'Dragon's Grudge'

By LeoKenEvil

98.6K 1.9K 2.6K

It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 3. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 4. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 6. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 7. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 8. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 9. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 10. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 12. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 13. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 14. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 15. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 18. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 21. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 22. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 23. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 27. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 11. (Under Rewrite)

4K 75 51
By LeoKenEvil

The sky outside Heights Alliance was clear, nothing but the wonderous blue scenery for as far as the eye can see with only a few smaller, less clumped up clouds floating around as the sun shone down on to the grass bellow, more specifically, into the dorm room of the resident dragon boy. With the soothingly warm light shining through the gaps in his curtain caused the chain of events one would call waking up as the sun shone directly into the eyes of a girl who had a tendency to stay over with him almost all the time. The brunettes' eyes scrunched in discomfort with the light being shown directly into her eyes, the rays causing irritation through her eyelids, which was what had stirred away from the realm of sleep.

With discomfort fresh in her body and mind, she let out a frustrated groan from having been pulled away from what she can only say was the best dream she had ever had. However, as her brains' process bar slowly increases in percentages, she is slowly reminded of who she was. Ochako Uraraka, best friend and lover to Izuku Yagi, which was the teenager she was currently in bed with right now, one of the most promising first-year students of U.A, the ninth wielder of One for All and successor to her beloveds' stepdad, the #1 hero himself, All Might. With these thoughts suddenly in her head, Ochakos' begrudgingly opened up her eyelids and revealed her deep chocolate brown orbs that glistened with so much promise.

Letting out another annoyed groan after being pulled away from her dream, Ochako propped herself up on one elbow and sat up on her rear, only to feel something odd inside her. This peaked her attention as she looked down at her stomach and placed a hand on top, rubbing the surface of her smooth and gentle skin lightly as she pondered what was going on with her. That is until she remembered what happened the previous night, with her and Izuku doing the deed like a vixen and a fox in the middle of breeding season before their lovemaking reached its crescendo and they immediately fell asleep afterwards. Upon remembering this event, a deep blush creeps its way onto the surface of her skin with heated blood, but after a moment of remembering, she formed a relaxed smile as a content expression forms on her face.

Ochako: "Hmm, one day, it will be put to use Izuku...One day."

She was just too happy to think about anything else in that moment, not after the night they both had, and the dream she had experienced. What was the figment of her imagination? Well, it was about her sitting on the living room couch, all grown up and either the #1 or #2 hero, except she had to take a very, VERY, long break from work for one simple reason. As she laid there on the couch, resting from exhaustion over nothing at all, she was brought out of her sleeping state when she hears the door open and close, the latch making its usual clicking sound to lock the door to her and her husbands home, and very loud footsteps that trudged across the tiled floor. Upon hearing these footsteps, she immediately knew who had arrived home.

And judging by the footsteps, he was just as exhausted as her.

Trying to get up off the sofa as best she could, the One for All user only managed to sit up straight on the couch and holding her stomach a little painfully as she panted, having felt like she was just after running a marathon. Despite this, she turned to the doorway of the living room, where she could hear the footsteps get louder and louder until the owner of the big and noisy feet revealed himself. This individual was none other then her beloved husband, HER king of dragons himself, Izuku Yagi. And upon seeing Ochako Yagis' face, the greenettes' spirits brightened as he gave her a happy smile and walked over to her, taking his spot on the couch after he set his bag down as they began their usual afternoon festivities.

Izuku: "Hey Ochako, guess who's home."

Ochako: "Oh I don't know, my dearest Black Prince?"

Izuku: "Correction, that would be Black King to you, my dear lady."

Ochako loved how he would act so royally towards her, with the same being able to be said with the draconic greenette as they immediately embraced each other in a tight, warm hug followed by a deep and passionate kiss as the man built like a literal tank laid down on his back and allowed to the Gravity Bandit to use him as a mattress, to which the brunette gracefully and accepted. However, it was at this point that something inside Ochakos' belly began to act up, and the womans' husband immediately took notice of it as the brunette adjusted herself and allowed her stomach to be in Izukus' line of sight, the dragon gently placing his rough, clawed, but gentle hand on her stomach as he felt tiny kicks from inside.

In her dream, Ochako was married to the boy of her dreams, was in the top two hero rankings, living with Izuku Yagi in their own home, and was currently nine months pregnant with his baby, their little one being ready to be born almost any day now.

The dream kept replaying over and over again like a video on repeat inside her head, and every time her mind pondered whether or not it would be a boy or a girl, she would feel all funny inside as she placed her hands onto her cheeks as she felt great joy, even if it was just a figment of her imagination. However, she was brought out her little fantasy when she suddenly heard a deep growl right next to her, one that sounded like discomfort. And so, when she turned, she looked down and saw that her boyfriends' face was scrunched with discomfort as he too was stirred from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, the emerald green pools landing onto hers, the draconic greenette smiled as he greeted her for the first time today.

Izuku: "Hmm, morning Ochako."

Ochako: "Hehe, morning to you to Deku."

Izuku: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Ochako: "Yeah, I was just thinking about the future."

Izuku: "Oh? Is the thought of having a child with me that exciting to you?"

Upon hearing what her one and only lover had just said to her, Ochakos' face immediately turned to one of surprise, embarrassment, and complete shock with her boyfriend having just correctly guessed what she was dreaming about, the dart landing a direct bullseye on the dartboard, and he didn't even know it. With these emotions fresh in her sweet and gentle soul, Ochako began to wave her arms around and rambles that she wasn't thinking THAT deep into the future, only for Izuku to chuckle at her reaction and tell her that he knew exactly what she was thinking about, having known the girl long enough to know many different things that run through her head. When he tells her that he was just messing with her, he sat up on the bed, gently placed a hand onto her cheek, and softly kissed her lips to calm her nerves.

Upon separating, they looked into each others' eyes for a moment, feeling the atmosphere around them getting a little more steamy around them in a metaphorical sense as they leaned in and prepared each others' lips again, both of them unaware that the blanket was both off of Izuku and Ochako when a certain someone with weird as fuck elbows burst into his room.

Hanta: "Yagi, It's time to get up and ready fo-"

Sero immediately shut his mouth as his eyes landed on the young couple in front of him and immediately shouted in utter surprise, and a little horror, both the draconic greenette and the gravity girl screaming back as Ochako covered herself with the blanket while Izuku covered both his beloved and himself with one of his large wings before responding back to the walking tape dispenser.



Without uttering another word and following the dragon boys' words to a T, Sero immediately rushes out of the room and slams the door behind him, leaving the couple alone to collect their bearings and get ready for the morning. Once inside class, Izuku was gonna have to have some words with the walking tape dispenser. However, just before he and Ochako could climb out of the bed, an all too familiar ash-blonde burst into the room, typical Bakugou fashion as an angry look was plastered onto his face, clearly not giving a fuck if the two in bed were bare to the wind or not.



The living stick of dynamite didn't even get to finish his sentence when the greenette responded with a deadly powerful tone of his own, genuinely shocking the ash blonde at first before the look on his face forms into one of pure and utter panic as he could see Izukus' chest and neck glow that terrifying orange colour that lets everyone know he was about to let loose the blast furnace. Not wanting to be roasted in a literal sense first thing in the morning, Katsuki had decided to take his leave before that thought became reality, escaping to the hallway outside just as Izuku unleashed his fire breath. When he slams the door shut and leans on it, Katsuki immediately felt the rise in temperature behind him, a bright yellow glow seeping through the gaps in the door and hearing the sound of a roaring fire from the other side.

And yet, despite all of this, Katsuki would go on to do this sort of thing to the resident lovers again, and again, and again.

Meanwhile, from inside the room, when the resident dragon ceased the onslaught of fire that escaped his mouth, and when they were certain that no one else would barge in, Izuku uncovered himself and Ochako with his wing and placed a clawed hand onto his face as he let out a deep sigh.

Izuku: "That took the wind right out of my sails."


*An hour later in class*

Right now, Ochako and Izuku were doing there best to not make direct contact with Sero, the walking tape dispenser doing the exact something as they held embarrassed expressions on their faces with prominent blushes on their respected cheeks. They really didn't want to talk about what happened this morning, but definitely needed to be mentioned so that they can get the painfully awkward atmosphere out of the air and can go back to being ordinary friends. The only question was, who was gonna bring it up?

Izuku quickly looked to the young woman he called his beloved and saw that she was clearly more uncomfortable in bringing up the subject, so the dragon boy looked over to Sero and saw that he was shaking in his seat with a huge with not just a look of embarrassment, but of fear as well. At this point, Izuku knew the only one to bring up the subject the best was himself, and so he took a deep breath and prepared for the short talk to come.

Izuku: "Umm...S-Sero?"

Hanta: "Y-ye-yeah Y-Yagi?"

Izuku: "As for w-what happened earlier. T-that stays between us three...L-let's never bring it up again."

Hanta: "Y-yep! Co-couldn't agree m-mo-more!"

Eijiro: "Yagi, Uraraka, what's going with you guys?"

Hearing the redheads' question being spoken out to them, Izuku and Ochako immediately looked up from whatever it was they were looking at and their eyes landed on both Kirishima and Ashido, both teens having this stupid happy grin on their faces with the certain glow about them. Immediately, the younger couple thanked their friends for being in an intimate relationship so that they can take their minds off of the memory of Sero walking in on them that morning. Without another word, Izuku and Ochako greeted both the masculinity loving boy and the pink-skinned girl as they responded to Kirishima that everything was fine. And that's when a mischievous grin is plastered all over Izukus' face, his sharp and pointy teeth bared slightly as he spoke to his friend.

Izuku: "So, Kirishima?"

Eijiro: "Hmm? Yeah Yagi, what's up?"

Izuku: "How was your sleep with Ashido in your room last night?"

With the question that left the draconic greenettes' lips now being brought into his attention, both Kirishima and Ashidos' faces instantly turned to a deep crimson blush as they simultaneously formed the same expression, leading the first couple of the class to snicker as the some of the other members of the DekuSquad heard what was said by the boss. Eijiro had to quickly do something or else he and his girlfriend are busted, which lead him to the decision of feigning ignorance to Izuku.

Eijiro: "W-wha? Yagi, what are you talking about?"

Izuku: "Don't try feigning ignorance, even Ochako could hear you from beneath my room."

Ochako: "To be honest Ashido, I'm not surprised that you would be that loud."

Now this was getting out of hand, Izuku and Ochako had them on the ropes as nearly everyone in the DekuSquad began to listen in on what was said. Kaminari and Tooru were practically begging for information, Tokoyami and Sero patting Eijiro on the back with Tsuyu congratulated Mina on finally sealing the deal, and Momo was pleased they both took a big step in their relationship, but was being slightly judgemental and asked if they used protection. Right now, the masculine loving teen had never felt more embarrassed in his life with Ashido being in her lovers' position. That is, until Mina thought back on what Izuku said about Ochako being in his room, and from also overhearing the two doing it, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Mina: "Well, it's not like you're one to talk Uraraka, you were moaning so loudly the other day, I heard you from the common space below! And as for you Mr Lizard Man, what was that about you and Ochako hearing us from beneath your room!?"

And just like that, the tables have turned drastically as everyone in the DekuSquad shut up and looked at the two heads of the group, making taunting sounds as they see that both Izuku and Ochako have the expressions of surprise and embarrassment plastered all over their faces, with the temperature in the room rising slightly due to the resident dragons' lack of control over both his quirk and his emotions, as is what happens when you're a human/dragon creature with made of what was essentially rock and raging fires for blood. But it was at this point that the two girls would have their argument while the boys settled on their own, with it just being a little friendly at first.

That is, until it went from friendly bickering into a full-on catfight between the four students, Izuku and Kirishima butting heads as they keep on telling each other to meet each other outside the school with the two girls shouting their heads off. All the while, everyone, say but a few, were trying to break up the fight between the two couples, but that was when everyone backed up as they saw Izukus' chest glow from the raging furnace within, all except Kirishima backing away as he had his fists and arms hardened, ready for a brawl with the resident dragon while the pink-skinned and gravity girl pay no mind as they continued ripping into each other. That is until they heard an all too familiar voice in a monotone.

Aizawa: "Everyone take your seats, it's too early in the morning to be arguing over something so trivial. Start bickering over something like this in the morning classes again, and I might just have to break out 'The Flask'."

Upon hearing their homeroom teachers' voice ring out from inside the classroom, Izukus' inner fire died down immediately with Eijiros' arms reverting back to normal as the two young couples go back to their seats, albeit with great spite, everyone following suite as they planted themselves to their chairs and desks for the morning. All the while, Izuku and Ochako glared daggers at Eijiro and Mina and vice-versa. With the class as silent as a barren meadow, Aizawa breathes a sigh of relief upon having the silence he loves returning to him as he walks over to the podium and begins to talk to the class about the two special announcements that Izuku made aware to everyone yesterday.

Aizawa: "Yagi, I'm confident that you told everyone about there being two important announcements that will be made today?"

Not taking his glaring, fiery orange eyes off of Eijiro for a split second, Izuku only nods back to his teacher in confirmation that he has indeed told the class about them, but nothing beyond that there were two things that needed to be discussed. Aizawa could see the angry auras coming off of the draconic greenette, the usually bubbly gravity girl, the hyperactive pinkete, and the masculine loving redhead, and so instead of thinking of this is going to be a painful morning, he viewed this as a chance to let them unwind as he began to speak again.

Aizawa: "Well, to put it simply, the first announcement is that in two weeks time, we're preparing to go to a special training site so that you can do rescue training, which revolves around villain attacks, natural disasters, E.T.C. The next one, is that you're going up against class 1-B today for heroics training with All Might, as he is your heroics teacher."

Upon hearing the announcement that they were going up against the next best class of first years in their school, everyone, even the two young couples had recently had catfight, looked up at Aizawa with grins on their faces while some of them cheered, Izuku and Ochako having evil grins on their faces that they can now pay back the asshat that tried to pick a fight with them yesterday. Only for Ochakos' hopes to be immediately crushed with what Aizawa said next, the teacher in question having a shit-eating grin on his face as he spoke.

Aizawa: "And by the class, I mean all of you and class B are going to fight Yagi over here."

What did Aizawa just say?

Right now, Izuku could already feel a few eyes boring into him, one higher than the rest that undeniably belonged to the hostile glare of Katsuki Bakugou. So Izukus' mood immediately brightened, thinking that he's gonna get to beat the tard out of the boy who tormented him and Ochako for years, as well as the scumbag Monoma for the stunt he tried to pull yesterday. Only for his thoughts to be immediately torn to shreds when he realizes that he's not only gonna have to fight his friends, but also the love of his life. He turned his head over to look behind and sees that Ochako held a little bit of the same hurt expression as he was. He really didn't want to fight her, but he knew that it was eventually gonna happen, and so decided to look on the positive sides.

For one, she could actually end up beating him with both her new empowered Zero Gravity Quirk and One for All itself. She could finally have some control over the rampant quirk that his stepdad passed down to her. As for him, he could practice the few new moves, techniques, and abilities he had learned and trained in secret, with not even the brunette or the #1 hero knowing about his capabilities. Who knows, maybe even Ochako will learn something from the experience, or possibly discover an alteration in her birth given quirk. Only time would tell, but that can wait until they're in the field, he had bigger things to worry about.

He knew he was the one who directly started the catfight between him and Ochako, and the first two people they became friends with at U.A, and was feeling guilty that he said what he did to Kirishima about being as loud as a heard of panicking elephants. He didn't mean to say the things he did and knew that he'd have to apologize to his friend, he just needed some time to vent. And he wasn't the only feeling guilty as Ochako sat at her desk, pondering on things she said to Mina and regretting them. She had no right to say that she bet Mina was rancid beneath her undergarments, and just like her scaly boyfriend, knew she'd have to make it up to her hyperactive friend. The difference between her and Izuku was that Ochako didn't need to vent, and would apologize right away when she knew she did something wrong, and when she found the time.

This was what they thought until a certain ash-blonde shouted as he stood up from his desk, slamming his open palm down on the piece of wood as he glared at our protagonist with his typical arrogant smirk.

Katsuki: "You hear that Deku, I'm gonna kill you this time!"

Izuku: "Let's just see what happens you pint-sized mutt!"

Vlad-King: "Is this what you have to put with between those two Aizawa?"

A voice rang out from inside the classroom, one that they hadn't heard yet as they all turned to the door and saw what they assumed was a pro hero that was working as one of U.As' homeroom teachers. As it turns out, it was the blood manipulating hero, Vlad-King, that spoke to Mr Aizawa as he opened the door, took one step inside, and was immediately exposed to the absolutely, insanely powerful grudge that was held between Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Yagi, as it was more than palpable in the air. And this put the blood manipulating hero in a pleasant mood, seeing at least two candidates are fired up.

Vlad-King: "Minus the dragon, I don't see what you do in these Aizawa, a lot of them seem rambunctious, the reptile as well, but I know the other reason why he's here."

Upon hearing what the hero had said, Izuku turned to look at him, his face forming into an unpleasant frown when he looked at Vlad-King. He really didn't like the fact he was referred to as an animal in his eyes, he was supposed to be a teacher, he needs to act like one. Thus, he needs to address a student by their name, not by what giving them a petty and potentially even insulting nickname completely based off of their appearance. Thankfully, there was an individual who defended him and the rest of the 1-A students from the words of the arrogant ass-hat.

Aizawa: "My reasons for them staying here are my own business Vlad. Do me a favour and treat these students as such, rather than belittling them and referring to Yagi as a reptile."

Vlad-King: "At the end of the day it doesn't matter, let's just get the match underway."

After this little bit of talk between both home-room teachers, Vlad-King leaves the room after scouting out the competition for his students as Aizawa tells the students to get into their gym uniforms and to meet All Might at the gym itself, which is where the combat exercise will take place, as the hobo goes over to his sleeping bag and dozes off for the rest of the day. With the task given to them, Izuku gets up from his desk and tells his classmates to go to their lockers and head for their respected changing rooms. After he told the class to get themselves ready, he looks over to his friend, the redhead looking back at him, as he gives Eijiro a look of 'Let's talk'. With this, Eijiro nods in agreement as they'll talk things out in the boy changing room.

As this went on between the two friends, Ochako and Mina did the exact same thing, giving each other soft looks as a means of getting the other to get a talk going on between them when they were in the changing rooms.


*In the boys changing room*

At the moment, many of the male students of 1-A were quite busy talking amongst themselves, going on and on about how nervous they are about going against the draconic greenette, having seen somethings that they know make him dangerous. However, two boys weren't talking at all, in fact, one would say they were as silent as the dead six feet underground. Izuku was just doing some last-minute venting from inside his own head before preparing to apologize to the redhead that is his friend, Eijiro doing the exact same thing before he'd apologize about calling Izuku a sex-hungry lizard. After about a minute more of self-ranting, Izuku turns his attention to the redhead and began his apology.

Izuku: "Hey, Kirishima?"

Eijiro: "Yeah Yagi?"

Izuku: "Listen, I just wanted to say sorry for what I said about you being louder then a heard of stampeding elephants. It wasn't called for."

Eijiro: "Hey, it's fine. Sorry I called you a sex-hungry lizard. I wasn't planning on calling you that, but I just suddenly said it and...Well, I don't think the rest needs to be said."

Izuku: "Hows about we just forget about it and focus on what we're gonna do? You're gonna need to have your head in the game if you wanna beat me."

Eijiro: "Hah, you're feeling a little confident! Alright, I'll take the challenge!"

With their apologies out of the way, the two friends began conversing as they normally would, both having toothy smiles plastered on their faces, along with burning determination in their eyes to come out on top in the upcoming exercise, even if Eijiro knew he wouldn't win. Meanwhile, in the girls' changing room, Ochako and Mina were both hugging it out as they said their apologies, both girls having forgiven the other and began talking like they usually do. With the apologies from both couples out of the way, the other boys and girls in their respected locker rooms all breathed a sigh of relief, now knowing that the power couple that is Izuku and Ochako have gotten everything out of their systems.

Within a reasonable time frame, everyone was out of the changing rooms, all except for one individual, and in the gym, ready for their exercise. That meant, both Class 1-A in its entirety along with 1-B, both classes ready to take on the draconic greenette. Some were nervous as hell, while others were a little MORE enthusiastic, one of these individuals was surprisingly the bubbly brunette herself. She knew Izuku and trained with him for so long, that these little exercises where they would face off against each other really did nothing to her emotional detriment. What was getting to her was that her soulmate was nowhere in sight.

To make matters worse for her, she overheard quite a few individuals, some she knew, others she had no clue of who they were, talking about her. For example, she overheard a girl with vines in her hair saying that the girl was dating the devil in disguise, immediately giving her the impression she was following the path of religion. And she wasn't too pleased about it, she was talking shit about her man when he wasn't even here to defend herself. And this, even more than the Katsuki himself, was what pissed her off more than anything. She was about to walk over and exchange words with her until the dragon himself walked in through the door.

And what the class was something that made a small minority of the girls blush, Ochako clearly having the biggest, while others covered their eyes to shield themselves from the sight while many of male students either gave Izuku hostile glares of jealousy, while Kirishima shed a tear of just how much Izuku trained his body, accompanied with a proud smile.

Izuku: "Hey guys, sorry that I made you wait so long."

Ochako: "D-Deku!? Why are you only wearing your gym shorts!?"

Izuku was walking towards the gathered group of students, in nothing but his custom-made gym shorts. His tails trailed across the ground with each loud step he took, his chest on display for everyone. Though his expression was one of bashfulness, inside he was completely embarrassed that he exposed himself like this. But his reason for coming into the gym the way he did was a good one, and he would stress this out to them when the teachers arrived, which just so happened to be now for plot convenience.

Aizawa: "Ah, I see the problem child is back. Good, now we can start the session."

Vlad-King: "Hold on Aizawa, aren't you gonna question the fact he's only wearing half of the gym uniform?"

Aizawa: "There are two simple reasons as to why. Problem child, I'll let you explain."

Izuku: "Long story short, my quirk allows me to increase my own body temperature to incredible heights, the hotter it is, the larger the radius, yet it can get so hot my clothes would be reduced to ashes. I figured I'd bring this to Aizawas' attention and asked him if it would be alright to only wear the gym shorts, as to avoid racking up more on potential replacement bills. That, and it's much less hassle getting the full thing o-"

Suddenly, when the greenettes eyes land on a certain individual, his sentence trails off and his instantly contorts into a rage-fueled scowl, the heat in the air around everyone clearly rising as Izuku growls out a question to his teacher, clearly very, VERY, unhappy at the familiar face.

Izuku: "Aizawa...Why's the Grape-Shit back here?"

There, standing at a moderate distance away from the draconic greenette, was none other than pervert Minoru Mineta, the boy already quivering in fear from the hostile glare Izuku was giving him as he hid behind Eijiros' leg, looking for any sort of protection against the dragon. After a brief explanation from his teacher that Minetas' expulsion was only revoked when Nezu decided that after seeing a few more reports that Mineta was publicly touching women, looking to cop a feel of them, he decided that instead, it would be best to keep Mineta in a place where he can be watched 24/7, the greenette was beyond furious, but somewhat calmed down when Aizawa informed Izuku that he was the one in charge of monitoring Minetas' actions from now on.

After being informed that he was the watchdog on Mineta duty, Izuku walked over to the midget, grabbed him by the neck with his claws, and lifted him off the floor and into the air as to give him his only warning.

Izuku: "Be thankful I'm not gonna set you on fire on the spot for what you did to me, so I'll make this short. I catch you trying to peep on the girls, your dead. I catch you trying to take pictures of them getting changed, you're dead. But I swear to god, if I catch wind you've been making sexual advances on them, on MY Ochako, death simply isn't gonna cut it! Do I make myself abundantly clear!?"

With the Grapist already in tears, nodding his head violently in confirmation that he got the message, Izuku dropped him to the floor and walked over to his woman. As he did, there was a question on his mind. For just how long will Mineta be able to keep the message inside the useless noggin of his?

That was a question that he would have to answer later, right now, he would have to snap Ochako out of her little fantasy world so they can get the practice out of the way so she can fantasize about him later. After bringing her back to reality with a chaste kiss, Aizawa asks the draconic greenette to go into to the centre of the large room and tells the other 40 students to form a ring right around him, so that he's surrounded and would have to break through a good portion of their lines to get anywhere. All around him, he could see determined faces from all the students, minus The Grape, but I think that goes without saying. Somewhere giving him friendly natured smiles, those being his friends of course, while others gave vicious ones with incredibly vicious scowls.

But there were three main people that Izuku really wanted to fight more than anyone else. Katsuki Bakugou and Nieto Monoma for being complete ass-hats through the entire time he had known them, and the last being none other than his dearest soulmate, Ochako Uraraka. He really, REALLY wanted to see how One for All had actually affected her quirk, as well as the drawbacks, as well as wanting to see if she can actually beat him at this stage. He knew she still had no control over it, but he really wanted to see if she can actually knock him out cold.

And so he settles on that, today, his goal is to see if Ochako, the woman that appears in every one of his dreams at night, can knock him out cold.

Aizawa: "Are we all ready to go?"

With everyone letting out cheers in confirmation, Vlad-King gave the signal.

Vlad-King: "GO!"

And yet, to everyone's utter shock, a huge pillar of ice sprang forward and almost destroyed the support beams under the roof of the gym as they completely encased the draconic greenette within a frost blue, clear prison. And yet, nobody could see Izuku from within his icy tomb due to how thick the ice was. When everyone turned to the culprit behind such devastating power, they turned to see the multicoloured haired, polychromatic eyed student of 1-A, Shoto Todoroki with some frost on his right arm, said arm being aimed toward the stepson of All Might.

And when he spoke, his voice was as cold and straight forward as his demeanour.

Shoto: "Sorry, but when I inevitably become a hero, it's best to put an end to fights before they start. Sorry none of you could have a go at him."

This left many of the students from both classes really unhappy, Bakugou was literally frothing at the mouth with his eyes rolled into the back of his skull as his body shook violently, almost as if he's suffering an epileptic seizure while Monoma and a lot of the other boys are shouting at the red and white-haired student, complaining that he robbed them at a chance of a fight against Izuku while all the girls looked at the boy with great fear, but also some attraction, now knowing that he has the power to win against Izuku and not even lift a finger. And when I say all the girls, I mean there was only one individual who wasn't. Ochako looked at the glacier of bone-chilling ice, completely gobsmacked that Izuku didn't even have the chance to move, let alone hope to avoid such an attack as she though to herself about her polychromatic eyed classmate.

Ochakos' thoughts: "No way, he didn't even have time to process what was happening. Shoto Todoroki, just how much power do you have?"

Mina: "Hey Uraraka, are you okay?"

Ochako was suddenly brought out of her train of thought when her pink-haired friend came over and spoke to her, Eijirou following suite to make sure that his friend was alright after what had just happened to her lover. After confirming that she's alright, if not a little bit lost for words, the start talking amongst themselves about Todoroki and how much of a powerhouse he was, Ochako scowling during the whole conversation for obvious reasons. However, she did notice Eijiro staring off at the icy prison his green-haired friend was stuck in, and saw that the redhead had a face of complete shock, it looked even greater than the one he had when Shoto pulled off the move at the very start of the exercise.

Eijiro: "Umm, guys? Did ice ever glow orange, because that's something I don't remember even being possible."

Completely baffled at what Kirishima had just said to them, the girls turned their attention to the glacier and saw a faint glow of orange coming from the dead centre, the heart of the icy prison where Izuku was kept. And it didn't go unnoticed by just them either.

Aizawa: "Hate to break it to you Todoroki, but you're gonna have to try a lot harder then that if you want to beat Yagi. Everyone, get ready!"

Hearing what they're teacher had said, everyone turned back around and noticed that the faint orange light from within the glacier of frost and ice was getting brighter and brighter, as well as seeing it visibly melt. Everyone was at a complete loss for words, even Todoroki himself. By all means, Izuku shouldn't be able to raise his body temperature this high to where it would make an entire glacier visibly melt away. Suddenly, there was a huge flash of light and a huge combustion of flames roared from the glacier at searing temperatures, little bits to medium-sized chunks of ice were flying left and right as what remained of the glacier reduced to thick, see-through rocks. The power was so great, great winds picked up, causing everyone in the gym to put their arms up to shield themselves from the raging winds and flying chunks of ice.

A good amount of the students managed to avoid getting to banged up from the sudden wind pressure, as well as successfully shielding themselves from the onslaught of ice that travelled with it, but many other students weren't so lucky, as those students laid on the floor unconscious, or having been hit so hard in the chest or gullet they actually felt bones break or knock them out. And that wasn't taking into account that a smaller number of those students have either also or instead, obtained broken or fractured arms and leg bones, resulting in them being in too poor of a condition to stand a chance against Izuku, and so they were escorted to Recovery Girl for treatment while the rest of them got ready for the fight ahead of them.

With a great amount of scolding hot steam rising from the blast zone, obscuring the vision of everyone who attempted to look for their target. Ochako, by far, was the wariest of all the students and was definitely one who was put mostly on edge. She knew how strong Izuku is and what he's capable of, and so she advised, at least, Eijiro and Mina to be careful, because what makes Izuku so dangerous was the fact that he was completely unpredictable. One moment, he could be attacking with his tails, and suddenly, without warning, he could switch his combat strategy and begin using meathook claws and razor-sharp teeth.

And a big problem that everyone will inevitably face against Izuku is that the gusts of wind he can make with his wings, as well as his fire breath, forces his opponents to fight closer.

It would take everything they had to bring down the dragon, not just Ochako, but every single student here.

Suddenly, the steam cleared up and the winds ceased to where they can see a heavily built figure with colossal wings on his back and three tails with every spine that ran along each one rising up to its feet, the spines in question giving off the same bone-chilling rattle as the figure bared its claws as it growled ferociously. Suddenly, it turns its gaze to the students who managed to avoid sustaining heavy, if not no, injuries and could still fight, its eyes burning with great power as fire escaped the gaps and flickered into the air from the very corners of its lenses, its teeth bared as his lips curled into a vicious smile.

And this was all the proof they need to know Izuku wasn't going to let a simple glacier stop him from winning.

Izuku: "Sorry for the mood killer. Try again!"

With these words being shouted out from the draconic greenette, some of the students decided to rush him, unaware of just what his physical capabilities are. Kirishima and a student from 1-B, Tetsutetsu, both activated their quirks, only to see that they pretty much have the exact same quirk. They both get distracted by their quirks and start commenting on each other, which created an opening for Izuku, the draconic greenette lunging in their directions as he suddenly grabbed them by their heads, twisted his body to where he stood on the floor, his claws digging into the concrete before swinging his arms forward and releasing his grip on their heads, tossing them across the entire gym and into its walls.

Upon impact, clouds of dust swarmed the area where the two hardening users landed, obscuring their vision of what happened to the two boys. But that had to wait another time, because before they knew it, Izuku was right on top of them, his clawed fist bawled up and ready to strike Momo, only for a massive hand to bitch-slap him away. The dragon was sent flying across the gym, but nowhere near the force Izuku sent Kirishima and Tetsutetsu at, and the impact was nowhere near enough to put him out of the fight. He adjusted his body in the air to where he can spread his wings and slow his trajectory, to which he then flies upwards into the air before plummeting back down on to the ground, a ring of fire appearing around him upon impact.

When he turned his fiery orange eyes on the culprit, he saw a ginger-haired girl with unnaturally large hands in a posture where she's formed a shield for Yaouyorozu. He was certain that she didn't have hands like that before and deduced that this was her quirk. And judging by the smile on her face, it appeared she took great pride in protecting her team. But there was one thing she wasn't counting on, one thing that made her blood run slightly cold at the vicious, toothy grin he gave her as the thought ran through Izukus' mind.

Humans make really bad shields.

And she found this out the hard way when suddenly, Izuku lunged at her, almost as if he sped up his own time, and before she knew it, Izukus' entire right arm was set ablaze, before he rammed his scaly fist straight into the side of her skull, immediately knocking her out with every ounce of might he could muster into his arm, sending the girl flying across the room before she started tumbling across the floor and laying there unconscious.

Izuku: "One distraction down, twelve more to go."

With his gaze falling onto the other students that remained, Izuku spread his wings and arms open, almost as if he's inviting them in to try their luck.

And this caught the attention of a certain blonde.

Nieto: "Look at you, you're so proud of yourself right now! But you really have no idea who you're dealing with, I'll fight you on fairgrounds!"

Hearing the declaration being shouted out from the second egotistical blonde in the first years, everyone turns to see Monoma charging at Izuku, hands bared and ready to use his quirk, which still remained a mystery to class 1-A. Izuku had no intention of budging and wanted to see what his quirk was. He might be a stupid powerful tank of fire and havoc, but he was still an absolute nerd at heart when it comes to quirks he's not aware of. He wanted to see what the smug blondes' quirk is so he can have a better chance against him in the long run. When Monoma laid his hands on his head, the blonde began laughing hysterically, safe in the knowledge that he would now be fighting on fairgrounds with Izuku.

Only for a moment of silence to ensue, followed by a blood-curdling scream that was so loud, it can wake up the dead.

The smug blonde of 1-B instantly collapsed onto the floor and started to roll around and writhe in pain as he clutched his head, screaming his head off as he felt his body temperature skyrocket to heights unimaginable, the searing pain proving to be too much for him. Izuku looked down quite a bit of shock himself as everyone looked at the boy rolling on the ground in agony. Suddenly, two large wings sprouted from Nietos' back, followed by a tail and two giant horns that protruded from the front of his skull, almost like that of a bull. His arms began forming pale, almost sickly greyscales while his legs contorted to that of Izukus', his eyes falling out of their sockets and are replaced by the same reptilian ones Izuku had, the same being said for his teeth as well.

When the transformation finally ceased, Nieto managed to stand on his legs, albeit with incredible difficulty, looked up at the greenette, who looked down at him with a vicious, smug, prideful smirk as he spoke to the blonde.

Izuku: "So, you're quirk's a copy type one. That's interesting."

This was all the left Izukus' mouth before he mace-like tails wrapped around one another to form the dragon equivalent of a sledgehammer. Without another word, the dragon boy whipped all three tails into the side of Nietos' ribs, immediately breaking several bones with them being visibly heard by not just the other students, but the also the teachers who stood a little further away as they all winced at the sound of crunching and snapping bones. After what happened between him, Ochako, and Monoma, Izuku felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was able to do much more to Nieto like he wanted to. Upon being sent to the other end of the gym, like many others before him, Izuku retorts back at just how useless he was against him.

Izuku: "Unfortunately for you, there isn't anyone alive who can take me down, say for two, possibly three people. And you're not one of them."

Without uttering another word Izuku looks over to what remains of his class as he invites them in, all with a straight, confident face.

Izuku: "So...Who's next?"

With what remained of the student body count, some of them decided to go in headstrong to buy the others some time to come up with a plan, but Ochako knew better. The only way they can win against Izuku is if they wore him down, forcing him to tire out, and that wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact Izukus' lungs adjusted to where he can run stupid high speeds over incredible distances, as well as factoring in his throat expansion component that allows him to draw in more air. But after a moment of thinking it through, she came to the conclusion that Izukus' supercharge component can also be his weakness. If she can wind him, then it would open a whole new window for her and her team, if only there was an opening so she can land a punch.

Although she hated to do this, she figured the best place on her lovers body to effectively cut off his air supply would be his throat itself. All she needed was on opening, then she could use One for All as best she could and effectively knock him out. With this thought in her mind, she figured that it was the best choice she and the other students had going forward. Even so, they're gonna have to restrain and tire him somehow.

With her brain going into overdrive, she quickly deduced a plan on how to do just that. And so she turned her attention to The girl with vines for hair, as well as Sero and Yaouyorozu as she called them out for their attention.

Once she explained the logistics of her plan, the three nodded in approval of how sound the plan was. Of course, it was banking a lot on the fact of if they can tire Izuku out enough for it to work. Regardless, she felt that this was the best plan they had at beating him in the match and made this abundantly clear to them that it was a risky idea, but the rest settled on the idea that a plan was a plan and that it was better than nothing. So with all of this said and done, they all got into positions, Ochako joining in with the people who are taking on Izuku at close quarters.

Once she arrived, she could see Sato going into overdrive with his sugar-rush, trying desperately to do some sort of significant damage to her soulmates' wings, trying to break through the shield. Only for said wings to open up, revealing Izuku having his throat and mouth glow that sinister orange as he took a deep breath. Seeing this, Sato began to move out of the way and was successful in avoiding the initial torrent of fire, only to see Izukus' gaze was still on him as he adjusted his aim so that he wouldn't miss a second time. Sato thought he'd be down for the count, the onslaught of raging fire inching ever closer at breakneck speed, and he came to accept that he was out of the match, noticing that Izuku can increase the pressure and force his fire to traverse faster.

Until suddenly, a flash of pink lightning sprang from nowhere and he felt someone grab a hold of him, taking him away from the torrent of hellfire that would've otherwise consumed him. It was so fast, he couldn't make out what was going on, everything was all a blur to him. When he landed, he rolled across the floor until he hit the side bench back first, his saviour giving out a grunt of pain as she too landed in a similar fashion. Upon hearing the person who got him out of the situation he was in get hurt, he got back on his feet and looked to see who it was, only to find the gravity-girl herself getting up as she held the side of her hip, her expression was that of a little discomfort as he rushed to her.

Rikido: Uraraka, are you alright!?"

Ochako: "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Rikido: "Wait, your legs, they're not broken!

What did he just say?

Upon hearing what her classmate said, Ochakos' face contorted into complete surprise, only for it to grow even further with her eyes practically popping out of their sockets when she sees that her legs don't even have a single scratch of when she used One for All. How!? Since the first time she used the sacred quirk, she had absolutely no control over it, so how come now she's able to use it without having her body destroy itself when she uses it? Her only conclusion was that in the heat of the moment while she still had rationality through her mind, she subconsciously used One for All to get Sato out of the path of fire while at the same time, subconsciously keeping it at a level she can manage, given that she was training her body relentlessly to control it.

And it seems the training was paying off because she couldn't help but smile that it was finally happening, she managed to gain some control over her predecessors' quirk. When she turned to Izuku, the smile still plastered on her face, she saw the exact same one on his, albeit it was a toothy one, but was still the same one as he gave her the impression that he was congratulating her. Only for an explosion to be set off directly at his face, engulfing his entire head as a pained shout escapes his mouth and a certain ash-blonde skyrockets past him, landing right next to Ochako and Sato as he shouted back at Izuku.

Katsuki: "What's the matter nerd!? Too busy gawking at your woman to take this fight seriously!?"

When the smoke passed, the class can see that Izukus' left cheek was completely obliterated, his fiery flesh and blood can be clearly seen as he dipped a claw in and inspected the injury. After wincing in pain upon contact, Izuku brought said claw away from his cheek as it began to quickly recover, tendrils of fire connecting to each other like wires before his entire cheek healed to where the explosion that caused the injury never even occurred. When Izuku turned his sights onto Katsuki, his face formed into a scowl as he retorted back at the ash-blonde with deep-seated anger.

Izuku: "You think that's what I was doing!? Guess what Bakugou, Ochako has more potential of knocking me out than you ever could, do you hear what I'm saying Mutt!?"

Just like how Katsuki was trying to get on his nerves, Izuku was trying to get under Katsukis' skin, to get him to lose his sense of logic and to just go in for the kill. And this seemed to work until he suddenly stopped to see vines grab a hold of his wings and tails, hoisting them up and suspending them in the air while two rows of tape got a hold of his arms and pinned them behind his back while at the same time, two ropes grabbed a hold of his legs and tripped him up, causing his chin to collide with the floor. Katsuki looked at what was going in confusion and looked back to both Sato and Ochako, the taller boy having a look of surprise while Ochako held a confident smirk on her face, seeing that her plan was now going into effect.

Katsuki: "Oy, Round face, this was your plan the whole time wasn't it!?"

Ochako: "Oh yeah, and although I don't like this, for once, you can let loose!"

What she had just told the ash-blonde to do genuinely shocked Katsuki on the spot, he looked at her as if she was in a high. Regardless of this, he complied and went back into the fray to pummel the now pinned down Izuku as Ochako gave the order to every last student who could hear her.


Hearing the brunette's call to unload on the draconic greenette, everyone immediately took her advice and charged Izuku, knowing that she knew him better than anyone else. One by one, the students began to pile on Izuku as the vine girl, Sero and Yaouyorozu kept Izuku pinned down, giving him serious stomping of each of their quirks. Having tones of power is definitely nice, but it means nothing when you're against a group with good coordination, and this is something Izukus' learning the hard way. He knew that a lot of the students didn't like him for what he was and figured that those people would try and take him on alone. But this was something he didn't expect from them. Though even through the beat down of quirks he was enduring, he noticed that one individual was still holding back, the one students who attempted to stop the fight before it even started.

Shoto Todoroki.

For the time he has known him, Izuku found out that he was the son of Endeavour and had both him fathers' fire and mothers' ice, but only regularly used one side instead, only using his left to melt away the ice he made. Izuku doesn't know why, but something about Todoroki not fighting him at full force like everyone else was doing struck a chord, which led to the draconic greenette calling him out on it.

Izuku: "Todoroki, what's with the lack of using your fire!? Everyone's fighting me with all they have, but you're limiting yourself!"

This was the one thing that set Todoroki off, and the entire class would fall into chaos from there

The dragons' words of him not fighting him with his fire as well had struck a serious nerve in Todoroki. For personal reasons, it sent the multicoloured teen into a brief fit of anger to where he doesn't realize what he's doing or what he was even thinking.

And what happened next scared Ochako to death.

Without even thinking straightly, the only thought in his head was to get the draconic greenette to shut up, Todoroki formed a huge chunk of ice that was incredibly pointed with serrated edges along each side to make sure Izuku wouldn't get out of this. Without any other thought in his mind, Todoroki suddenly threw the huge spear of ice forward at incredibly high speeds until it suddenly pierced into Izukus' back and through his stomach, only for the polychromatic teen to suddenly realize what he had done. The instant shame and guilt he felt were made all the worse when everyone suddenly heard the dragon let out a pain-filled screech that echoed throughout the entire gym, the sound was so loud they had to cover their ears.

Suddenly cutting off their focus from what they were doing, Sero and vine girl had to stop using their quirks to make sure they didn't go deaf. And this gave Izuku the opportunity to escape as he forced his body temperature to go through the roof, immediately melting the huge spear of ice that impaled him through the gullet. Once the giant pillar of frost had melted away into a puddle, Izuku tried to stand on shaky legs, though with great difficulty thanks to having a giant spike of frost getting sent straight through his stomach. Even with his body temperature rising up to where it should be comforting, the cold pain remained in his gullet as Izuku clutched his stomach, trying to keep himself from falling onto his knees.

Aizawa: "That's enough, it's clear that Yagi won't be able to carry on if he tried. Yagi loses this round, and we've collected more than enough data to analyze. That's all, feel free to take the rest of the afternoon off."

Yaouyorozu: "Aizawa, wait! Are you not going to question the fact that Todoroki could've killed Yagi!?"

Aizawa: "Problem child can heal from almost any injury he receives, so no, I'm not. Though I will this, there's gonna be a stern talking to about what Todoroki did, given that he clearly lost his temper over what Yagi said."

With the battle training now coming to a quick and abrupt end, everyone gets ready to leave, Ochako holding onto Izuku as she tried her best not to weep from what she had seen. But thanks to a few words from Izuku, telling her to let out rather the piling it up, she eventually caved in and began sobbing in his chest. She knew that injuries were gonna be a part of their lives as heroes, but it doesn't make any less painful to see a womans' man getting hurt in such a manner. She would never forgive Todoroki for this, she really despised the polychromatic eyed boy for losing his temper the way he did.


*Later that night in Ochakos' room*

It was well past the time for everyone to turn in for the night, and only two people remained awake in the dorms, the draconic greenette and the ninth holder of One for All. As the two soulmates laid under the blankets, both of them naked and warming each other up more through their bodies, Izuku rubbed the back of Ochako head, his claws gently gliding through her hair with the greatest care as he spoke soothingly into her ear.

Izuku: "It's okay Ochako, what happened today isn't gonna happen again, Aizawa will make sure of it."

Ochako: "Yes I know that, but it doesn't make it any less difficult to see you get hurt like that. I was so terrified."

From within his arms, Izuku could feel Ochakos' body shake and could hear little whimpers escaping her mouth as her hold on him tightened. The dragon knew what was going to happen if nothing was done, and so taking the initiative, he adjusted his position in the bed to where he was eye level with Ochako as he gently placed a rough hand on her rosy-pink cheek, closed his eyes, and inched his lips closer to hers until he pressed them against hers, Ochako getting the hint and met him halfway there as all of the brunettes' worries slowly dissipated from her soul.

When they parted, Izuku spoke to her reassuringly, wanting to further ease her soul to where she would finally get out of her mood.

Izuku: "I know that it was scary to see Ochako, but it's out of the way now, don't try thinking on it too much. Anyways, enough of all this gloom and doom, let's focus on the bright side. You managed to get One for All under wraps."

Ochako: "Yeah, I guess I did. It felt really tingly, and there wasn't that much aching pain this time around. I guess that training really paid off."

Izuku: "I'll say, you look so good right now I could just eat you."

Ochako: "Hehe, not tonight Mr."

Izuku: "Alright, alright, got the message. So anyway, how did you manage to use One for All like that?"

Ochako: "I...I don't really know, but there is something I found out. Back to when I first used it, I kept on feeling this huge wellspring of power, almost like I'm being washed over by a wave. But this time, it only felt like I was being sprinkled from water in a hot shower."

Izuku: "So you can control how much of the power you want to use? Lucky you, if I need to hold back on my strength, I'd need to be either exhausted or for someone to forcefully slow me down."

Ochako: "Well at least you don't have to deal with broken bones Mr."

Izuku: "Haha, you're right about that. We'll go and meet up with dad tomorrow, maybe he can give us a few pointers on how you can practice on holding One for All better. After that, you and I will practice it and see how much of it you can use."

Ochako: "Sounds like a plan."

With this being said, Izuku and Ochako quickly connect for another kiss, and when they pulled away, the gravity girl hummed in delight as she nuzzled into the crook of Izukus' neck, a happy and content smile being plastered on her face with Izuku doing the same, taking in the intoxicating scent of her hazelnut-brown hair as they spoke to their respected lover in unison.

Izuku: "I love you Ocha."

Ochako: "I love you Deku."


*At an unknown location*

In a dark and barren hallway that looked like the inside of an abandoned hospital, grimy and rotting tiles littering the walls, a man in with many medical supplies walks down the empty corridor to meet with a personal friend of his, having been told that preparations have been made. Upon reaching a certain area where lights were dimmed but shone brightly enough where they showed the figure of a short and chubby man in a doctors outfit, holding a clipboard, the mysterious figure formed a smile and walked over to the supposed doctor. Upon arriving, the smaller man turned his attention and gave a smile to his peer as he bowed in respect, the taller man in question wearing a business suit with many medical supplies behind him, having used a quirk to carry them through levitation so as to not get himself killed.

???: "So Dr Garaki, I assume you have results."

The man known as Dr Garaki stood back up in a proper posture as a smile pure and utter glee stretches across his cheeks as he tells the man what he has discovered from his latest project.

Dr Garaki: "The last of the initial tests were a complete success! After five years of setbacks, he's ready to make his grand entrance again!"

???: "That's great news Dr Garaki, you're brilliant mind truly knows no bounds."

Dr Garaki: "You're too kind master, I only wish to serve you to the best of my abilities."

???: "And you have done just that, I am truly grateful for all the work you put into this project. Now, how should we go about staging the event in the weeks to come?"

As the man in the business suit says this, he and the Dr look into through the glass and into the giant cave bellow them to see a massive creature that represented a reptile, the smiles on their faces growing as they thought about what would happen. After a moment of silence from all the thinking, Dr Garaki comes up with a suggestion and brings it to light to his master.

Dr Garaki: "How about we send the boy over along with the special Nomu I've been working on recently? We'll use this one as a backup, in case the worst should happen."

???: "There's a lot of truth in your words Dr. His son attends U.A, and given the circumstances the news provided, he shouldn't be trifled with. In fact, If I tried using my quirk on him, only to see that I can't even get through his scales, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Very well, we'll go with your idea. Tell me, hows the progress on project Apocalypse?"

As the two conversed, the giant creature below raised it's head up and lets out a roar, interrupting the conversation. The roar, was very, VERY distorted to where no creature could even comprehend what exactly the creature was to have made it. But these two men knew better as they looked at the creature, smiling at his eagerness to get out and wreak some havoc, looking deep into it's eyes.

The eyes in question were two orbs of blue fire the glowed from within its pitch-black sockets as they looked at the two men from bellow, the Dr continuing his sentence from earlier.

Dr Garaki: "The project has nearly reached it's end sir. Just a few more tests before we begin. Right now, we'll settle for the use of the prototype to be a sort of test, to see what can be improved with the new one."

???: "Excellent. I know this is a selfish request Dr, but I'd like for you to double your efforts. It would be a shame to keep our pet waiting for any longer than what is absolutely needed."

Dr Garaki: "Master, please think nothing of it. I shall do what I can and get the new strain sorted as soon as I am able."

???: "I wonder, just how the students will react to see their Symbol of Peace lying dead before this wondrous creature. Their faces of crushed hope would be an utmost beautiful sight to see. If only I could be there to see it myself."

As the man turned his body towards the mirror, he sees the giant creature bellow nipping underneath his wings, trying to scratch the itch he head before he would nod off.

???: "And I wonder just how his son would react."

Boom! That's it! Chapter done!

Hope lads and lassies have enjoyed this chapter, and if you liked what you read here, then vote for what you read here, leave a comment, add it to your reading lists and libraries, as well as consider dropping a follow for ya boi, please and thank you...Aaannd onto the Shneak Peaks!

Two whole weeks had passed, and during this time, during the free time, the students of 1-A and B have been practising relentlessly at the behest of their teachers, especially the young power couple. Izuku and Ochako have been sparing against one another during this time, and over that time, they discovered just how much power Ochako can effectively hold from One for All, and this was enough to keep Izuku on his feet, making him look at her with all that more admiration that she could control the powerful quirk where he barely knew how to transform into a dragon at will.

Finally, the time came for their trip to a special location, but what happens everything goes south when a couple of unannounced visitors make their appearance?

What's gonna happen? Well...You'll need to wait and read it yourselves.

Hope you lads and lassies are doing well at home during these tedious and scary times, take care of yourselves and I'll see you in the next one! Take care!

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