The Girl Behind The Mask (Nar...

By FrenchiOrtiz

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The Girl Behind The Mask (Naruto Fan Fiction)
Wake up call
Last Fight
Unwanted Guest
Not With Out You
So long Ago
It's About Time
First Days Are Always The Worst part 1
First Days Are Always The Worst part 2
What?! Oh um thanks.
New Strength Or New Weakness??
New Friends
Too Tired To Try
Lets go
Showing Up The Show Off
This Bitch
The Truth Be Told
I'm fine...
Sleepless Night
Skin Deep
Without Your Help
The Day Off
Waking Up

Peice of the past

1.1K 31 3
By FrenchiOrtiz

~Chapter Sixteen~

Kimi's POV

I slowly woke up to the sun shinning brightly in my eyes, sitting up I looked to my side-table to see what time it was but there was no alarm clock, only some pain-killers and a picture of Vasili, dad and me. I smiled as I gaised at the picture, we were so happy back then, I jumped as my alarm clock went off. Grabing my teddy bear, I walked back to my room and turned off the annoying sound. I sighed and checked the time. 'Fuuuck me! I'm gonna be late!!' I jumped into the shower not bothering to wait for the water to heat up as I washed my hair and body. I had less than twenty miunets to get ready and be at the academy or else I would fail the graduation test. Wraping my body with my towel, I ran to my closet. I desided that the easyist thing to throw on would be my light blue, sleveless flow-y dress that Kakashi bought me for 'special occations'. Becoming a ninja could count as a sepecial occation, it stoped right before my knees. I tied my hair up but it still felt weired with only the dress on so I desided to wrap my left anckle and my right knee, then I put on some black spandex short under my dress, also my weapons pouch and then I slipped on my ninja shoes. As I looked in the mirror I felt like there was something missing. I tilted my head and started to chew on my thum, when it hit me, I didn't have my mask on! I quickly looked around, finding it on top of my side-table. As I put it on I looked at the clock, I had just enough time to get there if I run. Grabing my black trench coat I started to run to the academy.


(At The Academy)

Sasuke's POV 

Everyone was standing around talking, Sakura and Ino were arguing...again, I sighed and closed my eyes. I herd the classroom door slam open and someone panting. Squinting one eye open I looked to see who the idiot was. I sucked in a low deep breath when I saw Kimi, in a short blue dress.

"H-hey, Kimi." I turned toward Naruto. He was turning red in the face as he stared at her, I glared at him.

"Hi Naruto!" My eyes travled to Kimi, she was smiling behind her mask and was waving her hand high in the air. I saw such joy in her eyes, a small smile thretened to show, twitching the cornners of my lips up slightly. I let my eyes linger on her for one more second before I snaped my head toward the window.

"Hey Kimi, sit by us!" My some-what good mood turned sour as soon as I herd Kiba speak. I scoffed, 'Like she would ever sit by him.'

"Sure Kiba." My head shot toward her. She was already walking up the stairs when she looked at me. Our eyes met for a few seconds before she turned and sat down next to Kiba. Everyone continued to talk, and Ino was trying to get my attention while Sakura was yelling at Naruto. I forced myself to glare out of the window as I listened to Kiba flirt with Kimi.

"Soo.. I-I like that dress on you." I smerked, that was one of the lamest thing to say.

"Oh heh thanks, I guess.." 'Ha, he's going to have to try harder to get her.'

"What are you going to do later today? Maybe we could get something to eat, or just hang out." 'After that dumb pick-up line, I don't think she's going to want to hang out.'

"Sure Kiba, can't wait." I scowled. 'Why would she willingly hang out with him but when I ever came around her she would feel the need to run?' I herd the door open yet again.

"Ok class, this is the last time for you to use the bathroom before the test. Please hurry back, we will be starting in 20 miunets, with or without you." A few kids got up, including Kimi. I got up and followed her out of the door.


Kimi's POV

I walked into the bathroom and opened the window, taking a deep breath. I put my for head on the cool tile wall when I herd the bathroom door opened. I jumped and spun around.

"Hello Kimi-chan, uh are you ok?" Hinata was standing in the door way, she tilted her head to the left a little as she searched my face for something. I smiled kindly at her, not wanting to burden her with my problems.

"Yes Hina-chan, I'm alright." She knodded and left me alone again. I walked to the mirror and pulled my hair out of its pony-tail, letting it fall down to the top of my butt. I herd giggling and look towards the door through the mirror, Ino and three other girls walked in.

"Hi Ki-Oww!" Ino elbowed the girl on her left. She had kiwi green hair that was cut short in the back but her bangs were cut on an angle, kinda like a pixie. She had beautiful hazle eyes that were now glaring at Ino.

"Shut it Kiyomi." Ino wisper/yelled at her, not meaning for me to hear her, I scoffed and looked back to my image. "You know Kimi, Sasuke wasn't to happy when you quit. But I can understand why you did, I mean it must have been hard going against someone with his speed and strength..." She and the two other girls sighed, but Kiyomi just rolled her eyes. I giggled slightly at how stupid girls could be.

"If you thought I quit because Sasuke was too much for me, your dead wrong." I moved my hair to the side and took a drink of water from the sink. When I looked back up Ino was right behind me, glaring.

"Just because you beat me, doesn't meen you could win against Sasuke-kun!" She had her hands on her hips as she yelled at me.

"Yeah because anyone could beat you." Kiyomi said under her breath, I laughed and Ino looked at me like I was crazy. I looked right past Ino to the girl who actualy spoke her mind and smiled.

"That's so fucking true!" She giggled and knodded. Ino was so red in the face I was suprized that steem woesn't coming out of her ears. She glared daggers at Kiyomi.

"What-ever! If you would rather hang out with HER, fine by me." She turned on her heals and stormed out of the bathroom, will her little possie following her like mindless puppets. I rolled my eyes and turned toward Kiyomi.

"Why do you hang out with that bitch?" She smiled softly and looked down.

"She woesn't always this bitch-y, ever since her and Sakura became 'rivals', she has this idea stuck in her head that she has to perfect and that she's better than everyone else." She sighed. I took out a ciggarette from my hidin poket in my coat and pulled out my lighter, she looked at me when the flame was just about to hit it. I moved the ciggarette from my lips.

"Um do you mind if I smoke?" She shook her head, as she smiled at me? She reached into her pants poket and pulled out a ciggarette of her own, I smiled. Lighting our smokes, we stayed in there and talked about our childhoods, favoriet foods, colors, weapons, styles of fighting, and guys we thing were cute. After we were done smoking we started to walk back to the classroom when Sasuke steped in front of us.

"I need to speak with you," He glanced toward Kiyomi, then back to me. "alone.." I looked to Kiyomi.

"I guess I'll see you in a sec." She knodded and kept walking down the hall. Nether of us said a word untill she turned the cornner.

"What is it now Sasuke?" He walked down a separet hall, I sighed and followed him. As I turned the cornner I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Now can you tell me what you want?" He turned around and there was a slight blush on his cheeks, but he quickly looked away. When he looked back, his emotions were hidden from my sight.

"I have one quetion..." I raised an eye browe waiting for him to continue. He pulled out a peice of folded paper from his poket and opened it. As he turned the paper towards me, I relized that it was a peice of paper from my drawing pad. I reached out to grab it from his hands but he pulled it out of my reach. "Why did you draw this? What happened that night Kimi?" His voice grew softer as he spoke. I looked down as the tears flooded my eyes, not wanting him to see me so weak.

"Nothing happened, I-I just came up wi-ith it. Pl-lease give it back." I again reached for the picture of my father lying beaten and bloody on the ground with Orochimaru hovering over him ready to kill him with my fathers own katana. He yet again pulled it out of my reach, he grabed my arm and pulled me into his chest wraping his arms around my quivering body

"Shhh.." I felt something wet fall down my face, I placed my hand on my cheek. 'Sasuke must think I'm pathetic.' Hiding my emotions I pulled myself away from him. He looked at me and tried to tuch my arm. I took this chance to grab my picture.


"Don't! Just don't. You had no right going though my stuff! I don't want to talk about anything with you." I ran back to the classroom wiping away the tears that over flowed my eyes. Taking a deep breath I calmed myself before opening the door. I sat down next to Kiyomi and waited untill the rest of the students came back.

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