Night Life [Craig x Tweek]

By Tabby21dreams

54.5K 962 3.1K

Craig Tucker is a well respected and feared mafia boss's son. He'd much rather just do his job in the day tim... More

A pretty young Thing
A busy Man
Lunch with a Side of Jealousy
In his Office
Dressing Room
A Lesson
A mattress for Two?
Just Relax
Click Boom!
It's a Date
Kiss it Better?
Swimming in Emotions
Welcome to the City
Where are you Sunshine?
Living in Hell
Hold On
A show to End them All!

Waking up in a Small Apartment

2.4K 47 171
By Tabby21dreams

A loud and persistent beeping noise wakes Craig up. It's coming from the right side so out of habit he reaches over slightly, thinking his alarm sounds a lot different than normal.

'Maybe my house lady changed the settings on it again..'He grumbles not wanting to move away from the small warmth wrapping its arms around him. Said small warmth makes a small sound, repositions their head on his- 

'Wait a second..' the giant abruptly opens his eyes, finding a certain soft skinned beauty sleeping soundly on his chest. A cat comes into the room they're in, grooming herself as she stares up at them with her curious eyes. He sneezes but covers his mouth so he doesn't wake Tweek.

'So I'm not in my home..' Craig concludes to himself. He slowly tries to remove himself from the blonde without disturbing him but hesitates every time the dancer mumbles and shifts positions in his sleep, each one bringing them even closer. As much as he admires the sleeping beauty and how adorable the blonde's actions are, they aren't helping his case of morning wood in the slightest, especially with how often a small hand or leg ends up landing there. 

'Well fuck it, guess I'm getting him up too.' The giant gently nudges the blonde's shoulder. The smaller male mewls sleepily, turning around where his backs against Craig's chest.

The taller one sighs but slowly slips out of the bed and fixes his attire in the bathroom.He takes his watch off, leaving it on the counter as he washes his face. By now his problem is gone, which he's very thankful for, after all, if sleeping in the same bed isn't crossing the line, he's sure getting a hard on after sleeping in the same bed might be. He doesn't want to make the dancer feel uncomfortable.

When he's finished and looks more decent, he walks out and turns the light off. He sees that the green eyed beauty is finally up, stretching his pale limbs out as he yawns. The blonde's hair is all over the place, untamed and pointing every which way.

'He looks cute with bed-head..'Craig thinks to himself.

"You're finally up sunshine?" the giant teases, leaning with his hand on the wall as he watches Tweek with slight amusement.

"Gah! Y-you're still here?!"the dancer, caught off guard, pulls his shirt down to try and hide his exposed legs.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"W-well, I k-kinda assumed you'd just leave.." the light haired male admits sheepishly.

"Without telling you bye?" the blonde stares up, speechless.

"W-well yeah actually.." the giant makes his way to the mattress.

"I won't leave without telling you goodbye." Craig gently holds the dancer's chin to meet his gaze.

"O-oh!" is all Tweek says, his pink lips looking more inviting-

'No, I shouldn't..'

"Did you sleep good?" he pulls away, smoothing his hair as he looks away trying not to be tempted. He sneezes again and sniffles. "Ugh" he wipes his eyes with a tissue.

"I s-slept great actually. How was your sleep, did t-the tea help?"

"It was hard to breath so not too great but you snuggled into me was nice." he teases.

"O-oh?I must say, it was nice too..I kept on feeling some large bump, though I was half asleep.."

Craig blushes brightly. "Must've been the cat."

"M-maybe, it was really warm from what I remember."

He coughs "Yep, uh what time do you have to be at work?"

"Uh, what time is it now?"

"Twelve twenty-four" he hums seeing it glow on the blonde's screen of his phone.

"I normally have to get ready at eleven, my work s-starts at two fifty so..I should start getting ready now!" the dancer rushes out of bed and stumbles before he catches himself, running to his small closet to look for an outfit. Craig chuckles.

"Why are you acting like you're running out of time? You have plenty-"

"T-that's where you're wrong, I will be late if I don't leave the house shortly, I'm not even sure i can walk there, I'll have to run or I'll be tardy!"

"I'll drive you, you'll have plenty of time. I took today off  anyways for our date." he blonde stares up in disbelief, his cheeks pink as he slows down his mind.

"O-oh! Okay then, t-thank you, t-that's actually really sweet!" the green eyed beauty smiles. He then gives a quick hug to the taller man, retreating to the bathroom with his bundle of clothes once he parts himself."I-I'll only be a few minutes, if you're hungry, I have Rice-crispies on the top cupboard to the left!" Tweek informs before closing the door. Craig sighs with an amused look. 

'No way in hell am I not surprising him with coffee and a proper breakfast' the giant decides, excited to see the small male's reaction.

He pulls out his phone and orders online. Once it arrives he pays and sets up the food on the dining table. He waits for Tweek to return as he sits on a chair in the room. Suddenly small arms wrap around him from behind.

"Well hello." he chuckles softly already knowing who it is.

"M-morning to you too handsome~"the blonde giggles.

"Did you have a good shower?" 

"T-that was last night dork! But yes, the water was cold, however,you warmed me up~" Tweek teases.

"Come." he covers Tweek's eyes with his hands and leads him to the kitchen. Craig smiles as he uncovers his eyes. "Surprise" the dancer stares in awe, rubbing his eyes.
"This can be real! H-how, I must be dreaming, s-somebody pinch me!"

"Like it?" he pulls the chair out for him.Tweek nods, unable to form words properly as he sits down.

"I-it's amazing! I-I don't know what to say, w-why did you do this for me?"

"I felt sick knowing you never probably never get this so well, enjoy, I didn't know what you like so I got everything, if you don't eat it you can save it for other mornings" Craig pushes the chair in "do you like it?"

"Yes! I-I don't know how I can ever thank you! If dragging a half asleep you up my stairs gives me warmth and food, I m-might just keep you!" Tweek jokes, looking at the food provided. 

Craig laughs softly watching Tweek with amusement in his eyes as the blonde goes for the omelet, stuffing his face happily. Green eyes stare up at the giant as he gulps some of the orange juice after swallowing his fifth bite.

"A-aren't you going to eat too?" The dancer asks, noticing the taller male has yet to touch anything.

"No I'm not hungry, I eat most days, I'll be alright until lunch" he smiles 'He's adorable.'

"Are y-you sure you don't want to try just a little bite?~"the blonde offers, cutting a piece and holding it out to the other.

"Well, maybe one" he leans forward taking it from the fork. "Mm~ You have a little something on your cheek" he leans even further and licks his cheek slowly and backs away. He winks and stands. "Enjoy~" the blonde turns red all over.

"Y-you're a dog!!" the dancer shivers, looking down at his food and avoiding Craig's gaze.

Craig smirks "Woof~" he stands behind him and bends down in his ear and gently nips at his lobe. The blonde gasps in surprise, shivering deliciously with a small moan.

"Oh, a bit sensitive I see?~"

"S-shut up!"

"Mm, really? That sounded delicious.~" he smiles sitting down across from him once more.

"S-screw you jerk!" Tweek shouts as he covers his face.

"I'd much rather ravish you my dear.~"

"Oh my God you are such an ass!"

"I can treat yours good~" he flirts, smirking.

"S-stop playing with my feelings! You're being a real dick now!" the blonde giggles, still hiding his face.

'I should probably stop..ah, he's too much fun to mess with.'

"Alright, alright, eat" Craig smiles softly.

"J-just so you know-"The blonde gets up and sits on the giant's lap, a glimmer of mischief sparkling in his eyes. He leans close, so much so that they're almost kissing. Green nails slide down the others chest.

Craig groans softly. 

"I really think you should be careful with who you're messing with Tucker~" the blonde then slides a hand to the taller man's front. " I know for a fact that wasn't the cat this morning.~" Craig gulps back a moan. Tweek giggles softly.

"You do?" The dancer leans in closer and licks the giants cheek, pulling away with a grin.

"Pfft- No, but now I do!"

Craig huffs "Whatever.." he pulls out his phone. Tweek laughs hysterically.

"Y-you should have seen your face, my God that was priceless!"

"Yeah yeah, get it out of your system.." he rolls his eyes grumpily. Once the dancer calms down from his fits of giggles he lightly traces Craig's cheek bones with his thumbs.

"Aw, d-don't be too mad with me, I'm sorry."

"Mmhm" he rolls his eyes once again as he crosses his arms. "Finish your food, you have thirty minutes before you need to be there" he stands from the table and walks by the door as he texts his father back. He sneezes as Bean runs against his leg. "Why do you like me?" he whispers, picking up the cat. The kitten only answers with soft mewls and purring. "Mm is it cause I'm a portable heater?" he sets her down.

"Bean! S-sweet baby, come get your water and food!"he hears the blonde call.

"Go on" he urges the cat but she stares up at him. He sighs sitting down and she climbs on his lap. Craig sneezes again. "I've been chosen" he tells Tweek, petting the feline once the dancer walks over to find them.

"W-well, as the old saying goes, you don't choose the cat, the cat chooses you!" the green eyed beauty giggles softly, gently taking the cat in his arms. Bean purrs and lays happily in her owner's arms."Well, now I know you mean good news for sure, Bean doesn't normally get clingy with anyone but me!" the blonde states, nuzzling his furry child before setting her down and reaching a hand out to his tall companion."I am really sorry for earlier.."

"No I did deserve it I'm just upset at myself for not...nothing" he stands and sneezes again.

"W-well, If it makes you feel better, I had a dream about"the blonde flushes, biting his lip.

"Yeah, I did as well." he admits sheepishly. "If our date goes well tonight maybe I'll  tell you what happened?"

"O-oh?M-maybe I'll tell you mine as well?~" the dancer offers flirtatiously, pushing his glasses in place.

"Maybe I'll re-enact it for you after you tell me~" he flirts. Tweek flusters up but still meets the others gaze.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you handsome?~"the sun-kissed haired male giggles playfully. 

"You ready? We should get going" he changes the subject as he feels his body temperature rise. He sniffles.

"Y-yeah, I've got all I need, we should go-"Tweek stops, worry showing in his eyes."A-are you alright?"

"Allergies" The blonde nods in understanding.

"Let's get going." he grabs his keys and holds the door open for Tweek. The blonde thanks him and they make their way down the flight of stairs. Craig unlocks the doors when they get down. Both men seat themselves and adjust their seats, buckling up before they leave.

"Close your eyes and ears."

"W-what, why?"

"Just do it" Tweek giggles softly, closing his eyes and plugging his ears. Craig pulls into a cafe parking lot. He runs inside and orders a coffee for Tweek, then pays and takes it. He returns and sets it in the cup holder. He removes the blondes hands from his ears.

"Open" he smiles once beautiful green orbs reveal themselves. The dancer sniffs the air, eyes widening with wonder.

"D-do I smell-" Tweek turns his head and gasps once he spots the coffee.

"Yes and I assure you there isn't anything but creamer and sugar" Craig says proudly. The smaller male smiles widely, holding the cup close as he stares up at the giant.

"T-thank you! Oh my lord I could kiss you right now!"

The business man blushes but looks away. "No problem."
He starts the car and drives off towards Tweek's work. The pretty blonde sips joyfully at his hot beverage the entire way.

Once they do arrive at the library, Tweek finishes off his plastic cup and stuffs it in his duffle bag. The giant helps the smaller male out and the two enter the building.

"If you need me I'll be in the children's section." 

"W-why the children's section? We have books for teens and adults silly!"

"I know" he hums finding a book on the closest shelf."I like them."

"So you, a big fella, would rather read books like 'Tommy loses his first Tooth' while waiting?" the blonde points out, reading the title cover with an amused smile.

Craig rolls his eyes finding another one as he sits down and opens it to the first page. He smiles as he gently caresses the pages with roughened fingertips. He stares at the page fondly.

'Brings back memories..'

"Yup! Go on now, I'll just be here." The blue eyed giant states with a satisfied smirk. The shorter male sighs with a playful eye roll. Tweek reaches down and cups the taller man's cheeks.

"Whatever handsome, just stay out of trouble for me~" the dancer coos, walking off to restock books somewhere else with soft laughter.

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