
By iiDorian

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Jacen Simens loves hiding his emotions. He's been through a lot but you'd never know it at first glance, or i... More



2.1K 64 17
By iiDorian

Jace Simens

After our mall visit time seemed to fly faster than a car.

Months had passed and everything between Ethan and I was great. Sure-we had our ups and downs, but we got through them faster that they started. Everything was basically perfect, and I was happy for that.

Summer was uneventful, all we did was lounge around. Like we literally did nothing, I mean... we had tons of sex. We watched movies, walked Baby-who was now up to my knee, we even went swimming once-but we got kicked out for making out in the public pool. Oops. It's not my fault Ethan is hot in nothing but swim shorts.

But now here we are half way through senior year, and I'm just now starting to apply and look for colleges, yet I have no idea what I want to do.

"Ken I asked you over to help with schools, not to sit on my computer scrolling through my Twitter." He only rolled his eyes at me giving a small chuckle before continuing to stalk my socials.

"This isn't you, is it?" He turned to laptop to me and I paled.

"Give me that!" I said shutting it immediately blushing furiously.

"Who would've know Jace would be sending nudes. What a shame, your mother would be so disappointed." He smirked making me hit his arm.

"Why were you going through my messages with Ethan anyways? There was bound to be something you didn't want to see there." I rolled my eyes opening the laptop back up immediately exiting out the tab, and starting to actually look for colleges.

"Who says I didn't want to see it?" He smirked playfully.

"I hate you. So much. You can literally fall in a ten foot ditch and I'd smile." I told him truthfully. Since Ken had been exploring his sexuality he felt the need to ask me shit all the time as if I knew much about being gay, he always flirted with me too, but I know it's all out of fun because I doubt anyone would want to test Ethan. Especially with him so stressed about football, and scouts and shit, I'm the last person you'd want to hit on.

"What an asshole. Speaking of assholes, I fucked Usif." He smiled proudly as if he'd accomplished the unbeatable.

"Are all the football players gay?" I deadpanned, he's told us about countless adventures with a guys and it seems like half of them are football players from our school, other schools, and even a college guy.

"No. Hugo isn't, but I'll change that." He smiled. What a fucking whore, he figures out he likes dick and goes and gets all the dick he can. Classical, Grade A slut.

"Whatever, I give up. I'll just keep applying to random schools, I don't know where I want to go, or what I want to do anyways." I said shutting the laptop. The room was silent for a minute until I'd heard a ringtone start to play.

"Hello?" Ken said into the phone.

"No I'm not busy, I mean I was but, whatever... What's up?" He stumbled over words, I'd never seen him do that. I wonder who he's talking to.

"I thought it was a one time thing." He said now smirking, I knew exactly what was going on. Another hook up with some straight guy.

"Give me twenty minutes. Yeah? Okay." He said hanging up the phone looking at me excited.

"I don't care, don't tell me, I don't want to know." I said immediately before he could even open his mouth.

"It's Usif again." He said disregarding everything I'd said. "Do you have a..." he said motioning what he needed with his fingers.

"No, I ran out last night." I said clearly lying. Ethan and I hadn't had the time to full on have sex in weeks, I had plenty of everything-especially considering my dad bought me new things every month. I felt like a girl on her period, I wonder what goes through the cashiers head when they see a forty year old man buying condoms, lube, and douches.

"Liar. Where are they?" He practically begged. "I don't want to sh-"

"It's under the sink." I cut him off not wanting to even hear what he was going to say.

"You're a lifesaver!" He ran towards the bathroom shutting the door behind him as he couldn't just go home and 'prep'.

I mentally rolled my eyes and dialed Ethan. He probably wouldn't answer seeing as he was at practice, though sometimes I just like to listen to his voicemail.

"Hi, you've reached Ethan, if you're not my beautiful boyfriend Jace I probably don't want to talk to you-wait actually if you're a job, or college, or my parents, or something, I do actually, how do I do stop this?" The phone beeped telling me to leave a voice message. I hung up smiling at how bad at technology he was before setting my phone down to take a nap.

"Ok, I'm out." Ken said rushing out the door before I could say anything. I sighed happily that I was now undisturbed and actually took a nap.

"Baby." I heard softly against my ear, feeling my body being pulled into someone arms.

"Wake up, come on." Ethan said shaking me a little. I groaned out softly muttering incoherent complaints before opening my eyes looking at him.

"I missed you." He smiled down at me making my tired face go hot.

"You saw me this morning."

"Exactly, that's basically a decade." He said pulling me up into his lap.

"How was practice?"

"Stressful." He sighed.

"How so?"

"Coach is being a dick. He acts like we can't make one mistake, and if we do we have hell to pay. I knew he was tough on the seniors-I just never had to care." He vented out a little heated. I just hummed, too tired to give an actual response.

"But I'm fine now, I have you to relieve all my stress." He said stuffing his face in my hair. I sighed softly slowly falling back asleep until he began talking again.

"You know Usif is fucking Kendrick? He left in the middle of practice after getting some text from Ken." He said making me chuckle.

"Yes. Ken got ready over here." I wiped the tiredness out my eyes. He obviously wasn't letting me sleep so I might as well entertain him.

"I still can't imagine you doing that." He said with a weird look on his face.

"You're not supposed to. You're supposed to imagine fucking me until I see rainbows." I said making a waving gesture with my hands.

"Why use imagination, when I can do the real thing?" He smirked. Too bad I wasn't willing to get fucked right now.

"Haha, no. I'm tired." I said laying my head on his chest.

"Who says I wanted to have sex, I wouldn't be any good right now anyways, my body hurts everywhere." He groaned when I shifted on his lap.

"Sorry." I said half asleep already.

"Fine, go to sleep then, leave me here by myself." I didn't argue, I did exactly as he said. Though he didn't leave me, he literally held me in his arms as I slept peacefully.

"Ethan, wake up." I urged shaking him violently. I'd been trying to wake him up for five good minutes and he wasn't bulging in the slightest.

"Fine." He said making me realize he'd been awake the whole time.

"You asshole! I was gonna make food but now I'm not." I scoffed crossing my arms.

"You always say that, then I end up making everything because you complain about having to do anything." He said sitting up rather quickly. He'd probably been awake longer than me. Did he even go to sleep.

"Right. So can you make me food! My parents don't get up until ten." I smiled brightly hoping to get him to fall under my spell.

"Come on." I clapped hopping off the bed following him towards my kitchen.

"Does he live here now?" Jayla asked startling both of us.

"I'm barely here!" He argued back defeatedly. It was true, we usually spent all our time at his house, he usually did homework and slept after practice, I did whatever.

"Jayla, leave my boyfriend alone. He's welcomed here as he pleases. Aren't you supposed to be at college anyways?" I said narrowing my eyes. Jayla has graduated last spring as it made no sense of why she'd be here right now. The only things I could come up with were her either getting kicked out, or pregnant. And both of those were ridiculous.

"It's the weekend. I wanted to see you." She smiled. I returned it going in to hug her.

"So how's the college dick?" I asked as if I really cared, it was mainly to annoy Ethan. And it worked seeing as he dropped he egg he was holding.

"Jace-" He warned making Jayla laugh.

"What? It's not like I'm asking for it." I shrugged.

"Well, there's this one guy, he's like totally obsessed with you. I swear, I show him one picture of us and he immediately wants to know who you are, how I know you, etc. I told him you were my twin who lives in Bulgaria." She said laughing a little more.

"Who would've know I'd capture the eyes of a college guy. Ethan I think you have competition." I chuckled looking towards him.

"He'll be just like the last guy that hit on you." He said before regretting it.

"You said you were drunk- Ethan you did hit that poor guy on purpose!"

"Someone's in trouble." Jayla jumped in before Ethan could make up some excuse. "Speaking of trouble, did you see that Emily's dad took her phone and posted that she wouldn't get it back on her socials. He went as far as to tell us to pray for her."

"Good, she doesn't need another was to trap guys in her weird pussy trance." Ethan said shuddering at the thought.

"Never say that word again." Jayla laughed pulling her phone out. Ethan only continued cooking, while Jayla and I caught up on everything we'd both missed.

"Come here baby." Ethan told me. I went over to him cautiously trying to make out scenarios in my head.

"Try this." He said holding a spoon to my mouth. I opened my mouth letting him put the spoon of what tasted like strawberry syrup in.

"That's good." I hummed in satisfaction. Ethan nodded his head, giving me a small kiss before I went to sit back down.

"I've lost my appetite." Jayla said from no where.

"He was cooking for me anyways." I rolled my eyes playfully. A plate was set in front of me and I nearly moaned at how good the food looked.

"Thank you." I smiled picking up my fork digging into the pancakes.

"What's the red stuff." Jayla said staring at the food in front of her intensively as if it was poisonous.

"Cindy Belle's famous strawberry syrup." Ethan smiled proudly.

"Let's hope you cook as well as your mom." Jayla said digging in, clearly trying to hide how well it tasted.

We ate in silence just enjoying the pancakes Ethan made. They were actually delicious, he always added powered sugar, and whipped cream on top of mines. I'd never asked him to, it's just as if he knew I'd like it.

"So, what colleges are you guys looking at?" Jayla sparked up a conversation.

"I've literally applied for ten different ones just because. I honestly have no idea what want to do so I guess anywhere is fine." She looked at me as if I was crazy, and maybe I was.

"I was thinking of Michigan, but then again I heard the winters are super cold." Ethan shrugged. "But a dream would probably be LSU. You get in there, you're basically in the NFL." He said passionately.

"I'm sure you can go wherever." Jayla said smiling. Ethan smiled back and continued eating.

"You on the other hand, are your grades good? How were you SAT scores." She glared at me harshly, nearly making me flinch.

"My grades are fine, mom. And I got a good enough score to get into a good college, I just need to figure out which one is good enough." I wondered off looking back over the colleges I'd already applied for.

"So your not going to the same college?" Jayla asked making my stomach drop. I hadn't even thought about that, and honestly it scared the shit out of me.


Ok a little chapter that actually means a lot, you'll see...

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