Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 17

5.6K 168 161
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

I pulled Shoto up the stairs as I sent a heat wave towards the ice that held our father captive.

"Uh" I heard Shoto quietly say. "What was that." He said louder.

I stop walking up the stairs and turned to face him. I, being the same height as him due to me being a couple steps higher than him, I sighed a little stressed.

"The ice or?" 


"Oh, that." I said sadly. Shoto looked around and then sat down on the stairs. He motioned for me to sit with him and I stepped down the couple stairs and went to sit beside him, but before I could sit down on my own accord, he pulled me into a tight hug. My head rested in the crook of his neck and I heard him sigh. I tried to look up at him but failed.

"Shoto?" I called out, a little quieter than I wanted. Before I could get the chance to ask him again he responded, but not in the way I thought he would. He started to shake a little bit before saying something very quietly.

"How'd you do that?" He asked, a slight waver to his voice. My eyes opened wide at the sound of his voice. I tried to move again to get a better position in order to see his face better but he held me tighter.

"Shoto I-" I started but he cut me off by squeezing me harder. "Ack!"

Suddenly his grasp was much lighter and I could feel like air come back to my lungs. He let me sit down beside him properly before putting his head down and moving his hands up to rub his eyes.

"Sorry." He said before I heard a little sniffle. If this wasn't such a emotional time right now I would pinch his checks because that was the cutest thing he has ever done. Shaking my head of my fangirling thoughts I then leaned down a bit to get a better look at Shoto's face. He was still rubbing his eyes a bit when I cleared my throat a little.

"Hey," I said in a soft, calm voice. He turned his head a little to look at me and I could see the red around his eyes. I pulled him into a warm embrace letting his head rest on my chest and I rubbed my hand in small circles on his back. (A/N. His head is resting on the top part of her chest, like above the boobs a bit, you know how those kind of hugs work. His head isn't directly in her boobs! AHHHHH THIS IS NOT SEXUAL)

"It's okay to cry, I'm here okay?" I said softly and Shoto nodded his head a bit before I felt his arms wrap around my back, adding to the hug we were having. I continued to rub my hand in small circles while I talked.

"Since I never really met our father before this time, I had no connection to him, so I felt like I could say anything to him and not be scared. I didn't know what I was going to say until it just came out either, I don't care for his attitude towards you, or anyone for that matter, so I had to do something. I don't think that something was very strong or impacted him in any way, but I wanted him to know how I felt. It may have not been everything I wanted to say to him, but at the time I did, it was all that was needed to be said."

Shoto hugged my back tighter while he nuzzled his head into me more and I smiled. He's probably not used to hugs or affection considering our father his cold and mother is in the hospital. Though I don't know about my other siblings. I stopped rubbing his back and I heard a little whine come from his mouth which caused me to giggle a bit. I pulled his head up and held his cheeks in the palm of my hands. He looked me in the eyes while I rubbed my thumb over his cheek to rid of the small stream of tears that started to form.

"You don't have to be afraid of him anymore because I'm here for you now." I said while planting a small kiss to his forehead. I smiled sweetly at him and helped him sit properly before getting up and brushing my gym uniform a bit.

"Now lets get you cleaned up before we go back to the class, shall we?"

Shoto smiled a small smile before getting up and towering over me like he usually does. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs and towards the joint bathrooms, all the while smiling because of the bonding moment we had.

Shoto's POV

I let Eimi pull me down the hall while I stayed quite, thinking about what just happened. I really just let my emotions get the best of me. I didn't think that stepping up to my old man was going to be that hard. I've done it many times before, but why was it so hard this time? And then when Eimi started telling him off I just couldn't do anything. I was pathetic, I should be protecting her from that bastard since she hasn't been near him her whole life unlike me. I should hav-

"Shoto!" I snapped out of my thought to see Eimi holding both of my hands looking up at me, concern in her eyes. "Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"Well, if you ever need to get anything off your chest, feel free to tell me!" She said with her signature smile. Nodding again, I told her she can do the same and she smiled wider.

"Oh yeah! We're here, come on! Lets wash your face a bit to get rid of that puffiness!" Eimi exclaimed while pulling me up to one of the sinks and telling me to sit on the counter. I didn't want to argue with her, so I did as I was told while she ran to the towel dispenser to grab a few paper towels. She turned on the tap a bit and quickly ran the paper towels under the water as to not get them so wet they were useless.

She held them up, satisfied with the amount of water on them and turned to look at me.

"Now close your eyes Shoto! Don't want to get water in your eyes, even though its clean!"

I closed my eyes while I felt Eimi gently hold the cold wet paper towel under my eyes and around my face, making sure to lift my bangs in the process so they didn't get wet. She took them off and I heard her foot steps get farther away and I opened my eyes to see her throwing the wet paper towels in the garbage. She turned around to look at me and nodded.

"There, good as new! Now you look like your normal self."

I got off the counter and followed behind Eimi as she left the bathroom. It wasn't hard to get to walking beside her due to her height and we continued down the hall.

"You know, you look really cute when you're upset. Unlike me, I look like a red, snotty mess."

"I didn't think I looked cute when upset." I said in my normal monotone voice. Eimi giggled and grabbed my hand, swinging it back and forth.

"Well, I think you do. I bet every girl would be fangirling over you even more, if they saw that side of you. Heck! Even the boys would!" She laughed as we walked up the last couple of stairs before the area of the bleachers where our class was seated.

"Uhhhhhh" I said surprised while feeling my face heat up a little bit. We rounded the corner and straight away there were people looking at us.

"Eimi! There you are! You were amazing!" Uraraka said excitedly and came running up the stairs and hugged Eimi.

"R-really? Thanks!" Eimi hugged Uraraka back and smiled.

"Who's match is on right now?" I asked out loud and both the shorter girls looked up at me.

"Oh yeah! Did we miss anyone?" Eimi added on to my statement.

"Oh! The people fighting right now are Mina and Aoyama. And you sadly missed Iida's fight with that support class girl with the pink hair, man was their match ever funny!" Uraraka answered. Eimi looked bummed out from missing Iida's match.

"Aww man! I was looking forward to seeing Iida fight!" Eimi pouted while I patted her head in condolences.  

"It wasn't much of a fight actually! Iida was just used as a test subject to show off that girl's 'babies' as she likes to call them. After she was satisfied with her presentation, she forfeited the match and Iida got no time to actually fight!"

"Now I really wish I didn't miss it!"

I rested my hand on top of Eimi's head and she stopped complaining.

"Now come on, missing Iida's fight is better than still having a broken nose." I said earning a surprised gasp from Uraraka.

"You broke your nose?! I didn't think you were hurt in your match! Are you okay?" Uraraka started shooting many questions at Eimi and she started to get flustered.

"Wait just a minute, I'll explain once we get to our seats."

"You better be quick cuz my match is after the next two, once Mina and Aoyama are finished."

Eimi nodded and we started making our way down the stairs. I was going to go to where I was sitting before but before I could Eimi grabbed my hand and pulled me into the seat beside her.

"You're staying with me mister!" She said while poking my nose. I flinched a bit causing Eimi to gasp and grab my face, squishing my cheeks together.

"Oh my gosh! You looked just like a cute little cat when their nose gets booped!" She exclaimed in a high pitched voice. I tried to get my face back but she squished my face some more.

"I didn't realized it before but you have reaaaally big, squishy cheeks! They're soft too!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and Eimi squealed once more.

"Leave the poor boy alone, Eimi! No matter how cute he may be at the moment. Plus you still have to tell me how you broke your nose!" Uraraka said, saving me from this torment.

"Oh right!" Eimi said turning to Uraraka while letting go of my face. Once her hands were off my face, I rubbed my hands over my cheeks to make it seem like they weren't just squished.

"Wait, did I hear that correctly, or did you just say you broke your nose?!" I heard Midoriya call out to Eimi.

"Guess I'll have to tell you too Izuku!" Eimi laughed while Midoriya and Uraraka moved a bit closer in their seats so Eimi could tell them how she broke her nose.

In the end, Uraraka was laughing while leaning her head on Eimi's shoulder and Midoriya was frantically writing in his note book.

"I don't see why you would have to write this in your note book Deku!" Eimi called out to Midoriya while she tried to calm Uraraka down.

"Information is information! I need to know everything!" Midoriya exclaimed when Uraraka burst out in fits of giggles again.

"Well then write this in your notes!" Eimi said while cupping her hands together and activating her quirk. Not a second later she opened her hand to reveal a mini All Might statue made of ice. Midoriya started to freak out and asked if he could hold it and Eimi giggled, passing it to him.

"Oh, and it's made from my special ice too! That means that it won't ever melt unless I melt it myself." Eimi said proudly. Midoriya looked at her, eyes wide and mouth open so wide he could fit a whole cantaloupe in it. Midoriya again started frantically writing this information down in his note book while Uraraka asked if Eimi could make one of Thirteen.

Eimi of course started to make her one as Uraraka started to bounce a little in her seat, excited to get one of Eimi's quirk made statues.

I made a mental note to have Eimi teach me how to make unmeltable ice at some point.

Uraraka's POV

"Ah! It's so cute!" I exclaimed while Eimi handed me the little statue of Thirteen. She smiled and said of course, while turning her head to look at the battlefield. I heard Deku mumbling while writing in his note book about quirks and how they are used in battle and decided to turn to the match that was going on right now.

I saw it was Momo's fight and then gasped.

"Ah! I need to go prepare for my match with Bakugo!"

I stood up out of my seat and looked at Deku and Eimi. Both of them were now looking at me.

"Sorry to run out so quickly but I need to go!" I quickly moved passed Eimi and Todoroki and started up the stairs so I could get to the preparation room. Before I was fully up the stairs I heard Eimi call out to me.

"Good luck Ura! I believe in you!" She said with a face of determination. Putting a game face on, I smiled and nodded, throwing a thumbs up before I turned around and started down the hall. Once I rounded the corner, my smile faltered and the look on my face became one of nervousness. Get yourself together Ochako! You can do this!

I patted my cheeks and continued down the stairs and to the waiting room. Once I got there I sat down in a chair at the table and started to think of my strategy of how to beat Bakugo. Not long after I got there Iida came through the door.

"Hey Iida! You did great out there!"

"Oh Urara- Woah! What's with that face? Ugh!" He exclaimed while I looked at him with a face of determination.

"My face?" I asked while still keeping it up, until I sighed and put my hand to the back of my head. "Oh, it's nothing! I guess I'm not great at hiding how nervous I am."

Iida walked a little further into the room.

"I get that. You are up against Bakugo, after all. Not exactly an easy match." He said while I looked down at the table, holding my hands.

"Yeah, I'm kinda scared." I lifted my head up turning to look at Iida. "But, you know, after seeing your match, I feel a little better."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Iida asked a little confused. Before he could make the connection to his match, the door open and we both heard Deku call my name.


"Deku!" I called out to him in surprise. "Why aren't you out there watching the matches?" I asked, knowing he likes to write many notes about everyone and their quirks. He walked over to the table I was sitting at, and that Iida was standing beside.

"Well, most of them ended how I expected them to. And It's looking like Kirishima's fight's going to drag on for quite a while."

I grabbed my wrist and looked up at both the boys in front of me.

"I'm next. So this is it." I said while turning to look at the table. "My fight." 

"It'll be okay!" Iida spoke up. "I don't think Bakugo would use the full power of his explosions on a girl, right?"

"Yeah, he would." Deku responded and I started to whimper, thinking that this would be the last fight of my life. "And besides, everyone's trying to get the top spot in these games. Even if she wasn't fighting Kacchan, I don't think anyone would hold back."

Deku looked down a little bit.

"You've helped me so much. It's my turn to help you." He held up his note book. "Maybe I can repay you a little bit with this." He turned it around, holding it out to me.

"I've got a plan for how you can use your quirk against Kacchan. It's not much, but I did my best!"

Iida held out his hands in the classic Iida way while saying.

"Hey! Well, alright! This is perfect!" He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much for doing that." I touched my pointer fingers together. "But, no. Sorry."

Iida and Deku both looked taken a back and I explained a little further.

"You're wonderful, Deku. I keep seeing that over and over again. During the cavalry battle, I told you it was good to team up with friends. But now that I think about it, I might've been trying to rely on you to get by. That's why-" I stood up from my chair at the table. "when Iida said that he was trying his best to beat you, I actually felt kind of embarrassed for myself."

"Uraraka.." Deku said quietly. I walked passed him and towards the door.

"So it's fine. Really." I stopped right in front of the door. "Everyone's facing their future and giving their best. That means we're all rivals. Even you and me, Deku. So..." I turned around, holding out a shaky thumbs up. 

"Guess I'll see you in the finals."

A/N. Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait, I hope you like this chapter! I had a pretty fun time writing it! And also I would like to thank @MrsTatsuoTodoroki for the amazing little gacha life Eimi! It's so cute! And I love the brightness of the hair! I also think I might use those shoes in her outfit from now on, I really like them!

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