"Even if I knew it's none of your business." He snapped at the men and then pushed the teens out of the room.

"The evidence is gone. Why don't you just go?" Scott asked Matt when they arrived at the Sheriff's Office. Flora ignored the pain and sat next to Stiles and Derek, hoping that the two of them were okay.

"You think the evidence mattered that much?" Matt snickered. "No, I want the book." He announced.

Scott frowned as a line formed between his eyebrows in confusion. "What? What book?" He asked, not knowing what Matt meant.

"He wants the bestiary," Flora answered for Matt when she realized what he meant.

Matt smiled and pointed the gun at her. "You were always so smart Flora." He complimented but frowned when he noticed that the girl didn't even flinch. "Not just a few pages, I want the entire thing." He added, still pointing the gun at the girl.

"What do you want it for?" Flora curiously asked, raising her eyebrows. Why would Matt need a whole book about the supernatural?

Flora's question was answered when Matt pulled out his t-shirt and showed the scales appearing on his torso.

"Karma." The girl whispered to herself as she watched Matt texting Allison from Scott's phone. "Are you two okay?" She asked the two on the ground while eyeing half transformed Jackson who stood in front of them, looking like a zombie.

"Are you?" The two of them asked at the same time when they saw a dark spot on her black dress. "Is that blood?" Stiles slowly asked.

Flora grinned. "Yeah, it is." She whispered and then looked at Derek with a smirk. "I did something cool! I mean it kinda hurt but it's so cool that I'm able to do something like that!" The girl gushed, earning a confused look from both of them.

"What is the cool thing?" Stiles asked, not understanding why would the girl be happy when they're held at gunpoint by a maniac who stalked her and killed a bunch of people.

Flora leaned towards them. "I helped Scott to heal a little." She whispered and then slapped a hand over her mouth in excitement. "I can help people."

Derek and Stiles exchanged glances and then looked at the girl.

Flora frowned. "Listen if I'm going to die in this pretty dress tonight, I want to be happy at least about something." She snapped at the two of them and then got up, following Matt and Scott out of the room when she saw Matt pointing his gun at her again.

Scott and Flora leaned against one of the tables and both of them groaned at the same time. Each of them feeling the pain of Scott's wound.

"How are you going to explain that you healed so fast?" Matt asked the werewolf. "You don't even realize how incredible it is that you're actually healing. Cause people die when they get shot." He raised his voice at the boy.

'Not all of them.' Flora thought and closed her eyes for a second.

"Is that what happened to you?" Scott asked the boy. Flora opened her eyes quickly, ready for Matt's painful storytime.

After Matt scoffed a memory of the Kanima at the pool flashed in front of Flora's eyes. And then Lydia's party earlier when some jerks threw him into the pool. "You drowned, didn't you?" She asked with a quiet voice.

Matt looked at her and then shook his head. "He shouldn't have let them drink." The boy remembered.

"Who do you mean?" Scott questioned.

"Lahey!" He yelled at the two teens angrily.

Flora opened her mouth and then closed it again. "Who was drinking?" She asked anyway, not scared of his other outburst.

"The swim team you dumb bitch!" Matt snapped at the girl and stepped closer. "I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know they had just won state and Lahey, he's letting his favorites come over to have a couple of drinks to celebrate. Who cares if they're seventeen right?" Matt laughed sarcastically.

Flora facepalmed, remembering all the times she had an alcoholic beverage event thought she was underage.

The last one was just a couple of hours ago at Lydia's party.

"Isaac had this first edition Spiderman, or was it, Batman?" Matt recalled and shook his head before continuing. "And we were gonna make a trade. But then I'm over there and I hear music, and everyone's having a good time, and I see Sean. He throws Jessica in the pool and then Bennett goes in and then Camden."

Flora and Scott recognized the names of the people - all of them were murdered by the Kanima.

"Isaac's bother, he grabs me. He thinks it's funny." The boy scoffed and tried to stop the tears that started coming out of his eyes.

"They threw you in." Flora finished for the boy, all of the pieces slowly coming together.

Matt nodded. "I yelled that I can't swim, nobody listens. I go under and I swallow water, and no one cares and I see these bodies underwater. I see Jessica's got her hands down Sean's board shorts. Tucker is grabbing Kara and I'm drowning." The boy spat. "I'm dying and they're laughing." He rebuked, his face getting red from the anger. "All of sudden, I was just... I'm lying by the pool and Lahey is right there, right above me, and he says..." Matt stopped in front of Flora and shoved the gun against her chest.

"You tell no one! This is your fault! You don't know how to swim? What little bastard doesn't know how to swim? You say nothing. You tell no one!" He quoted Lahey and kept shoving the gun against Flora's chest, making her hold a breath. The girl was too scared to even breathe. She knew that a gunshot through her chest would be probably fatal.

"I didn't tell anyone." Matt cried in front of them. "And I would are them at school and they wouldn't even look at me. I'd wake up in the middle of the night. I'd gasp for breath, and my parents thought I was asthmatic, they even gave me an inhaler." He laughed and let the tears fall, not caring anymore. "They didn't know that every time I closed my eyes, I was drowning. Everything was dark." He finished his story and then chuckled and pointed at Scott. "Then came the Argent's funeral. And I didn't know that Flora was missing yet so I was wishing for some photos of her during the funeral because I thought that she would be there to support Allison."

Flora shivered as the memories of the photos of her appeared in her mind.

"By a total accident." The boy continued, ignoring Flora's uncomfortable expression. "Lahey gets in one of the photos. I look down at the screen and I just have this rage that fills up inside me and I wanna see him dead. And he was dead the next day." Matt laughed, letting the teens know that he didn't regret a thing.

Flora watched Matt ranting to Scott but she wasn't able to process the stuff Matt just admitted. She understood that Lahey was a piece of shit, especially after she found out how he treated Isaac but killing people? Flora felt sick just by looking at the boy.

"I knew he had killed Lahey for me, and I knew he would do it again."

Flora's stomach flipped in disgust when she heard the words come out of Matt's mouth.

"So, I went to Tucker's garage. I even paid for an oil change and guess what? He didn't even recognize me." He snapped at the two teens when he shared his emotional story. "So, when he wasn't looking, I took a shot of him with my camera, and in a few hours, he was dead." Matt smiled.

Flora frowned, frightened by the connection with the camera. "Why am I still alive then?" She asked boldly and pushed herself up, the little bit of courage she had left finally sneaked out.

Matt tilted his head and harshly grabbed Flora's chin. "Because I took your photos for my own personal gallery," He wrapped a blonde strand of her blonde hair on his finger. Jackson knew that he couldn't hurt you." The murderer whispered and ran a finger over her face, sending shivers down her spine.

"But I decided to take more pictures of them," Matt admitted and remembered his victims with a smile. The boy would continue with his sad life story if the electricity wouldn't go off. Matt pointed his gun and Flora's head before yelling, not knowing what was going on.

"Do we look like we have an idea what's going on?" The blonde yelled at the boy before looking around, the darkness made her uncomfortable, especially since she was stuck in a room with a killer.

Suddenly rapid gunfire started and it broke all the windows in the room. Flora would probably be dead if Scott wouldn't pull her under the desk they were leaning against. The gunfire continued, neither of the shooters outside caring if there were other people than Matt and Jackson.

The girl looked at Scott, both of them knew who was behind all of this - Gerard. Flora immediately knew that his behavior helped him manipulate Allison somehow. The two of them were about to start running but a firebomb landed right next to the table they were hidden under. The smoke that came out of the bomb made Flora's lungs fill with grey smoke, making her cough harshly. She tried to catch her breath but the tears in her eyes made her think that this was it.

That she would die in the middle of a crossfire. And she almost did if it wasn't for Scott's werewolf reflexes.

The boy knocked out Jackson first before putting Flora in the same room as Stiles and Derek.

"Take him!" Derek yelled at Scott and Flora, showing them that Stiles was the last one who couldn't move.

Flora coughed loudly but didn't hesitate to grab Stiles' armpit before throwing his arm over his shoulders. "Come on." She tried to console the boy and then gestured towards Scott so he would help her. The two teens hurried with Stiles as fast as Flora's heels allowed before Jackson slammed the door's behind them open. Flora was mentally shitting herself when she closed the last door, hoping that Jackson wouldn't break that one.

"Do something Slavic or something," Scott advised her and pointed at the door while Stiles still hanged around his neck for dear life.

The blonde blinked but then pursed her lips. "I know what I am for two days, Scott, you've been a werewolf for four months!" The girl pointed at him nervously and then panted around the room, playing with her finger nervously. The werewolf groaned but sat Stiles down and walked towards the door. Flora opened the door, ready to go with him but Allison's figure standing in front of the door scared them.

"What the hell?" The teen girl cursed and looked at the crossbow in the brunette's hands. "Allison, what are you doing?" She asked slowly, putting her hands in the air. Flora knew that her friend wouldn't hurt her but something about her aura was saying something different.

"Where's Derek?" The brunette snapped at the two of them, ignoring the fact that she loved both of them very much. "If you're not going to tell me, then get out of my way," Allison warned the two when neither of them answered.

Flora took a hurt step back when she heard how harsh Allison's tone was. "Alli-"

"Both of you need to stay away from me right now." Allison ignored the girl and warned them with the weapon. "Please go." The girl pleaded and nodded towards the exit.

Flora pushed the crossbow out of her face and took a step towards the girl. "You know you don't need to do this Allison, we can talk about it." The blonde put her hand on Allison's shoulder, showing the comfort the brunette needed.

Allison stared at the hand for a minute. "Stay out of my way." She pushed her hand away and ran towards the Sheriff's Office where Matt was, leaving the two supernatural creatures alone. Flora was about to say something to Scott but the boy ran after Allison, leaving the girl alone.

"Fucking hell." Flora cursed. Just five hours ago the girl joked about having a normal teenage night and now she was in the middle of a war. The only thing she could do was to get Stiles, his dad, and Melissa out of the station - if she wouldn't be punched by a lizard tail.

The girl didn't know how but managed to kick The Kanima and ran towards the cell's, wanting to get the parents out, but before she could do that, a human hand grabbed her neck and pushed her against the wall.

"You should've given me a chance." Matt sighed and watched Flora's lip tremble. "Remember how I said I'm not the kind of guy who would say something like, 'Well, if I can't have her, no one can'?" Matt quoted what he said earlier that night with a teasing tone. " It's not true, because if I can't have you no one can!" He yelled at her and slapped her across the face, making her fall to the ground.

The sharp pain in her cheek made Flora wince loudly and that was the last straw for the two parents in the room.

"Flora, honey, can you hear me?" Scott's mom called out for the girl, hoping that she didn't have a head injury.

The blonde girl nodded silently when she noticed Matt leaving. After the boy left, the girl slowly crawled towards Noah and Melissa, wanting to get them out.

"Flora, take a break, you look weak." Noah Stilinski warned her when the moonlight allowed him to see Flora in a better light.

The girl didn't even care about her state when she saw how the man ripped the handcuffs out of the wall. If her head wouldn't be throbbing maybe she could see Matt who crept on Noah and knocked him out.

Both, Melissa and Flora screamed when Noah's unconscious body hit the ground. "Matt, please listen to me, my son has been shot and I've heard other gun fires and I don't ink what's happening, but can you please let me see my son?" Melissa begged the teenager who watched Noah's unconscious body.

Matt laughed maniacally. "How clueless are you people?" He asked the woman.

Flora was about to get up when a soft tap on her naked ankle stopped her. Crawling Stiles behind her tried to point towards the other door where Derek stood in his werewolf self.

Maybe it could be all over if the Kanima wouldn't show up as well.

The two creatures managed to fight while Flora tried to crawl towards Melissa's cell with the last courage she had but the Kanima grabbed Flora's body and threw her next to Stiles who was lying on the other side of the room.

"Are you okay?" A hand grasped hers with an urgent voice. Flora couldn't answer because she was still gasping for air after the harsh hit.

"Scott? Are you okay?"

That was the last thing Flora heard before she blacked out.

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A re write of season one of teen wolf Stiles x reader
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Hey I'm Rowan. I spent most of my life with my family in Becan Hills California. I spent most of my time either getting in trouble with my cousin Sco...
232K 2.8K 66
𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄. all imagines are written BY ME. please do not steal OR repost my work on other apps such as ao3 and tumblr. if so, i will report...
560K 15.5K 28
In which a normal teenage boy falls in love with a teen werewolf. ►►► SLIGHT AU [Book one of Savior series] [season 2] [COMPLETED] Copyright© 2016...