Our hill of stars

By alexgraceenmark

446 82 17

Falling in love with your best friend.....that's how every story ends up. Sure, I fell for my best friend. S... More

Introduction to our story
Chapter two- My Rose.
Chapter Three- Home-cooked memories
Chapter Four- Playing Hookie.
Chapter Five- Dumbfounded.
Chapter Six- Confrontation
Chapter Seven- Suspended
Chapter Eight- Cracking the code
Chapter Nine- Welcome to our hill of stars.
Chapter Ten- In which we begin not to understand.
Chapter Eleven- My heart is golden, yet my hands are cold.
Chapter Twelve- The fluorescent abyss.
Chapter Thirteen- The first time I believed.
Chapter Fifteen- The Birthday Battle.
Chapter Sixteen- So you say.
Chapter Seventeen- Hurt me Once.
Chapter Eighteen- The Last Verse.

Chapter Fourteen- Act Two, Scene Fourteen.

11 3 0
By alexgraceenmark

                                                           This is back into Christopher's perspective. 

                        A few weeks later Emery and I survive at school, people have realized we're officially dating. The weirdest part about the scenario was Adrian; He has been shooting weird glances at me and Emery in the hallway. Every time I look up I see him, I cannot disperse how much guilt I feel for not thanking him yet. I keep brushing it off, maybe, there's a part of me that can't accept the fact he could be good. I knew that Adrain's mom felt obligated to do something, how could she not? She got a phone call claiming that her, "Son" was getting surgery. But why had she paid for it? When I went into surgery I knew I would be in inevitable debt to The Bonifacio Family. Finally, after dreading, I work up the courage to talk to Adrian. 

                      I break away from Emery's tight grip on my hand, "I'll catch up with you later," I say whispering into her ear. I slip my hand away from hers and kiss her cheek softly, she mumbles something when I leave but I'm not sure what. I gather up all courage left within me and walk over to Adrian who was standing by his locker. 

                      He scans me up and down cautiously, he's trying to figure out what I could want from him. "Hey Adrian," I say calmly hiding the fact I was nervous. I wasn't sure why I was nervous, as I said, I can't accept the fact he could be somewhat of a decent human being. 

                    "Get to the point," he says snarkily at me. He looked awful usually he looked in good shape but now something was off. I've never taken to much notice of him but now being close to him and talking I realize everything. His hair was such a light blonde it looked somewhat translucent. I realize I'm starring and I quickly shake my head.

                   "Sorry," I say somewhat embarrassed. He looks at me annoyed still implying that I get to whatever I came to talk to him about. Maybe he thought I would say, 'Hands off my girlfriend and this time and we'll be all good. No hurt feelings?'  That thought occurred to me but I had a suspicion in my gut that he wouldn't go that route again. I glance at him awkwardly and do a weird pose I did when was nervous. I tuck my hands behind my waist and bend my elbows together in front of my body causing me to be in an uncomfortable position. "Well, I just wanted to say thank you to you and your family for paying for the hospital bills. I know this seems bold but did you have anything to do with this?" I try and keep a genuine tone, I move my hands into my back pocket so I don't like a weirdo.

                   He exchanges a weird look at me. He casually looks into the hallway settled on a pint in front of him. I can't figure out what he's looking at but I'm sure he's fallen into the abyss as I once had, only his was different. "Maybe I did," he says so quietly it's almost inaudible. He's still fixated on the spot in the hallway, "My Mother accepted to pay for the hospital bill, my whole family chipped in. She's expecting you at dinner tonight, Chris, unblock my phone number and I'll send you my address." Before I can say anything he's gone and walking off into that once fixated hallway. I want to say more, I can't understand why he would help me especially now. I shut his locker noticing he left it open, I think about peeking inside but realize I'd be crossing a boundary. I open up my phone and find his number buried in my contacts, I unblock him and send a quick text, "Hey, It's Chris..."

                   I go off to my first period of the day. I couldn't stop thinking about how I'll have to re-meet Adrian's mom and dad. It's a weird thought since we haven't hung out or even associated since freshman year. He only talked to me to upset me and that's only because he likes Emery. My mind does a quick spiral. 'Oh my god,' I think, 'I know why Adrian keeps staring at me and I know why he helped me, no not me, Emery. It's because he likes her!' 

                    Of course, he likes her, that's why he dated her. The rest of my day goes by and I try to not think too much. Eventually, my mind stays clear. By lunchtime, Emery and I meet up. I haven't told Emery how I got to do the surgery. I panned to tell her over lunch so I did...surprisingly, it went well, she wasn't mad at me and could understand why I hadn't told her yet. We talked a bit and she told me about the future she had planned for herself. It was nice to hear how highly she thought of herself, she knew she would go to college then succeed to get a career. She noticed my expression of happiness had slowly started to fall into a frown.

                  "Hey, Chris, what's wrong?" She moves her hand to rest on top of mine and looks into my eyes.

                 "Oh nothing," I force a smile back onto my face then intertwine my fingers with hers.

                "Chris, I know you all to well to believe that." She says tilting her head at me ever so slightly.

                   I let out a heavy sigh, "I'm just so happy that you have bright plans for your future. You can rely on your future." I smile at her softly, "What I'm implying is...I don't have that, Emery. I might not be able to go. I'm making car payments and will eventually be paying for surgery. I've been working two jobs but I won't have enough to go to college I want. I'll end up at community college and you'll forget me...It's just how it will go---"

                  She lays her index on my lips shutting me up. "I'm not going to forget you, Chris. You don't need the best and most expensive college in the world to have a good future. I already know you're going to do amazing things in the future. You're not going to change my mind and I don't care if you barely have a penny, you are going to work for it. I know you, Chris and you know me. Do you think I'll give up on you so easily?" She lays a soft kiss on my lips and I don't let her go. I hold her in my arms ever so tightly, this will be the only answer she needs. Because she does know me and I won't give her up and neither would she. She breaks away from my lip and smiles softly.

                   I hold her waist and glance down at my watch. "We're late," I look up at her with my eyes large.

                   She giggles and grabs her wallet "Come on, I don't think we can afford to miss school." We get into my car and drive back to school. 

                    The rest of the day was boring and the teachers told us information that did not need to be retained. I feel bad for the teachers, they have to know that hardly anyone listens to them, and if they do you can't tell the difference every student looks bored. After school, I give Emery a ride home per usual and take off. Usually, we go somewhere after school but we both had homework and I had plans for dinner. I went home to my trailer and was pleasantly surprised. There was no wine in sight, no beer cans on the ground, and the place was shining like the top of the Chrysler building. My mom must have been so drunk she thought she was in Annie. Might as well put on a red wig now and exclaim how awful your life is, mom.

                        I step inside all the way and she's in the kitchen cooking. Okay, who slipped this woman drugs? Where is my mom? Whatever prank this was wasn't funny so stop aking me hallucinate. "Mom?" I say in a questioning tone. I walk to the couch and set my backpack down, I normally couldn't set my bag there so this was new to my routine.

                       She looks over her shoulder at me, "Hey honey, your dad called today."

                        I try to stay calm, I remember my dad very well. To be honest, I miss him, I knew when he hit me he didn't want to hurt me. He was only trying to protect me. "He did?" I question and sit down on the couch.

                      "He wanted to see if it was okay if he came to visit. He felt bad since he's waited so long to see you again. He wants to come to your birthday." She turns her head and continues to cut up vegetables.

                        My birthday? Oh my god, I forgot about my birthday. That's in two days! I'm turning 18 in two days...I'm going to be an adult in two days?!?!?!? "Yeah," I say excitedly, "I would love to see him again." I pause for a second something wasn't right, this didn't explain why mom wasn't drunk or on drugs. "Mom? Why have you stopped drinking all so suddenly?" I don't mean for my voice to sound offended yet it does. After all these years of me taking care of her, suddenly, when I'm eighteen she wants to take care of me. It didn't make sense, why now?

                        She sighs loudly. "Chris, I decided I needed to be a real mother. I received two very informational phone calls today from Mrs. Bonifacio and Mrs.Baker. They both informed me that you had been in the hospital. Chris, I had no idea. I should know where you are, I am your mother after all. I felt awful after the phone calls, especially Mrs. Bonifacio. You put her in such a situation that she would have to pay for the hospital just because you knew I'd be out cold on the couch." I Can hear her voice crack and she starts to cry. I've never seen my mom like this, I felt horrible. I go over to where she is cooking dinner that I won't even be able to consume. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and hug her from behind.

                      "It's okay, mom, It's okay." I hold her longer feeling and consuming such a nice moment. I haven't had such warmth for a while. She rests her hands on my arms. "I'm glad you're here now, it's better now then never." I smile softly and let go of her. "Didn't Mrs. Bonifacio tell you about dinner?" I say and walk back over to the couch flinging my body on it.

                        She glances over her shoulder, "I offered to cook, it was the least I could do."

                   "Oh, okay," I say understanding. I've gotten us into a mess and felt guilter than ever. I never intended my mo to find out, actually, I never intended for her to be sober. I pull a couple of folders out of my bag and work on homework. It's surprisingly easy even though I didn't listen to the teachers. About an hour later I finish my homework. My mom had just finished dinner.

                    I get a text from Adrian, "Here's my address, see you soon." He sends his address after the text and help my mom put the diner she had made into a dish. We walk out to my car and I drive to the location Adrian sent me. It's not too far from my house, about 10 minutes. We get to his house and I get the container. His house was a very modern cottage, it looked like a vacation home you would see in one of those fancy house shows. We walk up to the door and in no time Mrs. and Mr. B. open the door.

                  "Chris, Miss. Moore! It's so nice to see you again!" Mrs. Bonifacio wraps us both in a hug before we can object.

                    Mr. Bonifacio pulls her back after she's hugged us for a long while. He chuckles to himself, "Why don't you two come in before she squeezes you to death." They both slip back inside inviting us in. Adrian is setting up the table as we walk in. I walk over to the table and set the dish in the middle. I don't say much to him assuming he'll just shut me up. We all sit down at the table and it's awkward at first, we all pass around the dish and scoop it on our plates. As soon as everyone has food on their plates I take my fork and take a big bite of the casserole, I realize everyone is staring at me. I chew slowly and meet my mom's eyes, she's shaking her head at me. Oh, oh, they pray before they eat. I wipe my mouth and apologize to them. I hadn't normally prayed before I ate. Honestly, I forgot people still did it.

                   I set my fork and napkin down and join hands with Adrain and my mom since they were next to me. "Chris, do you mind leading prayer?" Mr. Bonifacio ask me looking directly into my eyes. I freeze for a second, I have no idea how to pray, isn't it just like writing a letter?

                 "Uhm, sure.." I smile softly and bow my head down along with everyone else. I close my eyes tightly thinking to how they pray in movies and T.V. I take a shaky breath, "Dear, Lord, and savior." I pause knowing I've already started wrong. "Loving God, bless all those gathered here today...May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds." I shut my eyes tighter thinking of an old bible verse I learned in school, finally, I think of it. "Matthew 26:26 says, as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, Take and eat it; this is my body. Amen," I look up and drop Adrian's hand quickly. I keep hold of my Moms, I realize how tightly I was holding her hand. I drop my mom's hand and everyone finally says, "Amen." I take my fork and shove a big bite in my hand.

                Everyone is saying little slips of small talk but it quickly dies off. Finally, I decide I don't want to be here all night. "Mr. and Mrs. Bonifacio. No need to rush or sound rude but you did invite us to discuss how I will be paying you back." I take a sip of water almost knocking the glass over.

              "Well, since you brought it up Christopher," Mrs. Bonifacio says in a soft tone. "Adrian hasn't been doing too well in his classes-"

              "Mom!" Adrian says offended.

                Mr. Bonifacio inserts himself back into the conversation, "We were hoping you could tutor Adrian. We understand you have a good reputation and keep your grades up. Emery could also help if you please." He rests his hand around his fork and takes a small bite.

                I let his words sink in, I have good grades from not listening, I think to myself. Of course, I would never say that to him, or anyone. "Of course, but there has to be something else I can do. Tutoring Adrian can't be too hard, is there anything else?"

               Mrs. Bonifacio looks over at her husband and nods. "Well, we could use some help around the house. Just to keep the place clean. But tutoring Adrian would be your main task."

              "Of course," I say and finish up my meal. Around that time everyone has started to be done with their meals. I look over at Adrian who looks embarrassed and angry with his parents. This is the last thing he wanted, me being his tutor and housekeeper. I start to stand up from my chair, "Well we'd best be on our way." I pause and stand up fully. " I still have plenty of homework to do. Adrian and I will start the sessions tomorrow. Thank you for having us." My mom stands up and the Bonifacio family follows us to the door.

              "Thank you guys for coming, the dinner was amazing." Mrs. Bonifacio says to me and my mother.

              "Thank you for having us, " I wave goodbye, and my mom and I walk to the car. We get in the car and drive the 10 minutes home in silence. We pull into the grass field and go to the trailer. The rest of the night was quiet, I ended up crashing on the couch.

               I hadn't realized it was a Friday yesterday, so I got ready for school. I looked at my phone and it read Saturday, 7:30 A.M. I wasn't too tired anyway so I cleaned up a bit. My birthday was on a Sunday this year, usually, it fell on Monday. I was happy I didn't have to go to school this year. I hated going there on my birthday, that is the LAST place I want to be. I facetime Emery and I tell her about my Mom, what happened at Adrian's, and finally, I tell her that my dad was coming tomorrow. By now he was on his way. She didn't have much to say so she just listened to me talk, she had just woken up since I called her 7:50 A.M on a Saturday. She had a really cute sleepy voice though and cute messy hair. After I told her everything she let it all sink in.

             "Can I go back to bed, Dork?" She smiles softly and yawns.

                I look over at the clock and realize it's about 8:30 now, "Yeah, Sorry. I forgot about the time." I chuckle and whisper "I love you," I hang up quickly so she didn't feel pressured to say it back. Sure, we said it as friends but now it was a different love, mine was the same but I assume hers was going to be different. My phone buzzes, "I love you too," I smile at the text Emery has sent me. It made me feel a bit safer. After a long day of doing nothing, it's finally time for bed again. It's about 11 p.m. when someone knocks on the door.

             I look over at my mom with confusion. Who could be here so late? She goes up to the door like she's expecting someone. When she opens the door there stands a large man in the doorway. "Dad?" I say questionable. I stand up from the couch and walk over to the door. He looks so different, he has barely aged. His hair was full and curly like mine, his dark skin was a still the same lightness I remembered and his eyes. They were green like the meadow. He hasn't changed at all, just how he dresses. He was wearing a T-shirt with a flannel over it and black jeans...With holes?

           "Christopher," he says in a soft voice.

             Before I know it I've thrown myself into his arms. I'm wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "I'm so glad you came," I say whispering.

           "Me too, Chris," he separates our hug and comes inside.

           "You can sleep on my bed, mom usually stays on the couch. I don't mind sleeping on the floor." I point out my bed to him.

           "Okay cool," He walks over to my bed and sets his small backpack of things on the edge of the bed.

           "You should get some rest. I bet you are tired after a long day of travel." I say softly, he doesn't argue and gets situated for bed. I walk out to the couch where my mom is sitting. I pull out a few blankets and a pillow and set it up on the floor. "Goodnight," I say to her and start drifting off.

            "Goodnight," she says softly. 

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