Waging War: Book 1: Beyond th...

Av DawnfireOfSkyClan

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The owl calls again... Owlkit's birth was unexpected, and her life almost ended before it began but despite t... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

438 20 8
Av DawnfireOfSkyClan

Owlpaw trudged up the stone path, dragging her tail behind her. I wonder what my travel mates will say. She knew Sheer Mountain was angry, she just hoped that she wouldn't force them out. I don't think Nettle will turn on me. She seems scared and confused. Owlpaw reached the top of the cavern and stepped inside.

She met the gaze of Earthpelt who seems confused, Owlpaw noticed Seedclaw, Fennelpaw and Berryheart also looking concerned. Owlpaw slowly approached them. As she walked across the stone floor she could feel a sharp gaze burning into her. She looked sheepishly and noticed Sheer Mountain sitting near the kits. Her gaze was filled with irritation, but she didn't look too enraged. It doesn't look like she told anyone.

"Hey, Owlpaw." Earthpelt called to her. "What's wrong with Sheer Mountain? She looked so upset when she came back to camp."

Owlpaw sighed. "Well," She sat down, the four cats turning their attention on her. "We were out walking and I smelled blood. I tracked it to an injured she-cat, she was terribly wounded and I wanted to treat her. However..." Owlpaw stared at her paws for a moment, then looked to Earthpelt. "Do you remember the first rogue you fought when Raptor attacked? You injured her leg and she ran off." Earthpelt nodded. "It's her."

All four warriors instantly tensed. "You're caring for one of the rogues who attacked us?" Fennelpaw looked at Seedclaw for a moment. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"She was barely involved in the fight." Owlpaw explained. "She's scared, she was lied to by Raptor and she regrets attacking us. She ran off as soon as she was injured. She's badly injured, if I don't treat her wound she'll die."

"Owlpaw," Seedclaw lifted his head. "I know that you have a knack for this sort of this thing, but have you really thought about this? Cats out here are different than back home." Owlpaw flexed her claws. He's talking to me like I'm a kit!

"Yes, I have thought about it." Owlpaw stood her ground.

"Owlpaw," Earthpelt stood up. "Let's take a walk." Owlpaw dropped her head slightly, but didn't argue, she followed Earthpelt outside the cavern and slowly down the path. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about for a while now."

"What is it?" Owlpaw had a biting feeling she knew what it was.

"You're so naturally drawn to the life of a medicine cat," Earthpelt began. "I think it's clear where your heart belongs." Owlpaw dropped her ears. "You've never fit in the role of a warrior," Earthpelt's voice was steady, but Owlpaw couldn't help but feel like Earthpelt was mad at her. "For a while I worried that it was something I was doing."

"Earthpelt you--" Her mentor lifted her tail to silence Owlpaw.

"I was worried I wasn't a good enough mentor for you, and I was really glad when you and I were chosen for this journey. I knew that you would learn so much out here. Then, as you fell into the role of our traveling medicine cat, I knew." She cast her green eyes up towards the sky. "It came so naturally to you, and I think Pebblestep knew it would. I asked her if I needed to learn herbs as well, but she was so confident that you would be able to handle it." Earthpelt looked back down towards Owlpaw, her eyes sparkling. "And you have. You have not only the skills, but the heart of a healer. When we return home, I expect you to follow the path of a medicine cat."

"What about you?" Owlpaw questioned. "I'm your first apprentice and I--"

Earthpelt shook her head. "I would never keep you from your true destiny. There will always be more apprentices I can train, I can wait my turn. You need to follow your heart now."

Owlpaw stared at her paws. "What if Pebblestep tells me no? There's already two medicine cats."

"Who cares?" Earthpelt countered. "I'm pretty sure Pebblestep has already figured this out herself. I don't think Pebblestep and Honeyfrost will keep you from this destiny either."

Owlpaw hesitated for a moment. "You're really okay with this? Me becoming a medicine cat?"

"Of course, Owlpaw." Earthpelt stepped walking and touched her muzzle to Owlpaw's forehead. "I hate seeing you struggle so much, I want you to thrive, and you won't do that as my apprentice."

Owlpaw felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She had been dreading telling Earthpelt about her dreams. She's the best mentor I could have ever asked for. I just wish I was a good enough apprentice for her. Owlpaw glanced up towards the sky, it was pale blue with small whisps of clouds slowly floating overhead. She'll always be my first mentor.

"But," Earthpelt spoke up again, continuing her walk. "I am still your mentor until Dawnstar says otherwise." Her green eyes glinted. "Meaning you have to do what I say."

"Of course." Owlpaw purred happily. Earthpelt rested her tail on Owlpaw's shoulders.

"And even when y ou aren't my apprentice anymore, I'll always be there if you need help. If you want guidance, advice or even an extra hunting lesson, I'll be there for you."

"Thank you, Earthpelt." Owlpaw touched her muzzle gently to Earthpelt's shoulder. "That means a lot to me."

Earthpelt purred loudly. "Now," Earthpelt continued. "Tell me about this rogue."

Owlpaw tensed up once again. Right. Nettle. "I found her while Sheer Mountain and I were walking. "Her wound is terribly infected. If I don't treat it, she'll die. Whether the infection kills her or her inability to hunt or defend herself, she won't make it much longer. I already got one wrap on it before coming back." She lowered her head. "Sheer Mountain wasn't happy with me at all."

"You have to understand why." Earthpelt noted. "Sheer Mountain knows nothing of medicine cats or their desire to heal everyone, even those beyond the code. All she knows is this rogue was part of the party that attacked her home and injured someone she loved."

"Nettle isn't the one who hurt Wren." Owlpaw argued.

"I know that," Earthpelt assured her. "But to Sheer Mountain it doesn't matter. Wren is basically her daughter." Owlpaw recalled the story Sheer Mountain had told her about the three kits before they encountered Nettle. "I don't think she will ever understand your reasoning for treating Nettle. You have to remember that we need Sheer Mountain to trust us."

Owlpaw twitched her tail. "I'm not putting a cat's life lower than our mission." She said through her teeth. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I turned my back on this cat. Not when I know she won't make it. She would die, and it would be my fault."

"No." Earthpelt shook her head. "It would be her fault, she's the one who attacked."

"But she didn't know what she was doing!" Owlpaw stopped, raising her voice. Why doesn't anyone understand?

"Owlpaw, calm down." Earthpelt's voice grew slightly more stern. "I'm trying to make you understand why Sheer Mountain is so upset. I don't want the two of you fighting. Last thing we need is Sheer Mountain making us leave. I don't think she will, but we need to keep tensions low." Earthpelt sighed. "At the end of the day, you answer to me, I'm your current mentor and you follow what I say. Not Seedclaw, not Leafdawn, not Sheer Mountain, me."

"And what do you say about this?"

"I can't say anything yet." Earthpelt pointed out. "I want you to take me to this rogue, I want to meet her."

"You do?" Owlpaw tilted her head.

"Yes." Earthpelt nodded slowly. "Take me to her."

Owlpaw quickly led Earthpelt along the base of the mountains, this would give her a chance to see if Nettle's dressing was holding alright. It would also show Earthpelt that Nettle wasn't a threat. But how will Nettle react to Earthpelt? She's the cat who hurt her. At last, the two neared Nettle's cave.

"That's her cave, just over there." Owlpaw reported and approached the small cave. She spotted Nettle, the she-cat was still awake, the look on her face showed pain. I just realized she probably hasn't eaten. "Nettle?" Owlpaw called out gently, getting the rogue's attention.

Nettle raised her head, eyes flashing relief for a brief moment as she saw Owlpaw. The relief quickly turned to panic as she saw Earthpelt. "Oh," She struggled to push herself back. "You're uh--you're the cat I fought--"

"I am." Earthpelt bowed her head. "But I come in peace. My name is Earthpelt."

"Nettle." The rogue's voice was low. "Look," She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I attacked your home. Raptor told me you were hoarding prey, I was barely eating, I didn't know I'd be attacking kits--"

Earthpelt raised her tail. "Raptor lied about a lot of things it seems." Owlpaw took a look at Nettle's wound. She could see blood staining the cobweb already. "Rogues are often selfish, I figured another rogue would've known that."

"I do." Nettle dropped her head. "I was desperate. He told me that you were just a bunch of weak scavengers, I didn't know what I was getting in to. I wish I could go back and stop myself from doing anything."

"There's no going back, unfortunately." Earthpelt sat down. "This isn't my home, nor is it Owlpaw's. This home belongs to Sheer Mountain. She knows how selfish rogues are, which is why she was enraged with Owlpaw helping you. It's probably good that you encountered Owlpaw first. She has a generous heart."

"She does." Owlpaw felt her pelt burning. "I really don't deserve her treatment."

"You made a mistake, Nettle. It happens, but you don't deserve death as a punishment. Now, Raptor, the world could live without him but you still deserve a place here." Nettle's eyes flashed with gratitude. Earthpelt turned to Owlpaw. "I'm fine with you treating this rogue. Though I can't guarantee the rest of our travel mates will be, but like I said, you answer to me."

"Thank you, Earthpelt." Owlpaw jumped up and pressed her muzzle to Earthpelt's cheek.

"Of course, Owlpaw."

"Thank you," Nettle lowered her head. "I really don't deserve this kindness, but I will always be grateful. I owe you both my life."

I'll make sure that Nettle gets better and once she can stand on her own, then I'll get focused on the mission again. "Now let me get that dressing changed."

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