Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 16

5K 206 172
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

I quickly ran out the door without hearing Shoto respond because I was already late for my first match. I ran down the halls but quickly stopped as I heard large foot steps walking a little ways away.

I jumped around a corner and peaked out to see the number 2 hero Endeavor, in other words, my father. I stuck my tongue out at him before I heard my introduction starting.

"Ah! I gotta hurry!" 

I turned down the hall and ran towards the light at the end of the hall.

"Even though she's short, she packs quite a big blast and seems to have won the heart of a few people already. It's Class 1-A's Eimi Todo!" I heard Present Mic introduce me and I started to panic a little as I ran.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" I heard him say a second later. I finally reached the entrance and stepped out into the light of the arena.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I yell out getting the attention of basically everyone in the stadium. And not because I showed up, no, it was because of my hair. 

The photo showing who I was has me wearing my short white wig and my turquoise contact for my right eye, which I am still wearing at the moment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's going on with your hair! It's exactly like Shoto Todoroki's but opposite!" Present Mic exclaimed. I made it up to the  battle field and thought for a moment. I then opened my right eye and took my contact out and threw it on the ground, knowing that it was going to be more surprising and that it was just going to bother me.

"What!" Present Mic exclaimed again. I heard a sigh in the mic.

"Just start the fight already." I heard Mr Aizawa lazily call out.

"Excuse me! Please pardon the interruption. I'm not sure why you called me an assassin. I've come to the festival in search of victory, not to take my opponent's life. That wouldn't be in line with the values of a hero at all, sir." Shiozaki said while I looked at her dumbfounded. Is that what her introduction was? 

"Right, I'm sorry." Present Mic sweat dropped.

"Gentlemen, I didn't enter UA for wicked or selfish reasons, but to deliver salvation to others! It is my humble quest to spread true good across this world." She continued while it seemed to look like god himself, was smiling down on her. 

"Listen, I said I was sorry! That was my bad, okay?" Present Mic said to stop her rant. Shiozaki put her hands down but still looked up at Present Mic before speaking again. How much does this girl need to talk, geez. I wanna fight already! 

"I thank you for your kind understanding." She bowed and started to turn towards me. 

"So, anyway. Begin!" Present Mic initiated the battle and I started to talk to her.

"I just wanna say, before we fight. I love you hair! I wish mine would be as voluminous as yours!"

"Oh, thank you. I wish us both good luck for this battle." She bowed once again, but towards me this time. 

"Oh man, you are like a literal angel! I'm sorry I have to do this!" I yell out and blast a huge blast of fire towards her. Shiozaki turned around and her hair grew then broke off to create a shield from my flames. Before I could do something else her hair or vines came out from the ground and wrapped around me, holding me high in the air.

"What the-!" I screamed out.

"She's immobilized! That's all folks-" Present Mic started to say but then I yelled.

"Oh, I'm not done yet!"

I closed my eyes for a second and let out a cool breath. I watched as the vines started to quickly freeze, turning into ice that I could easily break out of.

"She has the same quirk as Shoto too?" Present Mic screamed in shock, I shook it off like nothing and came sliding down Shiozaki's frozen vine hair. I don't think she realized that I got out of her grip because she didn't send anymore vines towards me.

I shot ice at the ground and it reached her vine shield, instantly turning it frozen. I heard her squeak in surprise as I punched threw the frozen shield. She turned around, fear in her eyes and I came smiling through. I tackled her to the ground as she yelped.

I then touched her arm with my left hand and started to freeze her body. In a matter of seconds she was unable to move and I jumped off of her and wiped my forehead.

"Yeah, your vines may be able to protect you from heat, but since they are mainly made of water, they are very easy to freeze in place." I said as the crowd went wild and Present Mic started to talk into the microphone.

"Wow! What an amazing turn around that turned out to be! Shiozaki is unable to move, Eimi moves onto the next round!" He called out while I looked down at a frozen Shiozaki.

"It's crazy how similar she is to Shoto Todoroki, do you think they are related?" I heard Present Mic ask Aizawa.

"I'll have to look into that, but right now I just want to sleep." I heard Aizawa respond and I just smiled. I'll tell him later when I'm with Shoto. But for now I need to unfreeze Shiozaki. 

I held Shiozaki's arm with my right hand this time and defrosted her so she could get up.

"I'm sorry I had to do that." I said to her while helping her up. Once she got up she looked down at me, since she is taller than me.

"No, it's quite alright. We both did what we had to since we wanted to win this battle. I'm glad that I got the chance to go up against you. You are quite strong with your Quirks." She said with kindness, like the angel she is. I blushed at her compliment while we both walked off the battle field talking to each other.

Shoto's POV

I watched as Eimi walked off the battle field still talking to Shiozaki. I looked into the stands to see if I could find my father in order to see his face and what he thinks of Eimi being here. I looked for a while until I saw him standing looking shocked at what he just witnessed.

I smirked as I got up out of my seat. I had to go congratulate my sister on her win and tell her what our fathers face looked like after her battle. I walked out of our class' sitting area and started on my way to the waiting room, since I'll most likely run into her in the hallway. As I was making my way there I heard some fast moving foot steps and someone calling my name.

"Shoto! Shoto! Did you see my battle!" Eimi called out to me as she ran down the hall. I nodded my head and stopped walking so she didn't run into me. When she was almost in front of me she tripped over her own foot and fell face first into the ground.

"Ah! Eimi!" I ran over to her and helped her off the ground. "Are you alright?" I asked while pushing some of her hair out of her face.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks." She said while looking up at me and smiling. Just as she was going to speak again her nose started bleeding.

"Oh, your nose." I said while I went to touch her face.

"What! My nose is bleeding! This is terrible, now I'm going to die of blood loss! I don't want to die Shoto! I just got to be with m-my brother!" She wailed out and fell to the floor. I stared at her for a moment before I started to laugh. She looked up at me in distress.

"Why are you laughing! I'm going to die!"

I crouched down to her level and patted her head.

"You're not going to die, it's just a nose bleed. Haven't you ever had a nose bleed before?" I asked her while helping her onto my back since she was still a crying mess.

"N-no. But Dokami said that if I ever get a nose bleed, that I'll bleed out and die." She sniffed while holding her hand over her nose so the blood didn't get on my shirt.

"Who?" I asked.

"Dokami, my cousin. H-he lives me with me, along with gramma, and my un-uncle." She replied.

"Oh, is he that one guy with white hair and a little bit taller than me?" I asked, I felt her nod against my shirt as I turned the last corner to get to Recovery Girl's sports arena office. He looks a lot like Natsuo, I wonder if he knows him. I knocked on the door and I heard a come in. Opening the door, I stepped in with Eimi still on my back.

"Well if it isn't for the girl who surprised the whole arena, and her brother I suppose?" Recovery Girl asked and I nodded. She smiled and got off her chair, walking towards us.

"So why are you two here?" She asked kindly. I let Eimi off my back and replied.

"Nose bleed."

Recovery Girl looked at Eimi, who was covering her nose.

"How did this happen, deary?" She asked.

"I was running to go see Shoto and I ended up falling straight on my face in the hall." Eimi responded a bit muffled by her hand still covering her nose. Recovery Girl nodded and motioned for Eimi to sit on one of the beds. Eimi complied and sat down, still covering her nose as to not get blood on the white sheets.

Recovery Girl got on a chair and pushed her way over to Eimi.

"May I have a look?" She asked and Eimi nodded, carefully moving her hand from her nose. When she uncovered it, it looked a lot worse than before.

"Oh dear me." Recovery Girl said after seeing Eimi's nose. I looked at her in confusion as Eimi asked what was wrong.

"Well, you not only have a nose bleed, but that nose of your's seems to be broken as well."

Eimi started to tear up as if just noticing how much her nose actually hurt. I walked over and sat down beside her, gently patting her head.

"Now isn't that sweet." Recovery Girl said while smiling brightly at the two of us. "Now, I'm going to heal you and clean you up so you can go watch the rest of the matches okay?" 

Eimi nodded, tears still streaming down her face as Recovery Girl kissed her forehead. And just in a quick second, Eimi's nose was healed and it stopped bleeding.

"Now look at me for a second." Recovery Girl asked Eimi and she turned her head only for Recovery Girl to start cleaning up the blood from her face. Eimi sneezed due to someone touching close to her nose.

"Sorry." She said shyly.

"It's quite alright deary." Recovery Girl responded with a smile. She handed Eimi a few gummy bears and sent us on our way. 

Eimi waved out the door as we started our way back to the stands.

"You feeling better?" I asked as Eimi nodded throwing a gummy bear into her mouth.

"Yep! Much better! I didn't expect to break my nose though!" She giggled while we walked up the stairs.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting that either, but good thing we went to Recovery Girl instead of just going back to our class with you just having a nose bleed."

"If we did, I bet Iida would have figured it out and yelled at me to go to Recovery Girls while doing his crazy hand movements." Eimi said while pretending to do Iida's hand movements. 

As we were making our way to the second set of stairs that would lead us to our sitting area something stopped us. Well, it was more of a someone, specifically, our father. Eimi tensed up and I stepped in front of her while holding her behind my back. He glared at both of us while he had is arms crossed.

"Father." I monotonously said while glancing up at him. His flames grew bigger as he spoke.

"What is the meaning of this?" He demanded in his booming voice. I felt Eimi shake a little behind me. I held her hand a little bit harder.

"You're scaring her-" I started before I was cut off.

"I don't care, I want to know the meaning behind this! Why is she here?!"

"Isn't it obvious, she enrolled into UA like the rest of us."

"You dare talk to me in that attitude." He basically yelled and went to grab my arm as to hit me, but before he could the whole hallway froze. I gasped in surprise due to father's flames also being extinguished.

"Don't you dare hurt him anymore!" Eimi screamed, I turned to look at her and saw a look in her eyes that I have never seen before. Our father tried to melt the ice but his hell flame wasn't working.

"Don't even try. I've trained with mom, and then took it into my own hands and developed ice that wasn't able to be melted by anyone other than me. Hell Flame won't help you this time." I watched as Eimi walked closer to our father and look him straight in the eye. Even though her height is small, she was still very intimidating. Father looked down at her still glaring.

"You're lucky I haven't been around you guys my whole life or else this would all be very different. If I ever see you mistreating my twin brother, ever again." She paused to look back at me with a surprising sweet smile then turn back to our father with a cold glare. "I won't hesitate to put you back in your place."

Eimi turned around to face me and gave me another sweet smile, this time with her eyes closed. 

"Come on Shoto! We don't want to miss anymore than we already have!" She bubbly exclaimed while grabbing my hand and starting to drag me to the stairs. I glanced back at father and he looked at me with a face I've never seen before, fear and more importantly, guilt.

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