Camera Love (Jasper Love Stor...

By amandaxxxxx

23.8K 760 34

After loosing their parents in a car crash, Ashley Smith takes her younger brother Christopher Smith to Forks... More

Chapter 1: Forks
Chapter 2: First day
Chapter 3: It Runs In The Family
Chapter 4: Sunset Rays
Chapter 5: Past
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday
Chapter 7: Christmas morning
Chapter 8: Christmas Party
Chapter 9: The Forest
Chapter 11: Mountain top
Chapter 12: Eleazar and Carmen
Chapter 13: Mumbles
Chapter 14: Hope
Chapter 15: Did You Hear The Rain?
Chapter 16: White and Silver
Chapter 17: Waking up
Chapter 18: The Volturi
Chapter 19: The Cliff Where We Met

Chapter 10: Blood

822 34 5
By amandaxxxxx

Ashley slowly opened her eyes. They were dry so they scraped her eyeballs as they opened. She blinked several times trying to dampen them. She slowly gained back the vision she should have. She looked around but a surge of pain shocked through her from her right shoulder. The memories came flooding back to her, back to the forest. She was shot in the shoulder by the blond hair man.

She then realised the position she was in. Her hands were tied and strung up, she was hanging with her toes just barely touching the ground. Her shirt was ripped just under her chest with a large blood stain on her right shoulder from her wound and her trousers were dirty and damp. Her hair was tied back messily and her feet were bare. She shivered as she realised just how cold it was. The door opened with reluctance.

" Well, well, well. Finally awake." The voice that belong to the blond man spoke as he walked around in the shadows.

" My name is Damon. I have been paid to kill you by some very powerful people. I don't what you did to them but you certainly managed to piss them off, because they want to make sure you suffered." He said to her and stepped out from the shadows. He walked over to Ashley and pulled a table on wheels along with him. The wheels rattled against the uneven floor. On the table, was weapons of all shapes and sizes. Damon ran his fingers over many of them.

" You parents seemed to have made an impression on them." He smirked to her, he lifted a blade the was a plain knife. He turned around and walked over to her. Ashley was now just an inch above his head. He walked right up to her and held his lips to her ear.

" I will take great pleasure in this." He whispered and punched her stomach. Ashley's eyes rolled to the back of her head in pain she tried to hold her stomach but was unable too. She groaned loudly in pain, knowing that will leave a nice bruise. Damon laughed quietly watching her feel the pain.

" I don't know why, but woman... They are just so beautiful looking with their face coated in pain." Damon whispered as he placed the flat of the blade against her skin. The cold blade not to far from her own temperature. He slipped it along her stomach.

" Chris? Where is Chris?" Ashley breathed out softly. Trying to control herself from panicking.

" Ah yes, your kid brother." Damon spoke, he was most defiantly British.

" He...I s been taken good care of." He said with a smirk.

" I swear if you even lay a finger on him." She growled to him lowly. Damon laughed hysterically.

" Oh please. I may harm woman, but even I draw a line at harm children." He said to her.

" Don't worry, I won't harm him, not saying the same for the man guarding him." Damon smirked as he ran the sharp part of the knife along her stomach just enough to cut the skin, along blood to ooze out the cut skin. Ashley bit her lip holding back a scream.

" Don't hold back, sweetheart." Damon smirked pressing the blade onto a fresh part of her skin. This blade went deeper than last. He no longer could hold back the scream. She cried in agony as the cool silver blade cut into her. Damon laughed as he retracted the blade. But then he done something that made Ashley freeze. He smashed his lips forcefully onto her. Ashley squirmed around in pain, trying to push him away. But it was no use, so she did the first thing that came into her mind. She bit his lip, hard. Damon pulled away quickly and slapped her face hard.

" You son of a bitch!" Ashley cried to him. Damon scowled to her and smacked his closed fist against her jaw. Her lips burst giving her the taste of iron. She spat out the blood and breathed heavily.

" That is no language for a woman." Damon mumbled and he slice the blade along her cheek. He walked back to the table and place down the knife. He walked back over and clenched his fist.

" This will hurt." Damon said and punched her stomach several times. Tears fell own Ashley's face as punch after punch hit her. He then stopped after about six and stepped back. Ashley looked to him with a tear stained face.

" Please stop." She whispered to him. Damon smiled, pleased at her words.

" Wonderful." He cried and walked over to the table again. He lifted a small baton, weighing it in his hand. He walked over to Ashley and smiled.

" Now lets break a few of those pretty ribs?" He said and swung the baton towards her right side.

"no, no, please don't!" She cried but it was no use. When it connected, Ashley felt and heard bones snapping. The pain was immense now and unbearable. She let out a blood curdling scream. Damon laughed but that was all stop when the door flew open. Blood poured from her mouth as she pained to breathe. She saw Carlisle run into the room and tackle Damon to the ground. Jasper was at the door one second and next to her in a moment. He and Emmett both took her down, she fell limply into Jasper's arms.

" I am sorry. I am so sorry." Ashley whispered to him. Jasper just shushed her and held her close to him. Carlisle looked at Ashley and grimaced. Ashley struggled to breathe as her ribs pained her. But then she could not breathe all together. Her eyes went wide as she tried desperately to pull in air. She looked to Jasper with a helpless look.

" Her right lung has collapsed. I have to relieve the air." Carlisle told Jasper as he took a knife from the table. Carlisle pushed the knife into her skin quickly and dropped the knife.

" A tube! I need a tube!" Carlisle told the boys before him. Edward reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. Carlisle nodded taking it from him. He took it apart and pushed the hollow tube into the clean slice. Soon a rush of air hissed out from it. Ashley's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she took in a reliving breath.

" I love you. I love you Ashley." Jasper whispered to her as he kissed her forehead. He then lifted her bridal style into his arms as they all walked out the room, Alistair then walked in and over to Damon to 'take care' of him. After all of the blood he smelt from Ashley. he had to feed. So why not kill two birds with one stone. Jasper and the others walked out of the room and threw the long dark halls.

" Alice has found Chris." Edward spoke to them as they picked up their pace.

" Chris. Jasper, I am so sorry." Ashley whispered to him as they slowed down when they approached a room. Jasper could feel her pain, she was hurting a lot from her injuries. She kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Jasper felt worried but had full faith that if anything where to happen, Carlisle would help. Jasper looked to Chris as he set Ashley down on the floor next to him. They both lay side by side. Ashley looked to her younger brother as he lay there motionless.

" Carlisle." Ashley said to him as Carlisle looked at her with a worried look. She knew, by the way he was looking at her, Chris had sustained an injury that would mean he would undoubtedly died. Ashley forced her weak body to sit up and look at her brother. She cried, not over the pain. But for her brother. She only wanted him to live a normal life. But when Ashley saw the large wound on his head, she knew that a normal life was no longer on the playing field for him now.

" Carlisle. He must live, no matter what." Ashley told him as she cried with heavily breathing. Carlisle looked at her with a mixture of shock and confusion. 

" Anything." Ashley told him. Edward looked at Carlisle.

" She knows." Edward informed the rest of them. Just then Ashley's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell into Jasper's arms. Jasper looked at her worryingly. He looked to Carlisle looking for an explanation as to why she kept drifting in and out.

" She's only unconscious, but I suspect she may have internal bleeding, she need to be taken to hospital. You, Emmett and Esme take her. The rest of us will go back to the house with Chris." Carlisle informed the coven. Everyone nodded and left to there places. They all made their way as quickly as they could. Once Carlisle and the other were back at the house. Carlisle and Alice took Chris to his office. 

" Alice, he would want you to do it." Carlisle told her. Alice looked at him with pleading eyes.

" Don't make me, please." Alice asked him. Carlisle shook his head.

" I cannot do this, you must." Carlisle said and pulled her into a hug. He kissed the top of her head walked out of the room. Alice turned around slowly and looked at Chris's body, laying on a blue hospital bed. She was turning pale and she could hear his heart beating slowly. She walked over looking at him. If she could cry, the tears would be free flowing.

" I am so sorry." Alice said and took his hand. She placed her lips onto his, giving him is last mortal kiss before she moved to him neck. Her teeth pierced into his flesh and her venom oozed into him. His blood seeped into her mouth. It tasted so sweet and wonderfully brilliant! She pulled herself away reluctantly. She shook as she rapidly blinked her eyelids. She tried to focus on something other than his blood. She turned around and walked out of the room and away into the forests too hunt.

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