Harry and Ginny love story

By ozzy_osborne_x

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This a story on my views of what should have happened in the 19 years. Don't read if you are sensitive. More

Chapter One: Falling Back In Love
Chapter Two: Forbidden Love
Chapter Three: The Light From Nowhere
Chapter Four: All Hope Lost
Chapter Five: The Miracle
Chapter Six: The Search
Chapter Seven: To Die Or Not To Die
Chapter Eight: Only One Will Go On
Chapter Nine: What Goes On Behind The Smile
Chapter Ten: Death And Diamonds
Chapter Eleven: Coming Out
Chapter Twelve: The Unexpected Arrival
Chapter Thirteen: Catching Up
Chapter Fourteen: Receiving The News
Chapter Fifteen: My Deepest Condolences
Chapter Sixteen: Forgive And Forget
1K!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou All So Much
Chapter Seventeen: Getting Better
Chapter Eighteen: Please, Not Yet.
Chapter Nineteen: Welcome, Bienvenido
Chapter Twenty: Going Mad?
Chapter Twenty-One: Change In Heart
The Wattys 2018
Chapter Twenty-Two: Forgiveness
Chapter Twenty-Three: Secrets And Sins
Chapter Twenty-Four: What to do? What to do?
Good storys
Chapter Twenty-five: My Love, My Life, Our World
Chapter Twenty-Six: Why Is It Always Us?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: One Day Maybe, But Not Today.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope Is Born
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Big Day Is On The Way
Chapter Thirty: Just As Everything Was Good, Who Knew It Could Be Better?
Chapter Thirty-One: The Big Day Is Almost Here
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Wedding Part One
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Wedding Part 2
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Wedding Part Three
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Weasel
Chapter Thirty-Seven: What Have I Done?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Rescue Mission
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Rehabilitation
Chapter Fourty: Its All George-Georges P.O.V
Chapter Fourty-One: second chances
Hi Guys
Chapter Fourty-Two: Acting normal
Sorry guys
Chapter Fourty-Three: The Plan
Hi guys 👋🏻

Chapter Thirty-Six: The Secret

822 15 25
By ozzy_osborne_x

I look at her. She is gorgeous. What am I meant to tell her? That I know. I know her secret. I know and she doesn't. The baby. Hope. She isn't Draco's. She is mine.

George's P.O.V
"Hermione, I had to do it. You have a secret and I know the truth. I am trying to protect you from making a mistake. I know about Hope. I know she is mine. I want to make sure that I still get to see her. As my child, not as his. I have every right to claim that child as my own, but you didn't acknowledge that."

Hermione looks shocked.

Hermiones P.O.V
Oh.My.God. It all makes sense now. The baby is his. I was getting all the symptoms whilst Dean locked us up, but I took it as stress. It never occurred to me that it would be George's kid. Oh no. What am I going to say to Draco. It's the official birth certificate signing tomorrow. It's not gonna be his name.

"George, it never occurred to me before that this child could be yours. It makes sense now though. I had gained a bit of weight before Dean took us, but I put it down to stress. Everything makes perfect sense.

Oh my god. No. How is it not his kid. Oh no. No. He won't like this. No. No."

I start to panic. I am going to have to tell everyone about our night together. Whilst I was still with Ron. I regretted it as soon as it happened. He just made me feel... well, exactly how Draco now makes me feel. It was a refreshing change from Ron.

"Listen, George, I am going to tell them. We can work something out. I just, I don't know I guess I didn't think about it. You were different than Ron,nicer, exactly like Draco is now. I won't stop you seeing Hope, but you have to promise to pull yourself together and stop being so hung up on what you could have had. You need to step up and be the dad that hope deserves."

He nods and pulls me in for a hug. I can feel his shoulders sink in relaxation. He isn't tense anymore.

What am I going to tell him. He has gone until now without knowledge. He won't want to marry me. I'm a liar. And a cheat. He is going to hate me. They're all going to hate me.

This is the start of the end of my life. Everything I had, it's ruined. Gone.

George's P.O.V
After our talk, we apperate back to the burrow and I can't shake the feeling that I have ruined her life. She isn't going to want to co parent with me. I was stupid. Selfish. I was only thinking about myself.

We will have to see what happens.

So, as we go in, I put my hand on top of hers reassuringly, but she shakes me off. I can't blame her. I would do the same thing. I follow her in and everybody looks around, waiting for news.

So, she starts the sentences that would change our lives. Forever.

"Listen, everyone, I have some really shocking news so you have to bear with me. It's really hard for me, because I did something really bad a while ago, and now it's followed me. Something I thought I could forget. And your not going to like me for it.

So, when I was with Ron, about ten months ago, just before Dean took us, this thing happened. We had fallen out of love, and when I was speaking to George, it felt different, new, nice. How it is with Draco. So, things happened, and your not going to like me because I- I cheated on Ron, with George.

And, now, I have just discovered that he is- I can't say it!"

She starts sobbing into her hands and I see Draco contemplate wether to go to her or stay where he is. I think he knows. I will tell them.

"I am Hopes father, not Draco."

The shocked faces surround us. Mum looks upset, one son betrayed the other. I betrayed Ron and everything my family stand for, and for what? One night with a girl I love and a baby. A constant reminder of what I can't have. But a good reminder. A good reminder that good things can come from bad things, mistakes.

Dad looks mad. This isn't what he raised me to be like. He raised me to be honest and true to myself and my family. And I defiled that. The one thing he asked of me. And I didn't do it. I deserve to be hated by my family.

Then, I look at Ron. He just looks betrayed. Sad. Broken. My brother. He was there for me when Fred 'died.' He supported me and the way I repayed him was by defying his trust and betraying him. He loved her, and they were going to get married. Then, because of me, they fell out of love and found other soulmates.

I can't tell how Draco looks. It's a mixture of every emotion going. Someone he finally found that was good, that loved him even though he was, at one point, unlovable. His daughter. His daughter, who he loved, has been taken from him, and now he is going to forever see his daughter as mine, and I have ruined his chance. She could only bear one child. It will be a miracle if she gets pregnant again. A true miracle.

Harry looks confused. He didn't know any of this. He thought his sister would have told him news like this. She didn't know either. It's a shock to them both.

Ginny just looks weirded out. Two of her brothers fighting over a girl that they don't have. Unbelievable.

I better keep my mouth shut in the future. I have ruined everything. Changed their lives.

Draco's P.O.V
What? I can't believe it. My daughter. She isn't mine. All this time, I have thought that she was mine, but no. Hermione lied to me. She cheated on Ron, and now everyone else is suffering the consequences. It's unbelievable. It's shocking. What sort of person doesn't tell her fiancee something like this. I can't even look at her right now I am so mad.

She tries to take my hand, but I shake her off.
"Draco, you know I didn't know. You don't think I would have said something if I knew the one child I could have wasn't yours"

Wait. What? She can never have my baby. That is it. I can't believe she didn't say anything. She didn't even mention that she slept with George. She is keeping secrets, and that isn't going to work in a marriage. It won't work if she is just keeping secrets.

I can't be here anymore. I am so mad at her.
"Hermione, I can't do this. Come and find me when you are willing to stop keeping secrets. I am your fiancée, and you can't even tell me these things!"

Everybody is looking at me baffled as I apperate away.

Shit. I just told them. I told them we are engaged. What a way to end the day.

She will never find me here! Until I know that she is ready. She will tell me. She will. Maybe this will help our relationship be stronger in the future.

Then, a pair of arms pulls a bag over my head. I can hear shuffling as someone wraps their hand around my throat.

My last thought is
"Run, Hermione, and hide. I love you so much!"
And just as she is saying she loves me back, I feel the life drain out of me as I struggle to unwrap the hands from my throat.

Then, darkness. Peace. Tranquility.

An:// thankyou all so much for reading this chapter! I promise there will be a part where there is peace and nothing goes wrong, but for now, I really hope you enjoy the cliffhanger. I am aiming to upload a chapter every three days for you guys, but that might change soon.

We are only two years into a 19 year story line, so let me know in the comments if you have any ideas.

The first vote shoutout goes to @10milly Thankyou for your support in the book and I hope you continue to read it in the future.

@tashytsomu was the first commenter, thankyou so much for reading and supporting my story! I appreciate it

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Thankyou all so much for reading

C xxx

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