Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)

By fictionowl

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[Jasper Falls Saga: Book 3] This book is part of a series and must be read in a specific labeled order. Pleas... More

Twist of Fate
Looking Out For Me
Ivy Rose
Anxiety Attacks
A Desperate Beta
Peace Offering
Shut It Down
Gaining Intimacy
Past is Past
All For You
The Date #SpookFest2k19
Strange Behavior
It Begins
Consequences of Officiality (Part 1)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 2)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 3)
Beta Mate
Phase One: Uprising
Phase Two: The Hunt
Cheesy Romance
Puzzle Pieces
Ready Or Not
Game Plan (Part 1)
The Mole (Part 2)
Game Plan (Part 2)
Woeful Descent
Raid and Rescue
The Mole (Part 3)
The Mole (Part 4)
The Fall of Black Rock Canyon
Jaxon's Beta #SpookyFest2k20
Hope Unanchored #SpookyFest2k20
Unhinged (Part 1)
Unhinged (Part 2)
Man of Steel
A Slice of Normal
The Last Stand (Part 1)
The Last Stand (Part 2)
Iron Fist

Troubling Developments

4.7K 203 124
By fictionowl


Deciding to use my free period- thank gods it was the day's last- to get some homework done, I headed to the library with purpose, doing a mental checklist of everything I would be able to finish.

Calculus was the most pressing issue at the moment, coupled with finding a secondary textbook to help me study for an upcoming Economics midterm. However, the moment I walked into the library, I knew I would not be getting much studying or homework done unless by some miracle, he left me alone.

Jax was also in the library. Though that was a given since he followed after his mate like a lost puppy. Anywhere Asher went, Jax was sure to be found either next to him or within the vicinity. Jace and Carter were also here, the four of them seated around a large circular table with books spread over the top.

As if sensing my arrival, Carter's head snapped up and turned in my direction as though he were programmed to find me anywhere. A giddy grin graced his lips as I made my approach, quickly scanning their notes out of curiosity.

Asher and Jace were doing Economics. Carter was doing the Calculus homework we had been assigned. And Jax was...doodling.

"Bumble Bee!" Asher greeted quietly so as not to get us in trouble from the librarian.

"Bumble Bee? Why do you call him that?" Carter spat then, jealousy dripping off of every syllable. Discreetly though, I felt his hands inching up my leg and across my back since I had been standing closest to him. The sub only shot his beta an unamused glare.

"Can you not get jealous for two seconds?" Asher rolled his eyes as Carter scoffed, turning his attention back to me. "Come to join our little study session?"

"Not particularly..." My eyes drifted back to Jax's notebook, the margins around his notes were covered in nonsensical doodles. "Say Jax, what exactly are you studying for?"

He shot me a glare. "I'm taking a break."

"The period just started." Carter commented, earning himself a glare and a scoff. Jace laughed quietly, shaking his head while Asher catered to his mate's ego turning to lovingly pat the dominant's head. Carter glanced up at me with a big smile. "Come sit with us. You can probably help me with this homework."

I made a humming sound knowing that he probably would do no studying if I sat with them. I would probably do the work and he would spend all the time doing everything other than what he was meant to.

"In a bit. Gotta go look for something." They shifted around their books to make some room for me as I placed down my binder and book bag, keeping my library card with me. I headed off to the Social Sciences section of the library in search of a book because the one they were making us use was total shit. A test of patience that ended up with the student flinging away the textbook. Not that it was garbage. Just completely student unfriendly.

After close to half an hour had passed, I found one that covered the topics that were sure to come in the midterm and was easier to read through and understand. Heading out of the aisle making for the librarian's desk where I could borrow the book, I ended up running into a small body that was coming out of the aisle over.

The person gasped, flopping to the floor, the sound of books toppling to the ground. It drew the attention of other students in the library as well as the librarian herself.

Waving a quick apology, everyone went back to minding their own business expect for Jax, Carter, and his friends who continued to look on ever so conspicuously. The person spilled out on the floor before me was a student in the freshman year group. A mop of messy blonde hair spilled out from beneath a hoodie and scared blue eyes met mine. The kid was obviously startled, his breathing heavy and appearance disheveled. He looked as though he had seen a ghost. However, when he realized whom it was, his breathing calmed down just a tiny bit.

Outstretching a hand, the freshman accepted the gesture after clumsily gathering his books, muttering to himself in a crazed fashion. This had me worried.

Tommy, a thirteen-year-old sub werewolf of Black Rock Canyon and of the omega rank. Though, one could mistake him for being in elementary school. His parents were smart, educated people though, and thus, Tommy had started school one year before his own age group. He was the quiet type, even in training under Alister's teaching. He was obedient, reserved, and put together. Even against bullies, Tommy usually held his head high and showed a brave face.

Not to mention, I managed to catch the titles of some of the books he had hastily gathered as if trying to hide them from my view. Titles on psychology, and criminal motive. A drastic difference to the fantasy works of Rick Riordan, J. K. Rowling, Christopher Paolini, and Joseph Delaney.

Something was off with this kid.

For someone who was usually bubbly, fun loving, and optimistic about life, he was the total opposite, appearing exhausted from the dark circles under his eyes, unruly hair, pale complexion, and frightened eyes. He was jumpy too.

"Are you alright, Tommy?"

My frown deepened significantly when the kid forced a bright smile and nodded vigorously. Tommy suddenly gasped softly, going rigid as his eyes stayed trained on something behind me. Eyebrows pinching in concern, I turned about to find out what was bothering him yet saw nothing.


He had scampered off without so much as a word. Hurrying over to the front desk where the librarian sat, he pushed the pile of books he'd chosen to borrow onto the countertop. I followed, moving closer and watching how Tommy paid no mind to my proximity, stuttering and tripping over his words, fumbling with his library card and handing it over with a visible tremble. Part of me wondered if he was even aware I was watching him, taking in every fidget, and observing the way he kept glancing back to the shelves.

The librarian noticed his odd behavior too but said nothing to it despite the visible worry etched onto her middle aged features.

Curiosity, and concern for Tommy's unbecoming behavior, I kept my gaze pointed to the shelves in hopes of finding whatever it was that had him so shaken and spooked.


No movement out of the ordinary or anything that seemed remotely out of place. Students milled about the shelves, looking through book after book. Three girls were huddled near one shelf, whispering and giggling over something they were watching on a phone. One student sat plopped on the floor of another aisle, a book opened in his lap and his hoodie pulled over his head.

Though I'm sure he was actually asleep judging by the lilt his head did every so often., what had Tommy so spooked? And it didn't help that the kid practically ran tail once the books were entered into the system.

"Returning or borrowing?" came the librarian's voice dragging me away from my thoughts. Shaking my head, I stepped forward and placed the textbook on the table.


I was given two weeks to borrow it; more than enough time. Heading back to the table where my friends were, I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes catching the creepy, supposedly giddy grin on Carter's face.

And it wasn't a surprise why he looked so damn creepy right about now. It didn't make thirty seconds since I sat down when I felt his hand inching up my thigh. He tried to be inconspicuous about it, but I think everyone around the table knew something was happening under it given the constant presence of Carter's creepy grin.

Swatting his hand away when he started moving way too close to my groin, I sent him a shriveling glare to which he only smirked.


The rest of the table had settled into a quiet cycle of studying signified by pages turning, pencils and pens scribbling, and calculator buttons being pushed. Or in Jax's case, jabbed and punched.

It went like that for gods know how long. I would sit there, minding my own business, busting my ass over the Calculus assignment; Carter would do one sum, take a break, and try to fondle me under the table.

I was on the last sum when a strange feeling suddenly went through me. An eerie tingling sensation that had the hair on my neck standing on end.

I was being watched. Or maybe...we were. Glancing around the library, yet again, I saw nothing odd or remotely out of the ordinary. It couldn't be coming from the windows because the library was on the third floor.

"What're you looking for?" Carter's concerned voice interrupted my search. I glanced about once more, eyes flitting over aisle upon aisle of shelves and all the different sections. Nothing was out of place.

Or so I thought. The feeling tingled more on my left side that was conveniently faced toward the shelves.

I shook my head not wanting to alarm him lest he caused a scene. "It's nothing. Back's a little stiff."

He knew I was lying, but like always, he didn't push me for the truth. However, I didn't seem to be the only one who sensed that something was off because a minute or so later, Asher quietly slid a folded piece of paper across the table toward me. Frowning, I unfolded it to find words scribbled there.

'You sense it too? That eerie feeling? I think somebody's watching us'.

Did the others sense it too? Or was it just Asher and me? Taking a moment to glance about the table, Jace was furiously scribbling in his notebook, flipping pages back and forth in both notes and textbook, and drawing up graphs. Carter was scratching at his head and glaring at the sum before him. Jax was close to ripping his hair out or quite possibly flinging his calculator across the library. Asher worked quietly, patiently awaiting my response.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Sometimes it felt as though my best friend, and my mate were dunces.

With the others too preoccupied to realize what was happening, I scribbled a note of my own.

'Over by the shelves. I'll go check it out'.

Asher's mouth formed a pout while he read my note. From the chemosignals he was letting out, though discreet and mild, he was unhappy with my plan. Perhaps because, we had no idea if the person watching us was harmless or the mole.

Still, if we both left at the same time and didn't come back for a while, the others might get suspicious. I, however, could simply blame it on having eaten too much at lunch.

"Where are you going?" my mate queried, carefully watching my every movement.


"Bathroom." I returned, playing it off as though it were the obvious. Carter then grinned something quite perverted.

"Should I come with you?" He wriggled his eyebrows, gaze flitting over my body. He was a relentless pervert searching and grabbing at any opportunity to flirt. Honestly, I'm growing slightly worried and second guessing agreeing to let him put his engagement mark on me. Chances are, I may have to resort to buying some form of pervert repellant. Something tells me that if I let him put that mark on me, it might affect him more than it would me.

I may spend every day until I'm ready to mate, physically battling off his advances.

Not that I would mind. Some days anyway.

His comeback earned him matching glares of disgust from my best friend, and Jace. Asher chucked a paper ball at his head with a scowl.

"Couldn't you just jerk off or something instead of projecting all your sexual frustration onto your poor mate?"

Carter scoffed. "Like you're one to talk! Pretty sure you jumped West's bones last night." At this, Jax blushed, ducking his head down and focusing on his homework desperately trying to disguise his reddish cheeks.

"Hey, we've been together for months now. Need I remind you that we didn't do it until we were both comfortable with one another." Asher replied, sticking his tongue out. Carter stuck his tongue out too, and while they continue to squabble, I snuck off heading in the direction of the bathrooms that was located adjacent the first shelf that was fictional literature.

Glancing back, I noticed they were still squabbling, with the two others tuning in and smiling at Asher and Carter's useless arguing. I took that as my cue to take advantage of the distraction Asher was creating now that their attention was solely on that conversation. Whatever the hell they were arguing about now.

Sneaking along the wall, I headed around to the back of the shelves and started my search, carefully scoping out each aisle and anything that looking slightly suspicious.

In some, students were plopped on the floor surrounded by books. Others were for sure sleeping. I walked further, scrunching my nose when I saw a couple making out.

Yuck! I didn't realize people actually did that. Gods bless the souls of the innocent who may possibly borrow the books the couple had been using as figurative beds.

Just then, the feeling went through me again, this time stronger than ever and I knew I was getting closer. Snapping my head up, I just barely caught sight of a tall, retreating figure wearing a dark green hoodie. The person slid around another shelf further up and I pursued him. If this was the person, I wanted to know why in the hell he was spying on us.

Moving faster and keeping my footfalls light for fear of drawing unwanted attention from the other students or worse, the librarian, I turned into the aisle the person had disappeared down. He was already halfway down, and I advanced on him, catching him just as he would have escaped coming into the study area. Grabbing hold of his sweatshirt, I yanked him back so that the librarian wouldn't see what was happening.

I didn't want to draw anyone's attention.

The person stumbled against the shelves, his back hitting against it rather hard. The impact caused the shelf to shake just enough that a book or two on the other side toppled to the floor with soft thuds.

"What the fuck are you harassing me for, you druggie cocksucker?" the person whispered distastefully, his insults falling to deaf ears when I finally recognized him. Brent Harper raked me with a glare so full of disgust that it seemed like an art form in its own right.

There's some mistake, right?

"Were you just spying on me and my friends, Harper?"

His face twisted into an ugly scowl. "The fuck would I do something like that, freak? I'm not a fucking homo!" he shot back harshly, his anger reaching volatile levels now as he pinned me with a glare so full of contempt, he'd give my step mother, father, and sister, a good run.

"Why are you getting so defensive? I just asked a yes or no question. Calm down, Harper." Moving my hands away, Harper scoffed and shoved me back.

"Just stay the fuck away from me! You and your freak friends!" Shooting a shriveling glare my way, he dusted off his shoulder like I was some disease that clung to his clothing. Harper stomped off, cursing foully beneath his breath without sparing me a second glance.

Not bothering with Harper's homophobia or his temper tantrum, I checked the other aisles and again, found nothing remotely suspicious.

However, I didn't cross Harper off my list. Especially when school was over and all through the last period where we'd spent that time in the library, the feeling never once returned.

At least, not until I was headed out to the staff parking lot where Alister was already leaning against his car waiting for me. Oblivious to the group of human, senior girls hovering nearby, giggling, and whispering amongst themselves, glancing his way ever so often with hearts in their eyes.

Alister had been considered something of a heartthrob since he started his job here and was often approached by girls of the senior class since he was not that much older, turning twenty in just a matter of months.

"I'll check up on you later." Carter informed, kissing my cheek before disappearing off to where he had parked that morning.

The feeling had returned as I made my way over to Alister who eventually looked up and away from his phone sensing my approach.

"B." he greeted with a soft smile I was familiar with that spoke volumes of his fondness toward me. "I thought Hayes was never going to let you go. I'm starving over here!" he whined and complained making me chuckle softly.

However, the lighthearted mood Alister always seemed to create faded away to be replaced with a frown as I moved closer to the car. Alister went around to the driver's side, unlocking the doors with the click of the key ring remote.

"Don't you feel that?" I blurted then, flitting my gaze over the students bustling about the student parking lot area, some congregating in groups by their friends' cars; others, driving out. Some students whispered amongst themselves, their eyes drawn to me.

Were they ever going to let up? No doubt they'd realized that the fight between Carter and me was nothing serious as we were back to our normal ways at lunch. And there was no doubt that news had gotten around about us again, or if not, was slowly making its circle.

When were they going to tire of us? How come Jax and Asher never faced this? Then again, Jax wasn't dating the school's quarterback.

"What?" the warrior wolf frowned, putting a pause to his movements. I swept my gaze over the student parking lot once more trying to find the source of the eerie sensation amongst the many students bustling and roaming about. The feeling was surely coming from there, it was only a matter of pinpointing it.

"Like an eerie feeling. Like somebody's watching us." I explained, briefly looking back to him. He stole any emotion on his face, opting for a businesslike one. Much like I had been doing, he searched for the source of it, looking for anything out of place.

My attention flitted back to the opposite parking lot stopping on a black GMC SUV. The windows were tinted but the afternoon sun rays beating down upon it made the tint somewhat translucent giving me a peek to the person seated inside, behind the steering wheel.

I had a reason not to cross Brent Harper off my practically nonexistent list. Why would he be watching me? Or us?

He was of no concern to me, much less a threat. And that eerie feeling arose only when instinct raised a red flag of coming danger.

So what made Brent Harper a threat to me?

Realizing that I had seen him, Brent fumbled and started the engine of his SUV, quickly driving out of his spot.

"B. We should get going." Alister suddenly instructed, his tone leaving no room for disagreement. "I was going to stop somewhere to get something to eat but I think I should get you home instead. I'm not taking any chances."

Honestly, I couldn't agree more. What with the mole roaming about and now apparently a harmless human was supposedly a threat. I'd rather not take any chances.

However, going home posed a different issue. I'd have to speak with the list of people, starting with Hunter to officially acquire permission for Carter to put his engagement mark on me. Granted, I wouldn't necessarily be able to say or do anything if he was given permission by Alpha Isaiah and decided tomorrow that he was going through with it. But he wanted my say in this and understood that I wouldn't want to be marked against my will.

I understood his fear well because I felt the same. Thus, I wasn't going to be informing them that Carter wanted to put his mark on me. Rather, persuade them that putting my mark on him was the best course of action. If this mole wanted me dead, chances are they may very well use my mate to get to me. To capture my attention and lure me out.

That was something I couldn't allow to happen. Especially if they knew how strong our bond went, I would stop at nothing to keep him safe.

As Alister drove out of the staff parking lot and then the compound altogether, I started formulating the speech in my head and deciding of all the people on that list I needed to inform, who were the ones who should know about it first.

Hunter, because he was my alpha. Since I was yet not of legal age, I'd need to make a valid enough argument to gain his approval. Not that I would have to try very hard. He was abreast of the attack at the beach house and the mole.

Grandpa Kosta, because he had been such a permanent fixture in my life that it would be odd not having his approval on such a life changing decision.

Naturally, the others would come to find out soon enough. Taking out my phone, I sent a message that was simple and short; 'New developments concerning the mole. Quick meeting with Hunter and grandpa at Uncle Beck's at 6'.

I decided to text Jax separately and tell him too. It was up to him whether he wanted to be there or not, and it wasn't because of his rank as my beta. But, my best friend. I wanted his opinion on this too.

"Please don't tell me you're texting Hayes."

"I wasn't. Are you doing anything around six this evening?" I shot back. Not that I was offended in the least because knowing Carter, I wouldn't be surprised if he shot me a text as soon as he got home asking where I was and if I was okay.

Alister shook his head. "Other than patrol, not a damn thing." he stated begrudgingly, perhaps because even on patrol, he'd probably be bored off his ass. Alister Wilkins was not the type to sit on his ass for hours. He understood the importance of patrol and would adhere to the roster should his name be on it, but he didn't enjoy it.

He much preferred the thrill of combat, teaching younger ones to fight as warriors, and training himself. He couldn't sit still for long either. Unless it was something serious.

For that matter, since he started his job as a security guard at the school, I'd heard nothing but complaint after complaint about how he often grew bored, thus opting to patrol the hallways and campus grounds since there were two other security guards on the grounds. According to him, they had grown used to the lack of keeping busy, opting for sitting around, making small talk, and eating every hour of the day.

"Why? Is something happening?"

I shrugged, pursuing my lips. "Just a small family meeting but I'd rather you not bite my head off because I didn't tell you. So swing by?"

Alister shot me a frown, an eyebrow raised as he gave me a look that said I was being weird. Well...this was a life changing decision for me. Other wolves might be thrilled by the idea of having their mate mark them but for me, there will always be resident fear.

Even though I know Carter would never intentionally hurt me, there'd always be the fear that he might. And the thought of tying myself down to one person forever was terrifying in itself. Not in the sense that I would be stuck with one person...

But what if he fell out of love with me? What if something happened and we changed? What if something fell apart between us and I couldn't get away?

Shaking my head, I ruffled the side of my hair knowing I needed to stop with these useless, dangerous 'what if' questions. It was doing me no good.

Alister dropped me off at home, saying he would swing by later as requested. In the mean time, since I had a little less than a handful of hours, I decided I'd head to the gym and workout a little.

If I didn't train at least once a day, I felt lazy and not at peace with myself.

I had spent almost two hours training, sparring with fellow warrior wolves, and working on honing my body.

There was a type of meditation to it. That constant routine of what I did. Predictable and easy to control. And with how crazy things had been lately with all these new troubling developments, predictability and control in my life was something I needed without question.

By the time I'd finished my workout, returned home, and taken a shower, fixed myself a small snack and given Muttsey something to munch on as well, it was closing in on the hour of six. I wore a hoodie, keeping the hood up and pulled close around my neck.

That idiot mate of mine made the biggest damn hickey I'd ever seen. It looked as though somebody had tried to maul my neck off and to save myself the embarrassment and sly grins of my uncles and aunts, I kept the damn thing hidden.

I had decided to get revenge by gifting the idiot an even larger one come tomorrow, but I think he might like that. He probably wouldn't feel embarrassed and quite possibly show it off. He'd probably ensure people noticed it too.

How was I going to make him pay? Perhaps, teasing him until he goes mad? But then, that too might end badly for me.

"What's wrong? What happened?" came Jax's urgent tone as he stomped into the living area where I was curled up on the couch, giving Muttsey ear scratches. Muttsey perked up at Jax's approach and hopped off the sofa to greet him, rolling over onto his back at Jax's feet awaiting a belly rub.

Hunter had also shown up with his brother and trotting behind them was a rather bored looking Alister. Grandpa had swung by at least ten minutes ago and was currently in the kitchen, finishing off the last of the dinner Aunt Zoe had offered him.

"Nothing bad, honest.'s serious, but it isn't anything bad."

Hunter frowned as my grandfather trotted in. In the kitchen, I could hear Aunt Zoe washing dishes and packing things away, but I knew she was listening. Uncle Beckett was slouched in the single seat sofa with Korey on his lap, the little girl fighting off sleep as her father cuddled her.

Korey was a daddy's girl, and while she loved her mother, she preferred being around her dad. She said he was the fun parent.

"You said it had to do with the mole." Hunter argued, raising an eyebrow to show me that he didn't understand what I was trying to say.

"Exactly. Anything to do with the mole is serious, trippy business." Alister added, plopping down next to me. However, Muttsey jumped onto the sofa a moment later, wriggling about making Alister move over with no other choice especially when he barked a moment later. "Bully." Alister muttered with a roll of his eyes as Muttsey settled down displaying how spoiled he was.

His paws rested on my lap, but he laid his head on Alister's awaiting attention from the warrior wolf.

"It does have to do with the mole, but Beta Chad spoke with us this morning. He thinks that I may have been the primary target for the attack at the beach house and he came up with a plan to lure out the mole. That's why he pitched the idea of the SOE. He has this plan to use me as bait-"

"That's absurd!" Jax interrupted earning himself an immediate glare from me.

"I know. But it's a plan, nonetheless. You might not like it, but I think we might have a real chance at catching the mole. Beta Chad thinks that whoever it is, hired the hit rather than Tobias. And they may very well try it again since things didn't go as planned. I'm still living."

"What exactly is his plan?" Grandpa Kosta queried.

"I'm not sure. But he's hired a team of men to keep a close watch to me. There's also no word on the charity football game being cancelled or postponed. Whatever he has planned, I have a feeling it'll happen either before or on that night, and I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to catch this son of a bitch." I glanced to the others gathered in the room. "And I expect you would want the same."

"We do." Grandpa spoke up, his expression pinched tight. Be it out of thought or the highly likely disagreement with my decision to play bait, I didn't really know. "But I can't stress enough how dangerous this is." Grandpa locked his brown eyed gaze to me. "You're still recovering from phases one and two of the Contest, not to mention you almost died in the last phase. These people are out to kill you. If we're not careful, we risk your life and the future of this pack."

"Which is why Carter and I agreed that giving each other the engagement mark might be the best course of action. It might not be as effective as the mating mark but..." I let the sentence hang knowing that they'd understand the meaning.

I was not yet ready to go that far, and we'd gone pretty far on our date night. But that was just the thing. It had happened on its own. If we were going to mate, I wanted it to happen when we both wanted to. Not because it was the only option.

"When?" Aunt Zoe asked, her voice and expression telling me that she was no doubt hearing wedding bells already.

Frowning, I shrugged. "Before the week is out? We want your permissions first since I'm not turning eighteen for at least two more months."

Aunt Zoe suddenly smiled so widely that it lifted her face and her entire aura changed from motherly worry to motherly, giddy joy as her eyes misted. I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh, well in that case," Hunter spoke up in a manner that meant all business, "you have my permission. With everything we stand to lose, you two made the right call."

I glanced over to where Grandpa stood leaning against the wall that separated the living area from the kitchen. He nodded, silently giving his approval to the decision for the engagement mark, and to show that he agreed with Hunter giving me permission.

"This is so exciting!" Aunt Zoe suddenly exclaimed, her eyes misting further. "You're growing up way too fast! First challenging your father and now you're getting engaged! I need to go cry in corner." she stated melodramatically, making an exit that was equally so. She returned to the kitchen which was followed up with paper towels ripping and her light sniffles.

"Oh well, guess I'll be having a word with Hayes tomorrow." Alister informed, his tone letting on his hidden agenda. The others shook their heads, and I shot him a warning glare while Jax chuckled humorless.

"Me too. Gotta lay down the rules, you know, B."

"And what would be those rules?" I challenged with humor in my tone, a playful grin tugging at the corner of my mouth.

"Engagement mark or not," Grandpa spoke up before anyone else could and by the stiff expression housed on his aged features, you would swear he was about to end somebody's life. "If he does anything to hurt you, we'll kill him. And I don't give a damn what pack he's from or who his father is. I have been irresponsible with your wellbeing in the past. It won't happen a second time."

I blinked owlishly at my grandfather. He wasn't kidding.

"Need we say more?" Jax prodded, pridefully puffing his chest.


With all the stresses that followed me from last week and into this one, I was in for some much needed 'me time'. It was just what I needed to focus on myself and working on things that were normal.

After the small meeting had adjourned, Jax and Alister stuck around for an hour again and we spent some quality time, talking about trivial topics over a card game. Once they left, I retreated to my room with Muttsey following close behind.

I had my night planned out and hoped that nothing would disrupt it. Thus, I spent the next two hours studying for the upcoming Economics midterm and then another two hours, reworking some problems from past Calculus topics as the midterm for that one was quickly approaching as well.

Four and a half hours later- the extra thirty minutes being allotted to a bathroom break for both myself and Muttsey, and then a quick late night snack which I, of course, shared with my puppy- I lay sprawled on the carpeted flooring of my bedroom racking my brain.

I had not started with my term assignment for my business class. We'd gotten the criteria already. I had just been too busy otherwise to even brainstorm an idea.

Checking the time on my phone, I realized it was just past midnight and I had yet to fall asleep. There was too much on my mind at the moment. Perhaps brainstorming an idea for my business project would allow me to brainstorm myself into oblivion.

That sounds like a plan!

"What do you think, Muttsey?" I asked the pit terrier that was lying on his stomach next to my head. He moved and I glanced over to see him now sprawled onto his back. "Should we use Aunt Zoe's bakery as our idea? And it's a partnership too, that's already established. Gives us less work." And by 'we' and 'us', I meant my puppy and me. We were a team.

Muttsey barked then as though giving his approval. Chuckling, I rolled over onto my stomach and scratched at Muttsey's head. His tongue lolled out and his eyes closed in satisfaction.

My phone buzzed then making me frown. Given the hour at night, who in their right mind would be calling me?

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, I pulled the phone closer to see Carter's name flash across the screen, concern immediately flitting through me. I guess he was checking in on me like he said he would...but at this late hour? Surely he could have just texted.


"Where are you?" he demanded suddenly cutting me off. My brows pinched in concern hearing the panic in his voice, and I detected his labored breathing. It was only now that I truly paid attention to it, did I recognize the anxiety that settled like a dull throb in my chest. Perhaps I had been too distracted with my brainstorming to actually register that I was feeling anxiety.

"Uh...I'm in my room. Carter," Sitting up, I cradled the phone to my ear hearing the overwhelming relief when he sighed, "what's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?"

He was silent and I could picture him sitting up in his bed cradling his head. I could picture the rigid tension in his shoulders, his jaw clenching and unclenching.

"I'm fine, Beehive. Just needed to hear your voice. I didn't mean to frighten you. I'm sorry."

"Bullshit, Carter! Last night, you woke up in a panic. You were scared out of your mind, and now you call me in the middle of the night asking me where I am? I can hear it in your voice, you know. Feel your emotions. Tell me what's wrong."

Again, he had gone completely silent, well aware that I knew he was lying to me. Usually, I wouldn't push him. I'd respect his space and trust him to tell me on his own time, but two nights in a row?

Two nights, he had awoken this way, scared out of his mind. Two nights I had anxiety and fear that wasn't mine.

"Whatever." I muttered with a roll of my eyes. "I don't like the secrecy. But whatever. Tell me on your own time." Tch! Yeah, right! I wasn't letting him off the hook, but he didn't need to know that lest we ended up arguing at this ungodly hour. "If this happens one more time, don't be shocked if I show up at your house in the dead of night in my fucking pajamas."

He chuckled over the phone, his deep voice that was still groggy from sleep reaching my ears and raising chills over my body. Gods! His voice does things to me!

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

"Are you sure you're okay, though?" I tried one more time. The idea of him keeping secrets didn't sit well with me, just as he didn't like it when I did. Especially if he were losing sleep over it, I didn't want him feeling like he couldn't trust me enough to talk about it.

"Now that I know you're safe, yes.", his bad dreams had to do with my safety? Then again, I couldn't blame him for taking it on and dreaming up the worst possible scenarios.

The Contest where I was injured twice.

The mole.

The attack at the beach house.

He had enough reasons to drag me somewhere and lock me up.

Still, I'd like to know exactly what he saw in those dreams. What made him awake in such a state that he wept at the very sight of me?

I had stayed on the phone with him for at least another two hours, deciding that I'd use Aunt Zoe's bakery as the focal point of my project. We talked about anything we could think of if only to keep his mind off of the dream. That included his cheesy flirting and flirting games over the phone. Cheesy questions like what I'd do if he were here with me.

His flirting was sometimes overwhelming that I wondered how I even fell for him. Then again, it wasn't his charms that I fell for.

Truthfully, I was too damn worried about him. Whether I would get rest tonight, I wasn't sure how many hours. But I was beginning to fall asleep and I think he noticed that too based on my lagged responses and groggy tone.

"I should let you go rest. See you in the morning?"

I only hummed in response, too lazy to speak as my eyes fell shut and his voice started to sound far away. But, I did manage to catch the last thing he said before he hung up.

A simple, "I love you."

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