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By neko_bobaaa

19.9K 636 58

Seventeen year old Gale Storms has been a wreck since his brother died. Cutting everyone off, his usual crook... More

Sorry not a chapter!


1.1K 38 4
By neko_bobaaa

<><><>Gale's POV<><><>

Who the hell is he?

I watch as Adelaide and a boy I don't recognize walk into the room together.

I narrow my eyes. She doesn't have friends, and here she is, giggling and blushing at this new boy.

Something weird bubbles in the pit of my stomach. I should've eaten when I woke up.

Adelaide makes her way to her desk. I follow her with my eyes, a stone of contempt settling in my throat.

I glance back at her. She's twirling her hair in her fingers, but not in a flirting kind of way.

She looks up and drops her hair. We lock eyes.

I glare at her and turn back to my desk. Something hot creeps up my neck and ears.

I shake it off, and twiddle my pencil between my fingers. The boy introduces himself as Sawyer, and goes on to say a few things about himself. I don't pay attention because I don't care.

"Okay, go sit down by Adelaide," Mr. Kirby says.

I slightly glance up. Sawyer grins and goes to sit down by Adelaide.

My stomach feels weird again. I need to see the nurse.

<><><> After Class<><><>

I collect my things and stand up, glancing back at Adelaide, who is laughing at something Sawyer said.

I scoff and walk off. I don't walk off completely. Standing outside of the classroom door, I wait until Sawyer walks past me. Adelaide comes out soon after, a dazed look on her face. I stick out my leg.

Adelaide tumbles down, slamming her chin on the floor, and drops her books all over the hall once again.

Laughter roars across the hallway.

Adelaide sits up, and rubs her chin, her face now ruby red. She looks up at me, tears glistening in her eyes.

I look away, but not before I grin down at her. "Freak." I mutter, and walk off to my next class, leaving the hurt and embarrassed Adelaide behind.

I don't regret what I did, as every time my words collide with her frame, the contempt inside of me is sedated.

But only temporarily.

<><><>second hour<><><>

Sitting in second hour is always boring. It's English class, which is taught by Mrs Stewart, a teacher who talks at one.word.per.hour.

I doze off until Mrs Stewart suddenly yells, "alright!" I jolt up, cursing her silently. "We are going to be doing Shakespearean plays!" The class has a mix of responses. Some gasp happily, while most of them groan in dismay. I don't really care. My partner is going to do all the work, anyway. "We're not just going to study the plays, no no." She continues, and the class breaks out in whispers. "We're going to act them out!"

I scream mentally. No.NO. I am not going to do some garbage play.

"Alright, here are the partners." Mrs Stewart starts off listing some plays written by Shakespeare and the people who are going to act them out.

I ignore her, until she says: "Romeo and Juliet. . ." The class giggles, and I sneer. Poor fools who will have to act out this romantic play.

"Gale and Adelaide."


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