Senpai [Michaeng]

By dcstc0zy

204K 7K 3.8K

When the demure transfer student, Son Chaeyoung comes across a senior of hers that makes her absolutely whi... More

ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 27
Ch 28
Ch 29 - end
special chapter [M]

Ch 22

5.8K 211 77
By dcstc0zy

(Myoui Mina is flawless. Fite me!)

[Mina's POV]

I woke up by the sound of the alarm.

I quickly got myself ready for school and left 10 mins early from my usual timing.

I started walking to school. Still don't know how to talk to Chaeyoung.

I screwed up. I unknowingly let out a sigh.

I finally reached school.
I met Momo and Sana at the entrance too.

As we were about to enter, Chaeyoung  also reached..

I don't know what's gotten into me but I ignored her.

Why am I making it more awkward.

I facepalmed myself mentally.
Did she see me?

I entered the classroom along with Momo and Sana.

Should I tell them? Will they help me?
I may not get the advice I wanted but they won't tell anyone.

"Guys.." I called before the teacher came.

They turned their heads towards me.

I gulped and said "I think I'm having a crush on Chaeyoung."

"We saw that coming." they said.

"..." I sighed

"Something happened too." I hesitantly said.

"What? She knows now?" Sana asked playing with her pen.

"I don't know. But.. we kissed." I said the last part quitely and turning red right after.

"WHAT?!" they said in unison.

I kept quiet.

"MYOUI MINA ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Momo said loudly getting the attention of some of the students sitting near us.

"shh. You're too loud." I replied.

"WHEN? HOW? WHY?" Sana enquired.

I explained everything to them even about the hickeys. And how much she made me confused.

"what should I do now?" I said covering my face with my hands.

Right after that, our teacher entered. So we had to continue our conversation later.

[Chaeyoung's POV]

I reached school. As I reached, I also saw Mina. I'm sure she saw me. But didn't even say a 'good morning'

Okay if that's what you want.

I continued walking and reached straight to my classroom.

"What's with that unpleasant expressions?" Tzuyu who already was there, enquired.

"Oh. Tzuyu-ah... I need to tell you and Dahyun something."

"She'll be here in some time." she nodded and said.

"What is it about tho? Mina?"

I nodded and let out a sigh.

"Good morning!!" Dahyun entered.

"Quick! Sit!" Tzuyu said.

"What's wrong?" she said with a confused expression.

"So.. " I said as she arranged her bag.

"I and Mina unnie kissed" I finished the sentence.

Their mouth were left open.

"OMG! How? Wait- WHY?! " Dahyun said.

I explained the whole thing and what she said in the call.

" and today she ignored me in the morning." I said.

"Don't you like her too? Who told you to say 'I don't know'?! Pabo" Tzuyu spoke.

"And I thought you were atleast smarter than me" Dahyun facepalmed.

"B-but, I thought she was joking. I mean-
what if she says 'we are nothing more than friends' or something like that after I say that I like her too.!"

"Who would do that?! Why would she ask you in the first place then? I'm sure she isn't a pabo like you." Both of them looked at me with disappointment.

"Ok ok - I get it. I'm dissapointed in myself too. But-"

I was cut off by the teacher as he entered the class.


It was time for lunch. We went to our usual spot. Everyone was there too.

My eyes landed on a specific someone.

She isn't talking to me. Why is it happening again?

Can't she be clear about this?!

Do as you wish. Ignore me if you want.

What am I thinking?

The atmosphere today was awkward.
Momo and Sana were stealing glances at each other and smirking.

Mina silently ate her food.

After we were done eating, someone called my name.
I turned back to see who it was.

"Yeri?" I was surprised.

"Pabo! I missed you!" she back hugged me.

"Hi Tzuyu. Hi Dahyun!" she greeted the two.

The others just looked at her in confusion.

"I have a lot to talk to you by the way." Yeri said as she pulled my arm.

"Jeez wait. Guys I'll be back" I stood up and she dragged me outside strolling in the campus.

"How did you get here?" I asked

"Irene told me about you! How have you been?"

"I'm good but how did you get here?" I repeated.

"I had some work with uncle. So thought of meeting you too." she replied.

"Your uncle? Ah I forgot you're the principal's niece." I laughed.

We did some chit chat for some time until it was almost time for me to leave.

"I'll see you around. Oh well give me your number so we can contact." I said.

After exchanging contacts, I went back.


[Tzuyu's POV]

"Jeez wait. Guys I'll be back" Chaeyoung said and left.

Well we know Yeri as she was our childhood friend.

We aren't that close to her unlike Chaeng. And moreover they're close because of Joohyun.

As Chaeyoung was talking to Yeri before, I took a quick glance at Mina.

The way she was glaring at the two... That was kinda scary.

It felt as if she was planning a murder in her mind. If stares could kill, those two would already be dead by now.

It's now clear that Mina unnie also likes Chaeyoung. Hmm. I can notice her being jelly.

If that dumb smol cub didn't mess it up last night, they might already be dating by now.

Like me, some other people at the table also noticed her being jelly.

Sana and Jihyo unnie. Jihyo had a confused look on her face as she was taking glances at Mina.

Sana unnie had an 'oops' expression.

But why did she ignore Chaeng this morning?

"Tzuyu!" I went back to reality as I heard my name. It was Jeongyeon unnie.

They were all laughing at me. And I was so confused. "What?" I said with a surprised tone.

"We called you multiple times. You were not answering." Nayeon unnie added.


"Are you ok chewie?" It was Sana unnie this time.

The way she called my name. Awww..

"Ahermm! So someone even got a nickname now huh?" Dahyun teased slightly hitting me with her elbow.

Both Sana and I were speechless. And she also turned a little red.

Suddenly the table was filled with fake coughs and clearing of throats.

[Mina's POV]

Why is she hugging Chaeyoung?
Do they know each other? I've never seen her before.

I felt my blood rage at the sight.

And how she took Chaeyoung away from us. Ofc it's just for now. But...

Why am I being selfish?

First of all, it's all my fault.

I just remembered. Chaeyoung's birthday is also near.

I need to get things clear before that.
I don't care if she feels the same about me but, I'll face the reality.

I'm madly in love with Son Chaeyoung.
I don't need anyone else but her.
I'm gonna get what I want.

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