Love Like Lightning (Pokemon...

By SpiritedCros

15.8K 346 32

After becoming Galars newest champion, Uila now has another new set of challenges to face, namely her family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 1/2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Extra
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Someone to you: Songfic
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Happy New Year!'
Quick Question
Please please please read
Valentines Special!

Chapter 11

570 15 0
By SpiritedCros

*warning* Violence, mentions of blood and bruising.
Her parents were sent back to Alola the following day, Kukui having made the decision that the Trio and the two professors would be more than enough as chaperones during their stay. She waved at them as the group set off towards Circhester, before deciding to watch some of Raihan's matches unless she was called out. She settled down in the plush chairs, letting her pokemon stretch and roam. She pulled the bank canvas out of her bag, grabbing her set of paints and got to work, taking inspiration from watching him battle. Raihan was situated in the center, a group of Dragon-Types settled around him, intimidating in stature.

    She would look down at the battles, deciding to add a sandstorm into effect in the painting. She ordered some food to be delivered and set the canvas to dry before adding the next layer. She placed a hand under her chin, watching the pure ferocity in which he battled. She smiled softly before hearing a knock and heading to the door to grab her food. She accepts it with a smile, moving to shut the door but a foot blocks it. She feels panic rise when the man forces his way in. Before she could comprehend what was happening, she was slammed against the plexi-glass window, hands planted firmly around her throat. Her pokemon sprang up, but more men entering kept them busy.

    The man who was slowly choking her out leaned close to her. "Champion." She snarled and thrashed around. He chuckled, his tall frame towering over her. "Our boss wants you, but he said as long as you are alive he doesn't care what condition you're in." Uila's eyes took notice of the Skull Pendant around his neck and she felt herself beginning to grow faint. She couldn't let herself be taken, kicking her leg out and kicking the man in the shin, martial arts training taking over. She proceeded to knee him in the stomach, forcing his hands away from her throat and flipping him to the ground, gasping for breath. She kicked him in the head, effectively knocking him out but getting grabbed from behind, arms pinned to her side. She swung her head back, smacking the grunt in the nose, before grabbing an arm and flipping him. She winces as a solid punch lands on her face, her nose breaking with a sickening crunch and warm blood immediately pooling out of her nostrils. Uila snarls, wiping the blood away, taking the dude to the floor, choking him until he passes out. She looked over to find her pokemon restrained, crying out and struggling violently. She hears banging on the door and shouting coming from outside. Uila became distracted at the noise and was hit across the face.

    She kicked another grunt in the chest, hitting him in the temple to knock him out. Her ears rang as she was hit across the side of her head, before kneeing said dude in the face. 4 down, 4 to go. She felt her eye swelling and blood gushing out of her nose. She grabbed a grunt, flipping him and kicking him into a wall. She swept 2 of their feet from underneath them, before getting punched in the gut. She stood up straight, kicking the dude in the face. She panted, knuckles red and face swelling, a hand-shaped bruise already forming on her throat. She felt herself growing faint right as the door busted open, almost hitting the floor if it wasn't for someone catching her.

    She was seeing double, exhaustion hitting her like a truck. She could make out a blurry figure in front of her, and felt a hand on her cheek. She grabbed said hand, smiling softly at the familiar rough, calloused hands. Her vision wasn't improving, but she knew who it was without any doubt in her mind. "Raihan..." She heard a muffled voice over the ringing, she could barely recognize her love speaking. She reached a hand up to his face, tracing his cheek bones with her knuckles. "I'm alright. I can't hear worth a damn and there are 3 of you but I'm fine."

    Uila felt herself being lifted before being placed onto a bed-like surface. She almost panicked when Raihan's warmth left her face, only for a kiss to be pressed to her hand. She closed her eyes, blinking harshly, growing relieved when her vision was almost normal. She wiped the blood off of her mouth and noticed her position. There were police officers scattered about the room, and she was on one of the couches. She looked over to Raihan, who was talking with an officer, fists clenched tightly at his sides. The officer came over as did what she assumed was a paramedic.

The Paramedic smiled at her softly, reaching into his bag and pulling out several items, before wiping the blood from underneath her nose. "My name is Daniel. My partner Evan is currently grabbing a stretcher. Don't worry, you're in good hands." She noticed the ringing in her ears fading, and smiled at the paramedic. "Thanks." He smiled back. "No problem champ, it's what I'm here for. Now, let's get that nose checked out." Uila winces as he feels down the bridge of her nose. The officer Raihan was talking to walked over, notepad in hand. "Hello, I'm Officer James. I just wanted to ask a few questions about what happened. Is that alright?" Uila nodded. "That's perfectly fine." The short officer smiled. "Good, now what exactly was the first thing that happened?" She cringed as Daniel pushed her nose back into place, pushing a piece of gauze underneath her nose to catch the blood. She took a breath and thought and spoke, recalling as much detail as she could. The officer took note of everything before smiling. "Thanks champ. That is pretty much all we need to know, just one more thing." She nodded. "Do you have any idea if they were affiliated with any groups or gangs?" She took a deep breath and nodded.

    "They are an Alolan-Based group. A group of thugs that call themselves Team Skull." He nodded. "Any Idea for the motive behind this?" She took a shaky breath. "My Ex-Boyfriend is their boss. He wants me back." Officer James took it down. "What is their boss' name?" She swallowed thickly, not wanting to say his name. "Guzma." He nodded. "Thank you champ. We'll have this sorted in no time." He walked over to officer Jenny, who had Boltund by her side. The paramedic caught her attention.

    "Alright, we are going to take you on down to the hospital just to make sure that everything else is alright, take a couple X-Rays and such." She nodded and he turned to his partner, who had entered the crowded room. Daniel looked at her. "Can you stand?" She nodded, pushing herself up, going dizzy for a moment before that cleared. Raihan was quick to be by her side, steadying her. Evan looked at Raihan. "What's your relationship to her?" Raihan didn't hesitate. "Significant other." Evan nodded. "We have room for one passenger, would you like to ride along?" They made their way past the rubble that was the door, Raihan grabbing her pokemon's pokeballs, returning them swiftly. Lucario refused to return and Evan chuckled. "He can ride up front with me. I can tell he is worried." Lucario nodded in thanks.

    Uila climbed onto the stretcher, feeling it was unnecessary but complied nonetheless. They made their way down with Raihan, Evan, and Lucario blocking Uila from people's sight. She truly felt like shit. "It's going to be a little rough getting in, but afterwards it'll be smoother than ice." Daniel warned, causing Uila to chuckle softly. "I can take it."  Evan chuckled with her. "I'm sure you can." A few uncomfortable and shaky moments later she was situated in a blinding ambulance. Daniel held up a syringe. "This will be a quick pinch, but it's so we can get you some pain killers. Just relax." After getting a needle shoved into her arm Daniel whistled. "Damn honey, how hard did you hit those guys to bust your knuckles up like that?" She shrugged and felt them start moving. She yawned sleepily and Daniel patted her arm. "Don't go to sleep quite yet. You can go to sleep the moment you get settled in a real hospital bed. Trust me, it's a lot more comfortable." She nodded. "I get'cha. Been there before, although this is probably the most comfortable stretcher I've been on." That got an amused chuckle from both Raihan and Daniel.

    Daniel proceeded to ask standard questions about her name, age, ect. "Alrighty, we are here. The doctors here are Top o' the Line." She was then removed very bumpily from the back of the ambulance and past where Evan was speaking to a doctor. Raihan was led past the paramedics, thanking them before following after his love as they got her situated in a room. He then watched her fall asleep peacefully, unaware that it was barely 2:00. Raihan sighed, pulling his phone out and Dialing Kukui.

The moment Kukui received the information from Raihan his blood ran cold, which wasn't because of his seat in the frosty stands. He looked to where Kiawe was battling before standing, looking his fellow professor dead in the eye. "We need to go. Grab the others, Kiawe is the last one." His voice was urgent as they made their way down the stands and to the lobby. Augustine followed confused but did as what was said. He had never seen such a serious expression on Kukui's face. "Someone call a taxi, we are heading back to Hammerlocke." Augustines eyebrows furrowed, concern growing. Hau spoke up, a worried expression on his face. "What's wrong Professor? Is everything alright?" Kukui shook his head, walking out to where a group I'll of Taxis were landing. He turned to his group of student's, fists clenched tightly at his sides.

"Uila is in the hospital. We need to go and see her, now." He didn't need to say more and the group collectively paled, Hau's, and Augustines expressions growing angry. Whoever laid a hand on their sister was going to have hell to pay, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

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