
By Jiminiebabymama

179K 7.7K 1.1K

Off loves women. He doesn't care that seemingly everyone in his life seems to think he is in love with that s... More

Chapter 1 ⚡⭐
Chapter 2⚡⭐
Chapter 3⚡⭐
Chapter 4⚡⭐
Chapter 5 ⚡⭐
Chapter 6⚡⭐
Chapter 7⚡⭐
Chapter 8⚡⭐
Chapter 9
Chapter 10⚡⭐
Chapter 11⚡⭐
Chapter 12⚡⭐
Chapter 13⚡⭐
Chapter 14⚡⭐
Chapter 15⚡⭐
Chapter 16⚡⭐
Chapter 17⚡⭐
Chapter 18⚡⭐
Chapter 19⚡⭐
Chapter 20⚡⭐
Chapter 21⚡⭐
Chapter 22⚡⭐
Chapter 23 ⚡⭐
Chapter 24⚡⭐
Chapter 25⚡⭐
Chapter 27⚡⭐
Chapter 28⚡⭐
Chapter 29⚡⭐

Chapter 26⚡⭐

6.1K 214 25
By Jiminiebabymama

"Saweedee khap everyone," Off greeted the room as he entered today's locations dressing room .

A chorus of voices greeted Off back as P'Boy followed behind him and did his own greetings.

They were shooting the scenes between Gun and Off that happened in Thirds dorm room today. Off wasn't exactly sure which poor students they kicked out to make the rooms available but they currently had the whole floor of the dormitory to shoot. The dorm room next to the one being set up as Thirds was being used as the dressing room and even though the only actors on site today were Off and Gun the tiny bachelor room was already at full capacity.

The make-up team and costumes team as well as a few other Gmm staff were spread out across the room doing what they know best how to do:gossip. 

Gun, who was  sitting on the single bed set up at the far corner from the door was busy looking over his scripts. He perhaps was the only one in the room at that moment who wasn't talking.

"Awu no morning meeting today?" He heard P'Boy ask behind him as he made a beeline for the bed where Gun was sitting.

"No, P'X said it wasn't necessary since they're only shooting Gun and Off today. You'd know this if you read the messages in the managers group chat lazy!" Kwang answered her friend as he sat on the arm of the couch.

"How could I have time to check my messages when Off has me running around Bangkok in the early morning playing errand boy," Boy complained though Off paid him no mind.

He was too focused on reaching Gun who had stolen all his attention the moment he saw him which seemed to be happening a lot these days.

Gun looked up a little startled when he saw a shadow falling over his script but quickly calmed down when he saw who it was "You scared me Papi" Gun said softly touching his chest before quickly calming down.

"I wasn't even trying to scare you. You literally just got scared by my shadow, weak!" Off said while smirking making fun of Gun as he carefully climbed onto the bed and sat next to Gun with their legs stretched out side by side on the tiny bed making sure to keep the drink he had in his left hand hidden from Gun.

"Says the guy whose scared of balloons," Gun said shortly without lifting his head from his scripts.

Off flicked Gun's ears "So cheeky," Off said rolling his eyes and carefully placing the closed drink he'd brought (or rather Boy had brought for him while he had been getting ready this morning) in Gun's hand.

Gun looked up at Off startled once again "What's this?" Gun asked his head tilted cutely to the side and frowning in confusion.

Off couldn't resist and lifted his hand to pinch Gun's cheeks making sure to pinch them hard so anyone who saw them would think Off was just trying to abuse his nong as normal but in fact he just wanted an excuse to touch Gun unable to handle that cute expression directed at him

"I'm worried, you're too young to be this blind," Off said causing Gun to smack Offs hand away from his cheeks in irritation.

Off smiled "It's obviously a drink from your favorite overpriced store Starbucks. Honestly don't know how you haven't gone broke yet with all your expensive tastes really" Off said taking out his phone out of his pocket and ignoring Gun while trying to act normal.

".... Thanks," Gun said shyly after a moments silence before taking a sip out of his drink. Gun looked up at him with a blinding smile on his face "It's green tea!" He exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah but it's not for you, it's for me. Apparently according to Tay, green tea helps boosts your immune system and also helps with bad breath. Isn't that just the perfect thing you need for today! I'm not kissing a sick man with bad breath on top of that!" Off rambled on trying to tease Gun while simultaneously trying to hide how  shy he was feeling after he went through all that effort to get Gun his drink.

Gun looked at him with a stupid annoying smirk on his face "I'm not sick it's just a little fever. And are you actually telling me right now that this has nothing to do with the fact that I said I was craving some green tea last night, sureeeee if you say so," Gun whispered making sure no one heard him while still smirking at Off looking like he was trying his best not to smile.

Off felt his ears heat up." Read your script and stop bothering me", Off spluttered out the proximity of Gun's face to his making him nervous.

Gun thankfully backed off but not without laughing at Off first.

" It's your fault I didn't get to go over my lines last night in the first place", Gun said under his breath as he sat back against the headboard and looked down at the script once more.

Off felt a huge grin take over his face. It was all his fault wasn't it, though he mostly felt happy at the thought rather than guilty.

Quite some time had passed since Off and Gun's heart to heart in the car had happened and they were already weeks into shooting by now.

Ever since Off spent the night at Gun's house for the second time he'd practically moved in. Off was always spending the night at Gun's.

Everytime shooting ended they would always leave apart but Off would always end up just following Gun back to his place in his car. This made it easier for Off when he woke up in the early mornings and had to go to his own apartment to get ready before the shoot as he did that day as well.

He'd spent so much time at Gun's apartment the security guard at the receptionist at his apartment building had started greeting him by name recently.

Who could blame Off though? He thought he knew all there was to know about sex, how to please your partner, what he likes  and what he doesn't. Gun however had shattered his narrow worldview and introduced him to things he'd never imagine he'd ever do let alone enjoy!

Off could swear to this day he never even glanced at other guys junks while at a urinal yet now one of his favorite things to do was to wake Gun up in the mornings with a blowjob, listening to Gun who was still half-asleep unabashedly make some truly sinful sounds that drive Off insane, not shy to make his thoughts of Off going down on him known.

It had taken a while before Off got the blowjob thing down but Gun had been patient with him the whole time even as Off struggled at first. Off smiled down at Gun remembering how enthusiastic Gun had been when Off had asked him to teach him how to give a blowjob.

Off had asked Gun because he had been on the receiving end of some truly amazing, outter-worldly, rolling your eyes to the back of your head type blowjobs from Gun. The way Gun practically sucked his soul out making Off see stars had given him the courage to ask Gun to teach him the same so he good also make Gun feel as good as he made him feel.

Gun looked up from his script as he felt someone staring down at him "What?" Gun asked softly as he saw Off had been absently looking at him.

Off shook his head and smiled "Nothing," He responded equally as quiet while Gun briefly frowned at him inquisitively before reflecting Offs small smile back at him.

As they held each other's gaze for a moment Off thought of no matter how amazing it was it hadn't been just about sex between them. Gun was so incredibly sweet and cute yet still being his normal bratty self. The few  Grey hairs that he had were probably all because of Gun but he wasn't complaining too much.

It was so fascinating seeing Gun as his normal self that Off had come to know over the years but also peeling back layers that he didn't know about Gun.

He had shared multiple hotel rooms with Gun in the past but it was so funny to find out that Gun loved to play music and sing loudly and off key while he was showering.

It had been interesting to find that Gun actually made sure to call his sister at least once every 2 days to check up on her, Off didn't even call his own sister unless it was her birthday or Christmas but there Gun was effortlessly being an amazing older brother.

He also found out that Gun liked to drink a lot more than he'd originally thought.... A LOT MORE. Off had made the mistake of tagging along with Gun and his girls when they went clubbing 2 weeks back when they had the weekend off. He had been truly amazed by the amount of alcohol consumed that day. They made what he had his friends drink, who are all guys twice their sizes, look like nothing.

He'd been even more amazed or rather annoyed at just how much Gun was hit on by other guys in one night! If Off even looked away for 2 seconds he'd find another guy swarming around Gun at the bar getting way too friendly. But he hadn't been too mad about it since Gun got so clingy when he was drunk that Off couldn't even master up the energy to be mad at him. They spent the whole night that day sitting in the VIP booth with Gun sitting in his lap and clingy to his chest. He had been very happy that the VIP section was higher up on the second story so no one could see Gun trying to act like a koala bear and surprisingly none of his friends even batted an eyelash probably used to how Gun got when he was drunk.

This kid had Off doing all sorts of things that he'd never thought he'd do and actually enjoying it. But it hadn't all been one sided as Gun had even been willing to do things he wanted to do too.

He always tagged along with Off when Off had asked him to when he'd go to Tays house for a gaming tournament among Offs friends even though Gun hated gaming. At first Off felt guilty about bringing Gun along with him since he and the guys had promised each other never to bring their lovers into the bachelor pad even if they all already knew Gun but quickly got over it when he saw Tay cuddling New on the couch,who also gamed but usually didn't play along with them, the minute he walked into the bachelor pad.

Arm, Gunsmile, Sings and Lee who already arrived before them didn't say anything about them cuddling probably thinking Tay and New were just being their normal selves but Off knew better and if the cheeky smile on Gun's face was any indication so did Gun. Dear God he still prays to this day that Gun won't get any funny ideas about making them double date with Tay and New.

If anyone had noticed that Off and Gun were practically attached at the hip the last month well no one really said anything about it. Granted they usually kept Public displays of Affection to a bare minimum both not too keen on the idea but still Off had been expecting at least someone to suspect him or question him about Gun but nothing. All they got was teased here and there but nothing different from how they normally got teased.

It brought back what Tay said to him, no one really would care if he suddenly started dating Gun. And Off had decided he really did want to, date Gun that is.

He was so fucking happy this past month without having even changed his life in any major way but just spending more time with Gun. It was just so effortless fitting himself in Guns life. He already thought he'd been a big part of Gun's life but he now knew that he never really was, he'd only just been on the peripheral after keeping Gun at an arms length for so long.

It hadn't all been fairy tale of course, Gun still sulked on a daily basis and Off had to come up with some truly fucking creative ways to get Gun to stop sulking the past month with the most extreme being smearing cream all over his body and asking Gun to lick it off of him having gotten the inspiration from how turned on Gun was after the ice-cream incident.

He also always had to nag Gun to clean after himself even though he wasn't even in his own apartment! They'd even fought last week but that had all been entirely because of him.

They had fought because even though they carried on their daily life routine like they were an old married couple, Off still hadn't told Gun about his feelings and when Gun asked where this was all going Off still begged for a little bit of more time to which Gun reluctantly agreed though Off could tell he was getting tired.

Off was in love with Gun. There was no question about it. There was no way he could feel that happy when he was around Gun and still lie to himself about not being in love with him.

Funnily enough he'd finally realized this only yesterday when he'd been busy washing Gun's dishes for him because Gun was feeling too ill to do it himself all while Gun sat on the kitchen counter eating chips and making stupid commentary about how Off would make a good housewife. Off hated washing his own dishes but there he was standing in someone else's  kitchen washing a sink full of dishes with a huge grin on his face joking around with Gun.

Now that he'd fully embraced Gun into his life  he didn't think he could ever get back to the way things were before.

The only problem now was Off didn't know how to go about asking Gun if he'd like to try being in a relationship with him, a real one this time. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to just ask Gun normally or if he should plan a romantic surprise before asking. Off really had no romantic bone in his body so he was struggling just a little. Would Gun even like something corny such as a  picnic on the beach at sunset or was that all too much?

Fuck it was really frustrating but either way Off knew he had to act soon before Gun finally got tired of waiting around for him.

"Off! Stop undressing Gun with your eyes and come get your make up done," P'Lin shouted startling Off and Gun out of their trance.

Off looked up and saw Lin waiting by one of the mirrors looking at him with one eyebrow raised. "Why would I do that I've already seen every thing anyway," Off said nonchalant after softly pinching Gun's ear out of view and getting up from the bed.

"Oiiiiii!!!" The whole room cried out in chorus freaking out as Off made his way to Lin.

"Meh meh meh and Gun have seen everything as well then mmm?" He heard Boy ask Gun from the couch as everyone continued on fangirling.

He didn't have to even turn around to know Gun's face was extremely red at that moment and he was glaring at the back of Offs head. Off was just about to turn around and wink at him in teasing  before his phone suddenly started ringing.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the name of the person calling him blinking up at him mockingly in white letters.

"I'm sorry P, I have to take this quickly," Off said to Lin before quickly exiting the room without waiting for a response and finding a secluded spot in the hallway to answer the call.

He took a deep breath before he put the phone up to his ear and greeted the person on the other end who claimed they wanted nothing to do with Off all those months back. "Hello Alice?"

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