The legend returns

By Snowfur20000

7.8K 177 221

"At the heart of every legend, there is truth." Two years have past since the International Bladers cup where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Special thanks
Deleted scenes
Gag Reel/Bloopers

Chapter 30

122 2 0
By Snowfur20000

Sora stood in front of two graves, anger in her expression. A small pup sat on her left by her feet. His ears were pinned back and his head was dipped towards the ground, silently morning the death of the older wolf. Sora turned and walked away from the graves and into the forest. She walked into the clearing where a very sleepy Valt was waiting for her. "Why did you have to wake me up so early?" Valt whined, still somewhat asleep. "I have to train harder for my match against Phi. I am not going to lose to him." Sora replied. "But Sora, if you push yourself too har-" Valt was interrupted. "I'm not going to." Sora said, her voice containing a bit of impatience. Her scar began to glow a gold color and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks and it began waving around like flames. She got into a handstand and felt weight being put on her feet as Valt sat on them. At least he's too asleep to argue. I know he's concerned but I have to get stronger. I have to. For them. Sora thought. Several minutes passed and now Sora had begun struggling to hold up Valt. She began to breathe heavily, her entire body felt strained from the weight. She was pretty sure her face was red from the blood rushing to it. Valt seemed to notice the white and gold haired blader getting tired and began to jump off. "Don't. Move." Sora growled. Valt sat still, looking down at Sora's face with a concerned expression. "You should take a break. Your face is really red and your arms are shaking." He said. "I'm not done just yet." Sora said. Valt kept silent as he watched his friend push herself to hold the handstand longer than she did the day before. Sora' arms began shaking violently. Hyoma said I have the strength to defeat Phi. I have to push myself until it shows! She thought. Her arms only began shaking worse. "Jump Valt!" Sora yelled. Valt jumped off right as Sora's arms gave out and she collapsed. Sora lay on her back, glaring at the sky. "Are you ok?" Valt asked. "I'm flipping fantastic." Sora replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She slowly stood up, the muscles in her legs ached a little in protest. "Why don't you take a little break?" Valt suggested. "I'm fine Valt. Why don't you go back to the village and eat something? It was a little selfish of me to drag you out here first thing." Sora said. "What about you?" Valt asked. "I've already eaten." Sora replied. "Ok. I'll be back." Valt said before running back to the village. Sora let out a sigh and walked farther into the forest. Let's see if I can find Dad's old training course. She thought.

~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi awoke to a hissing sound as the machine she was in opened. Her bright red eyes snapped open revealing a dark room with several computers and another cylinder shaped machine next to hers. She jumped out, landing on one knee before she stood up. She saw Ashtem walking towards her. "How are you feeling Scarlet Eye?" The masked man asked. "Better. Thank you for helping me." Katsumi replied. "I'm not done quiet yet. You want revenge on your former mentor. Am I correct?" Ashtem said. "Yes. She'll regret turning her back on me and leaving me to die." Katsumi growled. "I can help you with that. I can help you get stronger than her." Ashtem said. Katsumi was silent for a few moments. If what he said before is true and Sora Hagane was Ember Eye, then he'll know her strengths and weaknesses. She thought. "Deal." Katsumi said. "Good. Come with me." Ashtem said. He led Katsumi out of the lab and into another room where a single cylinder-shaped podium stood in the center. On the podium was a folded black and scarlet jumpsuit along with a mask that had scarlet lenses. "While you train here you will wear these." Ashtem said. Katsumi walked toward the podium and picked up the mask. It reminded her of something Fubuki had described two years ago but she couldn't remember what. She slipped the mask onto her face and turned to face Ashtem. "From now on, you are known as Scarlet Eye." Ashtem said. Right after he said that, seven masked bladers walked in. They wore jumpsuits that were mainly black but each blader had colored markings of; yellow, gray, black, purple, gold and silver that matched the lenses of their masks. "The Masked bladers will help you in your training. Meanwhile, I'll be working on finishing your new bey. Seeing as Phi destroyed your last one." Ashtem finished. "One more person I want revenge on." Katsumi growled. "You will get that too, in time. For now, focus on your training Scarlet Eye." Ashtem said. "Yes sir." Kaitsumi said.

~Sora POV~

"What were you thinking?!" Sakyo yelled, his expression a mix of worry and anger. Sora was holding her right arm, covered in sweat and breathing heavily as she listened to Sakyo scold her. Shu, Valt, Lui and Free stood to the side listening to the two. "I'm fine Sakyo. It's just a sore muscle. I can still blade." Sora defended. "Thank goodness your friends were around. You could've injured yourself worse." Sakyo said. "But I didn't." Sora said. "You're done training. You need to give your arm time to rest." Sakyo said. "I can let it rest and still train." Sora said. "No. You're being reckless. You're done. You need to rest." Sakyo said. "I can't stop." Sora said. "You can and you will. Either that or you leave Koma village. I'm not going to stand by and watch you destroy yourself. And when Zyro and the rest find out they won't let you continue training either. Just rest for the rest of today and tomorrow." Sakyo said. Sora was silent for a few moments. If I injure myself, I'll have to forfeit. I can't do that. She thought. "We have to leave tomorrow anyways. But fine, I'll rest." She said. Sakyo sighed in relief. "I thought I'd have to tie you to a chair and lock you in your room." He said. "I'm not that stubborn!" Sora said. "Sure." Sakyo said as he turned and began walking back to the village. "Hey!" Sora yelled. The other four bladers laughed before the group headed back to the village. As they walked into the village square, Sora saw the wolf pup waiting patiently for something. The pup spotted her and ran towards her. It began jumping up as if it was happy to see her. "Were you waiting here for me?" Sora asked. The pup barked happily, wagging his tail. "That reminds me of Hachikō." Sakyo said. "The dog that waited for its owner at the train station for nine years?" Valt asked. "Yep. This pup reminds me of that dog." Sakyo said. "I've been trying to think of what to call him. I think you just came up with the solution." Sora said. She looked down at the pup and smiled a little. "How does Hachikō sound?" She asked. The pup yipped and wagged its tail even more. " Alright then, Hachikō it is." Sora said.

~Phi POV~

Phi silently put Air Knight back together before setting it down on the nightstand next to Kit's bed. He walked to the door and opened it before walking into the hallway and shutting the door. One more blader in this building and I'll be done. He thought. Phi had been silently walking through the Raging Bulls headquarters putting devices in the bladers and their beys. He walked down the hallway until he reached the next door. He silently opened it and spotted Aiger fast asleep. Good thing Ashtem was able to make a replacement chip for the nanotech in this kid's head. Although, I wouldn't mind watching him suffer with the rest of these bladers. Phi thought. He walked over to the nightstand next to Aiger's bed and picked up Cho-Z Achillies. He burst the bey in his hand and flipped the layer over before putting a chip in the center exactly like he did before. He snapped Achillies pieces back together and placed it back on the nightstand before leaving the room. The Big Five are in for surprise after my battle with Sora Hagane. He chuckled to himself. Who am I kidding? They are all in for it. Phi thought.

~Sora POV~

Sora, Shu, Valt, Free, and Lui were standing at the entrance of the train back to Begoma. "Good luck Sora. We know you can do this." Zyro said. "And hey, don't forget to come visit us sometime." Shinobu said. "I will." Sora said. The five bladers walked into the train. The scattering of claws caused Sora to turn around and see Hachikō jumping through the entrance of the train. The doors shut behind him and the pup ran over to Sora. "I guess you wanted to come with. Welp, there's no going back now." Sora said. Hachikō barked and wagged his tail. "Yeah, I know. I made a promise to take care of you. I just don't want you to get hurt." Sora said. Hachikō narrowed his green eyes a little. Sora picked the young wolf up, laughing when he decided to lick her face. "Cut it out!" Sora said, laughing as she tried to block the pup's tongue. Hachikō stopped and just looked at Sora. "You are gonna be a handful aren't you?" Sora said.


The five bladers walked into the Raging Bulls headquarters. The sun was already setting. They went their separate ways to their rooms, trying to get some rest before tomorrow. Sora laid the sleeping Hachikō on her bed before leaving the room and walking down the hallway to the stairs. She walked down to the training room floor and left the stairway. She walked into one of the interior rooms, no windows, just lights hanging from the ceiling. A stadium was in front of her along with eight bey AIs. Sora readied her bey and launcher and got into her launching position. She twisted around to where her launcher was on her right side behind her back, her left side faced the stadium and she was crouched down prepared to leap into the air.


Phoenix and Fafner continued to clash, eventually Fafner was spinning fast enough and its tip dropped allowing the teeth to lock together. "It's time! Absorb Break!" Free yelled. Fafer sped up drastically, dodging Phoenix's attack and it rocketed out of the center and around the stadium. Phoenix hit its armor with its tip and hit Fafner, sending the yellow bey back towards the center. Free's eyes widened in shock as his plan failed. Phoenix its armor rocketed toward Fafner from opposite sides. "Goodbye now. Dead Stinger Press!" Phi said, smiling. Sora jumped up from her seat and stood against the railing of the stands. Phoenix and Fafner collided, the yellow bey was pinned between Phoenix and its armor. The faint sound of a bey cracking was heard. "Free! Free get out of there! Fafner is going to break!" Sora yelled, her voice filled with fear and panic. One last crack was heard before Fafner shattered into several pieces. Sora, Free and Valt's eyes were wide in shock as they stared at the shattered pieces. "A burst finish! With a score of three to one, Phi is the winner!" The referee said. "What a... shocking conclusion! Fafner has been shattered into pieces! Lord of Destruction indeed! We've witnessed some terrifying power today folks!" Senior Hamami said. "Hey Free!" Valt yelled before running out of the stands with Sora hot on his tail. The two bladers ran through the red corner's entrance and into the arena to stand beside Free. "You ok Free?" Valt asked. Free looked at the shattered remains of Fafner in his hand before closing his hands over them and hold his hands close to him with his eyes closed, struggling to hold back tears. "Oh Free..." Valt said. Sora and Valt turned and glared at Phi. "You think this is what blading is all about?! Breaking a bey is unforgivable, everyone knows that!" Valt yelled. Both bladers took their beys out of their bey holders and held them out towards Phi. Sora's eyes were narrowed and her teeth were bared in fury. "So now I'm going to battle you!" Sora and Valt yelled in unison. Phi stared at them for a moment before smiling evilly at Sora. "It's not your turn yet, Sora Hagane. I'm saving you for last. As for you, Valt Aoi, prepare to say goodbye to Valtryek." Phi said. Valt looked shocked for a moment but Sora only glared at Phi. "The challenge from our champion Sora has been tossed aside! It looks like Valt is the next target on Phi's destructive rampage!" Senior Hamami said. The white haired blader turned and left leaving the three bladers in the arena.

~End flashback~

Sora growled in anger and her scar began to glow a bright gold color.


Phoenix now was chasing Valtryek around the stadium. "Turbo Flash Launch!" Valt yelled. Valtryek spun up the stadium slope before its tip hit the rim of the stadium, giving the bey a massive boost of speed. The blue bey rocketed around the stadium before coming up behind Phoenix and striking it with one of its wings, knocking the armor off the bey. Sora was standing against the railing, hoping that Valt would win despite the odds. "Dead Stinger!" Phi yelled. Phoenix hit its armor with its tip and sent it flying towards the stadium wall where it ricocheted and was sent flying at Valtryek. It hit Valtryek causing one of the wings to break off and sending the blue bey into the center. The broken wing landed on the other side of the stadium's rim right in front of Phi. "Valtryek is slowly breaking apart. Soon, it will be nothing but shards." Phi said. "I won't let that happen!" Valt replied. "Dead Stinger Press!" Phi yelled. Phoenix hit its armor with its tip and sent it flying towards the stadium wall where it ricocheted and was sent flying at Valtryek while the bey itself charged at Valtryek from the opposite side. The armor and Phoenix pinned Valtryek between them, more cracking was heard. "Valt!" Sora yelled, fear filling her voice. Valtryek burst, it's layer still intact. "A burst finish! Phi wins with a score of three to one!" The referee said. "Valtryek managed to escape destruction but not without receiving some severe damage!" Senior Hamami said. Sora ran from the stands and through hallways until she reached the red corner' entrance to the arena. She ran as fast as she could through the entrance and to Valt's side. Valt was currently on his knees looking at Valtryek's layer which was almost shattered. One of the wings was missing, the cracks were a few millimeters from reaching the center, and the edges of the layer were dented and chipped. "I tried so hard to beat him but I couldn't do it." Valt said, his voice filled with sadness. "It's ok Valt, you did your best." Sora said, now kneeling beside the blue haired blader. "You managed to slip away from destruction, for now." Phi said.

~End flashback~

Sora watched as the bey AIs readied their launchers.


As Spryzen came back down to the stadium it used the stadium's edge to switch to Attack mode before rocketing around the stadium and narrowly dodging the attack from Phoenix's armor. "This is the moment I've been waiting for!" Shu said. "Go Shu! Take him down!" Valt yelled. "Go for it!" Sora yelled. Phi only smirked. "The time for judgement has come!" He said. "You'll be the one receiving judgment! Turbo Spryzen Whip!" Shu yelled. Spryzen charged towards Phoenix, preparing to strike the black bey with its Cho-Z wings. "Dead Press!" Phi yelled. The two beys collided in the center, neither giving up an inch. Phoenix knocked both of Spryzen's Cho-Z wings in, rendering them useless. "Phoenix just reversed Spryzens Turbo Awakening!" Valt said, shocked. "He did what?!" Aiger said. Both beys were sent away from the center and Phoenix headed straight for its armor, hitting it with its tip and sending it to the stadium wall before it ricocheted and headed towards Spryzen with Phoenix heading toward the red bey from the otherside. "Dead Stinger Press!" Phi yelled. Phoenix pinned Spryzen between it and its armor and the sound of a bey cracking was heard. "No! Shu, Shu get out of there! Get out of there now!" Sora yelled. One last crack was heard before Spryzen shattered to pieces. Shu stared wide eyed in disbelief at the pieces of his bey. "How could he?" Valt said. Sora stared at Spryzen's pieces, gripping the edge of the stands hard. The referee snapped out of his shock and called the match. "Dread Phoenix with a burst finish! With a score of three to two, Phi is the winner!" He said. Sora turned and ran out of the stands, running down the hallway as fast as she could. "I can't believe it everyone! True to his earlier prediction, Phi has completely destroyed Spryzen! The rampage continues! Is there no one who can stop this madness." Senior Hamami said. Sora ran through the entrance but froze when she saw Shu fall onto one knee staring at the ground. "Now do you understand what it means to define me? Between Light and Darkness, the more powerful of the two is the Darkness." Phi said. Shu glared up at the mismatched blader in anger before closing his eyes and looking toward the floor in defeat. "Is that so?" Sora asked, her voice echoing around the silent arena. Shu opened his eyes and looked behind him, seeing Sora walking towards the stadium. She stood beside Shu, her muscles tense and anger in her gold eyes. Valt ran from the entrance of the arena and stood on Shu's right side. "Light is never fully extinguished, no matter how hard the Darkness tries to destroy it. Light will always rise up to challenge the Dark." Sora said. "Lets test that theory shall we?" Phi said, a smirk appearing on his face. "Oh give me a break!" Aiger's voice yelled from behind them. "Wait, hold up a second!" Ranjiro yelled as he grabbed the maroon haired blader and tried to restrain him. "What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Aiger yelled as he broke free from Rantaro's grip and ran towards the stadium. He stopped short by a few feet and glared at Phi, holding out Cho-z Achilles. "I'll do it! I will defeat you and I'm prepared to take you down here and now! Sora, let me battle this guy!" Aiger yelled. It's my job as the top blader to protect my fellow bladers, I have to end this. I'm done standing to the side! I'm done being afraid! Sora thought. "No." She said. "Why?" Aiger asked, sounding shocked. "This is my fight. It's my job to protect my fellow bladers. I have to end this." Sora replied, barely turning her head to look at Aiger. "I'm going to end this! Your destructive rampage ends right here, Phi!" She yelled, turning her head back to Phi and glaring at him. "Three days Sora Hagane, I'll give you three days to say goodbye." Phi said before he turned and left the arena. Sora glared at the mismatched blader as he left, spotting Spryzen's axe blade in his right hand. She growled in anger, her scar began to glow a gold color and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks and veins began to appear on her arms and face. "The next time we meet Phi, you'll pay. You'll be the one on your knees in defeat." Sora growled.

~End Flashback~

Sora's hair turned from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks and began waving around like flames and veins began to appear on her arms and face. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" Sora yelled. She launched forward, leapt into the air, untwisted herself and pulled the ripcord as hard as she could. The wings on Cho-Z Draco activated and the bey began to spin around the stadium in left rotation. "Storm breaker!" Sora yelled. The tip on Draco dropped allowing the rubber part of it to make contact with the stadium making it move faster than before. Within seconds all eight beys were shattered, the parts went flying out of the stadium and into the bey AIs and shattered the lights in the room. The room became dark and all you could see was Sora's glowing gold eyes and scar as well as her hair flaming around. "You should have never messed with me or my friends. You'll learn not to play with fire, Phi." Sora growled.

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