All's Fair In Love and War (D...

By DoloresUmbridgeDE

17.1K 951 215

When Draco Malfoy watched Charity die in front of him, he decided no more. Joining Harry on the search for Ho... More

What now?
The Death Of Charity
Kreature And The Locket
The Snakes A Rat
Doe (A Deer)
Pulsating Mark
Just A Kiss
I Lied
The Quibbler
Sex On The Beach
The Vault
Sex In A Tent
Truth Or Dare
The Deed

Bad Ass Bitch

736 51 9
By DoloresUmbridgeDE

Spell after spell got thrown his way, Draco expertly blocked them. He fought next to the Weasly family, Molly on one side and Ginny on the other. Although suspicious on first seeing him, Molly was now grinning every time he threw another curse at someone. A curse came flying at Ginny, with his arm he knocked her out of the way and took it. His wand, went flying up in the air. A loud cackle sounded, and his aunt was stood in front of him. He went to lunge for his wand but, as it hit the ground and rolled, her foot came down upon it.

"Well Well Well..." Bellatrix snickered, a tut left her lips. "Who do we have here?"

Molly went to raise her wand, but as she did Bellatrix raised a hand; Molly went still...Imobolised. She was powerful, that Draco could not dismiss.

"Auntie." Draco spat, all the ill-will he could muster.

"Your mommy has been so upset Draco." She said, shaking her head lightly. "Her son, a traitor. Imagine the embarrassment. I would let her kill you, but that would be too hard on her, don't you think?"

"You'll regret it," Ginny screamed through gritted teeth, obviously, in pain, she was about to help the man who had kissed Harry. "Do you know who'll be after you?"

"I hardly imagine anyone would care..." Bellatrix cackled before she stopped mid-laugh. Her eyes dropped to her nephew. She gaped at him, almost in disbelief. "You and the Mudblood?"

"Me and the chosen one," Draco screamed, kicking out. His foot came into contact with his aunties leg, and within her moment of distraction, he grabbed his wand. Bellatrix let out a scream as Ginny hauled Draco to his feet, she lifted her wand. Draco, forgetting his own magic as he always did around his aunt; brought his arms out to cover Ginny and Mrs Weasely. Bellatrix was the most dangerous upset.

"Avarda!" She screamed, only the second word didn't come out. Her lips seemed to move, but no words escape. An explanation was quickly upon them, Narcissa stepping out from the side of the room. She grinned at her sister, wand raised.

"Not my son." She all but growled, Draco had never seen his mother look so dangerous. She glared at her sister, lips snarling in a way that proved the two's relation. "And never his friends. Levicorpous."

Bellatrix those into the air, falling upside down with a scream. The ruffles of her dress fell, covering part of her face. She looked like a child in the midst of a sulk. Her face appeared so shocked, she made no movement. She only stared at her sister, a sneer.

"Put me down." She screamed, raising her wand. "Crucio..."

Narcissa narrowly avoided the curse, her eyes turning into small slits. She raised her wand back up into the air, sending the same curse back toward her sister. Bellatrix contorted in the air. A Death Eater stopped in his own fight, noticing the sisters. Draco glanced his way, he noticed it to be Lysander? He looked so thin. So...scared.

"I'll go to Azkaban for this," Narcissa uttered. Draco went to step forward but a hand on his shoulder told him to stop, he glanced up to see Hermione; who had happened to be running past in search of the snake which presumably stood close to Voldemort. "But if I let you go, you'll kill me and my son. Funny how for all the time you used this curse sister, you never really learned to take it; did you?"

Bellatrix shrieked in response. Narcissa glanced towards Draco almost as if in two minds as to what her next action should be, killer her or restrain her, on her slight waver Bellatrix fell from the air and to the floor. The woman panted, trying to push herself up off the ground. She gave a leap, she was to her feet once more. She lifted her wand high, "Avada Kadarva."

Narcissa did the same; her spell aimed towards her sister.

Almost as if in slow motion, Draco saw a green curse come flying his way. He heard screams all around him, but he couldn't bring himself to move out of it's way. If he moved, it would hit Hermione or Ginny. He closed his eyes, waiting for impact; but it never came.

The curse had missed?

He opened his eyes, to see his Aunty dead on the floor. His mother's wand was in the air, her spell obviously behind the death. "Never my son, you bitch."

Draco glanced around in shock before his eyes found Hermione's; her glances to his feet. He looked down. Lysander? He had jumped in front of Draco. The blonde fell to his knees, hand coming up to the boy's cheek. Hermione fell next to him, her hand painfully tight on his shoulder.

"Lysander..." Draco whispered, a tear falling from his eye. It travelled the length of his cheek before falling to the body below. "No. Why?"

"Draco," Hermione muttered, glancing up to see curses flying around them. They were being protected by Ginny, Molly, and Narcissa. "Draco, the snake. We need to go!"

"But..." Draco muttered. He glanced up at the witch. Shaking his head, he pushed his heartache away. He leaned down, placing one kiss on the dead man's cheek before standing and taking Hermione's hand. This had to end; end before anyone else got hurt.

"Who was that?" Hermione muttered as they ran from the great hall, and up the stairs of the castle.

"A great man," Draco said. "A true friend."


Harry stared towards Voldemort, a smirk across his face. They walked around in a circle, each daring the other to cast the first spell.

"You thought it was over, didn't you Tom?" Harry asked, a slight chuckle leaving his lips. Something about coming back from the dead twice made you feel quite cheerful, almost invincible, but he knew better than to presume he would get a third time. "Thought I was dead? Thought you were gonna rule over wizard kind?"

"A miniature protuberance in the road." Voldemort hissed, eyes shooting down to his wand for a split second. "I am still more powerful than you Harry. But, don't worry, soon you will be dead."

Harry laughed out loud, at the sound Voldemort sent out a curse. Harry, his eyes widening, shot out his own red stream. The spells clashed, merging together in the middle; both battling for dominance. Harry felt his arm weaken under the pressure, the power from the elder wand trying to force him to the ground.

"You know Tom." Harry chuckled, murmuring slightly as he tried to focus all of his powers on keeping Voldemorts curse at bay. "It's a shame you can't feel love, I've recently found it and it's brilliant. It's made me such a better person, couldn't you learn to replicate that?"

"Love makes you weak Harry." Voldemort laughed, he also struggled to keep his curse focused although he was supposed to hold the most powerful wand in existence. He concentrated all of his hate on the boy in front of him, allowing himself to focus on the image of the boy's dead body. "You become vulnerable, you will regret letting yourself feel it one day."

"I don't think I will." Harry spat, completely disgusted by his adversary's lack of morals. "The intimacy, having one person who knows me better than anyone, will save my life one day. It saved me today when you were trying to kill me...I thought of him. Only him. He kept me going."

"And now he will mourn you." Voldemort laughed, chucking the stream to the side. At the sudden movement, Harry fell, the shock of the stream being disbanded bringing him to his knees.


Draco threw himself to the floor, rolling to avoid the snake that surged at him. He squeaked, falling down a flight of stairs as the snake slithered down after him. He caught himself at the bottom, avoiding serious injury. Ron and Hermione chased them, throwing stones and curses at the serpent; all seeming to ricochet.

"Fuck," Draco screamed, pushing himself back again; the snake just missing his stomach. "Can you two fucking do something?"

"We're trying..." Hermione screamed back, throwing all the curses she could think of. She really wished that she still had hold of the sword of Gryffindor, the object seeming to have gotten lost in the havoc. "Ahhhh Draco watch out...."

Draco pushed himself back once more, the snake's fangs hitting the ground where his crotch had been moments before. His face whitened slightly, those were something he didn't want to lose.

"Nagini." The blonde muttered as the snake lifted itself up from the ground, it eyed Draco at the mention of her name. "You know me!"

"I don't think that's going to help!" Ron shouted, throwing the biggest rock he could find at the snake. The snake turned to hiss at the boy, Draco using this as a distraction to run. At the last second, the snake turned its head and lunged itself at Draco. Its teeth sunk into the boy's ankle, bringing him to the ground with a scream. His ankle throbbed unnaturally, the wounds instantly starting to bleed at an alarming rate. The snake raised again, its fangs aimed at Draco's face. Nagini lunged; Hermione letting out the most deafening scream anyone had ever heard. The snake's fangs sunk into Draco's neck, the blondes vision went white at the searing pain. He braced himself, waiting for the creature to rip the flesh from his throat. Nothing.

Opening his eyes, he realized the snake was no longer attached to him. He looked to his side, Ron stood there with a snakehead in one hand, the sword of Gryffindor in the other. He was looking down at Draco in shock himself, before glancing at his hands.

"I..." Ron muttered, glancing up at Hermione with a confused expression. The girl looked startled herself, and, if Draco wasn't mistaken, a little turned on. "I One second I was...then the was in my hand. Erm...I'm sorry."

"Don't fucking apologize." The blonde muttered, his hand coming up to his neck. Blood covered his fingers at the touch, he grimaced at the pain that seared through him. He pushed himself to his feet, nearly slipping as he stood on his injured ankle. His vision went inconsiderably blurry, he grinned up at Ron. "When did you get a twin?"

"Shit." The ginger man spoke, gripping Draco as his leg gave way. The blonde groaned, the world around him spinning. Black dots started to appear in his vision, he tried hard to focus on the world. "He needs the hospital wing."

"Mum," Draco muttered, his body becoming weaker and weaker in Ron's arms. "Harry, tell them I love them."

His world went dark, peace at last.


"It's time to die Harry..." Voldemort stood over Harry, an evil smirk on his face. The brunettes heart hammered, how could he be so careless and lose focus? He side glimpsed to where his wand had landed, a good five feet away from him. He could jump for it? No, he wouldn't make it. "Where's love now?"

"All around me." Harry spat, looking up at the man. If he was going to die, he wouldn't be dying a whimpering mess in front of the man. The elder wand was pointed towards his nose, the tip almost touching his skin. "I can feel it, can't you?"

"No Harry." Voldemort laughed loudly, thrusting his wand forward so it jabbed at the chosen one's face. Harry dared not flinch, he refused to show weakness on his Death Bed. Yet, Voldemort seemed to not want to kill him while he welcomed it. "Now any last word before you die?"

"Yes..." He grunted, gaze flying behind the man. Hermione was stood there with wide eyes, the brunette noticed her shirt was covered in masses of blood; was she injured? She walked forward slowly, her wand raised. She looked conflicted but motioned for Harry to continue talking. "I have two questions actually. Would you be merciful enough to grant me that, Tom?"

"Only because it will make your death so much sweeter." The Dark Lord spoke boldly, he jabbed at Harry again. A small smile graced his lips, an act of belligerence hidden as kindness. "What is it you desire to ask me?"

"Do you feel it?"

"Do I feel what?" Voldemort asked, his brief simper turned ugly. His lips formed a thin line, if possible he looked even less human.

"The vulnerability?" Harry asked testingly. Hermione had shuffled closer again, stepping carefully over the rubble that surrounded the warzone. She looked nervous, one sound and she was done for. Tom would turn and kill her on the spot she stood. "What does it feel like? I've destroyed all your Horcrux's, you are defenceless. How does it feel?"

"Once you are dead." The man spat, hand twitching around the elder wand. Harry could tell he wanted to kill, but the curiosity of Harry's questions were getting the better of him. Why wouldn't the boy beg? "I will leave this place, my followers rounding up anyone who want's to join our army, and they will dispose of the ones who don't. While they do this, I will replace what you have stolen from me. Maybe I'll split my soul using one of your best friends, how about that Mud-blood?"

Harry noticed Hermione's face harden, he smirked. He glanced up toward Voldermort, nothing but humour on his face. The pale man stared back at him, eyes half wide. How could Harry Potter still not look scared? The third time he was going to be killed, but nothing. "You are going to regret those slurs, Tom, let me tell you something about my Mud-blood friend."

"Oh, this should be fun." The man rolled his eyes.

"She's a fighter, never letting bigots like you put her down," Harry spoke, voice rising slightly to hide the sounds as Hermione stepped pretty much behind Voldemort. The man didn't notice, his feigned bored expression hanging onto Harry's every word. The brunette could see amusement in his eyes, disbelieving that anyone could advocate for someone like Hermione. "She is so smart, knowing spells that I doubt even you know. She's powerful, she could beat my ass in any fight; and any pureblood I know. She is selfless, always putting herself before Ron or me, even when we neglect to do the same. She took Draco in with open arms, caring for him instantly. She is the strongest person I know, and you know what Tom? She's a woman foremost, and you can only push a badass bitch so far." Harry leaned forward slightly, lowering his voice significantly. Hermione had raised her wand, and judging by the anger in her eyes Harry knew she was ready. "She's right behind you."

"Avada Kadarva."

Voldemort swayed on the spot, eyes wide. His hand went loose, his wand hitting the floor in front of Harry. Slowly but surely, the light left his eyes. His body crumbled, knees giving way and hitting the floor. He fell sideways, dead against the rubble of the courtyard. A breath left Harry's lips, he couldn't take his eyes from the man; scared he was going to jump to his feet as he had done earlier.

As if they knew, people started to run outside the castle. Ron, Mrs Weasly, Ginny, Neville, Seamus, Dean, All the professors. Death Eaters apparated, not even staying to give their Lord a second glance. Some ran across the bridges, scared of the trip to Azkaban that they knew was going to come. Still, Harry's eyes didn't leave the dead man, Hermione's wand not lowering. She looked shocked, almost horrified at herself. Ron ran forward, taking her into his arms. She broke down, the first sound of the new world being the deafening cry of her sob's she was finally free to express.

Mrs Weasley was the next one to run over, followed by Professor McGonagall. Molly pulled Harry to his feet with extraordinary strength, finally pulling his focus from Voldermort. She leaned forward, placing the sweetest kiss on his forehead. He let himself lean into it, a sense he could enjoy real-life sinking into him.

"Oh, Mr Potter, Weasley, Granger." Professor McGonagall said, her eyes tearing slightly. Her normally thin lips stretched out into a small huge grin. "Well done, oh well done. A big thank you on behalf of our school. Now, let's make sure he won't be coming back this time."

Harry glanced, watching as McGonagall stood over the body. With a flick of her wand, Voldemort burst into golden flame. She nodded and turned back to the crowd that had now gathered around to watch. "Hello everyone, now that the battle is won we can unwind. I understand the trauma we have all endured today is boundless, and it will take us all years to get over some of the things we have seen, but tonight we feast. We will both mourn and celebrate the brave souls we have lost. Tonight, there will be a reception in the Great Hall for anyone who wishes to participate; that goes for students and non-students alike. I'll also draw up beds for those who do not wish to make journeys back to their homes this late in the day, now anyone who is able please follow me; there is clean up to be done. If you can not, whether you are injured or you just need to cry, please look after yourself; I'm always here for you."

Harry gazed awkwardly as the crowd started to disperse back to the castle leaving him, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Mrs Weasley alone.

"You've lost weight." The older woman said. "All of you."

Harry glanced around, quickly realizing it wasn't all of them. He turned to Ron, and Hermione; they were looking his way. They seemed to understand what he was looking for and smiled sadly.

"He's unconscious Harry," Hermione muttered sympathetically. "The snake bit him twice, he lost a lot of blood. He's stable, but he's going to need recovery time. He's in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfrey and his mother."

"He asked for you though," Ron said, a small smile taking over his lips. He seemed to have finally accepted Draco's worth to the group. "It was the last thing he said before he passed out."

"Is he your boyfriend Harry?"

Harry's eyes shot to Ginny, who looked at him with sad acceptance. Molly stood next to her, a comforting arm around her daughter. Harry shrugged, before turning and just walking away. He would deal was that heartbreak later.

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