Night Life [Craig x Tweek]

By Tabby21dreams

54.5K 962 3.1K

Craig Tucker is a well respected and feared mafia boss's son. He'd much rather just do his job in the day tim... More

A pretty young Thing
A busy Man
Lunch with a Side of Jealousy
Dressing Room
A Lesson
A mattress for Two?
Waking up in a Small Apartment
Just Relax
Click Boom!
It's a Date
Kiss it Better?
Swimming in Emotions
Welcome to the City
Where are you Sunshine?
Living in Hell
Hold On
A show to End them All!

In his Office

2.3K 51 55
By Tabby21dreams

Craig enters the club and the loud music isn't helping his migraine in the slightest. He strides to the bar seeing Kenny once again. "Have an appointment with Cartman?" He asks, boredom dripping from his words.

"How do you know tha-"

"You think this is the first time he's pissed someone off?" He waits impatiently staring at the dirty blonde. "Are you going to take me to him or do I have to show you why the Tucker name is feared?" He asks rudely.

"Look, no offense, but I'm not scared of you.I don't want trouble, but I'm bored to death, tell me some good news and I'll tell you, deal?"

"I don't enjoy playing games, tell me where he is."

"Did you and Mocha hit things off nicely?"The blonde smiles, his dark blue orbs lighting up as he leans his head on one of his hands.

"No, where is he?" Craig asks more sternly.

"Dang, and I was sure you guys would, seemed like you both had a connection~"

"Do you want a death wish!?"Craig snaps, gripping Kenny by the collar of his shirt.The blonde just smiles.

"You don't even know what it's like to die over and over again."

"What the hell does that mean?!"

"Means I've seen things you haven't, things that would put any man into insanity, so don't test me Tucker.Your family name does nothing to scare me and never will." The blonde speaks darkly with a smile plastered on his face. Craig sighs, loosening his grip.

"Fine, we're going out for dinner tomorrow.."The giant scratches his neck, feeling rather uncomfortable with this man.

"Wonderful! I hope you have fun!!Tweek's favorite flowers are white lilacs! Eric's office is to your right, make a left and you'll be there!"Kenny pulls out some keys and hands them to the taller man."Here you go! Return them to me once you're done, he likes his door to be locked so you'll need those to get in!"

"Thanks..."Craig cautiously takes the keys and makes walks off to the office. He trusts very few people, but Kenny scares him a bit, and that in itself is new to him.

'White lilacs, huh?'He stores that bit of information in the back of his head. He's choosing to believe the dirty blondes words since he's friends with Tweek, ignoring the fact that Kenny McCormick has a few screws loose.'He can't be all bad if so many people can trust him, right?'

Once he arrives at his destination, he unlocks the door and goes inside.There in his chair sits Eric Cartman, cigar in mouth as he sits in his chair.Seems he pulled himself together in all that time Craig was talking, but the giant knows how to knock him down a few pegs if he needs.

"Ah, Craig Tucker, what a pleasant surprise! Take a seat!"The club owner motions to the seat across from him."You said you needed to talk?"Craig closes the door behind him and sits in the chair, adjusting it to better suit his size.

"Yes, I did.I wanted to speak with you about 'Mocha', and the way you've been treating him."

"I treat all my employees with the same respect-"

"And if they're late?"

"What did the spaz tell you?He's no stranger to drugs you know-"

"I'm not here for excuses, what makes you think it's alright to punish then for a petty thing such as being late by giving them off to scum?"

"Pfft, shoulda known.He's a paranoid little shit, exaggerates everything! Little fucker even complained that one of the guys almost killed him, said he was strangled by a belt.But I didn't see any marks, so I think he was just imagining it. Regardless, I made him the show stopper so he could pick and it's on him.He even has a later time than most of the others, he should be here on time no problem."

"Alright, taking more of their money?"

"It's just how business works, they fuck up, they gotta pay up too.You should know that more than anyone, seeing as your dad does the same thing."

"Don't compare me to my father again" he growls threateningly. Cartman back in his chair, wide eyed and afraid.

"Fine! What d-do you want anyways?" The chubby man holds on for dear life to the sides of his chair. His multi colored eyes meet the icy ones across from him. He's like a cornered animal, willing to do anything to make it out alive.

"I suggest you treat them better or I can call the cops and have this place shut down, do we have a deal?"

"Y-you can't do that! The cops don't know about this place for a reason! You'll just end up getting caught too, they won't ignore your dad. And what would he think of you? I told you already, the kid makes things sound worse than they are, for all you know he was having effects from doing cocaine!"

"If the cops haven't caught on by now, they won't, I have ways inside the organization, hell, my family practically owns the cops"

"You're lying!"

"Wanna find out?" Craig stands "Either you treat them better or you'll need a different job."

"Okay, okay, I'll treat em' better, is that all, can you go?" Eric gulps. Craig chuckles, backing away from his face.

"Yes, but if I find out you went back on your word, let's just say...I won't hesitate to slice you up, got it? Also, stop trying to blame things on drugs, it's not necessary." He smooths his hair as he takes his leave for the door.

"Wait, did 'Mocha' come with you, he works here so I'm going to need him. I won't punish him."

"Yes, I gave him a ride, I also intend to stay so I will know if you go back on your word, it would be an awful shame if you were found gutted like a pig, wouldn't it?"

"P-please!I just need him to work his shift, I'll play nice!"

"You better" he then leaves, purposely slamming the door shut.

"Scotch on the rocks" he orders from Kenny checking his watch.

"Ah, you came back quicker than I expected. Got somewhere to be?"Kenny asks, cleaning out a glass so he can mix the giant's drink.

"No, what time does he usually come on? 'Mocha' I mean."

"Feeling lucky I see?"

"No, I don't need luck."

"Confident too? You're really something Tucker! Anyways, he usually goes on at ten fifteen, but tonight is 'Lolita Night' so he'll need to go into his changing room and get ready."

"Lolita Night?"

"Oh!That's right, you're new here!'Lolita Night' happens every thursday, in short, all the dancers will dress up in short skirts and heels.'Maids hour' is on Tuesdays.Tomorrow is 'lingerie Friday' if I'm not mistaken."

Craig's intrigued. "Mm that it?"

"Well, Mondays we leave them alone, but on Wednesday, it's 'Hot Mess'.That's when the dancers get creative for there outfits, fair warning, they're truly a sight to see each day, but you definitely should see most of them during 'Hot Mess', those girls and 'Mocha' really know how to create their looks.On the Saturdays, well, I'll let your imagination fill the gaps.~"

Craig hums "I'll see if I can" he fixes his tie. "You going to get me my drink?"

"Oh, right, sorry!" The dirty blonde slides the drink over to Craig. The giant takes a sip.

"Taste good as always, watch my drink, I'll fetch Tweek real quick." He stands up and heads to the elevator.Once he gets to his destination he unlocks the car. Once the dancer steps out with his bag he locks it again. "Your boss wants to see you, if he tries anything, inform me."The blonde stares up at the giant, his eyes wide with admiration.

"T-thank you!W-will you be staying?"

"Yes, so put on a good show~" the taller man winks and holds the elevator's door for the blonde midget. Green eyes widen and once pale cheeks of the dancer redden. Craig notices this, but says nothing of it and just smirks to himself.The door slides shut once both males are in.They both reach for the button for the bottom floor, accidently bumping hands in the process.

"S-sorry!"Tweek apologizes, taking his hand back. Craig softly smiles down at him.

"No harm done, no need to apologize."The elevator moves and Tweek holds on for dear life to the railing on the sides.The giant stares curiously at his smaller companion.

"You don't like elevators, do you?"

"N-no, I got stuck in one for two hours once, haven't trusted them since then!"Craig nods understandingly, prying the small manicured fingers off of the bar.

"W-what are you d-doing!?-"

"Relax-"Craig calmly says, placing the tiny hand in his much bigger one."Feel better?"The blonde stares up in disbelief, then at their interlaced hands.His cheeks are redder than before, but he does seem calmer.

"Y-yeah actually.."Tweek admits shyly.Craig smiles.They stay that way for the remainder of their ride until a small 'ding' informs them they've arrived at their stop.Tweek runs out towards the bar and Craig follows.

"C-can I get a key, b-boss is expecting me.."

"Sure thing."Kenny hands the smaller blonde a key and Tweek thanks him, scurrying once more for the office.Craig sighs and sits on a bar stool, inspecting his drink.

"McCormick, anyone come near my drink?"

"Nope! I kept it with me the entire time, no other fingers except your's and mine have been on the glass."

"Good, thank you."He checks his watch, it's only eight fifty-nine, so It'll be ten in two more hours and five minutes before 'Mocha' is even on.

'Guess I better get comfortable..'Craig shrugs and continues to slowly sip at his beverage, taking in the addictive burn it creates as it slides down his throat. It distracts his brain, making his migraine the smallest bit better. He receives a text from his father stating he has another job for him. Craig rolls his eyes, turning his phone off and pocketing it. He downs the rest of his drink ordering another.

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